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The New Kid-Hareem/Moon


Jan 20, 2011
in the realm of lust and seduction
It was another average day for the students in the little town. It was just another Wednesday morning for the kids in high school as they ran around waiting for the first class bell to ring. Today though, there was a new thing happening, for the first time in years, there was a new boy in town. According to the few people who had helped him to move in, he was sixteen, and already living completely on his own. No parents at all to speak of, no elder siblings, just himself. He had moved into a tiny apartment and seamed perfectly content with the bare minimum. A bed, a dresser... he didn't even own a TV. At least, that was the rumors that where flying about the school that morning. Everyone, from the lowest rung of the social ladder, to the highest, was talking about the new kid in school.

The rumors went from quite possible, to simply unbelievable. Some said he was just a kid trying to escape an abused past. Some claimed that he was on the run from the law after brutally slaughtering his family. Some claimed that he had seen a crime, and had moved here under the witness protection agency. Others thought he was a drug lord, come to make the little town his new base. It was strange to see so many people worked up over someone they hadn't even seen yet. No one knew his name, they only knew that he was either sixteen or seventeen and would be joining the Junior class. They knew nothing else, but that didn't stop the rumors from flying. By the time the bell rang for the first day of class, the new kid in school was a murderer, the witness to a murder, a crime fighting vigilante, a crime lord, and a druggie. It was quite funny really. As the students streamed to their first class, said new student was in the Office getting his class list and locker combination.

The first classes of the day where half done before he made an appearance to Social Studies. And there was instant silence as all of the students got their first look at the new student. He was gorgeous! He had beautiful black brown hair, and soft skin with deep golden eyes that almost made you think he was looking right into your soul. He was wearing normal clothes too, which shot the 'gypsy prince' theory out of the water. He spoke with the teacher for a moment and the man nodded before turning to the class. “everyone, this is our new student.” Mr. Okinawa stated. “please tell us a bit about yourself.” “Yes Sir.” the new boy nodded to the teacher before turning to the other students. “Good morning! My name is Alexei Von Asimov. I have just moved here from Alaska. It is a pleasure to make your Acquaintance.” Alexei stated with a small bow in greeting.

The teacher smiled and sent Alexei to his seat, the new boy settling down easily and opening his pack to get his supplies and set to work to listen to the rest of the teachers lecture, taking long and rather extensive notes. As the day progressed they learned a lot more about Alexei Asimov. His parents and he where originally from Russia, which was why he had a touch of sexy accent when he spoke. His parents where still back in Alaska, but he himself had moved here as his first decision 'as a man'. In his culture, it was common for kids his age to strike out on their own and explore and gain life experiences for a few years before going back home or settling down in a new area. Because of his looks, and the way he dressed, and his accent, as well as the interesting things he talked about, he was almost instantly the most popular guy in school. Especially since he talked to anyone and everyone, no matter who they where. He even talked to the 'special needs' kid the grade below him. Yes, Alexei was an interesting kid to say the least.
For most of his school life, Reno Karensis had been alone. For some reason he had just never quite been able to make any friends. He didn't know why, there wasn't anything particularly wrong with him after all. But then there wasn't anything particularly right either. He wasn't ugly, but he wasn't good looking either. He wasn't athletic, but he wasn't completely un-athletic either. He wasn't a nerd and he wasn't an idiot either. In almost every single way, he somehow managed to slip between the cracks of every single social clique that existed in the school. He didn't fit in anywhere, which left him mostly invisible. It did have its advantages....the jocks overlooked him when they were out looking for their targets after all, but then again there were also the huge disadvantages of it meaning nobody noticed him enough for him to become their friend....and it was a lonely existence, one he really longed to come to an end soon.

When the day came for the new student to arrive, Reno was as aware of the various rumours flying around as anyone else. It wasn't often they got a new student after all....infact this was the first one that Reno could remember ever transferring into the school. Naturally this meant that there were rumours of every variety flying around....from the mundane to the extraordinary....Reno was sure he'd even heard someone say the new kid was some kind of crime lord who had come to take over the town....he had to admit that one had made him chuckle. Then he'd heard some weird rumours about the new kid being a vampire.....he attributed that to someone reading too much Twilight....lord how he hated those books...not to mention the films...ruining what had been a perfectly good genre...
When the boy walked into class, as with everyone else Reno looked up to get a first real look....he was rather surprised at what he saw. He hadn't been expecting someone so.....good looking. Reno didn't consider himself gay necessarily....but he would certainly classify himself as bi-curious. Still....this boy was certainly making him.....more curious to say the least. *Alexei Von Asimov huh.....interesting name....his family definitely comes from somewhere further than Alaska I'd bet...*

Reno followed Alexei as he went to take a seat just near his own, then tore himself away to look at the teacher as the lessons resumed, though it was the lessons about Alexei that were the most interesting really. Every bit of information seemed to make him more and more interesting. His reasons for being in town were interesting certainly, though somewhat more mundane than the rumours suggested...though that was exactly what was to be expected really. After all, nothing truly interesting or unusual happened in this little town.
When classes were over, Reno did his best not to bother Alexei, after all the more popular kids were trying to get all his attention. But, on leaving the building Reno found himself and Alexei seemed to be taking the same route, quite possibly they lived near to one another. Reno kept to himself for a few minutes, but eventually he decided to cross the street, approaching Alexei and smiling slightly. "Hello there Alexei. I'm's nice to meet you" He held his hand out to the other boy. "Welcome to town. I'm sure you've already been told about how boring it is and everything..." He chuckled lightly. " looks like we might live near one another so if there's anything I can do to help you settle into town, then please just ask ok?"
Alexei laughed as he spoke to everyone, simply letting the questions and comments slide off of him like water. no one would have noticed, but Alexei had somehow gotten away with giving out very little information. information that anyone would have gotten anyway. somehow, no one knew his parents names, or where he lived, or if he had a job. no one really knew anything about Alexei except unusual things like his favorite color, which was green, or his favorite food, steak. no one knew anything important about him. he yawned as he finally started to walk home, and quickly noticed a kid taking the same path as him. it struck Alexei as odd that he hadn't noticed the kid while at school, was he from a different grade? a different school altogether? it was strange, how could he not remember that kid? Alexei was sure he'd memorized everyone's name and face. he paused, startled out of his thoughts as the other was suddenly right next to him and he blinked, startled.

"oh! i am Alexei Von Asimov. it's a pleasure to meet you as well!" he admitted happily as he shook the others hand. "you go tot he same school as me right?" he asked curiously, his head cocked to the side like a curious puppy. "i can't remember seeing you in class..." he admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. "sorry if i missed you, the other kids where all crowding up.." he admitted with a grin. "but, you have me all to yourself for a while!" he admitted with an impish grin. "how about you show me around the town, and i'll treat you to a fancy dinner?" he offered with a smile. "i need to find out where the Laundromat is, as well as the grocery store." so he didn't have a Washer and Dyer. the rumors of him practically in poverty seamed to be true... but if it was true, then why did he offer to take the other out to a fancy lunch? "i'll even throw in extra for dessert!" Alexei promised, beaming at Reno. he had to admit, this kid kind of impressed him. he was the only person in the entire town who had offered to help Alexei. he waited for an agreement before pointing up at a building. "oh! this is my place! lemme just run up and grab my Debit card." he had stopped in front of the smallest, cheapest apartments available in the little town. Alexei seamed to be a strange kid.

"So, Reno. what is there to do here? for fun i mean?" Alexei asked as he came back out, stuffing his leather wallet into his back pocket. "surely they don't have all these kids here without somewhere to hang out?" Alexei didn't like to 'hang out' much, but it was good to know those sorts of places when he did feel like it, or when he needed to handle certain situations. "i'll need to find the Library too, for school work and stuff." he muttered. "man, i didn't realize how lost i really was...." he muttered sheepishly. "i can understand if you're too busy to show me these things. if you just get me pointed in the right directions, i should be able to find them on my own."
"Heh, don't worry about it" Reno chuckled as Alexei apologised for missing him at school. It was no surprise at all really, Reno was overlooked all the time by everyone. In all honesty he wouldn't be surprised if half the school population weren't even aware of his existence. "I'm used to being overlooked, I'm that guy who just sort of slips between the cracks y'know? You don't need to apologise for anything. You're not the first person to overlook me and I guarantee that you wont be the last either" He grinned slightly, simply happy that Alexei had even spoken to him. In all honesty he'd expected someone so popular with the rest of the students to simply join in with ignoring him. It seemed he was fortunate that they were the only two students who lived in this general direction. "Show you around? Well sure, I'd be happy to. Though I have to warn you, there isn't much to see I'm afraid...this town is pretty much the exact definition of middle of nowhere" He sighed slightly and shook his head before looking back to Alexei when he mentioned dinner. "Hm? Ah, you don't need to do that, really. You don't owe me anything for a little tour, just think of it as a welcome gift or something" He grinned slightly, not mentioning that simply talking to someone socially like this was more than reward enough in itself. He was a bit confused about how Alexei would treat him to a fancy dinner if the boy didn't seem to be able to even afford items like a washer and dryer, or a better apartment to live in. Though that would just make Reno feel even more guilty if he did accept the offer.

"Ah, so this is where you live? I live just down the street from here" Alexei's place really was close by, Reno's parents' house only a 2 minute walk further down the same street. He waited on the sidewalk for the boy to return, then turned to head back roughly the way they had come back into town. "Oh come on, you're hardly lost now are you? You only just moved here after all, it's only natural you wouldn't know your way around yet. Trust me, in less than week you'll know this place like the back of your hand" He grinned and nodded, then started to think. "For fun? Well not much I'm afraid....we used to have an arcade but that closed down a year or two ago....pretty much been left abandoned ever since. I hear rumours that some people break into the building every now and again to see if they can get some of the abandoned machines working, but the building is pretty old and dangerous so I wouldn't recommend it. Other than that though...I'm not really sure on the big 'hang outs'. I guess some of the stores and the library, but as for where the 'cool' kids hang clue I'm afraid" He shook his head slowly. "Ok, so for the tour...let's start with the shopping area, that's where the Laundromat is too. After that we can head for the library, then the train station. After that....well that's pretty much it really. Like I said, there's not a lot in town at all...."

Reno turned off down a different street to one they had walked down before, not taking long to come to a small shopping area. "Pretty much every store in town is around here. Makes things easier I suppose to keep them all in one place" As well as the promised Laundromat there were various other stores as well. A few food stores selling a mixture of fresh and pre-packaged goods, a few clothing stores catering to various ages and styles, a video game store with a few kids from school hanging out inside, a liquor store with a few kids from school being thrown out for trying to use fake IDs to buy alcohol, a comic store with a few kids from school emerging with armfulls of comics and a few other stores to fill in the gaps that the others didn't cater to. "There's pretty much all you need to keep you going, but for anything really fancy you gotta get the train about an hour to another town with more stores". There were also a few restaurants on the edge of the shopping area, including a rather fancy looking expensive place, every single table looking like a cosy, private, romantic booth that was very difficult to see into from the outside.

Once they were done looking around the small shopping area, Reno turned to head for the library, a rather small building not too far from the school. "The selection isn't great...most of the books here are text books for the school since it doesn't have its own library. Good for studying and homework, not so good if you want to read something for fun"
Alexei grinned a little. "well that's kind of sad isn't it? everyone deserves to be noticed. i'll make sure to notice you every day! ok?" he asked with a smile. "i won't overlook you again Reno." he promised happily. "well, it is a little town, i don't expect there to be too much." he admitted with a small chuckle. "that's why i picked this place, not so many people, not so much noise or pollution or traffic." he admitted with a nod before blinking at him, his head cocked to the side a little. "oh, well thanks!" he chirped happily. "i don't think i've ever had a better welcome to the neighborhood gift!" he admitted with a bright grin. "most people buy me food and crap, which is nice and all, but that leaves me pretty lost." he paused and considered something. "do all girls kiss you on the cheek as a greeting?" he asked, his head cocked to the side. "they told me it was tradition, but i'm not sure i beleive them." Alexei seamed pretty clueless, clearly he didn't realize that every single girl in the school was major crushing on him. "i hope it doesn't take me two weeks! i'll have run out of clothes by then!" he admitted, wide eyed and horrified, but with a grin on his lips that showed he was joking.

"An Arcade?" he asked curiously. "that stinks, someone should buy it and fix it up. it's important for kids our age to have places to hang out, otherwise we get into all sorts of trouble." he admitted simply as he looked around. "the 'cool' kids probobly go down to the river to smoke beer and drink pot... wait... that came out wrong." he muttered, making a face and grimacing. "well you know what i mean anyway." he stated with a shake of his head. "Did you say Train station!?" he asked, looking stunned. "i didn't know this town had a train station, that's pretty amazing! i've never ridden on a train before." he admitted with a bright grin. "i'll have to plan a trip! it'll be fun!" he mused with a small snicker before looking at all of the shops, his head tilted. "wow, this is really easy to find. everything is all in the same place. and it's only a ten minute walk from my place." he muttered, looking pleased before snickering at the kids getting thrown out of the Liqueur store. "why anyone would want to drink is beyond me. it's not much fun, and it tastes terrible." Alexei admitted, shaking his head. "my dad always used to let me try the stuff he brought home. whiskey and Vodka and stuff... it's god awful stuff." he admitted. "do you drink?" he asked Reno, his head tilted to the side.

"wow, that's a pretty fancy restaurant." he muttered, his head tilted as he peered in through a window. "good place to take your lover though i suppose." he mused before shaking his head. "i'd much prefer hamburgers." he admitted with a grin. "eh, if i need books to read for fun, i'll order them from the internet." he admitted simply. "i have a pretty good collection anyway." he admitted with a grin as he headed up into the Library, curious to see just what was inside, humming as he examined the book selections. "your right, it's all textbooks. and books that textbooks recommend. this will make classwork easy at least..." he muttered, shaking his head a little. "anyway, we should get something to eat, i'm starving!" he admitted with a shake of his head, his stomach growling in response. "there was a little one dollar hamburger stand out by the other restaurants wasn't there?" he asked, his head cocked to the side. "come on, my treat." he offered with a grin, heading out of the library without a care in the world, and not allowing Reno any chance to say no. he ordered them both a hamburger, a large fries, and a milkshake. simply because he loved milkshakes. then, much to the amazement, he sat down on the street curb and ate it. didn't even bother with the few tables... granted, the sidewalk WAS cleaner...
"I" Reno smiled, actually blushing slightly at Alexei stating he would notice him every day.....wait...why was he blushing? He glanced away quickly to try and hide it, continuing to walk alongside the boy, doing his best not to seem nervous, gradually calming himself down and getting back to normal. "Huh? All the girls....well.....They don't kiss -me- on the cheek as a greeting but....I think it's pretty normal for you really...." Reno had to admit he was just a little bit jealous...all those hot girls kissing Alexei...hell some of them would probably drop their pants if he asked them to....but ah well. Alexei seemed to care little for their affections at least, which meant that for now at least Reno wasn't in too much danger of losing his new friend to a clingy girlfriend.

"Well I doubt anybody is gonna buy the arcade to fix it went out of business because people were pretty much just hanging out there rather than spending any it's a pretty bad business move to buy the place" He looked up and raised an eyebrow. "So you know that much about the cool kids huh? Well I guess that's pretty much the same everywhere huh? Personally I've never been much into that kinda thing....I've never bothered with alcohol either. My parents wouldn't allow it anyway even if I did want to" He chuckled, looking up. "Seriously? Never been on a train? Well it's more or less the only way out of town if you don't have a car. Maybe we'll have to take a trip to the city sometime"

"Hm? That place. Oh, yeah it's pretty much where all the couples go. I've never been in there myself....never had anyone to go in there with I guess" He grinned lightly. "Hamburgers? Yeah I love those too" Reno licked his lips at the thought, heading up to the library with Alexei as they looked around, the selection rather pitiful really, barely a single full shelf dedicated to anything even resembling fiction. When they left the library and Alexei mentioned food, Reno's stomach grumbled in response, clearly the boy just as hungry as well. Quite eagerly he followed to the hamburger stand, the only one in town really, feeling rather less guilty about accepting the burger. It wasn't exactly a 'fancy dinner', but it was more than enough.
He was a tad confused when Alexei sat on the sidewalk, but after a moment just moved to join him and sit down alongside the boy. "So, now you've seen where I'm from, would you mind telling me about where you're from? What's your hometown like? What about your family or your friends back there? I bet things are so different huh?"
Alexei had to admit, Reno was adorable when he blushed! completely adorable! Alexei couldn't understand how he had missed this guy!? someone as cute as that, it was simply unacceptable to have missed someone so completely. "oh..." he made a face. "so they where flirting with me." he looked rather mortified by the idea. "ugh. Fan girls... again." he complained with a groan and a shake of his head. "i can't stand clingy girls like that. so annoying." he didn't like girls at all really, if he was being honest with himself. but he wasn't about to tell Reno that, for one the other probobly wasn't gay, for two the other probobly would freak out, and for three, he didn't know if this place was accepting of such things. better to keep quiet about it until he was more certain. "mmm. i'm sure someone will fix up the Arcade... or tear it down and make something new." he pondered the amount he had in his bank and ran through a few figures in his head. if he could make a place where all the students would enjoy hanging out, then he'd no doubt double, or even triple his current income. he'd give it a go. of course, he wasn't about to admit how much money he had, or that he owned the place that was 'soon to be opening'. he'd have far too much attention if he did that.

"i know enough." Alexei admitted with a shrug. "it's best to know a little bit about everyone." he admitted with a smile. "that way, you never get picked on. if your freinds with everyone, you can find out all sorts of interesting things too. plus, you get a lot of real freinds. not just people who want to use you because you look pretty, or have a lot of money, or something else useful." he admitted with a small grin. "it's a good thing you don't smoke, you'd look very un-cute with a cigarette in your mouth." he stated matter of factually. "and i bet you'd be pretty un-cute Drunk too." he admitted with a nod. "and i'd love to have a trip into the city! if anything, i bet they have a nice bookstore there!" he blinked at the fancy restaurant, his head tilted a little. "hum..." it was pretty gaudy inside, but maybe someday he'd have a cute boyfriend to take in there. he grinned as the other didn't even protest being given food, and happily scarfed down his three dollar meal. he loved cheap hamburger places, it made it so much easier to pretend to be poor and destitute.

"hmm. where i'm from?" he asked before grinning a little. "well, as i said in classes, i'm from Alaska. i lived in.. well technically i lived in the North Pole." he admitted with a laugh. "Fairbanks Alaska. it was cold there, but we didn't really get much snow fall. it was usually too cold for it to snow. surprising right? anyway as you probobly know, there are times when the sun never sets, or never rises. it stays day, or night no matter the time. sometimes the days are only a few hours long." he grinned. "you have to get used to sleeping when it's bright out, or you don't sleep at all." he admitted. "there wasn't a lot of things to trade, or work to do, so we had to hunt, gather, and grow most of our food, because we where rather poor." he admitted. "i'll miss hunting Elk and stuff." that wasn't exactly true, the clan just didn't like depending on humans... they mostly ate meat anyway. "but i've only lived in Alaska for about ten years." he admitted. "before that we lived in Russia, which was even colder than Alaska. the people where pretty rough there too." he admitted, making a face. "my Mother and Father where... as expected. cloying and overprotective, especially over my baby sister Fayina." he admitted with a grin. "we where a big family too. i have three sisters, and two brothers. i have four uncles, and five aunts, and over twenty cousins." he chuckled a little. "my Father is in charge of them all. and as the eldest, it will be my job to take over the 'Clan' after my father either dies, or retires." he admitted with a nod. "it's an old life. but it's a good life. and one that i am proud of." he admitted with a smile.
Fan girls again? Reno wished he had that problem sometimes....he certainly wouldn't be complaining anyway. "Heh, I wouldn't really know what clingy girls are like...they overlook me as much as anyone else..." He laughed softly, finishing off his burger and drink, then turning to Alexei in order to listen to him explain where he was from. Though the explanation certainly sounded....rustic. "The Clan? Wow, I've never heard someone use that word to describe their family before. I guess it's a thing where you're from rather than anything around here huh?" He grinned lightly. The life in Alaska certainly had sounded rather way Reno could handle that lifestyle, he was far too used to the quiet and easy life he had in town here. For as boring as the place was, at least it was quiet and easy for everyone.

"Man...sure does sound cold....I think I'd freeze even with a gigantic jacket..." He hung his head slowly, rubbing the back of his head. "Hunting? You can hunt? Wow....I'd be terrible at anything like that. No way I could hold a gun or bow or anything..." He smiled, then blinked as Alexei explained a little more about his family, his very large family. "Whoa....I'm an only child....I don't think there's a single family in town with more than two've got way more family than anyone else here I more than anyone else here...." Reno leaned back a little, looking up at the sky. "So you'll be the head of your family huh? So does that mean you'll go back to Alaska when you finish school here? Heh, maybe I can come visit sometime if you do....if you don't mind that is! I don't wanna sound like I'm just imposing or inviting myself along or anything"
Alexei chuckled a little. "you should be glad of that at least." he pointed out. "imagine not being able to do anything by yourself, not even go to the bathroom, walking into town, eat dinner in a restaurant without having some whiny slut draping herself across some part of your body, usually your arm or your lap." he stated. "it's infuriating is what it is! i don't mind them being attracted to me, as annoying as THAT is considering they don't even KNOW me... it's when they start interfering with everything i do that gets frustrating." Alexei admitted with a sigh. "i wonder if they'll still like me when they realize i don't even own a TV?" he muttered with a sly grin. "yep! the Clan. we uphold old traditions, as i said." he stated with a chuckle. "we have certain rules, and... abilities, that are only passed from father to son." he admitted. "even the 'outsiders' we Marry don't often get the skills that we practice so hard at." he admitted. "not to mention the recipes we cook with and the abilities that we are born with." he admitted with a nod offering the other a grin. "we have to protect our Family after all." he admitted before laughing a little.

"it doesn't get THAT cold you know. just during the winter. the summer months are chilly, but they do warm up to the fifties and such. green things even grow." he admitted with a nod. "oh yeah! have to hunt to survive. the more meat we can get during the hunting seasons, the better chances we have at surviving all year around. not to mention gathering wild foods like berries, roots, tubers, seafood, and other such things. that's one of the things we're trained at since we're very young, is how to provide for the Clan. we start with gathering, and we're taught how to hunt as we grow older. we go on our first hunt at the age of thirteen, and from that point on, you are no longer a child. you are a full member of the clan, and this have the responsibility of one." he grinned. "and then at seventeen, sometimes eighteen, you go out to make your mark on the world and decide what you want to do with your life. for example, if i decide my Life Path is away from the Clan, then the duty as Eldest, or Heir, will fall to my brother, the second eldest. of all of my brothers decide that they do not want to rule the Clan, then it falls to the Eldest nephew of the second eldest Nephew... it's, complicated really." he admitted before grinning at Reno.

"i think you'd hate staying with the Clan if i'm being honest." he admitted with a chuckle. "for one thing we all bathe together. for another thing even a guest is expected to work for their meals." he admitted with a small chuckle. "you would probobly end up working with the women because you don't know whats safe to eat and what isn't. so you'd be doing house chores and such. Women can become hunters and gatherers of course, but most of them prefer to do the household things, like cooking, cleaning, sewing, bossing the men about and the like." he snickered. "as much as Father denies it, Mother is just as much in charge of the Clan as he is." he admitted with a laugh. "she can beat him up with nothing more than her sharp tongue and a stick! he's so whipped!" Alexei grinned with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "it's funny to watch them fight, because mother always wins... and you always know when they got into a fight, because he's always sleeping on the couch."
"Heh, well I guess if you're used to girls acting like that it might get annoying after a while.....but it'd sure be nice to experience something like that just once...." Though for some reason, Reno found himself not imagining a sexy girl in a skimpy cheerleader outfit being draped over him....but Alexei instead. Though oddly enough, still in the skimpy cheerleader outfit.....the thought brought on another strong blush to Reno's cheeks, which he again tried to hide by looking away, hoping he wouldn't need to answer embarrassing questions about just why he was blushing in the first place.

" in this clan of yours sounds seriously rough....absolutely no way I could handle that. I think the physical work alone would kill me..." He laughed and shook his head. "So that's why you said you were here right? To decide what you wanted to do with your life? Do you have any ideas what you want to do yet? Though I'm not sure how much you'll be able to do here....I mean this town is the middle of nowhere, not exactly a lot of opportunities y'know? I'm kinda surprised you didn't choose to go somewhere like the big city where there would be way more to see and do....I probably would have if I were you. Then again...I guess it would be kind of overwhelming huh? Going from Alaska to a city filled with millions of people and buildings that stretch into the sky...."
He looked over at Alexei as he started talking about his parents, unable to help a small laugh. "Sounds a lot like my talks big but the moment mom gives him a look and he's like a little puppy at her beck and call..."
He smiled brightly at the thought. "So then, what should we do now? Go back to your place? My place? Look around town a little bit more?"
he grinned a little at the other. "well, maybe i'll dress like a Cheerleader and drape myself all over you?" he asked, smirking a little. "i think i have a Cheerleader costume somewhere from a dare." he admitted. "i was supposed to give it back to my cousin, but she was on the warpath because it had gone missing in the first place, and i wasn't about to lose MY balls for having it." he admitted with a shake of his head. "it's rough, but then, we're rough people." he admitted with a small grin. "we grow up learning to be tough." he admitted with a nod. "we grow up learning to be strong, so it's a hard life, but one that we're well suited for." he admitted with a smile as he nodded. "yes, i'm here to decide, but honestly, i have no idea. i have years to decide unless my dad kicks the bucket early... but he's an ox so i have my doubts." he admitted with a small smile. "and i chose this town because it's small. it's not so big that i'll get lost... or mugged..." he muttered making a face. "granted i doubt anyone could beat me up, being that i'm trained in the style of my family... er, a kind of hand to hand... but i doubt i could stand up against a gun." he admitted.

"the cities... i had to pass through one on my way here and i..." he flushed bright red. "i had a massive panic attack and had to be taken to the hospital... i almost missed my last flight." he admitted sheepishly. "there was just... so much of everything! it stank, it was loud, there where people everywhere and there where weird lights and signs." he shuddered. "i'm just not ready for something like that." he admitted with a shake of his head before laughing at Reno's comment on his parents and he nodded. "hmm. let's head back to my place! i'll show you pictures from home!" he offered, hopping to his feet with a grin and a stretch. he had been noticed by now, most of the students where trying to watch him without being noticed. most of them couldn't figure out who the kid he was with was. Reno was about to get some attention, good or bad... that remained to be seen, but he'd been noticed, and it was doubtful he'd go unnoticed at school now. Alexei led the way back to his home, well aware that women where following him, hoping to find out his address. when he stepped into the crummy apartments, most of them looked horrified.

as expected, the inside of Alexei's home was rather ugly. it had blue walls, and a hideous brown rug. there was a refrigerator, old and running down, and a stove in the same shape. a microwave, broken, was sitting on the counter and there was a cracked coffee pot sitting on an old coffee maker. there was really no furniture, just a scuffed up coffee table in front of a couch that was rather lumpy. there was a lot of free space though, like if Alexei wanted to toss a party. there where no rooms though, so the bedroom was in the corner, a old scruffy bed and an older, scruffier dresser. the only room in the entire apartment was the bathroom, and it was so tiny that it only had a toilette and a standing shower. but there was something in there one didn't expect to see. four bookshelves, stuffed to the brim. old schoolbooks, language books, and other such informative things took up a single shelf. the rest was stuffed full of supernatural crime novels, vampire novels, werewolf books, gay romance, normal romance, fantasy, a few biographies, and a ton of crime novels filled each Bookshelf. Alexei clearly hadn't been kidding when he said he ordered books off the internet. speaking of which, there was a single, lone computer sitting on the coffee table that looked new, shiny... and oh, so out of place. "well, this is it!" Alexei admitted with an impish grin. "it's crap i know, but it's comfortable and no one ever breaks into these places because everyone knows there's never anything worth stealing in here."
"Uhhh...." Reno wasn't quite sure how to react....other than blushing madly of course, mind suddenly flooded with thoughts of Alexei in a skimpy cheerleader outfit, skirt so short that lacy silk panties were visible no no. He shook his head just slightly to try and clear such thoughts from his mind.....what was going on? He'd never thought about another guy like this before....what the hell was it about Alexei that was making him react this way? Maybe it was just the fact that for the first time someone was really talking to him....was he already becoming that desperate and attached? Quite possibly it seemed. God he needed to cam down...Reno could feel himself actually starting to get turned on from his thoughts, a stirring in the lower parts of his body that he was desperately trying to suppress and ignore.

"Really? The cities were that bad for you? Then again I guess if you've come from rural Russia and Alaska it would be one hell of a a whole different world...heh" He grinned slightly, incredibly thankful for the change of subject, helping him in starting to calm down a little. "Ah, sure. Your place sounds good" Reno had to admit, he was curious to see where and how Alexei lived. The apartment building had looked a bit old and run down...was it the same inside? He didn't know anyone else who lived there so it was difficult to predict. Reno just stood and turned to walk alongside Alexei, though he too could feel the eyes on them. It was certainly an unusual know you were being watched. Normally Reno was used to stares just going right past or through him....but people were watching him, noticing him....probably wondering why they had the distinct feeling they recognised him but couldn't tell where from.

When they got into the room, Reno was....surprised. He hadn't expected much but this.....this was was more like Alexei was squatting than actually living here. It was run down...kind of difficult to believe anybody could live here. Then again from the sounds of things Alexei was used to living in much rougher conditions than this. The only thing that didn't seem old or breaking down was the computer, which stood very conspicuously out of place with the rest of the place. Well, at least it was relatively easy to see where Alexei's priorities were when it came to spending. In all honesty, Reno would probably be exactly the same.
"Whoa....that's a lot of books..." He walked over to the bookshelves and blinked, looking over some of the titles. It was quite obvious what most of them were....mostly revolving around the supernatural.....though the romance books were something of a surprise, especially the ones with a small picture of two men on the spine. With the sight bringing back earlier memories of cheerleaders to Reno's head he quickly moved on to look at the rest of the apartment instead, then back to Alexei. "You sure moved in your stuff pretty quick at least" He grinned lightly. "Some time you'll have to come to my house too, only fair right?" He smiled lightly, then shook his head. "I wouldn't say it's crap. Home is what you make of it right? And you've hardly had a chance to do anything with the place if you only just got here. Though as for break ins...well.....don't be too surprised if some of the crazier girls at school get all stalkery and decide it'd be easy to break in here to steal your underwear or something"
Alexei was amused to say the least, he could smell Reno's shock and arousal. clearly someone didn't know they where Gay! well he could help with that easily enough. it would take some time, and a gentle hand, but he could do it he was sure. "yeah the cities where really bad." he admitted with a shudder. "back home we where lucky to have a truck, you know? we usually walked to where we needed to go and the few vehicles we had where only for the farming and herding and occasionally taking the day, to three day drive to a local village for other supplies." he admitted. "and while noisy, my family is polite and don't curse all that much. the first person i met in the City told me too..." here he flushed a bit "fuck off you mother fucking Queer." he paused. "what's a Queer?" he asked, looking a bit baffled before waving off the question. "whatever it was clearly a nasty insult. and all i did was ask him where the terminal was!" he complained with a scowl. "even here things are..." he bit his lip. "it is difficult to adjust to." he admitted with a sigh. he grinned at the others agreement to go to his place and he hopped to his feet and led the way.

"yeah, i love to read." Alexei admitted with a grin as he watched the other examining the shelves. "you can borrow some if you like? i know that the Library doesn't have anything good." he admitted, scowling as he remembered the utterly skimpy selection. "that was the one thing we had back home, internet. i'd die without it!" he admitted with an impish grin. "go online and you can find anything! even people to come and unpack the moving van for you!" he admitted with a grin. "and then pay em an extra fifty and they'll set everything up too! after that it was pretty damn easy to move everything in. i don't have much aside from books, as you can see." he admitted with a small laugh. "that's true." he mused at the 'home is where the heart is' comment. "in any case, it doesn't matter anyway. so long as i have a place to heat up my meals, i'm set." he admitted with a grin and a nod before he paused and blinked. "...but i don't wear underwear..." he complained, looking rather baffled, and well aware that he was going to start smelling arousal from the other man again. it was too fun, even if it was true.
"Queer...? just means....well it's a really terrible word someone uses when they think someone is gay and they want to insult them" Reno shook his head. "It's pretty much only used by complete idiots.....or people completely in denial about being gay themselves so trying desperately to divert attention away from them onto someone else. Sorry one of your first impressions of being outside what you were used to was something so terrible....ugh...people like that just really annoy me...." He shook his head slowly. "Well, I'll be glad to help you adjust however I can. Though as I said, not being one of the cool kids and might not be exactly easy for me to help out too much, heh" He grinned slightly, then looked back to the bookshelves.

"Ah, no that's alright. I'm not so into crime stuff, more of a Sci-Fi fan myself. Y'know aliens and space monsters and all that kinda stuff. I figure if I'm gonna read fiction, I want it to be a total escape from reality. If I wanted crime stuff I'd probably just need to watch the news of something...." He laughed softly to himself, though it was cut off rather quickly at Alexei mentioning he didn't wear underwear, Reno feeling a familiar blush burning on his cheeks again, followed quickly by the familiar feelings of earlier between his legs....right now the boy rather glad he was facing away from Alexei as his imagination was running even wilder than before. "W-well um....they'd probably just find something else to a shirt or your pants or something....ehehe....these stalkers can be super determined after all"
he blinked a little. "oh... well he wasn't wrong at least." he stated with a roll of his eyes. Alexei knew he was probobly being too open, but he wasn't about to go around hiding parts of himself just because a few people might find it upsetting. granted he couldn't go around telling people his Clan Secretes, but he wasn't about to hide being Gay. "in any case, i've dealt with unpleasant people before, it's not much of a shock." he admitted. "it was more startling that a complete stranger would do it." he admitted simply before he beamed at Reno. "oh you're helping a ton!" he admitted. "it's a relief just to be able to talk to someone without a dozen or more clinging on me." he admitted with a shudder. "i have a few Scifi books in there somewhere." he admitted, scanning the shelves. "ah, here we go." he pointed at the very bottom of the very last shelf. there was only a handful, barely a dozen, but they where there, and they where clearly the newest. "i just got those the most recently." he admitted. "they where recommended by a cousin." he grinned at that, well aware that Reno knew he had dozens of cousins. "they're pretty good. i prefer supernatural and fantasy but Sci-Fi is pretty good." he agreed.

"i wouldn't know. i've never had stalkers before." he admitted. "the 'fan girls' from before only wanted my attention because i am the Eldest Heir. if they marry me, then they get to help Rule the Clan. they're mostly just power hungry bitches." he admitted with a snort. "they wouldn't have dared follow me about the way the people here do. and they certainly wouldn't dare steal something of mine... still, perhaps i should invest in a lock..." he muttered, frowning at his door, his head tilted a little. "oh well. they can have my clothes, i can buy new ones i guess." of course, if one would look in his dressers... that would be debatable. no underwear, only three pairs of jeans, two shorts, and five shirts. there really wasn't much to steal.
Wasn't wrong? Alexei really was gay? Well....there were certainly going to be some very disappointed girls when that little bit of information became public knowledge, which probably wouldn't take long at all given that Alexei seemed so open. "Heh...well....don't be surprised if you get girls coming along who think they can get you to go straight. Believe me, I wouldn't be at all surprised if some of them thought they could do it" Of course, that additional bit of information wasn't doing any favours for Reno's out of control imagination...if anything it was just adding fuel to the fire as some part of his mind just seemed to convince the rest that the fantasies playing out in his head were somehow more likely to happen, though the more rational part of his mind was simply reassuring him that Alexei would in no way have that kind of interest in someone like Reno. Besides, Reno still wasn't sure these feelings were anything real or just....youthful horniness gotten out of control. Quite possibly the latter....most guys had a few fantasies like this now and again after all right?

"Oh yeah? So these girls wanted to be like your mother huh?" Reno grinned and chuckled, though was still avoiding turning his body back towards Alexei, otherwise there might have been some visible noticeable signs of arousal that Reno just couldn't adjust his pants to hide. Damn....he hadn't been this embarrassed and desperate for a hiding place since he'd seen the cheerleaders practicing and there had been a sudden strong gust of wind while they were standing in a pyramid.... "Wait, you don't have a look? Geez, seriously you need to get one. Even in a place like this, if people don't think you probably have anything worth taking, there are still some who'd just come in to take whatever they could find. Not just stalkers, but straight up thieves too"
Alexei seamed to find that hilarious because he started laughing and mimicking 'lovestruck girls'. it was pretty funny to see him prancing about declaring love for an invisible man. "honestly, are ALL women so insane!?" Alexei complained, rather relieved that Reno wasn't freaking out. "of course no woman is ever going to be able to turn me straight! their so... squishy!" he complained with a shudder. "you can't hold them too tight, or grip them hard, and you certainly can't play sports with them." he complained, rolling his eyes. "and their makeup makes me ITCH!" he grumbled. "see!? i have a rash!" he complained, yanking up his sleeve. it was remnants of blush and lipstick where a girl had gotten him. "it won't come off..." he growled, glaring at the offending makeup. "yeah they want to be just like my mo..." he paused and then looked absolutely mortified. "oh god... bad thoughts! BAD THOUGHTS!!!!" he wailed, clutching his head and collapsing onto the couch with a groan. "WHY would you SAY something like that!?" he whined, shaking his head a little. "hey Reno, are you alright?" he asked suddenly. "you haven't looked at me ever since... oh."

he paused for a long moment and then. "i'm not going to molest you you know. your cute and all but... i just. i don't do rape, you know? if i'm going to have a partner they have to be completely willing." he admitted simply as he stretched out on the couch. "besides your straight right? i kind of prefer my partners to... you know... enjoy men." he admitted with a grin before scowling. "i have a lock.... er, well i had one... the key broke... so i had to break my door open." he explained. "i'll get a new one! it's not like there's anything here worth stealing aside from my computer." he pointed out. "and it has one of those fancy GPS tracker things so the police can hunt it down if it is stolen." he admitted simply. "...although.... if Stalkers come in, they might try to... touch me." here he shuddered violently. "which wouldn't be TOO bad if they where a guy but... i doubt i have any guy stalkers." he grumbled. "which really kind of sucks... do you think if i handed out fliers telling people that i'm gay, i'll be treated like a leper and be left alone?"
"Well...most of the women I know are that insane yeah....I guess there's just a shortage of exotic handsome transfer students around here for them to go nuts over huh?" Reno chuckled slightly. "Really? I kinda like the squishy parts....well, I figure I would if I ever got to actually see or feel some real ones anyway..." He hung his head and sighed, staring at the floor for a few moments, only looking up when Alexei started to freak out slightly, unable to help laughing softly at the sight of the boy seemingly imagining his mother in place of a seemed Reno wasn't the only one who had trouble keeping control of his imagination. When Alexei suddenly got serious again though, then started talking about how he wouldn't rape Reno...well...he quickly looked away again. Had he made Alexei think that's what he was worried about? Now he felt kind of guilty....though still....the mention just put more ideas into Reno's runaway imagination, which meant he still wouldn't be able to turn around and face Alexei without a rather obvious sign of something being 'up' so to speak.

"Ah! N-no I wasn't worried about that at all!" Reno turned his head, though did his best to keep the front of his body out of sight. Damn these give or folds in the groin area where he could hide. "I...w-well I....straight? I guess I figured I was but....well....don't knock it until you've tried it right?" He grinned and laughed nervously. For some reason the idea of not being straight, or at least not entirely straight, was suddenly not all that bad in Reno's mind....his imagination certainly seemed to be enjoying delving into a previously unexplored area of fantasy anyway. "Ah...heh...yeah no guy stalkers gay guys that I know of, not openly so anyway. Though I guess that means I don't really know if it means people will treat you differently...there's no real point of reference to compare you to"
Alexei snickered a little and shook his head a bit. "you have a good point. i suppose they have to hang over something, and since i'm new and exciting they decided it has to be me." he grumbled with a wrinkle of his nose before he blinked at the other. "never had a girlfriend either huh?" he asked with a small smirk, playing with words. of course Alexei would never have had a girlfriend! he was gay! he frowned at Reno and then sighed a little, amused at how the other was hiding his lower body, if he hadn't been completely aware of it before, he certainly was now. "Reno?... am i giving you... urges?" he asked, sounding amused. "shit man i'm so sorry! i didn't mean to tease you like that!" he assured the other, flushing brightly. "i mean, i didn't know you where... you know... curious." he rubbed the back of his head. "it's just... i just have a bit of a flirty personality that's all i didn't mean to make you all... you know..." he muttered, though it was a bit of a lie, he honestly hadn't meant to utterly mortify Reno like that. "er... yeah i guess you're right. well i'm certainly not going to hide it. they can try and beat me up all they want if they're upset about it, but i don't give a damn what they think anyway." he admitted with a shake of his head.

"you know... if you need to. i do have a bathroom..." he offered, wondering if maybe he'd pushed just a little too hard and Reno was going to avoid him from now on. "er... should i... walk you home?" he asked sheepishly, not really sure how to act now that he was certain Reno actually liked him in some form. whether it was just because Alexei was 'hot' or because Reno had never really interacted with anyone before, Alexei didn't know. he'd never actually had any man respond to his flirting before in all honesty. it was, strangely awkward in a way he'd never experienced before. usually he was a 'player' happy to flirt with anything and everything and yes, even have sex with anyone who was of standard and willing. somehow this was different and Reno wasn't sure why, but he hated how Reno was shying away from him like that.
Reno squeaked when Alexei asked about his...urges...quickly trying to shake his head. "I....w-well that is....I mean....." What to do....Reno couldn't exactly lie about it, the evidence was obvious after all, but yet....he couldn't tell the truth either. That would just be so....well embarrassing for a start.....mortifying quite possible as well. "O-oh' don't need to apologise really! I mean I....that is....well....curious? I....well I guess maybe I least just a little....I never really spent much time with anyone before, male or female" He rubbed his head, turning ever so slightly towards Alexei, the bulge in his pants, quite large for a boy of Reno's size and frame, becoming just a little visible.

"A bathroom...? If I need to....? Oh! OH!" Reno's blush deepened even further. It might help but.....he wouldn't feel right, doing that inside someone elses bathroom...especially whilst that person was right outside the room. Besides, Reno didn't think he could trust himself not to say Alexei's name when he was doing it....and he was certain the boy would hear. Walking him sounded like a good option yes, but even so, walking home like this would be rather difficult....and the erection most certainly wasn't going to simply fade away anytime soon. "I....I'm not sure. Um....I don't think I can walk home.....but it's not going away anytime soon either.....but....I'm not so sure about the bathroom......ehehe....I'm...really not making all that much sense am I...?"
Alexei blinked at him for a moment, a faint blush on his own cheeks. well, Reno was curious was he? well he'd certainly have to help out with that! later, after all he didn't want to chase Reno off. the boy was way to cute for that, Alexei would have to go slow. "i understand. you've just never had much of an opportunity to be physically attracted to someone right?" he asked with a small smile. "i know i'm gorgeous, you don't have to be shy." he teased, trying to lighten the mood. "i turn lesbians straight! and straight men gay! and i do it unwittingly!" he stated, feigning pride and narcissism. "because i am that amazing!" he snickered a little and shook his head, glancing down as Reno turned, and he nearly convulsed. hell his mouth was dry and everything! who would have imagined that Reno was that... big, down there? Alexei was half tempted to offer to suck the other off. he doubted that would go well. he couldn't help but develop an actual blush when the other went stuttering about not needing a bathroom and blinked at the other, his head tilted.

"oh! it's alright, it's not hard to hide." he promised, leaping to his feet and racing over to his bedroom, coming out with a black hooded sweater. "here, watch." he whipped it around Reno quick as a flash and tied the arms around Reno's lower back. "and if anyone asks, we'll just say you spilled some sort of liquid down your front, or that you accidentally tore you're pants in an awkward place." he smirked at the other. "i can't tell you how many time's i've had to walk home like this." he admitted with a shake of his head. "i had this horrid crush on my teacher." he admitted with a small chuckle. luckily, he was the last class of the day, so i'd just put my sweater on front ways before going into class. everyone thought it was a fashion statement and started doing it too." he admitted making a face. "boy was that hard to explain... anyway, i can walk you home now." he promised with a smile. he led the way down the stairs and into the street before waiting for Reno to lead the way to his home. "hey Reno... now that you probobly never ever want to see me ever again, you wanna come over tomorrow?" he asked, offering the other a small smile. "we could hang out and do our homework together or something...?" if one really thought about it, Alexei was probobly pretty lonely, having just moved into town he probobly didn't really have anyone to talk to. surrounded by people who liked him for all the wrong reasons, Reno was probobly the only person Alexei felt anything resembling friendship to.
Well Alexei was certainly self confident that was for sure, a trait that Reno himself was sorely lacking, much to his own dismay really. He wished he could be so confident in be able to talk about himself like that, brag like that....then again Reno didn't exactly have anything to brag about beyond a power of social invisibility, though that in itself kind of negated any ability to brag since there would be nobody to brag to. Still, in Alexei's didn't seem like empty bragging...either Alexei really believed what he was saying, or it was simply a fact....Reno suspected the latter. Fortunately, Reno didn't seem to notice Alexei's reaction to seeing his bulge...or if he noticed it then he didn't realise that Alexei was reacting to something at all.

"Not hard to hide?" Reno blinked, watching Alexei hurry away, then return with a sweater that was clearly too big for either of them, though was even bigger on the smaller framed Reno than it was on Alexei, going almost down to Reno's knees. "Wow....this is big..." And it did indeed make it easy to hide. If there was any sign of a bulge in the front of the sweater, then it would simply look like one of the folds of the overly large garment. "Thanks Alexei" He grinned and nodded slightly, though when he started to walk it was rather clear that he wasn't walking normally at the very least, his pants still somewhat tight and making it difficult to walk straight. As they were walking, Reno was actually starting to relax a little, though being right beside Alexei like this meant the erection was going absolutely nowhere.
"Ah, come over tomorrow...?" Reno blinked, blushing slightly, but after a moment he nodded and smiled. "I'd love to! You're my first friend of course I'd love to come over. Just um....I apologise in advance if" He glanced down at his front, trailing off.
he chuckled a little as he smiled at the other. "not hard to hide." he agreed with a small chuckle. "it is my fathers." Alexei admitted with a smile. "he's a pretty big man." he examined the shirt, making sure that it hid everything before nodding. "there, perfect." he stated happily as he realized that it really did hide every hint of a boner. "you're very welcome. like i said, i've been in this position too many times to count." he admitted with a small chuckle. "oh, well if... you don't want to you don't have to.." Alexei promised, flushing a little before beaming at Reno. "Great! i'll make Pizza Rolls or something!" he decided, clapping his hands together. "and don't worry if you get another 'freind'. i don't mind. it's kind of flattering actually." he admitted with a small chuckle as he stopped in front of Reno's house. "thanks for showing me around. bring the sweatshirt back tomorrow ok?" he asked with a small grin before he leaned down, quick as a snake, and pressed a kiss to the others cheek. "see you later Reno!" he chirped happily as he bounced away. he had work in about two hours. it was a good thing he didn't need to sleep much. he could get by on two or three hours of sleep a night, making the task of juggling work and school oh so easy.

the next morning, Alexei was there before Reno, and he was surrounded by people again. they where all trying to chatter at him at the same time, but he didn't seam to mind as he answered more questions. but again, no one got any real information, the only person who knew that Alexei came from a big family was Reno. the only person who knew where he lived was Reno. the only person Alexei had opened up to, was Reno, and as soon as said boy walked into the school, Alexei's eyes fell on him and brightened up, as if he had seen his joy and his salvation. "Alexei! come see the stage! you'd make a great actor!" several of the Drama kids yelled. "huh? what!? oi! there's no need to drag! hey! i was about to go do something! help i'm being kidnapped!" Alexei squealed dramatically, making the Drama kids laugh as they pushed and pulled Alexei away from Reno. Alexei looked back at Reno, mouthing an apology and a promise to join him in class. just as promised, Alexei was there only about a minute late, covered in dust and old flecks of paint as he collapsed into a chair next to Reno. "...Drama kids are insane... that's all there is to it... simply and completely insane..." he muttered, glancing at Reno. "how are you today? you get enough sleep last night?" he asked curiously. "there was a pretty big storm last night. turns out my apartment has leaks." he admitted, wrinkling his nose. "i had to move my bed at three in the morning and dry it out with a hairdryer!" he complained with a shake of his head. "SO annoying."
Reno had to wonder where and when Alexei had been in this kind of situation....he seemed like the kind of guy who'd walk around with a huge bulge in his pants quite happily and didn't care who saw it after all. Throughout the walk home Reno just couldn't shake the erection....walking beside Alexei like this seemed to be keeping it rock hard. But then....then came the kiss to the cheek. Reno squeaked and blushed madly...feeling his erection jerk in his pants...and there was going any possibility of it going away until he had....taken care of it in the bathroom. "I...I...I..." He couldn't find the words for a goodbye as Alexei left, just waving slightly to the boy before turning to head into the house, almost immediately retreating to his room and locking the door in order to take care of his 'personal business'.

The following day, Reno, carrying the sweatshirt folded neatly in his arms, came across Alexei being surrounded and pulled in every direction. At first he smiled at Alexei's seemingly happy reaction, but then he was being dragged away by the drama club. For a moment, Reno felt his heart drop, wondering if maybe he'd had all the time with Alexei he was going to get, but then he saw the mouthed apology...and it made Reno smile once again. The boy hadn't forgotten...he hadn't moved on already to better friends...maybe this really could work out after all.
Reno went to class as normal, looking up as Alexei came in and approached him, smiling softly. "Hey....heh...well I wouldn't really know...I'd be a terrible actor, I couldn't possibly get up infront of all those people...even if I could they'd probably either not notice me or think I was just a stage hand who blundered onto the set or something..." He sighed, hanging his head. "Hm? Oh...well...yeah I slept pretty ok, I guess I'm a heavy sleeper really, it takes a lot to wake me up once I'm out" He smiled, unable to help a soft laugh when Alexei talked about having to move his bed and dry it with a hairdryer. "Well...I'm sure you can fix the leaks right? You've got so many talents after all. I'd be completely hopeless at something like that really....I'd probably just do something to make it worse..." He sighed softly, then blinked and held up the sweatshirt. "Oh! Here...I cleaned and folded it for you. Thanks again for letting me borrow it"
he snorted a little. "one of these days, you're going to have to teach me how you do that hiding in the shadows thing." he muttered, glancing around. everyone was well focused on him but even with Reno sitting right next to him... no one else had even noticed him. it was like their eyes just slid right off of the other boy. Alexei was a bit jealous. because of what he was, humans where attracted to him, they wanted to be close to him, it wasn't just sexual either. he would always be admired by the humans simply because of the power and confidence he naturally contained. somehow... Reno seamed immune to this, Alexei could tell. Reno admired him, yes, but not because of the power... simply because he was a kind of person that Reno admired. it was so very refreshing. "oh, i bet you'd be a great actor if we could just get you're self confidence up." he admitted with a grin. "unfortunately, while i'm good at dramatics... i'm not so good at actually acting, as the Drama team found out... in any case, i don't have time to do after school clubs. i have to work after all." he admitted with a small chuckle. wondering if anyone would really notice that for Alexei to have a full time job, he'd have almost no time to sleep. he doubted it. not even the Teachers would notice, especially when he never appeared to be tired.

"i'm a pretty light sleeper." Alexei admitted with a small smile. "the slightest noise can wake me up... though that's probobly a good thing." he admitted. "considering if i was a dead weight sleeper i'd have woken soaking wet and no doubt with a cold, if not the flu." he admitted with a small snicker. "and i could, but i have to talk tot he owner of the apartments first and gettign a hold of him is a pain in the ass." he admitted with a scowl. "i'm half tempted to turn him in." he grumbled. "we have RATS in the apartments! RATS!" he complained. "i didn't see them, but i could hear them... and i found a cockroach in my cereal this morning..." he muttered, making a face. "even sleeping in the dirt is better than sleeping in that apartment. i know their cheep apartments, but they aren't THAT cheep. i still pay four hundred dollars a month! i could get a motel room for that... i just have to figure out who i'm supposed to turn the owner in to..." he muttered, biting his lip a little. "oh! thanks." he chirped, picking up the shirt and giving it a small nuzzle with a grin. "it still smells like my dad." he admitted with a small chuckle.

class started and Alexei took his notes in loopy writing that was less cursive, and more like he was used to using an ink and quill or a fountain pen. it was very pretty handwriting to say the least. during lunch, it seamed like everyone noticed that Alexei hadn't brought anything to eat, and hadn't gotten in line for lunch. the poor boy tried to sit next to Reno, but every time he escaped one group and headed for Reno, another group grabbed him and dragged him over to their table. by the end of lunch though, Alexei made it VERY clear that he was in a bad mood and wanted people to stop yanking him around when he stood up on a table and ranted that he was NOT a toy to be fought over and that if one more person grabbed him and yanked him ANYWHERE he was going to make them hurt. he didn't use those words of course, but that was the gist of that cultured little speech, and no one bothered him the rest of the day, leaving Alexei clear to sit next to Reno anytime he pleased. so by the end of the day, the poor guy's mood had drastically improved. that didn't stop him from chasing off the few girls who tried to follow him home. "why are hu... people so insane!?" Alexei demanded of Reno, feeling emotionally exaughsted as he walked home with his one freind. "i mean honestly... i have bruises! look!" he lifted the sleeves of his long sleeved T and revealed faint purpling bruises where people had grabbed him and dragged him off. "i swear! people here are INSANE!" he stated with a small sigh as he rubbed his temples. "even the people back home weren't this rude... it's like you are the only person with a single lick of sanity in your body."
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