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What's Your Favorite?

This brand of soda calle Henry weinhards orange cream soda, damn it's amazing

Favorite anime character or favorite instrument
Favorite instrument is bass (I'm not the anime generation, so I barely made it through 2 minutes of oh my goddess)

What's your favorite celebrity trait?
You mean other than people coming up to me, asking for my autograph? mean, a favorite trait of a 'real' celebrity. (Ah, to be a legend in my own mind!) *giggles*

Hands down when they donate their time or money to worthwhile organizations without publicity needing acknowledgement while recruiting other actors and friends to do the same.

What's your favorite line from a movie?
"Yeah... well, you know, that's just like, your opinion, man."

- The Dude, The Big Lebowski.

On the same line: What's your favorite line from a videogame?
" YUFFIE: What's wrong?? You scared???
CLOUD: Petrified...."

If you don't know where that quote's from, then meh...

What's your favorite comfort food on a cold weekend afternoon?
I don't know If I really have a favorite, as most of them have aesthetic qualities I can appreciate. What one doesn't have another will.

But to answer your question, lets just say Fire Agate =D

What's your favorite sci fi show

What's your favorite bad show? (You know, like, Lost was really bad but we watched it anyhow lol)
Pure maple syrup, no additives. Oh, and sans drowning the poor sods. You have to 'dip' them into the syrup.

What's your drink of choice at your favorite watering hole?
Beethoven as cliche' as it sounds, friend listened to him a lot in high school and it grew on me.

What is your favorite word to say online?
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