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Game of Thrones {MxM}

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Jan 14, 2013
HELLO, I am looking for a very specific genre of roleplay.

First of all, I love romance/sex/relationship RP, combined with action, drama, and adventure - a mixture. The romance part of this roleplay will be MxM (M//) only, please.

I want to do a roleplay set in the Seven Kingdoms of A Song of Ice and Fire (or, if you prefer the television series, A Game of Thrones.)

My preference is to play this as a semi-AU or earlier time period than the one in the book - anything really between the age of dragons to during Robert's Rebellion would be my choice, but, as with much else, I am very flexible on this.

I would also prefer non-canon characters, but will only insist on a non-canon character for myself - if you wish to play a canon character, please do so.

I love to discuss plot ahead of time, and I am accessible as far as if you need to have me play a Targaryen as opposed to a Wildling or a sellsword versus a Lannister.

I am in fact just plain accessible on this topic as I really want to do this RP.

I have only a few hard 'no' responses as far as sex goes: No animals, no children, no mess that belongs in a toilet. I don't really have any as far as violence is concerned.

I have a preference for a writer who can return 1-to-5 solid paragraphs constructed with proper grammar and correct spelling. I am not, however, going to nitpick every littlest error, and would appreciate the same courtesy. :D

If you would be interested in roleplaying with me, please PM me, thanks!
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