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Le Petit Kinkster

Jun 20, 2012
I'm not going to write a whole bunch because in my experience not many people like reading all that.

I want a gay roleplay.
I want to play bottom.
I won't start a second roleplay where I top for you to 'even things out'.
I have an F-List, and it is located [here].
I'll play in email, PM, or thread.

I'm not a bad writer and I can provide post samples upon request.
I ask that you not be a bad writer, OOC or IC (but especially IC).

Here are some general ideas I'm interested in (if a role is bolded I want it):
✖ Something based on the Oglaf webcomic series.
Fantastical creature x someone who specializes in hunting fantastical creatures
✖ Fantasy in general, especially dealing with elves or characters with animalbutts (like satyrs, etc)
✖ Vampires and werewolves and all that noise.
Master x Slave (I have a ridiculous plot for this)
✖ Master x Slave
✖ Something modern with furry characters... Although I have to say I get really intense with worldbuilding and I need someone who also enjoys worldbuilding.

I also have some plots. In these plots, the characters are color-coded. I play Red, and you play Blue
When he left his house that evening for a walk in the snow, Red fully expected that he would be returning home in less than an hour, just in time for his favorite television program, Generic Cop Drama #12. Little did he know that that was the last time he would be home for quite a while.

In a particular secluded area of the park Red made the unfortunate choice of walking through that evening, Blue was waiting for someone. He was dangerously unstable, perhaps, or cold and calculating, or simply had little care for the well-being of others. Whatever the case was, when he saw Red, something went off in his brain, and he knew that this was the person he was looking for. So he made his move.

Red never saw it coming.

College student Red walks home from class on the same route every day, but today, the shooting of an upcoming film has blocked off a major chunk of his regular path. Since the clear and sunny morning, the weather has steadily grown dark and foreboding and, having made the unfortunate decision not to carry an umbrella earlier, he hurries home along a sidestreet, hoping to make it back to his apartment before the storm hits.

He doesn't make it in time. With a sudden burst of thunder, the rain starts falling in a dense sheet, and to escape it Red ducks into a small shop. What he doesn't know is that the building he's wandered into is not an oddities boutique at all. That's just the front for a notorious human trafficking operation. And the moment he unwittingly rings the bell at the counter to call the 'clerk' from the back to pay for some item or another that he's found, he's sealed his fate as their newest acquisition.

(This one is actually pretty open-ended. That can be the set-up for the plot and it can progress from there with Blue being the clerk or someone who comes to the store and picks Red up later on or something else I didn't think of... A LOT OF CHOICES.)

Red's father has money trouble. And not the kind of money trouble where the bank will nicely work out a payment plan with you, either. He owes money, a lot of money, to the mafia, and they've been 'insisting' for months that he pay up. He has not. They've decided it's time to escalate the situation, and what better way to prove how serious they are than taking something precious from the man for collateral?

So Red is promptly snatched up on his way home from school. They leave the boy in the care of the don's own son, Blue, both for safekeeping and to give him a bit of practice at being a gangster. Blue thinks it'll be easy shit, but Red thinks otherwise. He's sure as hell not going to stick around without a fight.

I'll add more plots as I think of them.
Or, alternatively, you can pitch your plots to me.
Or we can even brainstorm something neat out!
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