The key to the heart. (Kitsune and sirix!)

Jul 21, 2013
At your side, purring for you...
Irelia stood at the top of the great clock tower in twilight town. She looked down upon the city she was sent to monitor, noticing a strange boy. He wasn't noticed by any of the people, leaving him to phase through them. She frowned and recognized him as her target. She created a portal that lead behind him and walked through. She summoned her twin spears and whispered "Sir, I'm afraid I can't let you live. I am sorry, but the order is above me." Before stepping back and preparing a spell. She wanted it to be quick for his sake, so she fired off a storm of electricity and used her spears to support herself after the output.
Trixan was walking down the empty to him streets when he hears the sound of air disruption that comes from a portal, then hears the small voice give him the warning. Sighing to himself he flicks his wrist and summons Oathbreaker to his hand, hearing the slight crack of lightening he spins the blade over him and blocks all the bolts before they can hit him. "You really need to not warn your assassination targets they are about to die, and especially not call them "Sir" like they are your superior." Trixan then flicks his other wrist and Soul Eater appears in that hand. He then takes his ready stance each blade out to each side. "I'm ready when you are."
Irelia's eyes widen as the man summoned two keyblades, then began to narrow again. "Go ahead." She said, preparing a multitude of spells to cover his options of attack. She began to twirl the spear in her right hand, before slamming it against it's sister weapon. She smiled as a wave of ice fired out and would hit most targets if they were not skilled in combat. It was more of a test than an attack.
Seeing the slow ice his face takes a look that conveys "oh please" then using his blades as weights, jumps and flips over the wave and brings the twin blades down toward her head. "I hope that was just a test for me. I also hope I passed." His sarcasm was coming out of him faster then he could stop himself. Trixan thinks to himself I really need to learn to not be so talkative, nothing but sarcasm comes out.
Irelia jumped back with ease, only catching a minor portion of the blow. She cried out, but bit her lip and beg and to swing and thrust both spears at the boy. She couldn't give him any time, so she recklessly overextended in a swipe, leaving her open to a counter. She tried to pull back, but given the boys speed, it was to late. "Damn..." She whispered, before committing herself to channeling a spell. It would release a powerful strike at the risk of further self harm. It took a while to channel, and could be broken if timing was good.
Blocking the swipe and seeing the over extension he moves to take advantage of it and swings Soul Eater at her side, throwing his body around her so he is behind her as well as giving more power to the swing. He hears her start into a powerful spell and prepares for the worst but still hopes for the best.
Irelia winced from the powerful blow to her side, but still prepared the spell. She pointed one spear tip to the sky, and the other pointing directly at herself. She moved the remander of her life energy into her weapon, then raised it to sky also. She looked deep into the eyes of the boy, her eyes showing a strange sadness. She cried out and swung both weapons down, creating a strong and fast wave of lightning. A few bolts flew from the sky down to him as to hit him even if he could block the first wave. Irelia, however, extended to much energy and fell to the ground, to weak to move. She fell into a deep state of unconsisness...
"That was emotion" Trixan thinks out loud. He then realizes the spell she just casted as he watches her fall to the ground. Looking up he sees more bolts then before and they are bigger meaning more powerful. "Oh this is going to hurt." Again thinking out loud as he jumps over the Nobody's body and attempts to block as many of the killing bolts as he can. Soul Eater and Oathbreak block the majority of the deadly bolts but Trixan still takes 2 of them. He also drops to the ground as the bolts do their work. After a few minutes, and Trixan discovers he can move his body again he gets to healing himself with a basic healing spell.
Irelia awoke several minutes after the boy began to heal. She still lacked energy, but tried to crawl away through a newly formed portal. She didn't want the boy to notice, so she moved slowly and cast a breeze like spell to cover the sound of the portal. She tried to stand but stumbled, landing on hands and knees. "No... I can't let him kill me..." She whispered, her eyes filled with fear as she tried to move toward the portal into the void several feet away.
Looking over to she the Organization member trying to crawl a way, Trixan realized that she had shown real emotion and he wanted to ask her about it. Throwing Soul eater infront of her to stop her progress he starts to run at her so he can get to the black girl before she could get to the portal, his hands out in front of him to grab the robe before him. "Come back, I want to talk," he weakly yells out to her.
"I'm not Giving any information about the organization!" She yelled, barely able to resist the mans grasp. She held her hood on, to black out her face so he won't know her true face. She cried and continued to try and escape him. The blade intercepted her path, but grasped it. the sharper edges cut into her fingers, but she stood using it. She didn't look towards the boy, but rather looked at the slowly closing portal. "No!" she yelled as it closed without her, sealing her fate. She looked toward the boy and tossed him the key lodged into the ground. "Finish me... Just do it..." She said in a soft, hurt voice. She didn't bother trying to fight anymore, as he could easily kill her.
"I don't care about the Organization, I know all I need to about it." Trixan watches as the girl cuts herself on the key then catches it easily after she threw it to him. "I have nothing to gain from killing you, so I refuse to." He then de-summons the keyblades in both of his hands. "I saw fear and sadness in your body language and the quick glimpses I saw of your face and eyes. Those are hard areas for a Nobody to fake emotion, so I can only guess at and hope they are real. Do you really feel emotion?" Trixan asks, hope in his voice mixed with a little wariness.
Irelia Nodded slightly, as she swept back the hood. Her white hair drooped over her shoulder, and she looked at him with pale blue eyes. She let a single tear fall onto her cheek as she re-summoned her own weapon. She raised the blade to her throat. "If you won't end this humility, then I will keep what little honor I have!" She yelled, as she suddenly began to send her spear driving it into her chest. She Gave a new shot of fear. She was not ready to die, but better to stop this man from keeping her...
(only god modding I'm going to do I swear)

"NO" Trixan steps the 2 steps forward needed and takes grabs the spear. "That has no honor in it," he tells the girl before him, as he quickly takes another few steps forward and elbows her in the temple, knocking her out before she can react. Catching her falling limp body, he sets her on his shoulder and books it for his gummy ship, hoping to get out of the world. There she can't portal away nor summon her weapons because they are going to be in the corridors of light.

Once in the ship he straps her limp body to a chair and has Chip and Dale take them out of Twilight Town and stop in-between there and Hallow Bastion.
(It is fine)

Yuki passed out due to the sudden blow, but remained faintly aware of what was happening. She was flung over the man's shoulders and taken into some device? She was strapped into a chair, and heard the boy telling someone to get them out of this world. No! She wasn't supposed to leave! If she did, she'd be a traitor, hunted in every world...

As she regained some ability to move, she felt a great pain in her right arm, as if someone was placing searing medal against her arm. She didn't look at it, but felt that the landing in the new world would be her last chance to try. She weakly raised her hand, attempting to summon her spear.
Trixan had been watching her after the ship had stopped mid-world travel. Well the path currents where pushing them slowly back Twilight Town but it would take hours for that to happen. He watched as her arm raised and he guesses at what she is doing. "That won't work here. Weapons and portals stored and through the dark can't be accessed in corridors of the Light. So I recommend that you swing your arm left and get the water waiting for you there, or drop it back into your lap." He motioned to his right at the water glass sitting on a small table next to her chair. He wanted to loosen up the belt holding her there but he need to trust her a little more before he would do that. "So, what is your name, or am I going to get more change of subjects out of you?" Trixan asks as he settles in his seat a little more but doesn't expect to get an answer at all. At this point he was expecting either a burst of magic at him or for her to try killing herself again, both he was prepared to stop if she went down either path.
Irelia grimaced at the thought of not being able to portal away either. She just let her hand fall back to her lap, a single tear forming in her eye. She looked away from him, not wanting him to see this show of emotion. "It's... Irelia." She said, pain in her voice. She hated to give in but she had no choice. "Oh, and before you ask, I am a nobody. By definition we can't show emotion, as we have no heart." She said, hopefully throwing him off. The fear she felt was evident. "Now a question for you. Where do you plan to take me? An execution, or maybe a torture room. You have nothing to gain, doesn't mean the organization's enemies don't."
Trixan shakes his head as her hand hit her lap. Untrusting of him but rightfully so. "Well then Irelia." Trixan begins, his tone serious, "If I wanted you dead, I would have let you kill yourself back in Twilight Town. I don't even begin to know where a torture room could be, and I don't ever plan on finding one. Honestly I don't know what to do with you, your different from other Nobody's." Quickly scanning his memory for all things Nobody and the Organization, Trixan looks at the "fake emotion" of this young looking nobody. "Either you are a master of fake emotion, or your an impossible Nobody. I have never seen a Nobody cry before." Trixan says, slight confusion in his voice. Physical pain showed, but this emotional pain never did.
Irelia Slumped at his words. She hated to admit that she had emotion. she was shunned for it. "Of course I'm impossible. I am a freak of my kind, not belonging anywhere. Both Saix and Xemnas said so themselves..." She whispered, her tone serous enough to let him know she meant every word. "I am not meant to exist..." she finished with those words, still serous about it. She truly felt alone, and tried hard to be accepted. A dark aura started to waver around her hand, but she waved it off. She began to pull her right sleeve up, revealing a mark on her upper arm. "the traitors mark. The brand of an exile..." she sighed, rubbing at it slightly.
Trixan considered his next words carefully. He didn't want to upset her anymore then she was, but he still had questions to ask and answers he needed. "Well I guess if you are a traitor now, its probably in your best interests to not get caught alone with the Org. on your tail." Trixan more or less thinks out loud. He couldn't let her going now that she was destined to die, and probably at his fault. Most of the questions he had he would have to gain her trust first, that much as oblivious. "Well Irelia, I'm Trixan, looks like we are going to become good friends or die." Taking her with him made him more of a target.
Irelia looked at him, fear at the thought if making him a target. "Just leave me in a nice baren world, don't play hero. No one can stop them. The want to kill me, so I must give them that right." She said, feeling something in her chest hurt. Like things were straining to get free. "But from what I know of you, sir trixan, you aren't gonna allow me to save you. So you better be ready for the fight of your life." She whispered, mocking him with the politeness she Had used in their first meeting. She reached for the belt, frowning. "Can I at least get up and explore this... Device? I don't know what it is..." She asked, looking at him mimicking happyness.
Swiveling his chair to face the steering column, Trixan replies, "You got that right. I have fought some of the Org. before, shouldn't be too hard to fight them again." He says somewhat cocky. He starts towards the next world that needs patrolled. The heartless where still a problem after all. "Oh, a sure, I guess. The Gummi Ship is bigger then it looks." using magnetism to take out a pin in the chair holding down Irelia, Trixan lets her loose to roam around the ship. "If a door is locked, don't go in there, Chip and Dale will let me know if you try." Trixan warns, feeling it is probably a good warning to give.
Irelia stretched as she stood, looking out the small window of the ship. She couldn't tell what world was in sight, but took priority of searching this place. She roamed the many hallways, finding almost every door was locked, but noticed one specific door. It was left slightly open, so she peeked in. It seemed to be a large engine room, filled with moving parts and loud clanking metal. She opened it slightly and slipped in, leaving the door like she found it. She found no trace of magic on the cogs, and tried to figure out how they operate. She maneuvered through the room making sure not to touch any gears, before seeing two incredibly small figures. The seemed to be squirrels, and watched a sercurity tv. "Um... Hi guys! You must be chip and dale..." She said, looking at the pair. "Nice place, even though I understand how an eighth of it works."
(Prepare for really bad Chip and Dale)

The chipmunk brothers look at the new comer knowing she was going to come in. They are that Disney overly happy stereotype, despite knowing what/who she is. "Hi" they both chime in unison. "Its probably a good thing you don't understand the gummy ship...... Only 3 people in the entire kingdom do....and 2 of them are in the room." They speak in turn, then in unison again. "How long will you be staying with us?" Chip asks, curiously. "Yea, how long?" Dale asks soon after.
Irelia eyes widen as she sees how connected the two are. She had no clue who was who. "Depends... If I die, then I won't be here long, if I live... Well, I don't know. I have no home. I have a kill on site order on my head, and I gotta move from world to world constantly." She told them, a slight frown on her face. "Until I figure it out, you have a spare room on this ship? Or is it all taken?" She asked, knowing she may have to sleep on the ship at times. She yawned, not noticing the slight mischievous grin on the twin's faces.
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