Death, Jokes and Power (Me & Kyrth)

Aug 10, 2013
It was a dark and cold night in Gotham, it had just rained so fog had set over the city. People were home in their beds unaware of what was going on down below in the bowels of the city. Young Deathly was making her way down an alley way after just slaughtering some thug who was trying to rape her, she had just broken out of Arkham. She was no normal girl, she had the power to control the elements as well as the ability to heal herself. She was a small girl about 5'4 1/2 only weighing about 120lb.

She had long blond hair that fell down between her shoulder blades in a long braid, her eyes were dark brown with cat like, slitted pupils. She also had canine teeth that stuck out of her mouth depending if she was angry or not. Right now she was walking in the dark wearing her leather jacked, blue union jack shirt, a pair of jeans and a red pair of converse high tops. She suddenly stopped at the end of the alley seeing the end had been blocked.

Deathly looked around her, her eyes scanning the darkness for danger. Ever since she had left the pub she was staying at she had sensed someone was following her. She sniffed the air now, her mouth turned into a snarl and she let out a low growl looking around her. Suddenly she felt a pair of eyes on her but she couldn't quite pin down who it was that was following her around.
A pair of thugs stepped from the shadows, both smirking at the petite girl as she found herself trapped in the dark alley. One flicked his wrist and a small blade appeared in his hand. The other, a larger brute, tapped a long metal pipe against his hand.

"What a pretty little mouse to stroll into our trap," the smaller of the pair chuckled, "Normally we'd just take your purse but that would be a waste of such a pretty little thing..."

Deathly had to be wondering about what kind of luck she had to be found by two rapists in the space of an hour. Before she could slaughter this pair they were interrupted by a loud echoing clapping. Walking down the alleyway behind them was a tall man in a purple suit, wild green hair, his face was painted white save for the scars around his mouth, accented in red. He looked every inch the demented clown he was rumored to be.

"Masterful little trap, but I think you boys should cut lose the net, you haven't caught a fish but a little shark," he grinned as he walked towards the group, the large thug turning to face him.

The Joker only had eyes for Deathly as he ducked beneath the wild swing of the pipe. A blur of motion and the large man was on the floor wheezing, the other looked between the Joker and Deathly and bolted.

"Hello my dear, I've been looking for you," he grinned.
Deathly's head turned and she stared the mad man down, she wasn't scared of the thugs, she knew she could have slaughtered them in time. Her mouth opened slightly and he could see her long animal like fangs before she closed it again a snarl appearing on her face, he could hear a low growl rumble from in her throat.

"It is never a good idea for people to look for me. I am not a normal, person as you know." she spat, she knew who he was, she had seen him in Arkham. "Seriously Joker, you know I can slaughter you too, just like those thugs there." she pointed out. Suddenly a heavy net dropped from the roof top landing on her, forcing her to the ground.

"Got her, boss." one of his goons yelled. Deathly snarled angrily, the net was metal, if it was rope it would be easy but metal was hard to break free from. She suddenly felt something sharp hit her in the back and she winced. Another goon stepped out from behind some crates, he walked over handing The Joker a dart gun.

"What the fuck?" Deathly hissed, her eyes were already growing heavy. "I think she is more than a shark boss, you got yourself a monster there." the goon said. "I'm going your..." Deathly's eyes half closed as her body went weak, she wasn't asleep, no she just had been drugged so she wouldn't fight The Joker.
The Joker absently buried a dagger in the throat of the brute who called her a monster. He knew all too well what she was, and that was why he had sought her out. One of the main reasons the Gotham PD and the Batman had been unable to track down the Joker's hideout was that he didn't actually have one. He flitted between locations leaving no trace and no trail to follow.

He watched as the girl fought against the steel net, the drugs working to overpower her. Once the goon stopped twitching he retrieved his knife and wiped the blade clean on the goon's jacket before it vanished into his pockets once more.

"I was hoping I could talk you into joining me for a little drink, but my boys are a little overeager to impress," he spoke casually as her vision dimmed, "I know all about your reputation and abilities, I'm a great admirer of your work in fact, I've been thinking we could make an interesting partnership you and I ... we'll discuss it when you wake up."

The drugs finally overpowered her will and regenerative abilities and sent her spiraling into oblivion. She woke later to the crack of ivory hitting ivory, she was laying on a couch a few feet away from a pair of thugs playing pool. They paid her no mind and she was untouched and unrestrained, no different than she had been before they met, save the change of location.
Deathly woke with a start but held her head as she sat up. The drugs were still there and would be for hours, she pushed herself to her feet ignoring the thugs as they ignored her. Suddenly she felt a familiar scent hit her nose, it was The Joker, his words came back to her. With one hand on the wall she followed her nose down the hall.

She pushed opened a door at the far end of the wall and stared around the room, her eyes landing on The Joker. She felt herself about to fall and managed to stagger over to a bed where she flopped onto it. "I am guess, Scarecrow gave you the drugs." she muttered out as she lay her head back on the bed and shut her eyes.

"You said you wanted my help? You wanted to use my powers for something? Why are you so interested in me? I mean yah I am a monster but, once you piss me off or I lose my mind, well my powers lose control and I become dangerous."

"Do you really want someone like me around you?" Deathly croaked. Her body shifted and she flopped to her stomach, she had only been drugged like this before once but she couldn't remember who it was. "I do I know your not going to slaughter me either?" she croaked softly.
"The world has become much too ... boring," the Joker mused as he climbed onto the bed beside the still woozy girl, "I like to consider myself an agent of chaos, and if anyone has the potential for chaos, it would be you."

"So I have no interest in controlling, using or slaughtering you, what does interest me is a little cooperation. Maximizing the damage we can do by working together or apart. I see your efforts as a distraction, keeping the Bat and the police chasing shadows."

"And the drugs were not my first choice, but I was told of their efficiency by ...Scarecrow, along with a few other choice piece of information ... all for quite a high price," the Joker let out a harsh chuckle.

His interaction with Johnathon Crane was limited, without the control of Ra's al Ghul the doctor was even more unhinged. But his years in the asylum left him with a wealth of information about special people. Deathly was one of those people and Crane had a number of interesting tidbits about the girl. A list of drugs and techniques to control or restrain the girl, but as said, neither option appealed. He was hoping to have the girl as a willing accomplice.
"He pisses me off, but not as much as the Bat does." she hissed slightly before she shook her head hard clearing the fog from her mind. She seemed to straighten up after and then she looked him right in the eyes. "I won't promise you that the Bat will live though." Deathly warned him staring him in the eyes, she had a few surprises herself no one knew about.

Her mind seem to leave her for a second then a smile broke across her face, she was remembering the slaughter she had brought when she broke out of Arkham. "What I am trying to say, Joker. I like to kill people, if I don't have a kill at least once a day, I tend to lose it." she muttered as a sudden fire ball formed in her hand.

She spun it around before a water ball formed in her other hands, she spun it around fore awhile before both vanished and she stared back at him. "I will help you with the bat for sure, the only payment I want is burning Arkham to the ground." she muttered as a snarl came to her lips and one of her upper canine teeth could be seen.

She balled her fists up then stood her body was back to normal, well mostly. "I still can't believe you want a monster like me around you though, I could kill you with just a flick of the hand." she muttered but she was not going to kill The Joker, he was a lot more interesting and tolerable than the scarecrow.
"Well, things would be much more dull without the Bat, but I suppose he is expendable, without him there would be much more anarchy on the streets, which is always good for chaos," he grinned as she continued, speaking of her longing for the kill, conjuring up the elements as was her skill.

"I have no problem with your needs for violence, nor seeing the Asylum in ashes, a new one would rise from the ashes, perhaps with a little assistance," the Joker cackled, dark thoughts of owning an asylum flitting through his mind, "I don't fear your presence, even if you are a threat, what is life without a little .. risk?"

The Joker bounced from the bed, walking past the petite girl, "I have a little ... project about to play, if you want to sate your urges for blood, there are few places better than where I am going."
Deathly blinked and lifted her head staring up at The Joker a bit curious now. "What, what is this little project hmm? Now you really have my attention." she said as she stood up and stood in front of him. Deathly had a strange look about her, you could tell there was more to her than meets the eye, and that was for The Joker to find out.

"Yes I am blood thirsty but I am interested in other things as well." she purred. Deathly's eyes kept on watching him before she heard someone outside the door, she had a feeling it was one of the goons. "Boss, we have gotten what you asked for." the man said as he opened the door a crack and threw something that looked like a collar to the Joker.

Deathly watched a bit confused as the goon threw the thing inside the room then shut the door. "What was that all about?" Deathly asked as she stood straight and her nose wrinkled as she sniffed the air. Nope the drugs were not screwing up her sense of smell, she smelt metal. She shrugged and walked over to the bedroom window and stared outside at the night sky, her back to The Joker.
"Just a little item I asked them to acquire," The joker inspected the collar, it was a nice smooth metal with a soft padding interior. The catch was almost invisible, special craftsmanship involved in it's making made it nigh impossible to remove unless you knew how. Runes were carved into the metal around the top edge and there was a small ring welded to the front where a leash could be attached.

It truly was a work of art and he hoped Deathly appreciated the piece as he approached her. It had been a note in the doctor's files that led to him ordering the collar. Things that Deathly had admitted under his therapy, though with his methods she may not know of those sessions.

He nimbly slipped one hand to her jaw and lifted her head enough to place the front of the collar to her neck. With the element of surprise and his speed he was able to close the collar and seal it shut before she realized what happened.

He wrapped his arms around her waist and held her against his larger form, intent on throwing her off balance mentally and preempt her retaliation.

"Just a little present for my new partner in mayhem," he whispers in her ear hotly.
Deathly blinked as she felt his gloved hand force her head up yet gently and something cold slip around her neck, she jumped slightly hearing the collar snap shut around her neck. Before she could even react she felt his larger body grasp her own, his chest pushed against her smaller back and his hands wrap around her waist. She shivered slightly feeling the collar around her neck, it fit snug nut not so much it choked her.

Deathly couldn't help but let out a small yelp when she felt his hot breath on her hear and she blinked. Maybe the drugs were still in her system, she hadn't even had time to react to his motions. " really, whats with the....collar?" she muttered and shook her head slightly trying to clear the slight fog that had come back. She cursed herself mentally, angry that she hadn't reacted any faster.

Deathly moved her hands to her neck feeling curious of what was around her neck. She grasped at the collar and blinked, she couldn't pull the thing off, she growled slightly already feeling frustrated. She muttered something about Jonathan Crane before she let her hands drop to her sides, she knew it was no use to try and take it off, it wasn't going anywhere. She bit her lip and crossed her arms pouting in his grasp.
"I told you, it's a present," he smirks, hearing her cursing Crane's name, "Yes, it was a suggestion from his notes, ah ha, he seemed to think that you dislike equal partnerships, that you feel the need to either control or submit. Whilst I wasn't after a pet I don't really see myself as a submissive type."

"So this was my best option," he ran his fingers along her crossed arms, teasingly, since she was passively accepting the collar, He fished in his pockets for a long, purple leather leash and clipped it to the hoop on the front of her collar, "Now I still have tonight's activities to take care of."

He spoke softly, stepping away and letting the leash hang loose over her shoulder. Each step he took the slack lessened, the soft leather slowly running over her shoulder as he backed away.

"Come with us, and if you ask me in the morning to remove the collar, I shall," he grinned playfully, "But tonight we're going to have a little fun with the villains who think themselves businessmen, word on the street says a nightclub has been dealing some naughty pills and made a tidy profit from it. The money moves tonight in a well planned, very ordered way, like a clockwork machine, but the problem with clockwork toys, they break so easily, just one little detail out of place and kaboom..."

His eyes sparkle as he reaches the end of the leash and she has to resist or follow.
Deathly stared at him as he got father and father away from her, she felt that there was no slack left so she made her way after him. "I get to take the Bat out if he crashes it." she said softly and walked after him. She really was in no mood to fight or argue with The Joker, she liked him a hell of a lot better then Crane and you could see it in her eyes as she gave him a smile her fangs showing.

"Yah, I had a feeling he would put crap like this in his notes." she said and pointed to the leash and collar. "It doesn't bother me though, though purple suits you better, boss." she smirked. She licked her lips and swallowed her throat was slightly dry but sooner or later that would change, she had a pretty sick and twisted side once you got her in her blood lust mood.

Deathly laughed slightly an image coming to mind but she followed after The Joker down the stairs, she followed him out of the hideout and into the dark streets Gotham. She followed him into the darkest parts of the City not really saying a word. She kept up her pace standing beside him, a wind picked up slightly bowing her blond hair around her almost giving her a ghostly look.

"Did Crane tell you that I am like the Angel of Death? That was what they called me around Arkham, I took a few hundred inmates out one time, the warden had to call the Bat in and that didn't seven stop me. They ended up shooting me and I got impaled on a pipe. That good of yours was right, I truly am a monster, a heartless one." she growled and narrowed her eyes as she smirked and ran her tongue over her fangs and let out a purr.
"An odd choice of name really, the Death part I understand, given your abilities and affiliation towards violence, but Angel?" the Joker mused aloud, "Fallen Angel perhaps."

They turned a corner and just down the street on the opposite side of the road was a nightclub. Almost by clockwork the sound of shouting and violence filled the night air. One of the ground windows exploded outwards as the body of a large bouncer flew through it and landed heavily on the street. The two men guarding the door stared in amazement then darted inside. A grin formed on the Joker's lips as the queue delved into anarchy. Half of them fled away whilst the rest surged into the popular club.

The Joker and Deathly crossed the street and walked along, armed men converging and joining them as they turned down the side of the building. A ramp leading downwards towards a truck and a loading bay. The guards noticed their approach and moved to block them. Both sides raising weapons and shouting, The Joker smiled and turned, reaching to release the leash from Deathly's collar.

"Go play my pet," he then stepped to the side, leaving her with a clean view of the armed guards waiting at the bottom of the ramp.
Deathly eyed them as a nasty smile came to her lips and she barred her fang and let out a low growl. Her whole body burst into flame as she lunged forward her hand coming in contact with one of the man's throats and he was beheaded before he could react. She suddenly spun her foot and kicked the gun from the other man's arms and sent it flying into the air where it suddenly turned into flame then vanished.

Deathly slammed the man back into the wall, he tried to pull her off but her hand suddenly slammed through his chest and he looked down. "Yes, I am just wanting to play." she purred into the mans ear before she ripped his still beating heart out of his chest, her face was sprayed with blood as she stepped back and the man fell to the ground dead. The heart soon burned in her hand and was nothing but ash.

Deathly licked the blood from her lips before she turned and looked back at The Joker. "They were not very tough." she said as she made her way back over to him still covered in blood on her face. She let out a soft purring noise as she made her way closer to him, her left hand was drenched in blood and ash. "Any other ones I will take care of for you." she purred and stood beside him.
"Cheap thugs," the Joker commented, "I see the appeal, moving the boxes without knowing the contents, the real fun begins when we move the truck."

He smirked and waves his hands, the goons quickly loading up the rest of the sealed boxes onto the back of the van. Once they were all loaded up the goons jumped onto the back. They held onto the netting fixed to the side of the van's inside walls, the boxes all firmly strapped down. Their free hands holding onto the semi-automatic weapons. The Joker takes Deathly's hand and guides her onto the back of the truck as well.

"Hold tight, it's going to be a fun ride," he smiles broadly as he walks to the front and climbed into the cab.

The van drives up the ramp and out onto the street, as it turns Deathly can see a couple of cars switching on. Their occupants looking confused then angry as they begin pursuit. The van drives erratically as the pursuing cars speed after them, men leaning out of the windows with rifles.
She watches the men her eyes narrowed and a smirk comes to her face, she grips tightly to the back of the van before the first rifles goes off sending bullets into the truck she doges some before she looks back at the angry men behind them, she shrugs and then heads up through to the front of the van and slides into the seat beside The Joker.

"Its boring back there, I rather be up here with you." she said and cocked her head to the side. She watched as they sped down the road, she wondered where they were going. She turned her head back and looked at the goons as they got into a fire fight. She shrugged again, she really didn't want to get involved with it, waste of her time.

"So where are we going, are we going to do anything fun?" Deathly asked and cocked her head to the other side. She leaned back in the seat and crossed her arms. She wanted some action, something that did not deal with idiots with guns. She could easily kill the men in the back of the van and the vehicle behind them but she decided not to.
The Joker knew with the erratic driving and speeding, not to mention gun fire, they would attract police attention soon. Perhaps even the Batman himself would join their little party. Still, while the contents of the back of the van were largely immaterial to the Joker, it would be more amusing to deny it to the gangsters it belonged to and the city. The sound of gunshots was beginning to die off and the cars chasing them had been reduced to a single car with only the driver. He had backed off, knowing he couldn't take them down he was determined to follow them.

Despite constantly claiming that he wasn't really one for plans the chase had led them to a special part of the city. They raced down a quiet street and as the van passed an intersection a truck pulled out. The chasing car swerved to avoid a crash and the driver found himself heading at a mound of construction dirt. The car drove up the pile and was sent flying through the air, crashing into the wall of the Gotham City Fire Station.

The Joker cackled at the explosion and subsequent red glow in the wing mirror as he slowed the van down and started heading for a nearby warehouse. There were men waiting for them in the warehouse and they closed the door after they entered, joining the remaining gunman in unloading the boxes of cash.

"One wonders what you might consider fun when a high speed car chase with guns is a tad too boring for your interest pet," he mentions as he clips the leash to her collar and leads her up stairs to where the offices used to be. The first few large rooms have been converted into sleeping areas, bunk beds pushed up against the walls like a military barracks. He takes her to the last office, what must have been the managers by the size and elaborate desk. The desk was completely out of place in the rather dingy warehouse, as was the crystal flutes and bottle of champagne waiting for them.

He offers her a glass and holds up his own, "A toast to our first joint operation."
"No offense but yes it bores the hell out of me and I hate that type of thing. There is little to no action for me. I prefer more hand to hand combat and violence." she said as she followed after him like the loyal pet she was, she liked the collar around her neck. She blinked and followed him through the rooms and stared from the beds and then around the office when he brought her into it. She blinked another time as he picked up a glass and offered it to her with the liquid to it, she then smiled when he toasted them.

"What ever floats your boat, pudding." she said softly then drank the whole glass down in one gulp then crushed it into her hand. Deathly then took a huge sniff and looked around the room, there wasn't anything that really interested her but she still followed and listened to what The Joker said. "I really don't even want to fight the Batman right now, even he bores the hell out of me and he is easy for me to take down as well." she purred happily.
"Without challenge then life does get a little tiresome," the Joker replied with a grin, "Perhaps we need to find you something else to entertain you, a goal of sorts, simply killing the Bat is a rather simple task, despite how difficult some seem to make it, it is much more enjoyable to break him."

The Joker slowly dragged the leash, drawing Deathly closer to him. Sitting on the edge of the desk he pulled her right up against him. He spun her around and un-clipped the leash, placing his hand over the cool metal of the high collar, holding her against him. He slipped his free hand around her side, gliding it down between her thighs, cupping her sex through the tight pants.
Deathly went wide eyed when she felt him pull her forward then unleash her only to have The Joker grab her by the collar and pull her down in his lap. She was about to ask him what he was talking about when she let out a yelp of shock feeling his hand move down and touch her pussy through her pants. "Is this what you mean?" she croaked feeling her mouth go dry suddenly. She shivered as her face went beet red, no one had ever touched her down there.

She bit her lip and let out a whimper, her body tensed slightly but she would not move away. Deathly belonged to him and she would do anything he wanted as long as he didn't harm her. "I uh, why are you touching me down there? I uh never have been touched down there before." Deathly croaked as she shut her eyes tightly and bit her lip harder, she pushed her back against his chest more feeling her heart start to beat harder and faster in her chest.
"Oh, this isn't your challenge," the Joker grinned as he started to slowly rub her crotch, "This is a little fun to unwind after a night on the town, finding something to keep you entertained will take a little thought."

"I'm a being of simple pleasures, I like watching things burn, watching men fall into insanity, people delving into chaos and the like," he breathed hotly into her ear, his fingers pressing harder as he rubbed circles against her tight pants, his other hand holding her throat possessively, "I suspect you shall be much more complicated and harder to please, but that's all part of the game isn't it?"

He grinned as he teased her intimately, feeling her getting worked up in his arms.
Deathly whimpered as she listened to his words and felt his fingers working her harder and faster, she squirmed some more in his grasp but still didn't try to get away from him what so ever. She could feel his hot breath oh her ear and it sent shiver go down her spine. "Ah, your making feel strange. Please...." she whimpered and shut her eyes.

He could feel her pussy starting to get wetter and wetter through her pants. She grasped at his hips gently feeling his hand on her throat. She blushed when she looked down to see a huge wet spot forming in her crotch. "Please, ah. There is this pressure building, it won't go away now." she begged and grasped at his hips more.

Deathly moaned, she couldn't believe the pleasure he was making her feel. She guessed she would let him do what ever he wanted to do to her. Her hips arched and she slowly bucked her hips against his own touch. She closed her eyes even tighter, her teeth clenched together as she felt herself getting rather close to a climax.
The Joker had no intention of letting up his attentions until he felt the lithe girl climax in his arms. He could feel the heat and dampness with his fingers as he rubbed faster and harder. The soft little gasps and moans she released were music to the Joker's ears and he was eager to coax them from her lips. Her words that she had never been touched were odd, it had been Crane's notes that such techniques would be highly effective, he had assumed the doctor had tested them out. Perhaps it had been hypothetical musings or he had erased her memory of the process.

Either way the Joker was gathering the benefits as she writhed in his grasp. His hand slipped up from her collar to her jaw, tilting her head back.

"Let go of your control and let the feeling taking over," he lightly nibbled on her ear as his fingers worked on her crotch, "And know this is only a sample of what you can have if you are a good pet."
Deathly groaned and slumped against him weakly then looked up into his eyes as she felt his hand tilt her head back. " feels so good." she whispered and shut her eyes and let her body relax, she would let him do what he wanted, she felt the urge for more. " body wants more." she whispered and grasped gently at his arm but nodded her head. "If you want me....I am yours." Deathly croaked.

She kept her body pushed back into his some more, she couldn't believe how wet he had made her. She just let go and lay against him panting and her legs spread some more, she relaxed letting his hand do its work. Her pussy was soaking wet and her walls clamped for something to be inside her. She whimpered and moaned wishing he would touch her, all of her body was his now.

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