Disappearing Celebrities (Cerberus and DE666)

Jessica felt him slapping his cock against her ass and she wiped her cheeks again with a soft sniffle before slowly nodding as he told her to dress up as slutty as she could. Once she was untied, she rubbed her wrists and ankles before looking where he was pointing and she nodded once more. She sat there as he ran his hand along her cheek and kissed her before watching him leave. For a couple minutes she sat there in silence before slowly standing up. She was a little shaky but she managed to leave the room and she entered the room. After cleaning herself up, she slipped out of her dress and the thong she had been wearing before looking around, her arms crossed over her bare breasts as she looked around. After a while she picked a dress off one of the hangers and slid into it. It was a white satin dress. It was strapless and it stopped about midway down her ass so most of it was showing and the front barely covered her pussy. Most of her breasts were showing as well and there was a slit on either side of the dress that went up to her waist. With the dress she slipped on sheer white thigh high stockings and a white thong and shoes before going back out to the couch and sitting down, playing with the diamond necklace she still had on. It scared her to think of what all this man could do to her. She wasn't a strong woman and she certainly wasn't brave or bold.
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