Disappearing Celebrities (Cerberus and DE666)


Jan 9, 2009
Drake had been working for the company for more then 3 years now and in that time he had become one of their best agent to find the "target" and retrive it for them before training them then handing them over to be sold. He sat back in his chair all dressed up. There was supposed to be a big party for Celebrities, some A list group who thought that they were untouchable that they wouldn't get caught and disappear like some of those B list stars. Laughing he got up and headed to his car and checked his trunk for all of the tools of his trade. His ropes, gags and chloroform. Getting into his Car he headed out from his house and into the city where the after party was being held.

Drake was able to slip into the party, conning many people into thinking he was someone important. His dark black hair and dark eyes always gave him an air of mystery. He chatted with stars and producers alike as he looked around for his next targets. Who would the company want now. it had to be someone really at the A list, someone who would actually cause a spark once she was kidnapped and never seen again. Then that would strike panic into them and make them know that they were not safe.
The place was packed with A list celebrities, directors and others of the sort. People like Frank Miller, Quentin Tarantino, Clive Owen, Brittany Murphy and many others. As Jessica entered the party, she smiled brightly at some of the other stars, her dark brown eyes glittering brightly as she waved to some of the others. She wore a beautiful white silk halter dress that stopped a little higher then mid-thigh with a slit in it that ran almost to her hip, showing off her soft tanned thigh. it was easy to see that she wasn't wearing a bra beneath her dress. All she wore was a thong and on her feet were a pair of expensive silver high heels and around her neck was an even more expensive diamond necklace.

After entering, she moved around the party, mingling with the other party goers. One of her friends handed her a glass of champaign as she passed and she thanked them. Though she loved being with her friends, Jessica wasn't a very big fan of such large parties. There was always too many people and it was easy to get lost in the crowd.
Drake spotted his target and nodded. "Miss Jessica Alba..Yes you will do perfectly." Licking his lips he called his company telling them who he was getting and bringing back. He watched her for the night before he noticed that she was starting to get ready to head to the garage and be driven home. "Not today Miss Alba." He grinned and headed to the garage and to his car grabbing the rope and chloroform that he would use to keep her subdued with. Sneaking out quietly to shadows behind her he waited until he saw Jessica pull out her phone to call and wake up her driver and tell him to bring the car around. He quietly and quickly moved up behind her pressing the chemical soaked cloth to her face, his other arm wrapped around her body to hold her steady until she passed out.
Jessica stayed at the party for a couple of hours, chatting up some of the stars that she'd acted with in some of her movies. Occasionally she would get the feeling that she was being watched but when she voiced her opinion to Clive, he chuckles and patted her shoulder, telling her that it was just nerves. After all she was one of the more.... innocent actresses at the party. Smiling up at him, she nodded before telling him that he was probably right. Later that night, she decided to call it a night and leave early, softly saying goodbye to some of her friends before slipping out of the party relatively unnoticed. Heading outside, she sighed and brushed some of her long light brown hair from her face before opening her purse and pulling out her cell phone to call her driver. Suddenly she was grabbed from behind and her mouth and nose covered in a cloth. Struggling, she began kicking her feet and squirming in the strong grasp as she panicked. The surprise attack caused her to drop her things, scattering the contents of her purse everywhere. Her fear caused her to breath faster and inhale the chemical that was in the cloth. After a minute, her eyes began to flutter before closing as she collapsed against him with a weak groan.
Drake watched Jessica struggle abit until her body fell limp because of the chemicals. He grinned and dragged her over to his car where he quickly tied her hands behind her back then tied her legs as well. he kept the cloth over her mouth and gagged her with it as well so that the chemicals would keep her tired if she ever did wake up. He licked his lips running a hand along her long sexy legs before he laid her down in the back of his car before he gently laid a blanket over her covering her up. He then got into his car and drove off away from the party and out to his house in the city.

Drake brought her limp form into the house and set her down on the couch keeping her tied as he also slipped a small black collar around her neck He then injected her to wake her up. She would still be disoriented but she would be awake. "Wake up my pet, its time for you to wake up and start pleasing your new master now."
Jessica groaned as she was dragged over to his car and he tied her up, her body completely limp as he tied her hands behind her. When he ran his hand along her long legs, he would feel that they were completely smooth and hairless and she wasn't wearing stockings. Sometime during the drive, she began to wake up a little, her eyes opening as she looked around blearily before groaning as the chloroform took effect again and she feel unconscious again. When he pulled up to her house and carried her into the house, she made soft muffled sounds. But when he injected her, she flinched before beginning to wake up and her eyes opened. They were a little glazed from the drug and she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she looked around, not remembering anything at the moment as she moved her arms, trying to lift her hand to rub her eyes but she quickly found she couldn't. Looking up at him, she gazed fearfully up at him before looking around again.
Drake watched Jessica and shook his head. He walked up to her and ran a hand against her cheek and down over her chest then to her waist. "You really don't have a choice anymore. You will learn to obey and do as you are told. The more you resist the more harsher the punishment gets." He watched her running a hand along her waist then down over her smooth legs trailing his fingers over her. "You will learn that it is in your best interest to obey and do all that you are told to do. If you don't I promise you, that you will be punished and you will not enjoy your punishments." He licked his lips watching her before getting up and heading to the kitchen with a glass of water. He then walked over to her and helped her drink it so that she could clear her throat.

"Now my pet, you will obey and do as you were told right?" He didn't give her much of a chance to think before he started asking more questions. "Tell me who do you belong to, Who is your master and what will you do for your master to insure that he is pleased and happy with you?" He grinned licking his lips watching her, she really did look very good all tied up and helpless.
Jessica shied back as he walked up to her before closing her eyes tightly when he placed his hand against her cheek, whimpering as his hand ran down her chest to her waist. She opened her eyes to look up at him again when he began to speak, squirming as his hand ran along her waist, her confusion just growing as he spoke. She gently worked her jaw against the gag as he turned and left her, looking around again until he returned with a glass of water. Even though she should of been suspicious of him, she drank the water, stopping when she drank to fast and she began coughing softly. Some of her lipgloss and lipstick had been smeared from the gag and the glass so it streaked the corner of her mouth a bit.

Once her throat was no longer parched, she cleared her throat a little while licking her lips a little, catching a couple drops of water that clung to them before looking at him with wide eyes as he began questioning her. She didn't know how to answer so she uttered the only thing her mind could really process at the moment. "W-what?" she stammered, her confusion showing on her face.
Drake watched Jessica and tilted his head. "Was it not clear enough? You obey everything I tell you and if you don't you will get punished for your disobediance so it is in your best interest for you to obey what I tell you to do so that I don't have to harm and punish you, You don't want that now do you, So now I ask you again ho do you belong to, Who is your master and what will you do for your master to insure that he is pleased and happy with you?" He would punish her most severely if she didn't learn to submit and obey, even now she was being judged on how obedient or how disobedient she was.
Jessica swallowed nervously as he spoke. At the mention of harming and punishing her, she shook her head almost franticly, causing some of her hair to fall in her face a bit. She twisted her hands again, trying to loosen the ropes a little as he questioned her again, working on getting some feeling back into her hands. With her hands tied back like that and then her laying on them, her hands quickly fell asleep and the tingling sensation in them made them hurt a little. The young woman worried her bottom lip for a minute, gently chewing on it before stammering. "Y-you? A-and what ever you say?" she stammered. It was more of a question but she honestly couldn't think of what else to say.
Drake watched her and nodded. "Yes, Me and what ever I say and tell you to do. You will do so without hesitation. You will do what I want, dress how I want you to and do so without resisting or a word against my orders. Do so and you will be rewarded, Obey and like I said I promised you WILL be punished Now for the last time Who do you belong to, Who is your master and owner and what do you do for him so that you may please your master?"
Jessica was just a little relieved when he nodded and spoke. As he questioned her again, she licked her bottom lip before answering him again. "Y-you are my.... m-master and I'll... I'll act as you instruct me to... and I'll dress as you wish me to." she said meekly. She became quiet again as she moved her arms. "Please... my hands... they're going numb." she pleaded softly. "Please loosen the ropes a little. Please.... master?"
Watching Jessica, Drake licked his lips. "Tell me how much you'll please your master and how badly you want your master to tie you. Tell him what you'll do and what you'll wear in hopes that your master will tie you up every night and have his way with you,Beg your master to have his way with his pet. That you are here only to serve your master and know only how to serve and please your master. Do as you were told my pet and you may just get to have your master's hands all over you" He grinned and licked his lips getting up

He watched Jessica and pulled her up and pulled her over to the edge of the couch. He made her keep her back to him as he tied her hands to the edge of the couch then tied it to the leg of the couch. He smiled running a hand up along the back of her legs and thighs. ""Good now tell your master how badly you want him to take you and ravage you. how you want and enjoy feeling helpless to your master." He was starting to get hard from her actions. He grinned watching her squirm abit.
Jessica stared up at him, her eyes widening more and more at the things he wanted her to do and she stared in disbelief. He wanted her to do what?! She didn't even know this man and he wanted her to beg him to have sex with her. She didn't know if she could do such a thing. The woman had boundary issues and asking a stranger to have his way with her and to touch her was definitely something she had a problem with.

She didn't get a choice to say anything about it because a moment later she was being pulled to the edge of the couch, grunting as she was pressed against the arm of the couch, her breasts pushing against it. With the new position, her long hair fell into her face again and her legs were twisted a bit, causing the skirt of her already short dress to ride up and show off the soft curve of her ass and some of her white thong that she was wearing. Jessica squirmed on the couch a bit as she knelt there. "R-ravage?" she squeaked. She wanted to protest and it showed on her face as she looked at him the best she could in her position. But since she was tied up and he had already threatened harm and punishment if she didn't do as he said, she didn't really want to anger him. "Please, I want to... I want to feel you in me master. I want you to have your way with me... make me feel even more helpless." As she begged him, she could hope he wouldn't be rough with her. She hadn't slept with a man in months. Not since she last broke up with her last boyfriend over eight months ago.
Drake Listened to Jessica and ran his hands over her legs and gave her rear a playful swat. He watched her and ran his hands down along her sides before resting his hands on her hips. He smiled and kissed her neck. "Now tell me who do you belong to hmm?" he slowly slid a hand down along her legs before moving his hand in between her thighs. slowly her ran his fingers over her panties. He watched her reactions before he slowly slid his fingers over her. his other hand moved up along her chest and moved over her breasts giving them a nice squeeze as he played with her. "Whom do you belong to?" He watched her waiting for her answer.
Jessica gave a surprised yelp before looking back at him as his hands moved along her sides, shivering when he kissed her bared neck. "Y-you." she stammered nervously as his hand moved along her bare legs before gasping, her eyes widening when he slipped his hand between her thighs and touched her panties, feeling him slide his fingers over her while his other hand cupped her breasts. "I-I belong to you master." she said softly, shifting her legs a little to the best of her ability since the ropes still bound her ankles together.
Drake nodded and licked his lips as she obeyed him and he thrust his finger deeper into her wet cunt. He smiled and kissed her deeply before he pulled away and licked along her neck. "Now that is a good girl." He kept fingering her for abit before he slowly pulled his finger out of her and unzipped his pants and rubbed his stiff dick against her thighs. "I bet you want to be relieved don't you my good girl?" He smiled and pressed up against her. "Then know this my pet, You belong to me. You do as I tell you to without hesitation. You will dress how I want you to and will do everything in your power to please your master. Failure to do so will end up in your master being upset and you being punished for your failure and I don't want to have to punish you many times. so learn to obey your master. is that understood?"
Jessica cried out in surprise when he thrust his finger into her and she closed her eyes tightly, her body grasping his digit tightly, almost as tightly as a virgin. She felt her cheeks flush red as he fingered her, her body reacting naturally as his finger moved in and out of her and he licked her neck. A moment later she heard the sound of his zipper then the rustle of clothes as he pulled his dock out and rubbed it against her smooth thighs. As he questioned her, she nodded slightly. "Yes master, I do." she said softly as he pressed against her. The young woman nodded again after he finished speaking and she swallowed softly. "Y-yes master. It's understood." she said softly before looking back at him again with pleading eyes. "P-please don't be rough with me. I haven't.... I mean, it's been a while. Nearly a year since I... since I've been with anyone."
Drake wathed Jessica for abit as he rubbed his cock against her thighs then slowly pushed his way into her. He smiled and held onto her as he kept pushing against her. His hands roamed along her body before wrapping around her. "Tell me my pet, your deepest darkest Fantasies. Tell your master how you want to be played with and how you'll dress for him." He slid back into her and pushed harder and faster. He grinned and nibbled on her neck as his hand came down and gave her ass a swat. "Tell me how you want your master to play with his pet."
Jessica knelt there, her cheeks a light pink from him rubbing his cock against her, but as he pushed into her, she gasped as her cheeks flushed a deeper red and she whimpered before looking over her shoulder at him as he pushed into her. She could feel him filling her and she could feel his hand wandering her slender body. "Fantasies? A-about what?" she gasped as he moved within her. Her body gently rocked each time he thrust into her and she groaned when he moved harder and faster, the sound of their hips meeting getting louder in the room. "I really don't know. I don't... I don't know what you like." she stammered between soft gasps before yelping when he gave her ass a swat, causing her walls to clench around him.
Drake kept pushing against her harder and harder pinning her against the couch as he drove hid dick deeper and deeper into her wet folds as he leaned in closer and kissed along her neck. His hands gripping onto her waist as he began to push himself in and slowly drag himself out. Licking along her neck he whispered into her ears. "You are mine now and always, your body a toy for my dick,isnt that right?"

Lightly laughing he watched her as he slowly pushed in and out of her, taking his time enjoying her as he would pull out almost all the way and feel her gripping him before he would turn and push back in as hard as he could. His hands moved swiftly over her body,reaching into her top to play around with her breasts squeezing them and pinching her nipples between his fingers.
Jessica's soft cries got louder as he pushed harder, causing her body to be thrust against the arm of the couch time and again as she panted. She could feel his lips against the soft skin of her neck and the curve of her shoulder as well as his hands gripping her waist. "Please.... not so... hard." she gasped between his thrusts. When he licked her neck then whispered in her ear, Jessica shuddered before biting her bottom lip and nodding.

His laughter made her face flush before groaning when he thrust into her as hard as he could, making her back arch and her walls clenched tightly around his cock as she cried out. She trembled a little as his rough hands moved over her smooth skin then gripped her breasts, gasping again when she felt him pinch her hardening nipples.
Drake looked at her and grinned as he kept pushing at her,squeezing her breasts in his hands as he was good and hard in her. He licked along her neck and gently bit her ear as he dragged himself out of her and rubbed his dick against the back of her thighs and ass before he started to release himself on her. He groaned as he shot out on her letting the hot sticky fluid land all over her ass and thighs. He licked his lips watching it land upon her and stick to her giving her a light sheen to her body, Once he was done he stepped back to admire her. He grinned licking his lips and tilting his head as he gave her rear a playful swat. he then moved and pinned her. "And how would my pet plan to give me more of a release hmm? Tell me what you plan to do and perhaps I will consider taking it into action my little whore." He grinned watching her, starting to enjoy calling her by dirty and degrading names.
Jessica closed her eyes a little tighter as he kept pushing into her, causing her body to press harder against the arm of the couch before whimpering when he bit her ear. A moment later she felt him pull out of her and then she felt his hot seed covering her ass and her firm thighs. Closing her eyes a little tighter, she buried her face into the arm of the couch, feeling his cum running down her legs. Her face flushed a deep red before she finally lifted her head with a yelp when he swatted her ass. The girl grunted when he pinned her and she swallowed softly before looking back at him as he questioned her. She would of answered him softly as she had been doing but when he called her a whore, she couldn't hold back, all of her fear, frustration and confusion finally reaching its breaking point. "I don't know! I don't know what I plan to do nor what I could do! And it wouldn't matter, I'm tied up to a couch with my arms tied to the leg and my ankles tied together, there's not much I can do." she said before burying her face into the arm of the couch again with a soft sniffle. She lifted her hands the best she could and wiped her cheeks. "I-I'm sorry. I'm just so confused and scared. I don't know what I can do for you to give you more pleasure. I never explored other ways to give someone else pleasure. Please forgive me." She looked back at him, hoping he wasn't angry with her.
Drake looked at Jessica and slapped his cock against her ass cheeks and smiled. "Is that so, well my pet you will learn how to please your master but your master feels a little limp and hungry so 2 things before we do my pet. I want you to dress up as slutty as you can while I go to get some food for us. Then if you can get me up I'll give you my seed." He smiled and watched her before he untied her and pointed over to a room. "there will be cloths in there so get cleaned up and by the time I come back I want you dressed. remember to have stockings and hose on those great legs of yours my pet." He ran a hand against her cheek then kissed her before walking out of the room to go and get them some food.
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