There's No Shepard Without Vakarian (FemShep and Javorek)


Jul 1, 2013
The Normandy SR-2
The war was finally over. Three years of fighting, suffering, all over. Commander Shepard barely made it out alive along with her friends. They lost and gained many friends through their journey on the Normandy, but for Shepard, Garrus was her best friend. He was there when Kadian broke her heart. There when she truly needed someone. To fight Saren, the collectors, Cerbrus, and finally the Reapers. She couldn't ask for a better friend.

Even now while living in the apartments of the rebuilding Citadel she sees him everyday. He again always there and of course her best friend.
Garrus was more or less trapped on the Citadel as the Mass Relays were rebuilt and repaired. Which was fine with him, he had a big promotion waiting for him back on Palaven and he was glad to drag his feet when it came to going home. Promotions meant paperwork; and Garrus certainly didn't want to spend his fighting years behind some desk playing with politicians.

But the Citadel wasn't that bad of a place to be, Shepard was here: so the company was nice...the view was even better. Even though she was soft, squishy, and so...alien, Garrus felt himself drawn to her. It was hard for him to deny that he had feelings for the human any longer. She had almost died when activating the Crucible...and he had been too worried about ruining their friendship to tell her that he loved her...

He wasn't going to make the same mistake again. He had lost her to Kaidan, lost her to the Collectors, had almost lost her to the Reapers. And now she was famous with suitors following her around all over the place! He needed to do something, and fast.

So he had invited her over for dinner and to watch the Skyball game. Hopefully a little alcohol would make him brave enough to make a move on her this time.
It's been a long time since Shepard got to sit down and relax since her new promotion as Fleet Admiral took a lot of her time, but she always made time for Garrus. It seemed like almost all her guy friends, except for Cortez and Joker, as well as her girl friends and complete strangers were trying to get her to be with them, but she wasn't really in a lot of them. James and Kadian try the hardest, but she couldn't really decide right now.

Shepard happily went over to see Garrus. She wore her usual Alliance Navy casual uniform and knocked on his door.
Garrus was just plating their food. Dextro foods for him and Levo foods for Shepard. He didn't mind cooking...he actually kind of liked it. It kept him busy. He heard a knock on the door and quickly finished what he was doing before answering.

"Shepard! Right on time. We can have dinner before the game starts." Garrus' mandibles clicked happily and he managed a smile...a more human habit that he had picked up from serving with them over the years. He was dressed casually in Turian clothing and even removed the blue, glowing visor he always wore. Even so, he was still a rather tall, muscular specimen of Turian. "I made some...chicken...thing for you. I may have overcooked it, I heard humans could get sick from undercooked meats."
Shepard smiled "You've been doing research huh? It's true sometimes fatal too. It's fine if it's over cooked." She walked in happily and noticed his visor was missing. "Wow you look different without your visor. It looks good." She complimented.

She saw how he prepared for her arrival and smiled a bit. He put a lot of hard work into it which didn't surprise her, Garrus was a bit of an over achiever, but she liked that about him
Garrus preened a bit at the compliment. Good! She thought he looked good...not handsome but, it was a start. He stepped a bit to the side so that Shepard could come in, then shut the door behind her. His apartment wasn't much. Small, economical, probably only a tiny bit bigger as Shepard's cabin had been on the Normandy. But considering much of the Citadel was damaged and uninhabitable, it was quite nice.

He strode over to the small kitchen and brought their plates of food down to the little breakfast nook that he ate his meals at, motioning for Shepard to come join him. He even went so far as to pull her chair out for her before he sat down himself. "It's the Asari versus the Turians tonight." He smiled, obviously a bit excited. Even though reconstruction was underway, watching a Skyball tournament was a good way to pretend everything was normal, at least for a little while.
Shepard sat down in the seat he pulled out for her thinking how polite it was. Kinda strange for him, but sweet nonetheless. "Thank you. Who do you think will win? My money's on Turians. Asari's are powerful, but Turains have the advantage of strength and endurance in a non biotic game." She smiled sweetly at him. She wanted to relax and take her mind of things living in the illusion that everything was fine.

"This looks amazing by the way. Looks like you put a lot of work in it. I hope it wasn't too much trouble to make food for the both of us." She gave a happy, but concerned smile
"Yes I'm rooting for the Turians too of course. The Asari have an excellent offense this year though. It's sure to be an interesting game." Garrus knew that if the Asari could keep from getting run down and hit during the match, they may even just sneak a victory against the Turians. Garrus already had a glass of water and glasses of wine on the table. He poured some from a red bottle for Shepard, and then some from a blue bottle for himself.

"It was no trouble...a little confusing. Most Turian food is cooked more on the raw side." He had made Shepard something that looked like chicken and pasta. Garrus' own plate was heaped with parts of an animal that looked as though it may have come from the sea at some point. It closely resembled human calamari but wasn't fried. To him it was delicious, to a human the smell of it wasn't bad...but it definitely didn't -look- like something one would want to eat.

"Oh and the red bottle is for yourself, I can't drink it." He offered a smile, hoping it wasn't too evident that he was trying so hard. But he had definitely had to put in a lot of research into preparing a meal that wouldn't accidentally make the Commander sick. He had done so much searching over the extranet that he was absolutely famished, eagerly digging into his plate of food.
"Thanks Garrus. This is really great." She said happily taking a drink of wine then eating her meal he prepared her and was surprised. "Wow Garrus this is really good. I didn't know you cooked so well." She complimented.

She saw how he was so hungry. Must of did a lot of work to make this right it was sweet, but she never seen anyone put this much work in their evenings with her. It put a smile on her face to see someone so hardworking and kind
Garrus wolfed down the first half of his meal before he slowed down enough to sip at his wine. He was nervous. This wasn't the first time him and Shepard had spent time together off duty. But that had always been in a more platonic sense. Now that he wanted to make a move on her, he didn't know where to start. If she were another Turian he'd compliment her on her fringe or her waist. But did humans say such things to one another? Spirits...he was in over his head.

He knew Shepard had many human suitors...even a lot of Asari suitors. As a Turian he was just so...different. So alien in comparison to the Asari. His fears started to melt away as he drank a bit more, so much so that he soon found his glass empty and had to refill it. "How was another day in the life of Comman-" Garrus paused for a moment, correcting himself "Fleet Admiral Shepard? I may just always call you Commander...just so your ego doesn't get any bigger." Garrus grinned, finally relaxed enough that he could fall back into their routine of playful banter.
She chuckled a bit "Call me Commander if you want, but I don't think it's my ego in danger. How about it sharpshooting Reaper Advicer Archangel?" She joked. "By the way did you ever get your gun bronzed after I let you win that shooting contest?" She asked playfully happy to see their playful banter returned

She took another drink looking more relaxed. Garrus seemed more relaxed then before which made her happy, but wondered what made him so tense? "But nothing new really. Just construction here and there some suitors. I haven't said anything to them yet don't worry." She tease
", not yet I'm afraid. I figure I'll keep the old girl around until she falls apart, then I'll get her bronzed to retire her." Garrus smiled. He did love his sniper rifle so, even more now that he had bested the Commander with it. "And I won that contest 'fair and square' as you Humans say! You Biotics have no appreciation for the finer things...such as sniping your opponent from 2.5 kilometers away. Always just running around, blasting everything at close range." He smirked, taking another sip of his wine and starting back on his food.

For a moment her words scared him. Was he so obvious that Shepard knew that he was attracted to her? That he hated the admirerers that all but threw themselves at her? couldn't be. She was just teasing him, of course. "No one able to tame the Savior of the Galaxy yet?" Garrus teased her back, but was quite relieved that she wasn't going out of her way to find someone new after Kaidan.

Before they could pursue the topic any further, Garrus noticed that it was 20:00. The game was starting! "One moment." He got up and hurried into the living room, just so he could turn on the TV and put on the game so that they could hear it from the kitchen. "Are you finished eating Shepard? If you're not that's fine...but we could move into the living room. Little more comfortable..." He smiled, more comfortable and the couch would allow him to be much closer to him. Usually he cursed this small apartment...but now the little room would lend itself nicely for Garrus to try to get a little more physical with the Commander.
She smiled "Yeah I'm finished. Besides I wouldn't miss this for the world." She joined him and the couch that made them closer, but it didn't seem to bother her. She's use to being close to others, but didn't suspect anything out of the ordinary. She laid back relaxed and crossed her legs to get comfortable trying not to hit Garrus. A smile was on her face it's been awhile since she's had fun with him.
Garrus carried their bottles and glasses of wine over, setting them down on the small coffee table and relaxing on the couch with Shepard. Now that he was two glasses of wine in the hole, the Turian was feeling pleasantly buzzed, though wasn't drunk by any means. It was just enough that he sat close to Shepard, a lot closer than he usually did. He could feel the human's body heat radiating off of was nice.

He tried to focus on the game rather than the feel of her body heat or the scent of her hair, but his thoughts kept drifting away. Humans were so strange...covered in hair all over and disguising their natural scent with deoderants and perfumed shampoos. But he liked it, it was so different from Turian women. -Everything- about the Commander was so different...Garrus didn't really consider himself a xenophile. But he definitely did enjoy his human friend's company, and Shepard was beautiful in her own alien way.

"Your ah...fringe...looks very nice tonight." Garrus' mandibles clicked just the slightest bit in his nervousness, not sure if Shepard would catch the compliment or not. Some things just got lost, even with the newest model of translator.
She looked at him and gave a smile realizing he was talking about her hair. "Oh thank you Garrus." She stared in his eyes. She didn't know why, but she just loved his eyes and don't even get her started on his scars. She did like men with scars and he had enough.

Turians were interesting and so different to humans, but she liked them. Their rough exterior and attitudes were just so amazing to her.
She tried to focus on the game, but she couldn't help, but look at him a couple more times then said. "I take back what I said about you looking good without your visor. Now that I have a closer look youook handsome actually."
Garrus smiled, his bright blue eyes gazing deeply into Shepard's. Spirits, she was beautiful. He never knew why he didn't tell her before. They both turned back to the game...but it was hard to keep track. Even though Garrus loved a good Skyball match, it was hard to pay attention with Commander Shepard sitting next to you on your couch.

"You think so? Maybe I'll take it off more often." He perked up a bit at the compliment. But still...there was this nagging in the back of his mind that he should do something while the mood was still right. "Shepard...I..." He turned to look at her, suddenly at a loss for words. A thousand things ran through his mind. Mostly they were things to say, some of them clever, some of them teasing. "I am having a very hard time concentrating on the match."

And with a gulp and deep breath to help steady his nerves. Garrus leaned forward, pressing his forehead gently to Shepard's in a Turian sort of kiss. A low, almost purring sound rumbled in his chest and he affectionately licked her lips with his forked tongue. He wasn't quite sure how human kissing worked...but since he lacked lips he assumed that any sort of contact he made with his mouth would be close enough to something she could understand.
She smiled at his comment and said "What do you mean?" Then that's when he kissed her or at least what she thought was a kiss. She did enjoy how he licked her lips though. She blushed brightly seeing how her best friend kissed her.

Soon she pressed her lips against his mouth wrestling her tongue with his forked tongue. Sje closed her eyes kissing him passionately with a blushing face
The rumble in Garrus' chest grew louder, his mandibles trying to click together with how happy he was, but instead they lightly tapped the side of her cheeks before he willed them to be still. The way humans kissed was odd to him...but eventually he figured out a tilt of his head that made it quite pleasant. The Turian appreciated the softness of Shepard; she wasn't hard or rough in the same ways he was. As their tongues playfully dueled, Garrus craved more of her. Part of him was afraid this whole thing would fall apart if he dared pull away.

He wrapped his strong arms around her, running taloned hands surprisingly gently up and down the small of her back. Even this added touch wasn't enough. So he pulled her, lightly tugging her until she sat comfortably in his lap and they were more equal in height as they kissed.
She didn't dare pull away from him. She was enjoying him too much especially when she felt his strong arms around her. When she moved on his lap she was more comfortable and wrapped her arms around his neck. She enjoyed the feel of his rough skin against her soft skin. Slowly she grew more desired toward him
Finally Garrus needed to pull away. He was either going to die from asphyxiation or lose control and fall prey to his primal urges to fuck and claim her as his own. With a little shiver down his spine, he looked up at her. His bright blue eyes searching, uncertain. "Shepard...I..." Garrus was about to apologize, but then he realized that Shepard he returned the kiss willingly, like she had wanted it to. "You...didn't kick my ass..." He smiled, a big toothy grin. He had kissed the Commander and was still alive to tell the tale! Sure, they were friends. And Shepard never beat him up unless they were sparring. But he had thought that this was crossing some sort of horrible boundary they had established long ago. He had expected a slap to the face or some harsh words...but he wasn't receiving any.

Unwilling to let her go, he tried to tempt her to stay in his lap with his gentle touch. His taloned hands found their way to the hem of her uniform. He untucked the shirt from her belt, sliding his fingers so, so carefully up the smooth flesh of her back that was now easily bared.
Shepard couldn't help, but smile at what he said "Well. I would've but...I liked it...a lot." She smiled feeling his talon working up her back feeling his claws against her skin. "Besides I wouldn't have gotten on your lap either." She smiled at him
"I'm glad." Garrus nuzzled at her neck lightly. Unlike a human male, his throbbing arousal was hidden underneath his plates...which he was immensely thankful for. At least Shepard wouldn't be able to see or feel what she was doing to him even though she was sitting right in his lap.

His hands began to drift their way around to her front, feeling along the muscles of her abdomen. It was strange...Shepard had muscle but it was hidden under all this squishy flesh. He liked it a lot, it felt nice under his fingers...but he was very careful with his talons, not wanting to hurt her by accident. "Am I...moving too fast? I know very little about human mating rituals."
Shepard smiled and replied "You're not too fast for me. Keep goinh." She nuzzled his neck adoring the feel of his talons running across her skin. "Mmmmm." She hummed in pleasure with her eyes closed to fully feel him
Garrus groaned happily at the feeling of Shepard's face buried into his neck. The flesh at his neck was much more sensitive and delicate than the majority of his body. It was soft and supple, like a fine piece of leather. His heart rate spiked and he knew he was falling prey to his Turian urges that demanded that he claim this female for himself.

"I want you Shepard..." He growled softly, clawed hands moving to the front of her uniform. He could never think of a time when he had seen Shepard out of her uniform and now was very curious as to the alien body that the cloth was hiding. His claws started to work at the buttons, causing him to heave a little frustrated grunt. Ask him to take apart, clean, and assemble all the small parts on a sniper rifle he could do...but these tiny buttons on her uniform were unbearable. Maybe it was because he was still a little nervous about this whole thing.
Shepard smiled hearing his desire for her. She could help, but giggle softly at his frustration. "I want you too Garrus. Here." She whisper softly then slowly unbuttoned her uniform shirt and pulled it off. Underneath revealed her soft human breast and curvy body. She took off her bra and revealed her breast to him.

She grabbed his talons gently and guide them up her body onto her breast and let go for him to freely roam her body
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