Toymakers Love (AtroxaxTrisscar)

It annoyed Linnea, her mother's attitude. It was unnecessary, Bofur hadn't done anything to her, and in fact had helped them by watching Bren that day. He always got into trouble while they were working the stall, he got bored and found ways to entertain himself that their parents didn't approve of, either because it was rude or dangerous. So she gave her mother a bit of a disapproving glare at her rude behavior, but she looked at Bofur and laughed as he picked at her a little. She knew he wasn't being serious, but she'd had to give some sort of justification to her mother, other than she enjoyed Bofur's company, to convince her to allow him to join them for lunch.

Lunch went by as smoothly as could be expected, considering her mother's chilly but polite demeanor. Linnea knew they would be getting into an argument later about this, but she didn't care. She didn't understand why her mother was so disturbed by Hobbits associating with those who were not Hobbits. Linnea found those like her mother, those who grew up more into the interior of the Shire and were therefor more xenophobic, to be irrational. She much preferred her father's side of the family, the Tooks and the North-Tooks, who were more adventurous and open-minded. Still though, she tried to enjoy lunch, and afterward stood talking with her sister. The two of them looked to be talking about Bofur, from how they both glanced at him, Flossie letting out small giggles every so often.

Fiona was trying to put Brenhin down for a nap, leaving Ferdirand a moment of quiet, smoking his pipe sitting in a chair beside the fire. He looked over though when the Dwarf joined him and cleared his throat, raising a brow as he spoke. He looked a great deal like Linnea and his elder son, Callum, with the same curly blonde hair and similar features. “Oh?” he asked, his pipe in the corner of his mouth, “And what would that be?” Ferdirand was indeed the head of the house, his wife certainly had some power, and he would defer to her opinion or wishes when he thought them sensible, but in the end, his word was the final one.
"No doubt by now youve realized how..civil your wife has been twored me and the reason behind it. Im just going to clear a few things up so that we dont have any misunderstandings or problems in the future sir."

Bofur took a deep fortifying breath, his hat clutched in his hands. he was nervous, he wasnt going to lie about that, but he knew that it had to be said for his own peace of mind and that of Linnea's mother he was sure.

"I know your wife doesnt appriciate my friendship with Linnea and Brenhin, and while im not sure where you stand on that respect sir, im at least hoping that my instinkts arnt far off on this when i say that your not as dissaproving of it. What im trying to say sir, is that I have no alterior motive with your daughter, im not trying to get anything from her or your family. I find her to be a kind and easy to be around lassie. I must admit that i find her very attractive, and were it possible, i would not hesitate to ask for permission to court her."

Bofur looked down then for a brief moment to collect his thoughts, this was going to be the hardest thing he had ever said, and he was glad that Linnea was not around to hear it.

"I also know the many reasons why that is hardly ever going to be an option. For one, your wife would have a conniption about my not being a hobbit. Two, I have kin that come as a package deal and i highly doubt your family would like to deal with an orc axe addled dwarf as a member of the family. Three, it is obvious to me sir that you are rich and well known hobbits of your area, high class lovlie family if I ever saw one, im nothing but a poor toymaker. Thats hardly a proper match im sure by your peoples standards. Four and most important of them. My kin will be going home, our king will soon call for us to march apon the mountain and reclaim what was taken from us so long ago. I plan to go with them and its entirely possible i will not return alive, or if i do, i will not be whole and capable of taking care of a wife. So what im saying is sir that youve nothing to worry from me. All i want from your daughter is a friend to speak too when i come to sell my toys to the children."

Placing his hat on his head again now that his speach was done, Bofur glanced twored the place that he knew Linnea was putting her sibling down for a nap and smiled abit.

"She is a lovlie woman, ive no doubt she will make your family proud one day. Thank you for your time sir."
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