Of a different Breed (Jugger x Nibbles)

He watched as she took his sore cock into her mouth. It was sensitive from the many orgasms yet sore from how much he had been using it. He let her suck him off, moaning as she cleaned the rod inside of her mouth and he looked over, reaching over to rub her feet tenderly...blushing at the thought of her using them on him. "Trix...I don't know if I'll be able to cum anymore today...I'm just...exhausted...So much sex at once...It really took a lot out of me and I put years of pent up sexual tension in and on you..." He laughed lightly.
Trixie climbs on top of Nathan kissing him before he can finish his sentence.

"Don't say that baby bro... its not even dark yet!" she cried kissing him more "There must be something I can do to make you cum again."

It was then she noticed when he was playing with her feet. Trix smirked and bit her lip.

"You little perv" Trixie brought her feet up and began toying with the tip of nate's cock with her toes.
"No...I can't stay awake..." He murmured. The drugs gave him a massive energy boost for sexual aggression yet it took a toll on his fatigue. He was tired...Unable to stay awake. Though her toes were great on the tip of his cock, Nathan fell into a slumber, naked and half erect. He'd forget everything about that night. The drugs made him have a kind of 'drunk' and like most drunks, they wouldn't remember what fucked up things that they'd do when they were drunk. Nathan slept like a baby for the rest of the night.
Trixie frowned as Nathan's body collapsed, his dick still hard-ish and practically oozing cum. Trixie sucked the rest of the thick juices from Nates hard dick and leaned up kissing her brother with lips still tasting of cum, her tongue swirling in his mouth as she reached back stroking his unconcious cock. She was date raping him, and she really didn't care... she loved him, and he was hers for ever. She climbed off of him after one last fuck, getting semi-hard cock to fill her pussy one last time and riding his unconscious body.

Trixie tucked her sleeping, sweaty, and sore baby brother in leaving and closing the door. She had dinner and watched some tv before falling asleep herself. She acted as if nothing abnormal happen... because in NAthan's mind, nothing would.
When Nathan would awaken several hours later, he had a funny taste in his mouth, but assumed it was just from him having been so tired and his mouth closed during his slumber, resulting in that dry, sticky mouth feeling. He wet his lips and mouth and went to the bathroom to rinse his mouth out and spit out the water. He didn't know why he was naked but he was, so put on some clothes and headed out to the living room where he saw Trixie sleeping. Walking over, he nudged her lightly, shaking her shoulder gently. "Trix...Trix wake up. The hell happened last night?" He murmured silently to her. "I remember I was watching TV and then I blacked out...What happened?"
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