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Blue Moon Comics Presents: Heroes of the New Age!

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Nov 28, 2011
Issue 1: In Mangled Clutches
Resolve Pool: each player has 3- No pool yet.
Adversity Pool: 3

(This starter is a generic on purpose, so the group of you can describe where you are and what you are doing)

It's another one of those common, boring nights in Blue Port city. The small amount of fog over the city causing the full moon above to appear slightly, and strangely, blue tinted. The streets are for the most part silent. Activity around the city during the night hours tends to be minimal at the best of times. Usual nighttime activity coming from less than reputable sources.

One such event is happening on the edge of the city. A small store rests quaintly on the side of the road in the Grand Park district. The store has of course been closed for several hours. It is of decent size, probably a department chain most likely, with lots of space, and lots of stuff for sale. A figure strides up to the back entrance and under cover of the blue tinted moon, makes their way inside. Fully unaware ,(or seems not to care), that the store is still connected to the grid, and that their security is up to date.

Near across town at about the same time, a small shipping boat has begun its trek out of the harbor to its first major destination. The ship, while not as big for most transport vessels, is still a rather surprising sight. Shipping doesn't often happen during the night hours. Though for the most part due to the usual calm waters few seem to actually care if the occasional ship attempts to set out early.

The ship reaches half way through the calm waters when several of the crew seem to believe there is a disturbance on the ship. Sure that it is nothing, the sailors see fit to ignore it. Little attention is payed to the dark and ominous figure that hides in the dark corners of the ship. Mere moments later, a blood curdling scream sounds from somewhere above deck. Several deck hands rush towards the edge of the boat and are startled to see the mangled body of one of their fellow crew mates.
Name: Samantha
Edge: 20
Health 12 (12)
Resolve: -

She did not have that much time left. The freight train would pass in about an hour, and then it would be good-bye Blue Moon City. Samantha still felt a pang of regret at the thought, but there was no other way. By now those guys in their dark suits with their black vans and whatnot likely had the whole city under surveillance, and it was only a matter of time until they’d catch her unaware.

So grab a few provisions, and then off we go. Three weeks ago the locked backdoor of the store would have been a near insurmountable obstacle. Today it just meant she had to push a little bit harder. Funny how things change and how quickly she was adapting to it. Like acting like a criminal, breaking in and stealing. But when you are hunted by the law – or some part of the law - for no good reason, what other options were there?

There, a shelf with some sneakers on display. That would beat going barefooted all the time. Let’s see if this pair would fit… size 6, no, stop dreaming …7, no either… darn 9 it was. Samantha sighed as she finally slipped into the pair that fit her. At least she could fill bigger footsteps now …

Grabbing one of the big training bags she randomly stuffed some spare clothing inside before heading towards the food department. Some packed bread, some canned food, some fruit. The bag by now was filled to the brim. That should keep her going for a few days at least.

Samantha was ready to leave now, and she turned towards the back exit when she heard a sound that just did not belong here.
Name: Dragon Mage
Alias: Quincy Vale
Edge: 14
Health: 12
Resolve: -

The Dragon Mage was flying about the city, doing a nocturnal patrol. It wasn't an exciting night so far, and he hadn't come across any criminals yet. He was hoping it would continue that way, and he would be able to get a decent amount of sleep for once.

(Perception: 3 successes, Super Sense perk)
For Dragon Mage:
( that is two net successes so you technically get full freedom to describe the action succeeding, which you can still do. For the basics, I will state that you notice a strange thing as you are flying over the Grande Park District, a store in particular stands poised as it usually does however the back door is broken into.)

The Grande Park district has been quiet as usual. Only the occasional burglar ever truly ventures deep into this part of the city. However, something you manage to notice out of the corner of your eye may prove otherwise...

For Samantha:

You hear odd shuffling off in the distance, followed closely by hushed and careful whispers. It is obvious that a few other individuals have found their way inside, though their purpose isn't exactly clear.
Name: Dragon Mage
Alias: Quincy Vale
Edge: 14
Health: 12
Resolve: -

Upon noticing the broken back door, the Dragon Mage sighed to himself. <There goes my quiet night. Hope it doesn't take too long.> He thought to himself. He flew near it, hovering ten feet above the door. The Dragon Mage focused his magic into his senses, extending them beyond the walls and objects inside. Immediately a flare of life energy, charged with... something he'd never encountered before, caught his attention. It almost made him miss the four lesser energies. The Dragon Mage did manage to catch their whispered conversation.

"Look, it's a simple in and out for supplies." A nasal male voice said. "We weren't supposed to leave for the Outside!" A whiny female voice replied. "And miss all these goods? You're just the handler's favorite." A third, indeterminate voice asked with sarcasm. "Just hurry up. The sooner the better." A final voice, cold and low pitched. Male was the Dragon Mage's guess.

A moment to judge what would be best, let the Dragon Mage decide to wait until the five were done. Unless he missed something, the five had entered the back door, and would exit the same way. The less collateral damage he caused, the better. His arcane blasts weren't exactly friendly to stock shelves. In the open is how he fought best, with room to fly and space to aim his attacks. Unless they tried to escape a different way, that is. Then he'd have to chase them through the store and wherever they went. And that would be very annoying.
Name: Samantha
Edge: 20
Health 12 (12)
Resolve: -

What the ...?

Samantha quickly ducked behind the counter, dragging the bag with her loot with her. The last thing she had expected were some other intruders, and she was at full alert now, carefully peeking around her cover and trying to gather as much information about those others as possible before having to make her move.
For Samantha:

You see four individuals make their way into the store. It is far more than obvious that they shouldn't be there. The four of them seem to carefully make their way through the isles. Their attention is plastered onto the various objects that are scattered here and there throughout the store. "No not that, just the expensive stuff." one of them states, rushing through some of the nearby electronics. "We need to hurry up though, we don't have all night."

For Dragon Mage:

The store is of decent size, but you might find that it would be very hard to maneuver through while flying. Not impossible by any stretch of the imagination, but difficult. The five individual outlines that you can see as you get closer seem to indicate general humans, since they do not show any signs of being mystical in any way. One individual seems to be set off from the others. It's hard to tell exactly, but it is possible this individual is not with the rest of the group.
Name: Samantha
Edge: 20
Health 12 (12)
Resolve: -

A robbery! Her little break in had brought her right into the midst of another robbery, and apparently the criminal quartet had not even noticed that the back door was slightly damaged. Now she was doing this thing she was currently doing since there was no real alternative, at least in her mind.

Those others, though, were very unlikely to be chased by some mysterious government agency,and she saw no reason why they would not pursue some more honest trade. It was funny in a way how some enhanced strength could boos a persons valor and confidence.

So she rose from out of her hiding place, and openly addressed the four. "Sorry, no burglary tonight. This shop is already occupied."

[For the record, she is still wearing a loose fitting T-Shirt that is still a bit tight around her massive chest, some kne length tight fitting running pants and her newly acquired pair of sneakers.]
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