Anything Goes Ninjutsu (Moon Struck Fox and Myself)

Kin looked rather astonished to say the least as she watched that strange energy build up and then effect the paper so easily. "remarkable..." she muttered softly. "simply amazing..." she admitted, pondering the slip of paper. "there are five different 'types' of Chakra you see... for lack of a better word. 'affiliations' might be better. every person has a specific kind of Chakra that they will do best in. not to say you can't use the other types, but you will find some easier than others. Fire, Wind, lightning, earth, and water." she explained. "these are also the names of the Five great Shinobi Countries, named for their amazing prowess at that particular element. there are also ways to combine the different Chakra, creating entirely new elements, such as mixing Earth with Water to get Wood, or mud. or combining water with Wind to create snow or ice." she picked up the two slips of paper. "to have such a cut and dry reaction, means that my theory on your Chakra was wrong. only a person with well defined Chakra Coils, and Chakra can affect a piece of paper so perfectly. Genin cannot do this, because their Chakra is mostly untrained and unrefined." she explained, pulling out a new piece of paper.

"these pieces of paper will react to Chakra, depending on your affinity. if you are a fire user, it will burst into flames, if you are a water user, it will become soggy and wet, if you are a lightning user, it will crumple up. if you are an earth user, it will crumble into dust, or if it splits into two, as yours did, you have an affinity with wind. Wind is a very subtle art sometimes. it can make you faster, it can make your weapons much sharper, it can even help you to glide while falling with enough practice. wind Jutsu are almost always used in a cutting, or slicing manner." she admitted as she held up a new piece of paper and channeled her Chakra into it, smiling as it burst into flames. "now, being a definable Chakra type does mean that it has it's strengths, and it's weaknesses. for example, fire is weak against water, but is strong against wind. never throw a wind jutsu against a fire jutsu, it will only make the flames hotter and stronger. but Wind IS strong against Lightning Chakra." she admitted as she studied him. "i wonder...." she muttered. "we're going to do another test. one of the simplest ways of exercising Chakra."

she reached down and picked up a single leaf and pressed it to her forehead and then let it go... but it didn't fall. Ranma could feel her energy sticking the leaf to her forehead. "this is a Chakra control exercise, allowing for a person to practice their Chakra control, and make their Chakra stronger and more plentiful. i want you to try." she stated. "be careful not to focus too hard on the leaf, or you'll destroy it. the idea is to be subtle, and gentle. you need to control your energy, not the other way around." she warned before pressing the leaf to Ranma's forehead.
Ranma instinctively reached up with his hand to grab the leaf so it wouldn't fall. Then, pulling it away, he stared at it for a moment, frowning as if trying to figure out a puzzle. Oh, he got the whole spiel on the different types of chakra. That wasn't really rocket science, even though he'd never heard anyone divide ki up into different types before. So, that was interesting. Also, that he would be a wind type just seemed fitting. The Saotome Branch of Musabetsu Kakuto was an aerial school and he'd always had a natural focus on speed. He wasn't even confused about her talk of chakra coils. He knew all about mapping ki paths. No, what confused him was this control exercise. Yeah, in theory it sounded like a ki based variant of holding a small weight with your arm fully extended, and that was all well and good. But why emphasize that level of control?

"Hey, that's cool and all," he began as his face relaxed from that look of concentration. "But before we get into all that, couldja just show me what one o' your techniques looks like? Like, just one of the easy ones," he requested earnestly. He'd probably learn better that way, anyway.
she blinked at him for a moment and then smirked. "no. you have to do the leaf exercise first. once i am sure you are capable of this, i will know you have enough Chakra, and enough Chakra control to do basic ninjitsu without damaging yourself, or worse, your chakra coils. if you harm your Chakra coils, there's nothing we can do to fix them. once damaged, most people never use Chakra again, which has severe, and serious ramifications to your physical body that can lead to death, or permanent crippling." she stated simply. "now do the leaf exercise. if you can hold it there for five minutes, i will be able to teach you Henge, which allows you to take the appearance of someone or something else. Kawarimi, the ability to trade your body for another object, Kakuremino, which... is more of an illusion than a Ninjitsu but with the addition of a little Chakra, can fool almost anyone. and of course the Bunshin, a technique that allows you to make illusion copies of yourself. making it difficult to pinpoint which is the real you." Kin explained.

"there are, of course, other, more powerful techniques, but the last thing we want to do is strain your Chakra coils, expecially when we're not sure if what your using is actually Chakra." here she smirked. "now, as to WHY we use this exersize... it is a matter of controlling the technique. imagine that your Jutsu is a tiny fire, and your Chakra is a gust of wind. not enough wind, and the fire dies. too much wind and the fire is blown out. but if you can apply, just the right amount of Wind, then that little flame can turn into a raging Inferno. for example..." she closed her eyes and slapped her hands together. "Bunshin No Jutsu! a melted puddle of color appeared next to her. "this is an example of not enough Chakra." she repeated the process and this time a lumpy mess appeared next to her, like some grotesque mutated copy of herself. "this is an example of too much Chakra. and this, is an example of just the right amount." a new copy appeared beside her, completely identical in every way. "using the proper amount of Chakra each time, also allows you to use very tricky Jutsu, such as illusion techniques, and it will allow you to preserve your Chakra, allowing you the chance, and the stamina, to du a great many more Jutsu than you would be able to otherwise." she explained simply.

with that, she waited for him to start, and then finish the leaf exercise before she showed him the Henge. a Jutsu that all Academy students where able to preform... well, they had to be able to before they could graduate anyway.
Ranma would never understand women. He asks her to show him a technique and she says no. Then, she shows him anyway, like three times! Maybe she meant she wouldn't teach him until he got the leaf thing. Well, whatever.

Admittedly, he had been caught by surprise the first time she demonstrated it, since he wasn't expecting it. So, he didn't really get to take in much more than the physical components of it, like the hand motion. That kind of struck him as odd. Since ninja were supposed to be all sneaky and focused on surprise, why add the extra flare? The second time, however, he was able to probe her aura and feel what was going on. That was when he could tell that the hand motion wasn't necessarily superfluous. By the third time, he had all the details committed to memory.

Experimentally, Ranma brought his hands together in the same manner Kin had. Then, that small frown that indicated he was trying to work out a puzzle reappeared. He still couldn't see anything relevant about the gesture. So, he let his hands drop. Next, he closed his eyes and began to feel for his dormant ki. As he did, he reformed the hand gesture and concentrated on the form it took. There! Somehow, concentrating on the hand sign had created a... well, a space was the only thing he could really think to describe it. It was like an intangible mould and all he had to do was pour a little ki into it. He didn't have to focus the ki with his confidence and force it into the shape he wanted like he normally did. That must be why it feels different, he assumed. This ki wasn't filtered through any emotion at all. It felt just like Kin's normally did.

He had a pretty good grasp on it now he thought, so he went ahead and let his ki flow into the 'mould'. That was when he noticed that the mould wasn't quite perfect. It leaked... kind of. It was more like a coloring book, and the edges of the mould were the lines. The ki conformed to the shape of the mould, for the most part, but he had to spare a little focus to keep the energy from bleeding out of the configuration. Even then, he couldn't keep it from leaking a little bit, but he didn't think it was enough to really affect anything. It was nothing like his Mouko Takabisha, where he had to hold its shape through sheer force of will. Now that he thought about it though, if he could use his will to make this pattern of ki without using the hand signs to form the mould, he could probably skip the hand sign all together. That would take more concentration, though and he probably wouldn't be able to do it until he knew the configuration like the back of his hand.

Well, at this point, there was nothing else for it. He gauged the energy to make sure it was right about the same amount that Kin's had been on her third demonstration, 'released' the energy in the same manner that he did when he fired off his Mouko Takabisha. When he opened his eyes, there was a perfectly formed copy of himself. Of course, he couldn't help but give a cocky grin at his success, but that was a given. "So teach, still need to see the leaf thing or can we move on?" he asked smugly.
Kin grinned a little as she watched him. he was very good at memory recollection. the fact that he was able to imitate the hand signs with little effort was simple proof of that. she studied his Ki and nearly jumped out of her skin when it slowly bled into traditional Chakra signatures. so she was right! he had simply been using a less focused form of natural Chakra! but how had that worked? and would there be advantages to using his form on occasion? she watched him experiment with the 'mold' and she smirked a little as he played with his Chakra, now he would see exactly what she had meant by 'control' and later he would see how each hand seal could create more than one mold, and how adding hand seals could alter those simple molds to form new jutsu, much more complicated Jutsu. she had to clap, impressed when he pushed the Chakra properly, and formed an almost perfect copy of himself. "no we don't need to see the leaf thing. you have enough control for now i suppose. though you did leak out a bit of Chakra, i suppose some Jounin do as well." she admitted. "how did you manage to alter your Chakra like that by the way? how remarkable." she admitted, her head tilted as she studied him.

after that she taught him Henge and other various Jutsu that was D-Rank and Academy Rank. a few Wind release Jutsu, and one or two Fire release Jutsu, a grin on her lips. "your a quick learn!" she admitted happily as she glanced at her watch. "it's nearly lunch time. we'll go and get something to eat, and then come back for more practice." she decided. "it will be your turn to train me." she admitted, clapping her hands together eagerly. "and don't forget, using your Wind and Fire Jutsu together, can triple your attack power." she admitted before taking him down the road to find something to eat. leaping through the trees and pausing to let Ranma choose the place. "Anko!" Kin called suddenly, grinning as she grabbed the back of Ranma's shirt and dragged him over to the sexy sadist. "I wasn't expecting you back until tomorrow! welcome back, good mission?" "was it ever!" Anko admitted with a laugh, going into the details of explaining how she'd had to wipe out a bunch of slave traders. "So whose this then?" "this is Ranma. i know, it's a funny name. he's from another world apparently. i've been showing him some Jutsu." Kin admitted. "he's going to be physically training me. we're going out for lunch! you want some?" "Dango?" "you have to have real food first Anko!.... then we can have some Dango. it's Ranma's turn to choose what we have for lunch though." she lied, motioning for Ranma to choose. if Anko chose, they'd have Takoyaki... a nice snack, but certainly not a good lunch. especially for Ranma, who had used a lot of Chakra, and would no doubt be even more hungry than he usually was.
Ranma grinned like a loon as he learned technique after technique, each one faster than the last as the system of hand signs became more familiar. He found the concept fascinating. It allowed for much more delicate and specialized ki manipulation compared to the brute force approach he was used to, which would allow for a wider range of effects. There were trade offs, though, mostly in timing. While the hand signs made the mental strain easier, one had to take more care while using them. One had to carefully craft the shape that the energy took instead of just compressing it into a rough ball and lobbing it at their opponent, for example.

By the time lunch rolled around, Ranma was ready for it. Well, honestly, he was always ready for lunch, but this time he was even more ready than usual. The only thing that kept him from expressing his enthusiasm was a growing sense of unease. During the whole training session, he had somehow managed to not piss his instructor off, not even when he pulled off that stunt with the bunshin. With how volatile the girl had been before, he had half expected her to pound him into the ground for ignoring her instructions. Instead, she had actually complimented him and he was actually having fun, all while in the presence of a girl no less. The universe must be winding up for something big, he decided. Well, whatever. He could take whatever the universe could dish out. He was Ranma Saotome after all.

So, putting the feelings of impending doom aside, he quickly followed after Kin. When the girl paused, he kept walking, only to have his forward momentum halted by a hand grabbing his shirt and dragging him backwards causing his arms to pinwheel comically. He quickly righted himself, though, standing upright and straightening his shirt while grumbling about pushy women. Then, he finally noticed that he was being introduced.

"Heya," Ranma greeted appropriately before effectively bowing out of the conversation. While the two women chatted, he glanced around with a disinterested expression. One might even have described him as looking bored. He was only half-listening when Kin caught his attention by saying his name, startling him out of his day dreams.

"Uh yeah, how 'bout over there?" The pigtailed boy suggested quickly with a nod in the direction of a nearby resteraunt. Ranma thought the place looked cheap, but, at the same time, thought it could handle some volume. It actually kind of reminded him of Ucchan's, despite the fact that it wasn't an okinomiyaki stand. It just seemed to have that laid back working class/after school atmosphere.
Kin honestly couldn't beleive it, how could someone be so good at this? most ninja took at least a couple of days to figure out how to work their Chakra into a new Jutsu, Ranma was barely taking minutes on each one, if that. did he had a learning advantage because of how he was working his Chakra before? or was it simply easier to mold Chakra where he was from? Kin didn't know, but she wanted desperately to find out. still, if she was being honest with herself... and she was always honest with herself, she's swear that she was having FUN. she never had FUN. she took enjoyment out of some things, but she'd never had fun before. being... who she was, she'd had to train three times as hard in order to become the best that she could be. there hadn't been time for 'playing Ninja' because she WAS a ninja. she'd have to try him out on a scroll next. see if he could learn from books just as well as he could from watching her. somehow she doubted that a bit, he seamed to be a bit like Naruto. hyper, almost, learned best by doing, probobly a little on the illiterate side. not that they couldn't read, but she was pretty sure Naruto had more than a touch of Dyslexia. she really aught to introduce the two... they'd get along real well no doubt.

she grinned when Ranma motioned to a restaurant and they went inside, it was on the cheaper scale, but they had a bit of everything, from Ramen to fish to everything else really. "are you sure it's alright for him to be ordering that much food?" Anko asked, looking shocked at how much Ranma was ordering. "yes. Ranma get a third plate of Dango, i'm not sharing mine with you." she ordered sternly. "and don't try to steal Anko's. as fast as you are, i doubt you could dodge her every time, and she'll cut your balls off with a dull knife if you mess with her food... oh they have Octopus today!" Kin stated eagerly. ordering her own meal of stir fried octopus... cooked in its own ink, and well over twenty servings of Dango. Anko just ordered Dango. Kim grinned as she shoveled down her own meal, happily engaging Ranma in a chopstick spar over the defense of her food... if he even went after it, her food looked like a pile of black sludge. not many could stomach dome of the thinks that Kin enjoyed. even if he didn't go for her food, she still went after his, and she even managed to steal a piece or two. Anko thought they where both freaks and sat well out of reaching distance.

"so he's from another world huh?" "yeah, some place called... what did you call it Ranma? Japan? he was launched out of a Canoon... i'm not sure what that is either, but it sounds painful." Kin admitted with a grin. "and he does this super fascinating thing when exposed to Cold water." "shrieks like a little girl like a sane person?" Anko asked, feeling very amused. "nah, i'm pretty sure he's not sane." Kin admitted with a laugh. "but at least he's not as annoying as Lee or Naruto, or even Kiba!" "ugh, Dog breath." Anko complained, making both girls laugh. "we're probobly going to go back to training. Ranma promised to help me with my speed and sparring." "ah! so that's what the steeling of the food was about." "yes. i figure if i battle him over every meal, i'll see a 12% increase in my seal speed." "very impressive. better than what Kakashi does." "well at least he doesn't try to feel up my ass anymore. not after he found out..." Kin paused, snickering and Anko giggled. "i never saw him turn so green!"
"Now yer gettin it," Ranma praised as he heard Kin explaining the food training to Anko. "But this ain't nothin. If you want speed, I got somethin even better," he bragged, the accompanying grin more than a little sinister. He did end up sampling the octopus, octopus balls were his favourite after all, but decided he didn't much care for it. Still, he couldn't just let his training partner off that easy, nor could he pass up the opportunity to show off. So, the next time Anko opened her mouth to take a bite of Dango, Ranma's hand flashed out quicker than the eye could see, stealing a piece of the octopus and tossing it in Anko's mouth. That should teach her to say I scream like a girl, he thought smugly.

Ranma almost choked on his food when he heard Kin mention Kakashi trying to grab her ass. Did the man have a death wish? Girls got downright scary with stuff like that, or the girls he knew did at least. That thought didn't prevent him from blushing slightly, though, and he got fairly quiet for the rest of the meal.

When it was finally over and they stepped outside, Ranma waved at the two girls. "Hey, I'll meet you back at the trainin ground," he told Kin, "I got to pick up a few things for your trainin." With that he started off in a slightly different direction before pausing and turning back to the girls. "You wouldn't happen to know where I could find some chestnuts would ya?" He asked, sounding a little sheepish.
Anko blinked a little, looking puzzled at Ranma. "so... he doesn't scream like a girl when exposed to cold water? Kakashi screams like a little girl. it's funny as hell." Anko admitted with a smirk before she proceeded to choke on her piece of Octopus. she HATED Octopus! neither girl was entirely sure what had happened though, so all Anko could do was glare at Ranma, no matter how innocent he looked, and how little... nonexistent, proof she had, she KNEW he had been the one who did it. Kin had dissolved into silent giggles at Anko's furious face and finished off her food with low little snickers. "Kakashi never did have much of a brain... he made the mistake of thinking Kin was sweet and laid back." Anko explained to Ranma with a grin. "he forgot that i was the one who inducted her into the Jounin Ranks." Anko's grin turned far, far more sinister than anything Ranma could pull off. "what was it you did to Kakashi after he touched your ass Kin?" "much less than what you would have done... i actually let him keep his man parts. still... he wasn't able to piss without a massive amount of pain for a few weeks after." Kin admitted with a small chuckle as she looked at Ranma. "a word of advice. never hit on a poison specialist." Kin stated calmly. "someone like Anko? a single scratch can be deadly."

they both stared at him in utter bafflement as Ranma asked about Chestnuts. " there's a grocery store that way." Kin stated, pointing in the proper direction and handing him several large bills of money for him to use to buy chestnuts. "...maybe he's still hungry?" Anko mused, Kin shrugging. "So have you told him yet?" Anko asked with a grin once Ranma was out of earshot.... once they THOUGHT Ranma was out of earshot anyway. "Kami Sama NO! can you imagine how he would react!?" that set Anko to laughing. "you never did tell me what happens when he hits cold water." "he turns into a girl." "bullshit, men can't just turn into girls Kin." "sure they can... well, ok no most can't but he was cursed somehow." Kin admitted with a shrug as they walked to the training grounds. "he seams to be incredibly sensitive about it, i don't think he understands just how much of a gift he's been given." "if he can REALLY turn into a girl.... imagine the missions!" "i know! no one would suspect a cute girl to be dangerous, especially when their all looking for a boy!" "i wonder if it could be hereditary?" Anko mused. "could be a very nice Gekkai Genkai." Anko mused. "have you had one of the Hyuuga look at him?" "No! like i wanna share with those pompous ass holes! they can have Ranma over my dead body!" "possessive much?" "you know what those bastards would do to Ranma, with or without the Kage's permission."

they both fell silent as they waited for Ranma to return, looking rather bored once he did return. Anko, shockingly, did not immidiatly try to turn him into a girl. she just sat on the sidelines, ate some Dango, and watched as Ranma built a fire, placed the Chestnuts inside a pan and explained what to do. " want me to... WHAT!?" Kin demanded, her eyes wide with shock. " had better not be screwing with me Ranma Saotome or you're going to end up missing a very important part of your anatomy!"
As it turned out, Anko didn't need to bother with cold water. Ranma was already in female form when she tromped into the training ground, carrying a bag of chestnuts and a pile of firewood. She didn't even seem to acknowledge Anko or Kin as she set up the wood and ignited it with one of her nifty new techniques, all the while grumbling about produce vendors and their stupid water cans.

"Alright," the short red head called out irritably. "Here's the deal. This is a conditionin excersize that'll increase yer hand speed" she explained as she reached into the bag and pulled out a handful of chestnuts. "Alls ya gotta do, is grab the chestnuts out ta the fire before it burns you." Then came the inevitable protests, and Ranma had to suppress a grin. This was kind of fun. No wonder her old man pulled this kind of crap on her all the time.

"Tch, so much for the big bad ninja," she scoffed. It sounded like it was time for Kin's introduction to the Anything Goes combat doctrine, 'Poisoning the Well'. "I guess this kind of thing is too much for a weak girl. So, I guess we'll just have to work on something easier," he mused, a little more dramatically than strictly necessary. "Hey Anko, you know any little kids that can spar with Kin? No one too advanced. Maybe a 4 year old..." he asked, turning to the girl who he was now addressing, casually snatching all the chestnuts from the fire and holding them in her hands so the girl's could see.
Anko was staring, wide eyed at Ranma in utter shock and amazement as she realized that.. Kin hadn't been pulling her leg. Ranma had really, really turned into a girl! she was staring, open mouthed and Kin had dissolved into a fit of giggles before she sobered as she too stared at Ranma, clearly thinking that the 'cross dresser' was insane. she couldn't stick her hands in hot flames! then Ranma started spouting his mouth and her eyes narrowed, with each insult, Anko started inching away from Kin, wary of the girls foul temper. as the four year old Comment came out, Kin snapped and she drove her fist into the earth, watching in satisfaction as the ground completely shattered. no four year old could do that! Anko sighed a little as she nibbled on another Dango as Kin shoved Ranma out of the way with enough force to have broken someone's shoulder, had they been normal. someone like Kakashi would have been flung several feet... someone like Ranma... maybe he might have gotten a small bruise... maybe.

"i wouldn't talk to her right now Ranma." Anko stated calmly. "you've really pissed her off. she'll poison you." Anko warned with a smirk. "and even as fast as you are, i doubt you could dodge ALL of Kin's attacks when she's in a rage." Anko admitted with a grin. "i have to admit though, your better than i am." she admitted as she offered Ranma a stick of her Dango. "Kin is completely impossible to work with once she gets like this. she'll work on that now until she gets it, or she passes out, so i guess i'll take care of you until then." Anko chirped, ignoring Kin's soft curses as she burned herself. "you do make a very cute girl." Anko admitted with a grin. "i have the desire to introduce you to Jiriya..." "Let that Pervy old bastard ANYWHERE near Ranma and i'll chop your hands off Anko! i know where you sleep and i know how to get past your traps!" Anko grimaced a little and then smirked. "i knew i shouldn't have taught her everything i knew." Anko grumbled with a snicker. "or so she thinks anyway... so you've been working on Jutsu have you? how about i teach you a few specialty jutsu while Kin is obsessing?"
Ranma managed to halt her tumble after a few feet. As she got up, rubbing her shoulder and mumbling about violent chicks, she started walking over to Anko. "I ain't gotta talk to her now. She's doin what I want her to," she explained, looking a little smug about the fact. "And 'sides, I ain't gotta dodge all her attacks, just the ones she manages to get off before I beat her," she added casually, as if her victory was a forgone conclusion.

Ranma's expression turned sour at Anko's compliment. "I'm a guy, damnit," she protested testily. The next comment, however, cause her eyes to narrow in suspicion, suspicion that turned to anger when Kin chimed in with her comment about perverts. She sat, fuming quietly, as the girls bantered back and forth. Her eye developed a slow tick and her aura gradually began to grow into the visible range. Instead of the ethereal blue, almost mist like waves it normally manifested in, it was , instead, a deep crimson that danced around like flames lapping at the air. It, somehow, seemed to make the area surrounding the trio dim. At the same time, her eyes began to glow a soft white, obfuscating her pupils and making her appearance that much more intimidating.

"Who didja want ta introduce me to, Anko-chan?" She asked in a deceptively sweet voice, though it was strained through clenched teeth. Her expression was similar in that it was a smile, but the tightness of her jaw gave it a more shark like cast. One might be surprised at such a reaction, but those people obviously never met Happosai.
Anko chuckled little. "this is true." she agreed, fairly certain that Ranma would win in a spar against Kin. "oh don't get all pissy. i only wanted to introduce you to Jiriya so you'd beat the crap out of the lecherous old bastard. he has a habit of sneaking in to peek in the women's baths." Anko grumbled. "Tsunade could beat him up, but she doesn't bother because she doesn't give a damn. i figured that if Jiriya leered at you, you'd get so pissed off you'd leave him in traction for a few months." Anko admitted casually, taking another bite of Dango. "i've tried... i've tried beating him up, but most of my poisons don't work, and he's faster than i am." Anko admitted. "Kin's managed to get a good blow on him, he'll leave her alone, but the rest of us are fair game." Anko admitted with a small sulk. "he's impossible to deal with. worse than a bad case of leprosy and twice as annoying." kin was nodding.

"he fondled my ass." Kin commented suddenly. "i had to make him suffer." she admitted. "he still leers at me though, the perverted old bastard. at least Kakashi limits his perversion to his little books." Kin complained with a scowl. "it's bad enough that Jiriya writes those damn books..." she complained with a small sigh as she poured more chestnuts into the pan... having failed to grab any. "Kin... your going to the hospital after this right?" "why? it's fine..." "...your getting burs." "they'll heal." "stubborn bitch." "cock tease." Anko smirked. "you know it." Anko fell silent for a moment and then turned to Ranma again. "so, how about it? you wanna put a lecherous old bastard into Traction for us? he fondled my boobs you know. it's just not safe." Anko complained with a sulk.
Ranma blinked in surprise at Anko's request, immediately dispelling the sinister effect as if it had never existed. "Oh, is that all?" she asked, sneering distastefully at the thought of willingly attracting the attention of another high powered fighter/perverted old man. Luckily, there was a way around it. "You're going about it the wrong way, anyway," he commented. "A beatin' won't do notion. He's probably gotten beat for it before. Ya gotta get inside his head and deliver a real punishment. You'll need a room that he can't bust out of, a whole bunch a used men's underwear, a girl ta use as bait, and, if ya really wanna stick it to 'im, a bunch of pictures o' ugly old dudes," she listed off, matter of factly.

"The girl has ta be a decent actor, and she's gotta be willin' ta flirt with the old coot. She has to make like she wants ta fool around with 'im or somethin, then take 'im back to the room. Then she opens the door for 'im and let's him go in first before flippin on the light and lockin him in," Ranma explained the procedure, not bothering to spell that the room was supposed to be filled with the other items she had listed. She just figured that was obvious. It was a slightly modified version of the plan she had used on the old letch and, in her opinion, it was an even better one.
Anko grinned a little as Ranma relaxed. "i didn't think you'd actually go for it." she admitted with a shrug. "you are a boy after all, on the inside if not always on the outside." "ignore her Ranma. she's had bad experiences with Men and it has forever tainted her ability to perceive if a man is a perverted lech or not." Kin commented, anko scowling. "i have not!... ok maybe i have, but it's not MY fault all the men ever want is my breasts!" she complained, scowling down at her sizable boobs before staring at Ranma. in fact, Kin was staring at him as well, both of them gaping at him before utterly maniacal gleams filled their eyes. "i'll go get Ino." "i'll go get Sakura." and with that, they where both gone. they where gone only ten minutes before returning through shuunshin with two older, very pretty girls. Ino and Sakura, two of the top most amazing Kunoichi in the village.

"So, you must be Ranma." Sakura stated with a smile. "it's nice to meet you... do you think i could study your transformations sometime? it's simply fascinating..." she admitted, Ino rolling her eyes as she shoved Sakura out of Ranma's way. "we're not doing Medic Nin experiments right now Sakura, we're riding the world of a lecherous old man who can't keep his hands to himself." "right." Sakura commented with a grin. "i brought my dads old underwear." "and i have kinky old men pornos." Ino stated, dropping magazines onto the ground, filled with nasty pictures of gross old men doing incredibly gross things. "The question is... how do we keep a Sannin locked in a room? he's too strong to be affected by mere steal and concrete..." Kin complained, frowning as she examined the things that they where going to torture the man with. "he'll just break out if we use normal doors..." "...lets lock him up in the caves?" Ino suggested. "the ones under the hokage mountain. he won't be able to break through THAT, Tsunade can't even break through most of those doors." Sakura commented.
Ranma opened her mouth to ask who Ino and Sakura were, but before she could get a single word out, the pair had vanished. So, with a little bit of a frown, Ranma glanced about the clearing. She took note of the forgotten yet still burning fire and, deciding someone should probably do something about it, set about extinguishing it. Then, about ten minutes later, the girls were back, only this time there were four of them.

Ranma opened her mouth, again, to respond to the pink haired one that first addressed her, to let her know that she would definitely not be letting anyone study her curse, only to be interrupted by the blonde. By this point, she was visibly fuming at her inability to get a word in edgewise, when the girls brought out the items. Ranma blanched at the mention of the magazines and, slowly, cautiously, she picked one up by the corner with her thumb and index finger, holding it at arm's length as if it were toxic.

"Why do you have..." she began to ask with a horrified expression on her face before shaking her head and deciding she really didn't want to know. With a full body shudder, she allowed the magazine to fall back onto the pile. "Anyway," she started, trying with all her might to eradicate all thoughts of Ino's collection from her mind. "This ain't a bad start, but we're gonna need more than this," she observed with a sage like nod. Scratching her chin, she seemed to consider the matter. "Ya'll wouldn't happen to know anyone who runs a laundry wouldja?"
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