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And Love Said No (bigbadvoodoodaddy&Malicious Lullaby)

Michael laughed as he said “You look wonderful darling you truly do so don’t worry about it” he said with a smile as he walked over to her and kissed her lovingly with a smile “But let’s get going darling” he said taking her hand in his and walked to where his car was waiting outside and helped her inside the car before getting in the driver’s seat “While we’re here though darling you’re my girlfriend not my sister alright. I just want to be able to kiss you and show everyone in the entire world just how much I love you” he said placing his hand on her inner thigh mere inches from where her pussy was as he drove down the streets.

Marxon University was an hour away so it would be quite the drive there and he knew almost instantly that his sister as always would probably take a nap because she had done that since she was a little kid. Hell he remembered one year when they were a little younger that their parent’s had taken them on a trip (right before their had died) which took several hours and Cassie had started out playing patty cake with the back of their mother’s seat which stifled a stern warning from their mother before singing to herself which she got bored of rather quickly. So she turned her attention like all sisters’ do to annoying him. That vacation had been hell on Earth and finally she had fallen asleep and had stayed asleep for a while. That was also the year that he had found out that he was in love with his sister.

The drive to Marxon University was beautiful it took them past a historic city in their state and a beautiful park filled with all kinds of playground equipment and flowers of all kinds. Finally after about an hour he pulled into a beautiful parking lot of a brick school that was quite old “Alright darling we’re here” he said parking and getting out of the car waiting for Cassie to get out once she did he placed his hand in hers and walked inside of the building going to his adviser’s office. After half an hour of waiting a young woman came out of the small office.

“Mr. Michael DuBrowski” a beautiful blonde woman said coming out calling for him to go in.

Slowly Michael stood fixing his tie before grabbing his sister’s and walked into the office with his sister and he sat down in a chair smiling at Cassie happily before turning his attention to the woman.

“Hello I am Angelina Leveski and I am going to be your adviser while you’re at school. I must say I’ve seen you play and have read over your transcripts and you have major potential to be whatever you want. I mean you’re capable of being anything a lawyer, a physician, a chemist so what do you want to major in here it’s your choice.”

“Well I wouldn’t mind being a lawyer that way it’d be easier to deal with my contract if I ever do become a NFL superstar” Michael said smiling.

“Oh your dreams are to be a NFL star who is your favorite player” Angelina asked curiously.

“My favorite superstar is Peyton Manning he is the one who made me want to be a quarterback” Michael explained but then he was handed a large stack of paperwork to sign which was mandatory and so he began working on it. “Oh silly me Angelina this is my beautiful loving girlfriend Cassie” he said introducing them to each other happily as he went back to working on his paperwork.

“Well hello miss Cassie” Angelina said sticking her hand out to shake Cassie’s hand.
Cassie smiled at him. “Okay.” She just didn’t want to look bad alongside him in front of his future at that university. Once inside the car, she buckled up and turned her attention to him. “Of course. I wouldn’t have it any other way.” She smiled and moved her hand over his. Cassie had no idea how long the drive would be. So after twenty minutes, when she got lulled by the smooth drive, her head nodded back, tilted and rest against her shoulder and she had fallen asleep, just like that. Just like when they were kids. One moment she’d be playing Patty Cake on the back of their mother’s seat, next she’d annoy the hell out of Mike and then after all that energy, she’d pass out. Plus car rides always did make her so drowsy and put her to sleep. It was the one way to put her to sleep when she was a kid and since they used to travel a lot. Hell, just the ride to school used to put her to bed. But then again, she had never been a morning child anyways. She was always a night owl. Still was.

When they arrived to the campus and Michael was waking her, she opened her eyes and stretched, yawning a little bit before getting out. She held his hand and was soon wide awake as her eyes perused over the entire campus. It was beautiful and she instantly approved of Michael going to school here. But…wait how long was the drive? It was more than twenty minutes. Plucking her phone from her pocket, she looked at the time. An hour long drive? So…either he was living on campus or he was going to make an hour long commute everyday? This was going to be a problem…

Still, Cassie didn’t say anything as she walked with Michael and into the building to his advisor’s office. They waited and she was still not saying anything. It kept repeating in her head. Hour long away. Hour long away. Finally his advisor came out and Cassie gulped. Good lord. A beautiful blonde woman. Really beautiful. Really, really beautiful and she looked so young too. Swallowing hard, she stayed where she was sitting until her hand was grabbed. That was when she got up and went in with him, flattered and honored that he wanted her to come along.

Sitting down, Cassie crossed a leg over the other and she was chewing on her lower lip as they both spoke. She smiled at her brother. She was so proud of him. He wanted to major in law so that when he became that big and famous NFL superstar of a player, he’d at least know how to be really good since he would know law stuff. She adored him. She loved him. And he looked damn fine in his suit. She was completely taken back though when he introduced her to Blonde Advisor and she smiled shyly. “Hi. Nice to meet you.” She said kindly, shaking her hand before taking it back. She tucked her hands in between her crossed legs and her foot bounced nervously as she looked around the entire place. Talk about high class.

“Can I go look around the campus?”
“Yes of course.”
Standing, Cassie kissed Michael’s cheek. “Just call me when you’re done. I don’t want to interrupt.” Besides she wanted fresh air badly. And being around Blonde Advisor was intimidating. Really intimidating.

Walking out of the office, she walked out of the building altogether and pushed her hands into her pockets. She sighed deeply before walking along, checking out the place. She’d be so proud of him if he went here. But she was also scared. But she would never let anything hold him back. Not even her.
"Of course darling why don’t you go get yourself something to eat, drink or do something fun while I’m filling the paperwork out baby. Also I will call you whenever I’m done here” Michael said as he pulled out some money and handed it to her before going back to work hearing Cassie leave.

“So she seems like a nice girl and you two really have a connection have you planned on what you two are going to do while you’re at school” Angelina asked curiously.

“Yeah she doesn’t know this yet but I’m paying for an on campus apartment and I’m going to bring her with me. Cassie she is….Is my muse, my inspiration my soul mate and I couldn’t go a day without her in my life she’s that special to me” Michael said talking to Angelina as he did his paperwork making sure to look at every detail on the paper while also listening closely in case Angelina talked to him again.

“Well she’s a very lucky girl then. You’re quite handsome and from what I’ve seen of you you’ve got the potential to be a very highly paid NFL star and we have scouts always coming here to look for potential NFL player’s and if you’re good enough they could sign you before you’re even done with college. Also tomorrow is football practice come up and impress the coach and he’ll call his buddy who is the biggest scout for the NFL and you could be signed after your first game” Angelina said happily.

“Oh that’d be great” Michael said finishing up the paperwork happily and he handed it to Angelina “So not to sound like I’m rushing you but am I done yet I have prior commitments with a beautiful young lady whom I promised to take shopping for new clothes.”

“Of course that was all I needed for you to come over for today. Remember though tomorrow at twelve in the afternoon is the football tryout’s be her sir and play your best so maybe you should practice when you get home” Angelina said smiling as she stood up and shook Michael’s hand “Have a great time shopping” Angelina said smiling “And it was a pleasure to meet you Mr. DuBrowski.”

“Please, please call me Michael my late father is Mr. DuBrowski” he said smiling as he shook her hand and walked outside the door to the building he was in and pulled out his cell phone dialing Cassie’s number waiting for her to answer. It rang a couple of times before he heard her voice over the phone “Hey baby it Michael I’m done with all the paperwork and stuff so if you want would you like to meet at the car or in front of the adviser’s building” he asked waiting to listen for the answer.
The campus was beautiful. Even she couldn’t deny that. It had such a historical aspect to it that couldn’t be ignored and it made the campus even better to want to attend. Hell, she’d love to go here just to be around the beautiful architecture because campuses didn’t look this well preserved in so long.

After some time, her phone rang and she answered. “I’ll meet you at the building. See you soon babe.” She hung up and with an extra pep in her step, Cassie went to meet him. She worried that when he came here, he might forget about her since the commute was far and well, he’d get roped up in his life here. But she wouldn’t worry about it right now. Right now and forever, Cassie would enjoy whatever time she got with Michael. He meant the world to her. She’d always love him, no matter what.

The next couple of years seemed to go by in a breeze. That even while he was in college and she was still in high school, their relationship never faltered. Sure, they had their normal ups and downs but what couple didn’t? Best part was for her junior year, she had a date to prom and for her senior year, she had a date to senior ball. Michael. Her boyfriend and the love of her life.
Now? Cassie was graduated from high school and still lived in their parents’ house. Because while Michael’s career in the NFL took off, it meant she was able to go to college near by and go with him wherever he’d have to go if he had games or traveling. Lately though, she hadn’t been because school started to take a toll. On top of that, she had gone to the doctor’s for her regular check up. She went monthly to visit her gynecologist, especially since she and Michael became sexually active. In other words, when she finally lost her virginity. More like, gave it to Michael.

She just got home and was sitting on the couch, staring. Her doctor said it was still early but otherwise it did explain why she hadn’t gotten her period and why she seemed to be more clingy to him. That and disappointed. She couldn’t recount the last time they actually spent alone time together for more than half an hour. He was a famous footballer, one of the best. It was to be expected. But she missed her boyfriend, a lot. And Cassie being Cassie, she never spoke up. Even after all this time. Otherwise it’d be selfish.
In the last few years everything had shot off in Michael’s life he was in his senior year of Law School at Marxon College and was in the top two student’s in the entire school and he had been seen playing football in his freshman year of college by a well-known scouter for the NFL and had been signed to a fifteen million dollar contract which was great for his first year. He had been scheduled for three more games which would’ve meant him being gone for at least another month but those games had been cancelled due to a strike in the NFL because of some of the players feeling like they weren’t being treated right and so he drove to his house where his beautiful sister and girlfriend Cassie was staying while he was away. He was going to surprise her being home this early because he had never come home early and had been gone from home for an entire month.

Michael pulled into the town he was raised in and got a huge warm welcome from the town that saw him as a hero. Slowly he made his way to the flower shop and bought a large bouquet of her favorite flowers that he had dyed to be her favorite color and an even larger box of chocolates and once he paid for it he went outside to his car which was a classic corvette and he hopped inside driving off rather quickly but not too fast he could get in trouble and within minutes was pulling in to the long driveway to his house but he did it slowly so he didn’t make noise. After getting to the house he got out of the car and walked up to the house with the bouquet of flowers in his hand and the box of chocolates under his arm he knocked on the door. He had keys to the house but he wanted to surprise Cassie and this was his way to do it.
Cassie was going through everything in her head, trying to find a way to tell him. She was just terrified because she had no idea how he would react and was pretty sure this didn’t fit in with the plan. His career was just taking off and the last thing he needed was to be bogged down by becoming a daddy. Running her hands over her face and through her hair, she sat back on the couch and closed her eyes. The doctor said that if she stressed over this badly, it could end badly. She didn’t even know if she wanted to be pregnant. They were siblings after all. Could siblings have kids? Could they have…normal kids?

That was when she heard the knock at the door. With a heavy sigh, she pushed her feet into her slippers and trudged over to the door, her entire mood down. She didn’t even bother looking into the peep hole because she just wasn’t in the mood. And it’s not like she got many visitors. Just mostly paparazzi and tabloid reporters who wanted a glance at what Michael Dubrowski’s girlfriend was up to. She hardly came out of the house unless she needed to because of it. But it was all worth it when she saw his games and how well he did. He was phenomenal and even if she did miss him like hell, she was so proud of him.

Opening the door, her eyes widened as she took in the form before her, carrying her favorite flowers and a box of chocolate. “Michael.” She gasped in excitement and shock as she threw her arms around his neck, jumping into his arms. He was home. Holy hell, he was home at last. It had been so long. It felt like that at least. And here he was now. Here she was now, back in his arms where she loved to be, where she belonged.
"Cassie" Michael said excited as he began placing his suitcase down on the ground and he placed her flower's and chocolates on top of the suitcase as he rushed in to pick up his beautiful sister and spun her around lightly as he held her up in his arms happily before leaning up to kiss her passionately he was happy to be back this was always the most exciting part of his life even being one of the top player's in the NFL nothing compared to being home with the love of his life. "I'm back for two months straight apparently a lot of people are mad because they aren't getting paid enough so until they stop picketing the National Football League I wont be leaving. Next time you need to go with me darling I get so lonely without having you by my side" Michael said honestly as he grabbed everything still holding Cassie and he walked inside shutting the door after him knowing how bad the press was about sneaking around taking pictures of him and Cassie since he was famous now.

As he put his stuff away he took Cassie to the bedroom and placed her down on the bed and kissed her romantically having missed her greatly since he had been gone playing in the NFL.
Cassie giggled and she wrapped her legs around his hips and her hand moved into his hair as their lips found each other’s. She kissed him deeply, lovingly and passionately even, hanging tightly onto him like a chimp would. She missed him so much and it was so amazing to have his lips on hers, to be in his arms and to have him home. Now it felt like home all over again. Once inside and he lay her down on the bed in their bedroom, she kept her legs and arms wrapped around him and her lips didn’t dare part from his. No way. Even if she suffocated. Her obituary would say she died of sucking the lock of her life’s face.
They had a lot to catch up on. But first thing’s first. She needed her boyfriend and she needed him bad.
Michael smiled as he laid on top of his sister kneeling above her as he returned her kiss with a fiery passion that had been burning in his stomach for months slowly he broke the kiss and began kissing her neck lovingly “My darling Cassie oh how I’ve missed you since I’ve been gone” he whispered lovingly against her neck “Every single day since I’ve been gone I couldn’t get you out of my head. I know you’re in college now and you’ve said no so many times before but I miss you so much while I’m travelling around the country playing games. Why don’t you go with me darling I know you would love to see some of the beautiful places I go through and things I see while I’m on the road playing football not to mention darling I can get us a bedroom and we can spend all of our night’s with you cuddled into my arms with my muscular chest rubbing against your back as I hold you” he said teasingly running his finger down her waist and he slipped off of her and sat on the edge of the bed taking off his official NFL jersey and his black pants before standing in front of Cassie in just his underwear. Slowly he grabbed Cassie by the legs as his animalistic urges over took him and he pulled her so she was half laying off of the bed slowly he stripped her of her pants in underwear in a couple of seconds flat pulling them both down after her pants was down to the floor he dropped to his knee’s pulling her legs over his shoulder he went to town as he began eating her out lovingly teasing her clit with his tongue for a few seconds before finally going all the way to eating her out. He had missed her taste amongst other things.
Cassie let out almost a small strangled whimper when he broke the kiss, she wishing for nothing more than his lips on hers again. She just wanted him completely, body and soul. But she could be patient. She could try to be at least. His proposition stunned her and it made her think back to the bit of life that was growing inside of her stomach, that would keep growing and soon be obvious. She couldn’t hide it from him and she was sure that she’d have to tell him at some point, especially if she went on the road with him. As far as school went, she wasn’t worried. Her classes were hybrids and if she explained things, she was sure they could understand and she’d be able to work something out for sure.

Sitting up when he got up, she looked at him and smiled softly. “I’d love—“ She started but then he pulled her to him by her legs, took her pants and panties off and his mouth was right where she had missed it as much as she missed him. Her head tilted back and she moaned softly, gasping softly and feeling unmistakable pleasure. It felt so good, especially after him being gone so long. It had only been a month but it was a long month without the love of her life especially considering it made sense why she had been missing him so much. She was pregnant now. She wanted him all the time.

Her orgasm came so quick. It was clear she needed this as much as she needed him and when his mouth would disconnect from her quivering mound, she sat up slowly and panted, looking at him. “I’d love to come with you Michael. I want to travel with you.” Sitting up, she moved her hands around his cheeks and kissed him deeply. “I hate being parted from you like this. When you have to go back, I want to go with you.”
“You know Cassie I almost forgot what you tasted like” Michael said smiling as he licked his lips lovingly as he stood up and pulled Cassie up into his arms as he sat down holding her in his lap lovingly “Well darling I am glad that you decided that you want to go with me because I couldn’t live another day without you by my side you’re my everything. My best friend, my lover, my inspiration, my sister, my everything” he said pulling her up more on his lap and kissed her passionately loving the way she felt in his lap it felt right for them to be together even though most people would’ve said it was wrong since they were siblings but he could give a shit less what people thought of him she was the most important thing in his life and without his knowledge she was carrying a piece of him inside of her which would just make her even more important to him than she already which up to this point was thought to be impossible. “So how have you been since I have been gone darling. Have you been eating right and been going out doing things like I asked you to do. I don’t want you to be shut in the house all the time darling” Michael said in a worried loving and caring tone as he stared at Cassie in a loving manner but slowly he turned over laying her back on the bed and he hovered over her and kissed her neck “Let us talk later right now darling I want to make love to the woman I have missed so much” he said as he kissed her neck knowing how that was one of her soft spots and he pulled his cock out of the hole in his underwear and he slowly and lovingly slipped himself in his sister’s warm, wet awaiting pussy and he began pumping slightly “I’ve missed you so much” he moaned sensually in her ear as he held her in his arms.
Cassie panted softly and she looked at him, smiling brightly but with that obvious glow of someone who had just been pleasured to infinite limits by the man she loved so much. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he situated her in his lap and pressed her cheek to his shoulder, nodding. “Mhmm.” She was still a little bit incoherent after her orgasm and as the aftershocks rocked through her body, she wanted to simply lean into him and never let him go. As terrified as she was to tell him that she was pregnant, she knew it was better that she would go with him. She wasn’t about to hold back because she had a feeling that an entire pregnancy without him was not only going to drive her mad to be without him but also just downright low that she never told him. She already hurt him once. She wasn’t going to do it again. “Michael, I—“ She started before he lay her down and sank deep inside of her, she lost all train of thought. “Mm, yes.” She breathed and bit down on his shoulder sensually and enticingly, her hips pushing into his. She missed this. She missed him. It was all so perfect.
“Oh lord how I have missed your scent, your touch and the feeling of being around and inside of you darling. I’ve missed your pretty face as well as your kind heart” Michael moaned slightly against Cassie’s neck as he pumped slowly in and out of her. Slowly he leaned toward her a little more and he began biting her neck lightly to do his best to enhance the pleasure that he was giving Cassie because her pleasure was his main priority it had been like this since they had become sexually active. But then it hit him that she had been talking to him and had just been starting to say something before he had started “Wait before we continue” Michael said rolling on his back pulling her along with him so she was straddling him with his cock still firmly planted in side her “Before we continue I was wondering whether you wanted to talk first. I remembered just now that you started to say something before slid myself in to you and I was wondering if you wanted to continue where we were heading and finish and then talk or if you wanted to talk about it and then go back to doing what we were about to do” he asked smiling up at his beautiful sister lovingly in the last few years of their relationship the impossible had happened. Cassie had gotten even more beautiful her face and body had matured greatly which made her even more beautiful which Michael let her know every single day, even when he was out on the road with his job that she was beautiful, kind and loved more than anything in the world because he truly did love her and he remembered how shy she had been before they started dating and now that they had been dating for a little while she wasn’t as shy around new people.
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