The key to the heart. (Kitsune and sirix!)

"Yea, here let us unlock a door for you." Dale hops down off the pedestal and runs out into the hall. He chooses a seemingly random room and puts his paw on a tiny scanner hidden behind a fake screw cover. "Here this room should work for you. Right across from Chip's and right next to Trixan's room. Now if you will excuse me, we need to start preparing to land in Hallow Bastian." Dale then takes his leave and hurries back to the engine room.
Irelia held back a laughed as she saw the small beings scutter back to the previous room. She formed a small bit of magic in her hands, then pushed it into the room. It acted as a light in the dark room. It held the bare basics: bed, closet, dresser. It was colored white, with hints of shodows off the furniture. Once she closed the door, it was if she was surrounded by pure light. Normally this would hurt her, but now it only stung. Even when she let the magic fade, she had the sense of holy power around her. She sat on the bed, looking towards the door.
Trixan settles in his seat and swivels as the Nobody left the room. Her emotions intrigued him, but he had no time to dwell on the thoughts. He had worlds to re-unlock, and people to save in those worlds. He grips the Gummi Ship's controls and flies them to Hallow Bastion, former Traverse Town. "Once me and Irelia are on the ground, hide the ship will you boys." Trixan asks over the Intercom, so that Irelia will know that he intends for her to come with him to the world. He wanted to study her more and find out more about her.

They approach the world and descend to the surface under a layer of cloud. It looks like older Hallow Bastion only much cleaner now, and the city wasn't as destroyed as it was during the Heartless first siege of the city. They were now in the second Great Siege. "Welcome to Hallow Bastion." Trixan announces over the intercom again as they get to a landing point just outside the main market. "Come on up to the bridge again and we can head down, Irelia."
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