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New PM Notifier (Suggestion)

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thy secret

Jul 27, 2013
Being the curious person that I am, I decided to have a look at the Automatic PM notifier you have on this site.

Essentually, you're calling an Ajax request to a page, that outputs a page, depending whether or not you have a private message.
The thing is, the page your outputting is being called every 6 seconds, per tab that's open. When there's no new PM, it's not very much data being sent, and it's only taking about 100 ms to process whether or not you have a new PM... Though, at the same time, you're having the server send a table that's projected onto someone's screen, when you have a new message, which means more data to process, and a longer page being loaded... And not just that. The page is being loaded again and again, every 6 seconds.

I have a suggestion for this...

Instead of sending the entire div and image as a response to the Ajax request, how about instead, just sending a number? The number of PMs unread (or a blank page for 0), and then having the client build the table up.
You can have the template of the PM table, either as a Javascript variable, or maybe something like
<script type="text/template" id="PMTemplate">
You have %NUM% new PMs!
Only with the whole table and everything. Like this, it'll be invisible to everyone, (and it's not even being processed) and it's NOT being called every 6 seconds...

In this way, the ajaxpmnotice function will look more like...
<script type="text/javascript">
function ajaxpmnotice()
	new Ajax.Request
				if(request.respons != "")
					var Output = replace(/^<!--(.*)//-->$/,"$1"$('PMTemplate').innerHTML); //Strip out the Comments
					Output = replace("%NUM%",request.response,Output);//Input the number
				else //0, or no response text at all...
// -->
Of you could also have all the text part be parsed, as %TEXT%, and have it so if you have only 1 new PM, it says "You have a new PM",

Of course, the part about the output isn't the exact look. I was just giving an idea.
PS, You never adapted the CSS styling for the Code tag xD It's basically grey/white text on a white background. I had to make the text red to be readable.
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