A Love Arrangement (Alex_Fox x Abby)

Abby Locke

Jun 11, 2013
Bilbo sat in his temporary room, glaring at the freshly pressed, Dwarven clothes that were laid on the bed. His hair was still slightly damp from the bath he had just been forced to take. (Not that he wouldn't have bathed anyways, but the fact he was all but dumped into the tub of steaming water was irritating.) With a sigh, Bilbo looked around the room he was in. His first impression was filled with distaste. The ceilings were far too high and the bed was more than a little over-sized. One could have easily fit 10 hobbits into it!

Bilbo sighed again and his shoulders slumped in defeat. He got up out of the chair he was in and ran a comb through his hair, pulling it back into a short pony tail. The journey to the Dwarven kingdom of Erebor had not given him a chance to cut his hair it had grown out longer than he liked. He picked up the clothing he was supposed to wear and looked it over with a critical eye. Definitely Not something he was going to be wearing willingly anytime soon. Instead, Bilbo walked over to the small bag he had with him and pulled out a comfortable, but nice, shirt, waist coat, and trousers and pulled those on. He looked in the mirror and smiled to himself. Just because he was getting married to a dwarf didn't mean he had to look like a dwarf.

"Well Bilbo Baggins, can't let yourself get too down about this." He mumbled to his reflection, trying not to let the anger and frustration take over him again. He did not want to marry the dwarf king, but he wasn't given a choice. Bilbo sat back down in the chair to await his escort to meet his soon to be husband. He knew he shouldn't have answered that blasted wizard's call.
Thorin remained in the main halls for a while, walking around, his mind troubled. Was he in his right to do this? He asked to himself but his counselors's words were going deeper on his thoughts, convincing him that marrying the hobbit was a good idea, like a way to bound Erebor and The Shire. The dwarven king was slowly calming, getting ready to call for his hobbit. He felt his gear heavier than ever as he walked toward the door that led to the chambers. His fur coat making him feel uncomfortable and pressed, he decided to take it off and tosed it at the guard who was following him.
"Bring him" Thorin comanded as he reached for his room and opened the door. He got inside and took a look around at the big bedroom, everything was too big and rough for Bilbo, but the hobbit would have to get used to the dwarvish uses and manners. The dwarf walked toward the fireplace and sat on the big couch, covered in wolf fur and waited staring at the fire, tense, for his hobbit.
The guard arrived much sooner than Bilbo expected. With a sigh and a half glare, Bilbo stood, following the guard to where he supposed his soon to be husband was waiting. He wasn't sure what to think, after all he had heard about the good looks of the dwarf king but he didn't know how they would effect him. Bilbo was determined to resist any urges he might feel. He wasn't going to cave to a sexy dwarf male.

As Bilbo was led to his fiance's rooms, his mind and eyes wander. The largeness of everything was intimidating and made Bilbo's heart ache for his small, neat Hobbit hole. His heart was pounding as he entered the royal halls, the door to the King's chambers now in sight. Bilbo swallowed heavily as the doors opened and he was gently pushed in.

There, lounging on a couch of furs, was the king. A soft gasp escaped Bilbo as his eyes widened. King-under-the-mountain Thorin was.... breathtaking.
Thorin quickly got up and walked toward Bilbo, standing in front of him, jus a few feet far and stared at him for a moment. The hobbit's features, far more delicate than his kin's, made the dwarf want to caress his fair face, but instead he just gave one more step getting closer to the small hobbit and looking at him in the eye, he talked. "Welcome" said in a deep voice, but couldnt help to let out a bit of the excitement his face was hiding. "This is your new chamber now" added with a subtle gesture showing Bilbo the room. The dwarf took another step, now standing close enough to feel Bilbo's breathing "I hope you get use soon" His tone, a mix between wish and order.
Bilbo swallowed hard as Thorin stepped closer. A heavy blush adorned Bilbo's cheeks as he struggled to find words to say. "H... Hello." He frowned to himself and stood a little straighter, trying to remember his resolution. "As much as I... appreciate the offer sir it is of no use. Dwarves are very different than Hobbits." He crossed his arms over chest, looking away from his very attractive fiance stubbornly. If he wasn't careful, and didn't keep his thoughts from wandering, he wasn't going to be able to resist this Thorin son of Thrain.

The door clicked shut behind him and Bilbo stiffened. For the first time he was alone with Thorin. He knew that Thorin could easily over power him if he wanted something.
Anger and frustation crossed Thorin's face, he walked forth forcing the hobbit to step back until he hit the closed door, placing both hands on the door at the height of his head, the dwarf trapped Bilbo. The hobbit's denial words echoing on his mind made Thorin grind his teeth but the idea of mistreat him never reached his thoughts. With a heavy sigh, realizing the scared glance Bilbo had, he calmed himself and holding his desire to kiss Bilbo's lips, he slowly planted a small kiss on the hobbit's blushed cheek.
Thorin stepped back walking away from Bilbo, and stood next to the fireplace, his arms crossed on his chest and staring at the flames. Kind words weren't the king's best attribute so he remained in silence, waiting patiently for Bilbo to do or say something.
Bilbo blushed furiously when the kiss was placed to his cheek. He looked up as Thorin moved away, to say Bilbo was surprised would be an understatement. For a moment he thought he was going to kiss him and, to his displeasure, Bilbo wanted him to. Bilbo hesitated now, unsure what to do after that reaction from the dwarf. A little voice inside him said that it could be dangerous to anger the dwarf yet he knew that Thorin wouldn't hurt him.

Bilbo frowned and bit his lip. "Forgive me. I was out of line your highness." He huffed slightly, crossing his arms over his chest and looking away from the dwarf king. Bilbo didn't want to admit it but he was acting like a child.
Thorin took a deep breath, the way Bilbo addressed him was unnecessary, after all, the hobbit was about to join the royal family. He gave a quick look to the hobbit, noticing his clothing, he wasnt wearing what was carefully made for him, considering his smaller size. The dwarf couldnt hide a gesture of sad disappointment, he had been wondering, since Bilbo arrived, how would he look in dwarven gears, yet he found Bilbo's pony tail quite appealing.
"Your not wearing what I sent you" Thorin said with a sigh as he sat again on the couch, trying to make Bilbo to feel more comfortable.
Bilbo sat down in a chair across from Thorin, trying to keep some distance between them. "I didn't want to. I prefer my own clothing." From this distance, Bilbo allowed himself to study the dwarf. Under different circumstances Bilbo would have wished to pursue a courtship, now? Not so much. He felt himself blush slightly as his gaze traveled downwards a bit. His glance couldn't help but go to the bed briefly and he swallowed nervously. Bilbo had no clue about dwarven customs and this could go somewhere Bilbo didn't want.
Thorin caught the hobbit staring at him and quickly his thoughts turned from how would the hobbit look with his kin's clothes to how would he look naked. He doubted for a moment, meditating on how Bilbo could react to his moves, but after some minutes of terrible silence he couldnt wait anymore, so he stood up, slowly, controlling himself, trying not to scare the obviously nervous hobbit and walked toward him. Standing in front of Bilbo the king knelt, his eyes now confonting Bilbo's. "I know you dont like the way things happened" Said Thorin to the hobbit with a low, humble, tone. He took Bilbo's hand and staring at him in the eye, now he becoming nervous, he talked again "Would you marry me, Bilbo?"
Bilbo's eyes widened in surprise at the gentle tone Thorin had. He released a breath he didn't know he had been holding when Thorin asked that unexpected question. He looked into the King's eyes, unable to look away. Swallowing and biting his lip, Bilbo searched for an answer. He wasn't sure if he even had a choice or not, but the look in Thorin's eyes said that he wanted Bilbo to be happy. "I.... yes." He said, his voice barely above a whisper. They were a few scarce inches apart and Bilbo could almost hear the dwarf's heart beat. The heat from Thorin was intensified by the heat of the fire and Bilbo's nerves.
Thorin gave the hobbit a sincere smile, moving forth he hugged him tight. His heart beat rose as he felt the small body on his arms and his lungs filled with Bilbo's subtle scent. He moved back to see Bilbo's eyes again, this time he wouldn't hold back, he just couldnt wait to feel his hobbit's lips. Taking Bilbo from the back of his neck he gently brought him closer to kiss him, now his heart beating faster, he sworn Bilbo could feel it on his chest. Thorin's face took a slight red tone, as he broke the kiss to stand on his feet and offered a hand to Bilbo with a gentle smile, inviting him to get up.
Bilbo was blushing heavily when Thorin pulled away, lost in his thoughts and the gentle kiss. Thorin's scent calmed Bilbo's frayed nerves and broke down any resolve he may have had left to fight the situation. When. Thorin had hugged him, Bilbo was blessed with the familiar smell of earth and a slight hint of tobacco smoke, accompanied by a smell that was unfamiliar to him but was pleasant none the less.

Bilbo shyly took Thorin's hand, wondering where he was going to take him as he stood up. Then, by some wicked thought in the back of his mind, Bilbo was reminded how atrocious he had acted to everyone since he had gotten the news and he flushed with shame. "I'd like to apologize.. I've acted like my cousin Lobelia." He said with a look of distaste.
Thorin let out a soft, short laugh to quickly stay serious again. "You dont need to apologize Bilbo" The dwarf sighed "It was me who acted rudely". Thorin gave a paused look to the hobbit, studying him, feeling the urge to take him in his arms. He pulled Bilbo closer to him and took his waistcoat off, revealing the slender body and pressed him against his chest, kissing his neck softly as he unbuttoned the hobbit's shirt, caressing his shoulders. The soft skin under his hands made the dwarf shiver slightly, his arousal rising. Thorin's heart ached, restraining himself and with a concerned glare he talked "Do you want me to stop, Bilbo?"
Bilbo's heart was pounding in his chest. He was blushing but making no move to push Thorin away. In fact his reaction was the opposite from revulsion. The light touches and slow removal of clothing made Bilbo's cock twitch slightly as arousal surged through him. "No... I should but I don't."

Bilbo stood up on his toes and kissed the dwarf male in front of him. His hands slid over Thorin's shoulders, then down across his chest to undo his shirt. "I..." Bilbo swallowed. "I find myself wanting you Thorin." Tugging open his shirt, Bilbo's hands ran over the now bare skin, a blush still adorning his cheeks.
Thorin smiled at Bilbo's actions and words. "You are beatiful, Bilbo" said as he took the hobbit on his arms and walked slowly toward the bed, where he leaned his light body. Then he undressed himself and Bilbo entirely, realizing the hobbit's aroused state and revealing his own, and lying next to him on the bed he began to kiss Bilbo's neck as he caressed him from his neck to his thighs, his breathing became heavier as he felt the warm body. Thorin reached for Bilbo's cock and stroked it a few times, as he went a bit down on his body to kiss his chest and lapping softly the pink nipples, then, with a delicate move of his hand he gently spread Bilbo's legs, caressing his inner thighs, getting closer to his entrance everytime his hand moved.
Bilbo swallowed heavily as Thorin undressed them both and he was surprised to see that the dwarf was as aroused as he was. He let out the breath he didn't know he was holding as Thorin's hands began to travel around, gasping loudly as Thorin stroked his cock. Bilbo's breathing became heavier as he resisted the urge to tackle the dwarf. Pulling him closer, Bilbo cupped Thorin's cheek to kiss him, letting his free hand travel down Thorin's stomach slowly. Hesitation caused Bilbo's hand to stop just before its destination, doubt and worry suddenly seizing him. Could he really be happy with a dwarf? He thought he could, but could Thorin be happy with him?
Thorin kissed Bilbo back, deepening the kiss on the hobbit's mouth as he felt his hand. He frowned, feeling Bilbo's hesitation, and felt he was forcing him to stay trapped in Erebor, moving back, he looked at Bilbo, a deep concern in his gaze. "I would miss you Bilbo, but you can visit your dear Shire as many times as you wish" Said the dwarf caressing Bilbo's light brown locks.
Bilbo's eyes widened. "You...would let me go?" Seeing the sincerity in Thorin's eyes, Bilbo grinned and kissed him again. His doubt gone again, he continued on his path of exploration. His hand gently wrapped around Thorin's cock, blushing slightly. Allowing himself to give into his want, Bilbo stroked Thorin's arousal to get him to continue. He spread his legs more, pressing his hips up to the dwarf's hand.
Thorin smiled at Bilbo's encouragement, purring softly as he stroke him and kissing his neck, lapping behind his ear, the dwarf began to tease Bilbo between his legs, pressing lightly as the hobbit moved up. He would take a long while to make Bilbo reach his limit and find every sweet spot on his body. Leaning forth, pressing his body against the small hobbit, Thorin reached for the tight entrance and running his fingers in small circles as his breathing became a bit faster, he closed his eyes and kissed Bilbo´s neck a bit harder
Bilbo moaned softly, his head tilting to allow Thorin better access to his neck. His breaths were coming in soft pants, his hands still rubbing along Thorin's length. His hips pushed back against the teasing fingers at his entrance as he moaned out again. "Thorin..." Bilbo pressed his lips along his neck, licking slowly over Thorin's pulse point. With one hand staying on Thorin's cock, Bilbo other hand traveled up Thorin's stomach and across his chest, exploring slowly. He was loving the feel of Thorin's smooth, muscled body against his own.
Taking Bilbo by his shoulders, Thorin made him turn slowly, as the hobbit moved he went down his back with his hand. Then, kissing the back of his neck he whispered at Bilbo's ear "What do you want me to do, Bilbo?" to then continue kissing his shoulder blades, his back and sides, reaching a bit more down on the hobbit's body with every kiss.
Bilbo's soft moans got him fully aroused and as he was travelling down his body, he sligtly brushed his cock against the hobbit. Thorin reached for Bilbo's low back, resting his body between his legs and hugged him by his hips, taking his cock in his hands to pleasure his hobbit as he kissed his buttlocks and thighs.
Bilbo turned his head to try and kiss Thorin's neck, but he was too far down to reach. "I.. want you... to take me..." He was panting slightly letting out soft mew like moans with every kiss that Thorin placed on his body. Bilbo moaned out louder as Thorin began to pleasure him, his hips moving forward slightly to meet his hand. His cheeks were red as he tried to figure out what to do. Bilbo reached behind him and gently ran his fingers through Thorin's hair, his other hand fisting in the sheets in front of him.
Thorin took Bilbo's hand to kiss it and licked his fingertips for a moment to then return his hand to Bilbo's cock as he slowly slid a finger inside the hobbit and began his travell up, rolling his lips by his skin, stoping to place some kisses, until he reached for Bilbo's blushed face. He delighted himself with his lover moans, taking a moment to stare at him as he started to move his finger inside him, in circles that were slowly increasing their width and reaching deeper, his other hand rubbing Bilbo's cock slowly but firmly, pressing the tip with his thumb. The dwarf pressed his body upon Bilbo, rocking his hips slowly as he kissed his neck, he moved forth, kissing him deeply, the king let go a long moan, breaking the kiss to offer Bilbo his neck.
Bilbo's hips bucked forward into the dwarf King's hand, yet at the same time he wanted to press them back against the other one. Bilbo tilted his neck for Thorin when he kissed his neck and then moaned against his lips when Thorin moved to those. It was rather obvious that the hobbit was enjoying himself as he pressed kisses to the now offered neck of his dwarf. Bilbo wanted Thorin to feel the pleasure that he was feeling and now that he had the chance, Bilbo wrapped his hand around Thorin's cock. He ran his hand along it in time with the hand Thorin had on his own erection.
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