There's No Shepard Without Vakarian (FemShep and Javorek)

She smiled replied softly "I wasn't planning on leaving you. Why would I want to leave you?" She asked giving him another Turian styled kiss and nuzzling him lovingly.
"Because you're Commander Shepard and probably need to go blow something up or save the galaxy from another ridiculous threat." Garrus chuckled softly as he teased. "But I ahh...well I thought...maybe you'd only like humans. You know...with Kaidan...and all your male admirers are human, usually. Don't get me wrong, I'm very pleased you want to stay...I've liked you for a very long time Shepard." Garrus' mandibles clicked happily and he wrapped a strong, wiry arm around her. He held her nice and close, enjoying the shared body heat.
Shepard gave a slight smile. "Of course I like my own kind, but...I discovered that the man I care for the most. The one I think is perfect for me is no human, but a badass sharpshooting Turian named Garrus "Archangel" Vakarain." She rested her forehead against his staring into his small deep blue eyes "Besides Kadian wasn't always there for me. He abandoned me when I needed him. But you didn't, in fact you almost died for me. You're my best friend Garrus and my perfect lover." She whispered softly
"Well...I had to keep you alive, you were my ride home after all." Garrus smiled and pressed his forehead gently to Shepard's once more, his forked tongue coming out to playfully lick her lips. He brought one of his clawed hands up, tucking a couple of strands of hair back behind one of her ears so that he could see her better. For a moment he just played with the strands after putting them back...they were odd. Like silky pieces of string but they felt pleasant in his hands.

"But I will never abandon you Shepard, I've always got your back." He nuzzled against her lightly. "Are you tired? Or would you like a shower before bed...that Skyball match is probably over by now." He smiled sheepisly as he glanced over at the clock. They had been in bed for some time now.
Shepard smiled at him and replied "Yeah. I won't be surprised if it's over. A shower sounds great. This my sound weird, but if you want you can join me." She smiled then licking his beak and nuzzling his neck.
"Mmmm....that offer sounds very tempting." Garrus nuzzled the top of her head gently. "I think I'll take you up on that." The Turian slowly rolled away from her and got up. He offered Shepard a taloned hand to help her get up and then led her away to the bathroom. It was just down the hall and was a little on the small side...just like the rest of his place. But the shower looked plenty big enough for people even though he was without a bathtub.
Shepard smiled as he lead her to the bathroom. She was firmly grabbing his taloned hand, but let go of it to turn on the water. She made sure it was the perfect temperature before stepping in.

The water ran over her smooth and perfect body. Tracing her curves and shape perfectly before dropping off of her. Her nipples hardened again as the water from the shower head hit her chest. Little droplets would rest on her hardened nipples before eventually falling off

After her body was nice and wet she held out a hand to Garrus and said "Come on Garrus. Join me." She chuckled softly
Garrus found himself staring at Shepard like a lovestruck adolescent Turian. She was breathtaking. The way the water pooled and glistened along the hollows of her neck and then dripped down and rained from her breasts... If he could have blushed he would have when Shepard offered him a hand. He eagerly took hers and made his way into the shower right behind her.

A loud, almost purr-like sound rumbled in his chest as he moved to stand up behind her. Tall and strong, he easily enveloped the Commander in his long arms, pulling her back into him and keeping them both under the stream of water. "Mmm...if you start coming over more frequently we'll have to get you soaps or something...I like this."
Shepard felt safe enveloped in his long arms, a feeling she hasn't felt in a long time. Just feeling him with their bodies pushed together was comforting to her. Like his arms were castle walls protecting her. She couldn't believe how long she went without him in her life as a lover. She was almost mad at herself for not doing it sooner.

She whispered back. "I have a feeling that I'm gonna be coming over a lot." She smiled laying her head against his chest hearing his fast, but strong heartbeats.
"Good." Garrus smiled and happily nuzzled the top of her head. He let his taloned fingers start gently running over her body, trying to help Shepard get a little cleaned up. It was starting to become a little more clear to him how to run his hands over her alien skin in order to not hurt her. Only the tips seemed to leave little bright red scratches...perhaps he'd have to file them down for her. It was a very odd thing for a Turian to have blunt talons, but he'd gladly do it if that meant he didn't have to constantly worry about hurting the Commander.

"Shall we go to bed now?" the Turian leaned down to give her a playful little nip to the neck. "Or would you like to go for a second round...?"
Shepard smiled as his talons scratched her body lightly. She didn't mind his talons giving her light scratches, but if it made him happy to do something about it then she would be okay with it.

She giggled feeling him nip at her neck and replied "I could go for another round." She whispered back smiling
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