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/Road to Dawn/ - TheDarkeMe and Pickle -


Jan 11, 2009
They say the road to the dawn is the hardest of them all. You start in Twilight, a lone and scared. Then your heart hardens, and you feel the need to ignore the world. Your cause is the hardest of them all, so close to the darkness yet so near to the light. Perpetually in the inbetween. Your life becomes harder the further you walk down that path. It's harder a lone, or that's what the girl told herself.

Told herself as she worked on writing a story. She had been obsessed with the Twilight Path since a dream she had when she was fifteen or sixteen. But that was then, now she was almost twenty. A girl bitter towards life, and the people that pretended around her. She couldn't stand to see all the fake smiles, the people that lied through their teeth and took advantage of people. The manipulators and schemers, that destroyed lives.

She wanted to save them, but she had been forever stuck in a half-dream world since that night. She had dreamed of a game character of all things. But it was all consuming in her life after that. She tried to forget, the dream that was so hard to understand. A song started playing on her playlist. Her eyes glaring at her computer as she resisted the urge to kick her computer. Her damn romance playlist. She had it for muses for her novels.

She closed her eyes and shook a little, her eyes were a dark color. Amber? Yellow? Brown? She was never quite sure. Her hair had been bleached out, to a nearly white color. Purple edging the corners of her hair. She did it for some of her cosplay work, people thought it was a startling look. Her features were rather androgynous, but she definitely had a feminine feel to her.

She sighed as she looked at the time. She needed to take a walk, that would make her feel better. A growl left her lips as she stood up. She walked towards the door and stopped, the sound of scuffling catching her attention. She spun around and saw around the edges of her room was forming shadows. Shadows and yellow eyes. Gods no! It wasn't really, it wasn't real! That's what they had told her time and time again.

She stepped back and fell into darkness. She reawakened on a stained glass, aches and pains falling throughout her form. She stood up and stumbled. Falling forward into a cloaked man. "AH!" She said startled as she yanked backc.

"The path to the Dawn, welcome new Twilight walker. Your path has just begun..."

The voice echoed through her as she was pushed back, screaming as darkness and broken glass streamed around her. It suddenly was daytime around her, and she was falling towards an ocean. Little gems floating away from her, filling the daytime sky with sparkling lights. Her mind blanked out as the pressure of the fall encompassed her. She hoped to the gods that she didn't break her spine on entering the water.
Riku was sitting on the beach when he saw a girl appear in midair and fall towards the ocean. He didn't recognize her at first but quickly realized it was the girl from his dream. Without thinking about it he dived into the water as she fell in. He dived after her. She was limp and heavy and he was having difficulty staying afloat while holding her.

Thinking desperately he tried to see if he could ride the waves in but they were to light at the moment. He submerged again as he tried to stay afloat. He started bobbing up and down gasping for air.
She came up for air, gasping as the male helped her up. Her eyes widening groggily as she stared into a pair of deep aquatic looking eyes. She knew those eyes. She knew them so well. Her lips parted as she released a long breath. Her eyes lighting up as she wrapped her arms around him. "I'm alright..." She coughed out. Laughing weakly as she hung there limply in his arms. They needed to get to shore, swim... that was the best bet.

Gods, her head hurt. Hurt so much, memories floated around her mind. She couldn't exactly pin what kind of memories she was thinking of. Just a lot of them all at once, that she was definitely having problems thinking of names. What was her name? She was so confused, she was more confused as she realized she knew the male... and a dream. Little else was in her mind.
Riku was relieved to hear her speak confirming she was ok. With a great amount of effort he swam to shore placing Tenshi down on the beach. Gasping heavily he laid down next to her closing his eyes for a moment before addresing her again. "Is your name Tenshi?" He asked as he sat up.

Riku decided quickly though he didn't have time for questions, both of them needed to get inside and wash up. So he decided to hod any questions he had. "Never mind we need to get inside so we can wash up." He said standing up and pulling Tenshi to her feet.
Tenshi laughed weakly as she shivered faintly. Looking around her and then at the sand all around her. She had thought it all a dream, she had ached and cried at night. Now she was here, really here. A shiver raced up her spine as she heard him calling that name he called her. Tenshi, it fit... it really fit. Something in her told her it was right.

"Yes" The female responded as she was pulled to her feet. A small smile spreading across her features as he mentioned getting cleaned up. A comment almost slipped through her lips, but she held it back. Turning a very bright pink instead.

"Alright, lets get to safety then..." She said with a soft and wry smile.

(Things won't go downhill as quickly as in the group roleplay. :3 )
(Wait till you see what I make the black flames do.)

Riku heard the comment she was about to say and turned back to her. "What did you say?" He questioned, even though he heard it quite clearly. Riku started to really wonder who this person was, several thoughts mulling around his head. Riku looked her over a few times liking what he saw, but they just met.

"We just met you know." Riku said thinking to himself, I wonder if she's like this with all guys. Maybe she was joking, if she was not only didn't I catch a joking tone but this conversation has become rather awkward.
Her cheeks flamed with color, as she tucked her head down. Realizing that he didn't remember. Her eyes widened as she looked up at him. Shifting her hand a little and lacing her fingers with his. Imagining that dream, were the ribbons wrapped around their arms. "You don't remember?" She asked as she looked up at him. Her hair was different, only lighter, surely the face and eyes were something that he could remember. She didn't see anything there yet, so she dropped his hand and smiled weakly.

"You think we have, but it's not true..." She said lightly as she shrugged. "You'll remember, I'm sure..." She said weakly as she looked towards the water. Maybe she should just go back out there? It was calm there, she could feel the water around her still. Her eyes closed as she sighed, and her head tilted down. She wanted to go back, so she didn't have to feel anything...
"I remember you, but because I've seen you before, not because I met you." Riku said looking down at her as he recalled her earlier comment. "Come on." He said wrapping one arm around her shoulder as he pulled her towards him and walked towards his house. When they got there Riku opened the door and led her inside. He closed the door behind him and led her through the short hallway into a study like room, with bookshelves full of papers, scrolls and books. Papers were piled high on the floor and two desks on either side of the room. One large window lit the rectangular room. Carpets from different areas and time periods lined the floor and in the center of it all was a large couch.

"I'll get you a change of clothes and you can wash up." Riku said as he exited the room and ran up the spiral staircase in the middle of the hallway. He came back several moment later with a change of clothes and a towel which he quickly handed to Tenshi. "Theirs a bathroom with a shower through a trap door here." He said moving a small rug.

(I thought I'd make the house more interesting.)
Tenshi smiled softly as she leaned into him. She nodded as they made their way towards Riku's place. She quirked a smile towards him and shrugged her shoulder. "I honestly don't feel it was a dream... more like a meeting on another plane... that was between both places..." She said in a soft voice. As they approached the house she looked back behind her. A small sense of forbodding filled her, but then blissfully slipped away.

Nothing bad could happen! That was for sure, it always happened after a little bit. There was always a calm before the storm. She hoped it lasted awhile.

She was led into a library and from there she was pointed towards the bathroom. Which she happily went into to take a shower. She felt dirty and wanted to get cleaned and quickly at that.
Riku went upstairs and stripped down out of his sand and salt filled clothes. He threw them into a hamper as salt crystals formed in his hair. He combed them out wondering intently about the girl. He was soon lost in thought over Tenshi and he found himself closing his eyes. Slowly an image opened up before him, he was looking through another's eyes, He couldn't see much at first but soon realized that the person's eyes he was looking through was in the downstairs bathroom.

After some time past the images became more detailed and he could start using the other's mind to tap into the person's other senses oppose to just sight. He slowly realized he was in another person's mind and that person was Tenshi's. What's more was that he was viewing Tenshi preparing to shower.
Tenshi stripped out of her clothing, dusting salt and sand off of her person. She stood in front of the mirror for a moment, pressing her hand to it and looking utterly confused. She hadn't noticed it before, but there was faint markings on her arms, like ribbons beneath her skin. The moment she noticed it though, it vanished. She sighed softly and pulled her hair out of it's ponytail that she always kept it in. The blond strands floated around her face, purple tips brushing her chin and her collarbones. A small smile flittered across her lips as she sighed softly.

She turned on the water and stepped into the shower, her humming slowly increased as the water temperature did. She was having a fun time figuring out which shampoo to use, and which conditioner. But soon enough she was settling into washing her hair, and then her body.
Riku found himself mesmerized by Tenshi's body, as he looked at it through her eyes. It took himself several moments to snap out of it and he opened his eyes. He found himself to be quite hot and more in need of a shower. He looked down at himself to find that his body was responding in different ways. Riku sighed slightly as he stood up and went into the bathroom to shower. He found himself in the bathroom looking at himself in the mirror lost in thought for several moments before he turned on the water.

He stepped sighing contently as the hot water washed over him. He grabbed a bottle of body wash and began to soap up his body as he proceeded to shower.
A shiver passed over her frame as she moaned lightly. Something hot slipped through her for a moment, as she worked on soaping up her body. Nipples hardening and tingling as for some reason she felt really hot. It flittered away from her mind suddenly and she sagged a little in the shower. She shook her head and turned the water to cold, to wake herself up. As soon as she had woken up, she growled softly to herself. She was getting distracted, holy hell... She just wanted to... No, she would NOT.

She shivered as she stepped out of the shower and wrapped herself in a towel. She tucked int he edges and wrapped up her hair. She shivered and hummed as she walked towards the mirror. She couldn't really fit the spare clothes that had been left for her. She put on the pants and had to fist her hand in the waistband, and the shirt swam on her quite a bit. She was tiny, and damn did his clothes smell nice.

She stepped out from the bathroom, and sat on the library floor, waiting for him.
Riku finished washing up and stepped out of the shower drying himself off. He looked in the mirror as he combed his hair down. He also brushed his teeth, something he made a habit of doing every time he ate and showered, as a result his teeth were as white as ivory. He finished drying himself off and wrapped the towel around his waist exiting the bathroom.

Once in his own room he grabbed a pair of boxers and threw them on, tossing the towel into the hamper. He then made his way downstairs not really caring about Tenshi seeing him in just boxers. He walked into the library and smiled at Tenshi. "Hey, glad to see your done showering. Want something to eat?"
Tenshi looked up at him as she heard his voice. She was falling asleep on her... well she wasn't on her feet, but she was still falling asleep a little. Riku offered her food and she blinked rapidly. "Yes please!" She said as she stood up. She swayed for a moment, but gained her balance. She grinned at him and then stopped, blushing darkly as she realized the way she must look. The clothes were very baggy on her, she had almost lost the pants - just trying to stand up.

She smiled weakly and giggled faintly, wiggling faintly as she looked around her. "Alright... well umm yes... food!" She said as she suddenly blushed darkly. He was wearing nothing but a pair of boxers... oh gods. "Ri-Riku..." She said as she tried to gain her composure. She sighed and shook her head a little. "Nevermind."
Riku shrugged as he left into the hall way, he had to admit a little bit to himself he was enjoying showing off his well toned abs and chest to Tenshi. She was after all pretty hot herself. He entered the kitchen which was very small consisting of a fridge, oven, sink, a few cupboards and a pantry. Not much else was in the kitchen except for a door on the opposite end which led out onto a deck overlooking the beach. A table was set up on this deck.

Riku looked into the fridge bending over slightly and asked Tenshi. "What are you in the mood for?" Riku looked behind various items, shifting them in the fridge.
Tenshi hummed beneath her breath as she approached the kitchen with him. She quirked a brow and looked towards the male as he asked her what she wanted to eat. She put her forefinger on her lip as she looked into the fridge. "hmmm well I'm not sure... how about... hmmm well honestly I don't know. Take your pick..." She said with a soft laugh, smiling weakly as she looked at him. She really didn't know what she wanted to eat, so it was up to the boy to pick.

She sat back and leaned against the counter, still holding the pants up with her hand. "So... emm have a belt?" She asked as she smiled weakly. She didn't know how she would eat if she had to keep holding unto the pants with one hand. Though it must be amusing to him to see her like this.
"Yeah just give me a sec." Riku said as he pulled out some talapia, breadcrumbs, eggs, spices, potatoes, cheddar, flour, butter, milk, Parmesan, and several other ingredients before going into the hallway and up the stairs. He came back down with a belt handing it to Tenshi. He then scrambled several eggs soaking the talapia in it then throwing the talapia into the breadcrumbs creating a nice light breading. He then fried the fish up as he threw a couple of potatoes into a pot, boiling them.

He took another pot and mixed the cheese, flour, milk, some spices, butter, and Parmesan into the pot creating a cheese sauce. "It might take a bit to get everything ready." Riku said as he flipped some of the fish in the frying pan. "You can wait out on the deck."
Tenshi nodded as she hung back a little. Watching him as he moved. It looked nice, she never imagined that the cloaked male she had known in the dream... would grow into such a man. She stayed leaning on the counter, our of his way and trouble area. A small smile played on her lips as she allowed herself to relax. She smiled at him when he returned with the belt, and used it rather quickly.

With that done the young woman walked around the kitchen slowly. Taking in all of her surroundings. She stopped for a moment to watch him cooking the food, a small smile on her face as she watched him working. He at least knew how to really cook, some guys played at it... but he knew. "Wonderful... that looks so good..." She said with a bright smile on her face.
Riku nodded as he finished up the cheese sauce and talapia. He slid the talapia onto two plates. He then poured the cheese sauce into a bowl mixing it with the boiled potatoes, mashing the potatoes in the process. He then got some Chinese pasta dumpling shells and stuffed them with the cheese sauce potato mixture. Boiling them after stuffing them to soften the shell he then placed even portions of dumplings on either plate and served one to Tenshi.

"I hope this suffices." He said as he sat down with his own food. He began eating slowly glancing out to sea several times. Then in hopes of conversation he asked. "So your from another world right?"
Tenshi continued to watch him, a small smile flittered across her features. She watched the whole process, realizing what he was making half-way through the process. She laughed lightly and chuckled beneath her breath. "Hmmm" She said as she looked over his shoulder, watching the whole process. Once he was done and dishing it up, she was sitting down and sliding into the seat. A bright grin playing across her features. She rubbed her hands together and purred faintly.

"hmmm Looks pretty damn good." She said with a bright smile. She started eating, but stopped as he mentioned. Her cheeks paling out, and so did the rest of her face. "Yeah, from another world. It's... interesting... " She whispered softly as she smiled weakly. She tapped her right hand on the table and then looked down again. "A world were you and your friends adventures are very well known. That's why I didn't quite believe... at first." She said as she smiled weakly.

She had thought it all a dream, but it happened so many times. The dream repeated so many times, so vivid and so clear. It had to be real. "I... don't really understand still."
"What do you mean?" Riku said rather curiously as he continued to eat. He simply looked at her for several moments, taking in her features. He then spoke again saying. "I think were connected somehow, some kind of mind link." He said eating up the remainder of his pirogi dumplings. "I got a taste of this mental link earlier." He continued looking out to sea again before refocusing on Tenshi.

"Did you notice it?" Riku asked earnestly. "I just want to make sure I'm still sane." He said as he continued to eat. The way he was behaving suggested that he wouldn't care if he was insane or not.
Tenshi listened to him quietly, a wry smile flittering across her lips. He really didn't understand, at all really. She shrugged her shoulders a little and then stopped. "Mind... connection." She said slowly. Then stopped dead, that moment when she had gotten so hot. A flush suffused her cheeks, as color burst all across her features. Oh gods! He had... when she was. Oh gods! She definitely knew what he was talking about, an uncomfortable reaction occurring in her. She felt aroused, to know that he had seen her... like that.

It was the oddest feeling in the world. Her eyes closed as a shiver raced across her frame. She bit her lip and then looking down at her lap. Oh it was obvious, obvious indeed. She had realized it, and now she felt a little ashamed at her own reaction. "I... guess yeah... I noticed it." she finally managed to get out. Shards and Shells, that was so hard to do! Just speak normally. Usually she had no problems at all with it, but now for some reason... it was so hard!
Riku noticed her reaction smirking inwardly as he asked. "Are you ok?" He had a pretty good idea what was wrong at the moment but he decided to play dumb for a bit to see where it got him. He stood up walking over to her side of the table, he placed an arm around her pulling her towards his bare chest. "Your really warm." He said in a tone that was neither coy nor oblivious. Riku looked at her noticing her reaction in greater detail. "So when did you notice it?" He asked via telepathy, taking a few steps towards her mind.

Riku smiled slightly and said. "Wanna go inside and we can talk more?"
His mind inside hers felt so right, like a gentle brush. He was pulling her against him, and her body was coming alive. She tried to hide it, oh boy did Tenshi try to hide it. A shiver raced through her as she looked up at him. "I'm fine!" She squeaked out as she tried to push away from him a little. She didn't need to be doing this. Yes she had known him in dreams, but on the very first day? What would he think about her... This just wasn't kosher with the woman. She smiled weakly when he mentioned going somewhere other then the kitchen to talk about it.

"I suppose we could, I'd like to get more comfy... honestly. I'm tired and I hurt... and I'm still confused about a lot of things." She said as she tried to take everything away from a sexual nature. Though gods knew she wanted it to get VERY sexual. She had been frustrated since she had that dream, she couldn't explain why. Those ribbons that had bound her wrists and hands to his...

Her eyes closed as she sighed. Remembering those ribbons and the dream, it was interesting.
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