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Jun 13, 2013
Hi ladies,

This is an idea I have had for a while, it is about a guy who loses his girlfriend, he also happens to be a robot tech in a future where sex bots exist, he designs a robot to be just like his ex girlfriend but the thing is these bots are designed to be compliant with little if any free will, he doesn't want this, he wants a robot to learn to be like his ex, he isn't after perfection or a sex slave.

It is an involved plot but I think it can be worked out and I am open to ideas. I am not wanting the usual boring obedient sex slave robot, if anything there will be lots of tension in the story as the Fembot will be trying to do what it is designed to do and the guy will be fiddling with the programming to try and make it more real.

I have written the below starter pack to give a better idea. PM me to discuss.

Ethan just lay in bed that morning, he still couldn't believe what had happened the night before, he had read that email a million times or more by now trying to find some hope, some kind of misunderstanding, alas though, he had read it correctly, there wasn't much to it after all.

He had loved her, he still loved her, he wanted to marry her and she knew it, he thought he was offering her everything a woman wanted, he was a professionally employed robotics tech, well paid, aspiring and hard working, on his way up in the world, he was gentle, soft spoken and adored her, man, did he adore her, she was so beautiful, her strawberry blonde hair, plump lips and curvy body, he loved her voice as well, that upstate New York accent, he re lived their glory days, how they met online and developed a closeness that seemed almost mythical, their romance was almost like something he had written himself at times, and when they met they just sizzled even more.

She loved the way he spoke to her, he would fall into poetic verse by accident almost, he just felt that way when he looked at her, when she smiled at him, that funny thing she did by looking up to the left and smirking when he said something funny or naughty to her, everything about her simply left him devastated in his tracks.

And now, now, she wanted to see other people! I mean how could she want that?! She had said she loved him as well, everything seemed so mutual even though he found it hard to believe at times, he knew he was just an average looking type of bloke, he wasn't egotistical he knew he wasn't making up stories in his head overstating how much she liked him, he never did that with any girl. If anything it was quite the contrary.

He looked at the time, it was 11 am, 11 am and he was still in bed, he never did this, he dragged himself out of bed and turned on his computer, he had been preparing for this day, in the past few months Laura had seemed distant, not returning his affection and almost annoyed by his poetry and sweet talk which she normally loved.

He had been preparing alright, as he always did with women and relationships, preparing for the end. There had been huge steps forward in Fembot design, steps which he had pioneered in some cases, his last design sold well the Felicity 2000 was a step forward, he was trying to create a market for Fembots which weren't your generic Playboy model type with the big boobs and vacuous heads, he wanted more and he knew there were guys like him who also wanted more.

Turning on his computer he clicked on the program "Laura 2313" and up popped Laura's head on his screen, this was the start, first design the personality, at least as much as he could then work on the body design, for now though he was just lonely, he missed her and here he could speak to her if nothing else.

He was in the process of designing what would hopefully become the creme da la creme of Fembots, he wanted one that could learn and develop it's own personality, well a personality that would suit it's owner of course, he hoped that it would through talking to it's owner that it would become the best ever virtual girlfriend ever, and that was of course the purpose for the Sex Bot market, inventing virtual company for it's owners.

Society had become more and more fragmented and people more isolated, working from their homes in most cases, becoming more anti social as time went on and less able to communicate with one and another, especially communicating their desires, even with the Sex Bots Ethan had found that people were unable to do the things they wanted to do in some cases despite how horny and willing the Sex Bot was.

Ethan was trying to fix all of that, he had wanted to create a Bot that would have a sense of free will, that would willingly give themselves to their owners, a Bot that had self awareness and wasn't just a pre programmed pile of mechanics that would self destruct on demand if asked.

So with his free will chip and his learning from experience and conversation program he wanted Laura 2313 to be the best ever, but mostly he just wanted to see and hear her again.

"Good Morning Laura, so good to see you" he said.

He looked at her a moment, he had tinkered with the basic programming for Fembots quite a bit, he wasn't sure how did would effect her, errr.. it, he wanted Laura2313 to feel emotions and express herself, he knew that perhaps there would be some pain involved in this process for her. He felt a pang of guilt, he was designing something brand new here, out there even for the Fembot industry.

"Laura, tell me, when I turn you off, what do you see, do you see anything, do you remember anything? Do you feel anything?" he asked her wondering.
RE: I wanna be your Dog!! (Twisted Romance Idea Within)

I am bumping this for hopes it is found! and <3's for the gritty profile picture
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