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Who says being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

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RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

Darien falls asleep soon after, hugging sere close to him.

Krystal kisses back, smiling a little bit too. "Of course not my golden egyptin. I love you more than anything in this world, well, accept maybe the kids, but that's different." she said with a laugh, kissing him again.

"Im pretty sure krystal would enjoy seeing that, and wouldn't be surprised in the least. you know how she knows things.' stev said, amused by tony. he nede to keep him distacted though.
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

Serena snuggles close and dreams peacefully.

Tony looks at Steve. "Indeed. But I've got the bulls eye on this little jerk and he's mine to annihilate..." He promptly gets lost in his scheming.

Marik smiles and kisses Krystal. "Let's go to bed love. It's been a long night."

Seto, still trapped in the closet, continues to bang on the door. "Let me out of here! Come on! No one is this bloody heartless!!!!"
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

Krystal sighs. "Seto, Prince Onyx of the black moon appeared today, and i'm exhausted mentally and phisically. but i'll let you out." she told him, magically opening the loset door of seto's room. she then smiled at marik and kissed him softly. "i'd like that very much. Mi'love. she said, kissing his head and falling unto the bed in exhaustion, her body magically changing into her pajamas. she puts a hand on her stomach. "come sleep with me?"

Darien dreams peacfully as well.

"Don't forget to let krystal have her fun, tony. " he warned, knowing full well his old friend would beat tony up if she didn't get to toy with brady a bit too.
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

Marik lays down beside you and holds you close. "Sleep now love. Worry about Seto later."

Seto is glad to be released from the closet and goes to his hotel room to raid room service since he's starving.

Tony looks at Steve. "Penguin will have to jump in. I'm not intending to leave one piece of skin on him. I'm going to filet him like a fish!"

The kids all sleep peacefully while their aunt and uncle/mom and dad are so exhausted they sleep like the dead.
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

"yes mi'love." she tells him softly, giving him a tiny kiss before falling asleep soundly, her snoring light. Everything that had happened took a big toll on her. She needed the rest after seeing Onyx. It was to painful for her to remember, but all the same, her cruel mind made her.

Steve laughs. "oh, I'm sure she will, tony. you know how much she hates Brady. then again, she may just enjoy watching. also, we have mariku. he may be an evil sod, but he does love bunny and penguin. he'll thrash Brady and send his soul to the torture of the shadow realm." Steve commented, smirking a little. he didn't like Brady much either.
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

Tony smirked rather evilly. "Most people are generally very fond of them. But Brady's carcass is mine!"

Marik cuddles you and falls asleep, trying to forget the unpleasantness of the evening.

While Seto stuffs his face like a piggy, Brady contemplates getting in touch with Sere and talking to her alone. Face it Brady boy, you're still as in love with her as you were before. You're just afraid of what her feelings are for you
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

"yes, well, he is a fucking asshole for dumping bunny." Steve said, laughing a little at Tony's expression from hearing captain America of all people swear.

Krystal cuddles marik tightly, her dreams giving away her inner turmoil. "why in the fuck can't you let me forget you, James Buchanan Barnes?!" she screamed to herself in her dreams, frustrated.
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

Marik senses her turmoil and wishes he could just kill the idiot and spare themselves a lifetime of hassle.

Tony looks at Steve like he's lost his mind. "You don't swear! You're too nicey nice to swear....Captain America wouldn't know a swear word if it came up and bit his butt!"
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

Marik just wishes he could kill him, saving everyone the turmoil of dealing with him in the future. He knows this is situation is only going to mess up his relationship with Krys and it's eating him alive.

Tony just stares at Steve. "You never swear! Who are you and what the heck have you done with goody goody Captain America?!"
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

Krystal cuddled into marik more, walking into his dreams. "that's probably a bad idea, at least for now. but if he decides to kidnap me, have at it." she told her fiancee, kissing him before leaving.

"Krystal rubs off on even me, tony" Steve said with a smirk, like it explained everything.
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

Tony is still in absolute shock. "Clearly you are susceptible to our bad influence, Cap."

Marik goes back to sleep, attempting to regain his composure. But it's not easy. He knows Bucky is only going to cause trouble. Just like Serena's ex Brady. Those two should become best friends because all they do is cause trouble. Well, I'm not going to give her up without a fight Barnes! I killed a pharaoh once and I can kill a stupid assassin too!
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

Steve laughs. "apparently so." he says, taking a sip of his coffee.

Krystal's sleep is restless, having a dream vision of what's to come. She knew seeing Bucky again would only lead to trouble. "god damnitt! will you two stop fighting? marik is the one I love, Bucky. I hate to hurt you, but the times of Onyx and Krystal are long since gone. You sealed that deal when you broke my heart and killed yourself like ruby." she told dream Bucky, even though she knew it was futile.
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

Marik watched helplessly, knowing she was dreaming. I wish I knew what I could do to make this easier for her...

While Steve and Tony joked, Brady was busy trying to see if he could fine Sere's cell phone number online. He didn't want to take a chance that she'd changed her number after they split.

Sere was unintentionally lost in dreams of the past. She was remembering the night Brady surprised her, dressed like the Phantom of the Opera and sang her favorite song to her. In the dream he ambushed her and whispered sweet nothings as the phantom and her heart raced.....
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

Krystal tossed and turned in Marik's arms, until Steve stepped into her dream. "Buck, I know you love her, but sometimes you have to let go of things you love. I have. since the 30's." her eyes widen in the dream, and she looks at Steve. She never knew he had loved her. was this truth, or just part of the dream? she made a note to ask Stevie tomorrow.

Darien cuddled sere close. "don't worry. he won't make you cry again."

The next day, Krystal dressed quickly, putting on a dress similar to one she would have worn in the 30's. She left a note for marik telling him where she was going and then left for the tower, popping to Steve's floor, and knocking on the door. "Stevie? can i come in? i wanna talk to you." she said through the door, waiting for him to open it.
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

Sere snuggles close in his arms, letting him think she was hurting....

Steve opened the door. "Hi Krys. What's up?"

Brady found her number and texted her. Hey I know this is crazy, but would you wanna meet up later? We should talk....

Serena grabbed her phone and dashed out of the room, making sure Dare didn't see her phone. He'd flip if he knew Brady had somehow gotten her number...
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

darien cuddled her, wondering what was on her mind.

Krystal walked in slowly, looking sort of nervous. "I.. I had a dream last night. You were in it, and so was marik and James. An interesting thing about it though was that you said something that I just couldn't get out of my mind. Steve, do you have feelings for me?" she asked kind of awkwardly, her glacial blue eyes guilty. How can you know a person for over 70 years and not know they were in love with you! she waited for an answer, sitting on the couch and patting the space next to her. She needed to know for sure it was just a dream.
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

Steve looked at her, making sure she couldn't read his mind. "It was just a dream Krys. Nothing for you to worry about. What are you and Darien going to do about that twit?"

Serena looked at him, pasting a hopeful smile on her face. "It's nothing my love. What are we going to do today?"
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

Krystal looked at him. "you're a horrible liar, Stevie. you always have been. now tell me the truth." she told him flatly, holding her ground. you didn't need to read a mind to know he was lying.

"I was thinking we would go to the amusement park. krys says she and marik are gonna probably need a few hours." he said with a smile, not quite believing her, but shrugging it off.
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

Tony was sitting nearby, smirking. He's so going to get his bum handed to him if he keeps this up... Steve looked at Krys steadily. "Ok, so I used to have a crush on you. What is the point in going through this? You're going to marry Marik and you were in love with my best buddy. I've gotten over it a long time ago."

Serena kisses his cheek. "The amusement park sounds like fun. I want you to know that somehow Brady has my cell number and he texted me. I'm not going to reply. Going to talk to him would only cause trouble and I'm not an idiot. I love you Dare. Always..."
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

Krystal smiled. "Alright. I believe you. I have Pluto get on making you a clone. I've no idea how she did/does it, but, knowing her she just uses future tech. After all, she is the senshi of time." she said with a laugh, getting on her tip toes to kiss his head.

Darien smiled. "good. i'm glad. I would hate to have to turn him to mulch." he said with a laugh, giving her a kiss. "I love you too, Serenity."
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

"I've already spoken to her about it. As soon as the clone is ready, I'm retiring from Captain America. For good."

Serena smiles and turns pale pink. "You never call me Serenity, Endymion. What are you planning?"
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

Krystal smiled. "well, that's a good thing. though, knowing me, I'd probably just follow you anyway." she stated giggling a little. "fury's gonna be pissed you know."

"maybe i have something up my sleeve, or maybe i just wanted to call you that." he told her cryptically, smirking.
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

Sere rolls her eyes playfully. "Whatever you say Purinsu Endymion-sama!"

Tony sat there and grinned like the cat that caught the canary, watching this whole situation play out. Steve looked at him, realizing that he wasn't going to help him at all. "What do you mean Krys? Following me?"
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

Krystal laughed. "if you were to stay an avenger, the clone would want to help too. you know how like i'm an unoffical avenger?" she said smiling at him.

"indeed, pincessu serenity-chan." he said with a smirk, pulling her in for a kiss.
RE: Who say being a senshi is all work? (Krystal_Atems_Girl x MoonPrincessSerenity)

Sere laughed and kissed him. "You are something else Dare. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Steve smiled. "Ah, now I understand. I've never really given it a lot of thought I'm afraid. Where is Marik?"
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