A Ghost From The Doctor's Past (Me & EverUndine)

Aug 10, 2013
It was a dark and wet night in Cardiff as Jack and Sara who actually was a Time Lord made their way into an abandon warehouse where they were staying. She licked her lips and wiped some blood from off her cheek and stared at Jack then shook her head. They had just came back from a job where Sara had ended up shooting Jack in the head trying to save a certain little alien's life. This Alien was called a Skeeth, it was an over sized weasel like creature, as friendly as could be and right now it was sleeping in Sara's back pack. Sara watched as Jack made his way to bed, she went to her own room and dropped herself down on her own bed after she put the bag on the floor. The creature crawled onto her bed and curled up beside her, she smiled and fell asleep beside it.

As she slept her mind drifted off to a certain blue police box, a man she knew but didn't recolonize and the beat of two Time Lord hearts. She started to sweat a bit tossing and turning a shiver goes down her spine, dreams of the Time War, her father and Daleks going through her mind. She sits up with a start clutching her arm, it was a nasty brand mark her father had left on her. It would never heal no matter how many times she had regenerated. She shivered and stood up pulling a coat on over her shirt and made her way outside into the cold night air, the Skeeth stayed on her bed still fast asleep. Sara made her way to where the old Torchwood building used to be and she pulled out her computer reading rift signs.

Suddenly the rift open and she went wide eyed and pressed a few buttons managing to close it again and she shook her head. "I told you, have to keep it closed, keep trouble makers out." she muttered to the rift. She suddenly turned her head hearing a familiar whirling noise and she saw a blue police box making its way out of thin air. She gulped and suddenly put her computer in her bag and slipped behind a mailbox and watched crouching on the ground. Her blond hair falling into her brown eyes, she couldn't be seen, Jack had always told her that. If The Doctor sees her he would know she was a Time Lord and he would want to take Sara way from Jack. She already knew deep down inside that he and his TARDIS had somehow already sensed her but she stayed where she was just watching and waiting.
When the TARDIS told the Tenth Doctor that there was another disturbance having to do with the rift he didn't believe the old girl. He squinted through his glasses at the computer monitor and sure enough there it was: Rift Disturbances detected in 21st Century Cardiff. The Doctor rubbed his chin in thought. This shouldn't be possible, he thought that when That bloody Torchwood was instated he wouldn't need to keep coming back to babysit them. Well... It wasn't the first time the Time Lord had wrong.

"Well then, Old girl! You ready to go down there and say hello to Captain Jack? Hope he hasn't made a mess of things."

When he opened the door of the TARDIS it was dark and wet 21st Century Cardiff, he poked his head out the door and emerged into the street light. He felt someone watching, someone in the shadows.

"Hello there," he grinned in no direction in particular, "No need to be scared, it's just The Doctor."

He shoved his hands in his coat pockets and rocked back onto his heels, charming smile plastered on his face.
Sara grasped the pistol at her side then suddenly stopped knowing he knew she was there. She shook her head and pushed her pistol back into its holster and then she looked around no sign of Jack. She rolled her eyes knowing he was most likely at some pub down the street. She stepped out from the shadows a small creature sitting on her shoulder as she adjusted her back pack watching the Time Lord. "Hnnn, Jack told me you may show up." she said not making eye contact as she patted the creature on her shoulder before she stared over at the TARDIS.

She tensed up slightly and licked her lips her throat went dry. She was as Female Time Lord, she thought she had been the last but once she sensed him a long time ago she knew her old friend was safe on Earth. She shook her head clearing her thoughts and then she put her hand in one of her pockets gripping her Sonic Screwdriver just in case. "Well come on then, come to check on Torchwood have you." she spoke her accent was a very thick Scottish as she made her way into the warehouse and shut the door behind her.

She let the Skeeth jump off her shoulder as she put her bag down and made her way towards a set of computers and began to type on them. "Jack, we have a certain....yep you have it right. Get your ass over here you lazy lug." she growled into her com before she rolled her eyes and winced slightly grasping her shoulder before the creature came back. "Well make your self at home, he should be back soon, just a quickie." she muttered.
The Doctor stared, slack jawed and in awe. He had thought that The Master and himself were the last of the Time Lords and, of course, when The Master died it left the Doctor alone. But here she was. An impossibility standing here before him, a Time Lord, a female Time Lord. He followed the blonde back to Torchwood, staring at her all the while.

"You're impossible, you know," he ran a hand through his brown hair.

"Oh! A Skeeth! Love these little fellows! Used to have one as a pet when I was just a little Time Lord. Oh, and Jack better get here fast, because he has quite a bit of explaining to do, quite a bit indeed."

He moved over to the other Time Lord, pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and leaned against the woman's desk.

"So, who are you? How did you come to be here? And why didnt Jack tell me about you, hm?"

She glanced at him, he could see she was nervous. But why? How? She was impossible, so how did she get here?
She patted Nero on the head and then the creature ran off somewhere to do something else leaving Sara alone. She moved and rubbed her temples one of her headaches coming on. She gritted her teeth together unable to look him in the eyes as she went back to staring at the screen. Sara was trying to calm herself, both her hearts racing inside her chest now that she was found out, her head wouldn't work, she felt angry but also glad that he had found out.

"Well if you must know, I have many names but if you want to get right down to the nit and grit my name, my real Gallifreyan name is Theta Alpha. The name I go by, yes you will remember is The Seeker. Daleks call me the Angel of Death." she said her hands starting to tremble and she stuck them under the desk and put them in her lap. "How I got here, well it isn't a very fun way, trust me, what happened to me no one should have gone through." Sara said.

"After you put a time lock on the war, I had already been taken captive by a Dalek ship, they tortured me fore years but one day I managed to get away on my TARDIS but things went wrong, I lost control and my ship fell through time and space crashing me into the ground on a beach in Scotland. Luckily Jack found me and pulled me from the wreckage, I was half dead and unable to regenerate because I just had before." she said looking away feeling tears coming to her eyes.

"That was three years ago tomorrow, he adopted me gave me the name of Sara Harkness and as to repay him for his kindness I have been here ever since. Oh see that over there? That thing that looks like a closet, that is my TARDIS, I managed to regrow him." she said wincing slightly as she stood up turning her back to The Doctor. "Do you want some tea, a jelly baby?" Sara asked as tears streamed down her cheeks. She saw Jack coming and suddenly she was gone in a flash out of the room. "Tell me you didn't just piss her off did you Doctor?" Jack asked.
The Seeker, she was supposed to be dead. If he had known she had been trapped on a Dalek ship he would've tried to help her, but he hadn't known. The Doctor didnt know what to do when she started to cry and when Jack entered the room she ran out of it.

"I don't think I pissed her off, no. I think... Well, I think I made her cry. Don't know what I did though."

The Doctor turned to the Captain, "Jack, good to see you! Now, would you mind telling me why you never told me you had a Time Lord woman in your employment?!"

He always felt uncomfortable around Captain Harkness after Rosé brought him back to the living and made sure he could never die again.

"Why did you keep her a secret, Jack? You know how to contact me, you've done it before. You could've messaged me."

It was hard for him to look back on that part of his past, the Time War was awful and he had done so many terrible things. He had destroyed his race to get rid of the Daleks, and now here she was, a reminder of what he had done to his own people, staring him in the face in 21st Century Cardiff alongside another painful reminder of Rose, another painful memory: Captain Jack Harkness.

"Why is she here? And what the bloody hell have you been doing to the rift, for gods sake?"
"I didn't contact you because you wold have taken her away from me Doctor. I remember your words you said to The Master and I am guessing you would same thing about Sara. You would say she is your responsibility then take her away from me. Doctor, she is the one fixing the rift while you have been out and about on your little adventures. She as almost died as many times you have maybe even more trying to save this planet you love so much. She is closing the biggest holes in the rift, she is keeping creatures out and keeping humans from seeing the void. She is working on a program than can keep her work going even after you try and take her away." Jack said as he shook his head.

Sara came back down the stairs no saying a word, he shoved the door open to her TARDIS, Nero the Skeeth following after her. She then shut the door locking it behind her. "Great, she will be there for weeks. The last time this happened, lets just say I upset her and she was in there for a month. It could also be....it is." Jack muttered more to himself as he walked about thinking to himself. "Has she been wincing a lot lately, been rubbing her head? If she has then that means you or I didn't make her cry. She is in agony again do uh, well I don't have the right to say what is bothering her you should go talk to her yourself Doctor." Jack said as he waved and walked out of sight. Her TARDIS door suddenly swung open and Nero ran over to the Doctor gripping his pant leg and pointing to Sara's TARDIS.
The Doctor glowered at Jack. The Master was different, the Master was... Well, he was crazy. The Seeker didn't seem crazy, she just seemed...scared. And agony? What was this bit about agony all about? Why would she be in agony? The little Skeeth tugged on his pant leg and gestured toward the Seeker's TARDIS. He slowly walked to the doorway, pausing for a moment, what was he doing? Was he actually scared to talk to her? Here he was all alone in the universe and now he's not so alone after all? Shoving his hands in his pockets he crossed the threshold into unknown territory.

"I, uh, I hope it's alright if I come in? This little guy seemed to want me to." He gestured at the Skeeth.

Oh, this was awkward. Very awkward indeed. The Doctor kept his eyes on his converse.
Sara blinked and moved to pull her Jacket on but the little Skeeth grabbed it and ran off with it. "Nero, oh you little rascal. Yah welcome to my home Doctor. He is just a baby this TARDIS, not fully ready to travel just yet but in a few hours I am gone." she said and looked up at him. "I guess Jack and Nero are trying to show you this." she said pointing to a nasty brand burned into her arm. "Yep, Lord Rassilon my own father gave me this. Funny thing is it acts up when I am either about to regenerate or the weather is bad. See, I can regenerate but this thing is always there to remind me of the traitor I was towards my own father." she said and grabbed her jacket from the Skeeth and muttered something to him in another tongue. The creature jumped onto her shoulder and she patted his head.

"The reason Jack didn't tell you about me was because he didn't want you to get hurt Doctor. Where ever I go I seem to bring death with me, That is why my enemies call me the Angel of Death. I've seen death and its not a pretty thing, there is just darkness on the other side." she said and looked away before typing away into the console of her TARDIS her tongue sticking out slightly as she concentrated. "I am glad to see you alive and well though, at first I thought you had died in the Time War but as I fell through time and space I saw you causing trouble and having fun. Its good to see you once more Doctor." Sara said as she turned around to face him her hands behind her back.

She still had a pained look in her eyes and she couldn't make eye contact with him before she stared down at her own converse before a siren suddenly sounded. "Jack, we have a bogy. Yes code yellow. Lock it down." she suddenly yelled into her com as she put the Skeeth down on the console and shot out the door leaving it open. "I got the back, take the front Jack." she said over her com her hands typing away on the computers. She sighed suddenly and slumped into a chair and smiled. "Got it, yes the rift is seal it didn't come through Jack." she said and smiled up at The Doctor.
The brand on her arm was nasty, and the fact that it was from Rassilon was even nastier. He kept his anger in check by grinding his teeth together. The Angel of Death, The Seeker, Sara Harkness: an impossibility here before him. He was impressed by the way she dealt with the rift.

"Good to see you alive too, Seeker. Or Sara... What should I call you now, exactly?"

He placed a hand on her shoulder as she slumped into her chair, it was the first Contact he'd had with another Time Lord since The Master. It was much better than his contact with The Master, too. For the first time he really looked at her, her blonde hair, her honey brown eyes. She almost reminded him of his Rose and that made one of his hearts twinge from the pain of those memories.
"Call me The Seeker, that is my real name or when we are alone you can call me by my Time Lord name." she said softly then blinked and looked up feeling his warm hand on her own. She shivered slightly then she smiled and touched his hand gently before she looked him in the eyes. "Do you want to see it, what happened to me? After the Time War?" she asked. She then stood up and moved her hands gently to his face and pulled his forehead against her own.

The Doctor could see himself putting up the Time Lock, he could then see a Dalek ship crashing through time. It then slowed and he could see her being tortured and many nasty things that had happened to her by the Daleks. Then he saw an earlier regeneration of her and she was with her Father. He was yelling at her in Gallifreyan then he slaps her bringing an iron down on her arm. He can hear her scream in agony, he can feel the pain she feels now. The images change and he could see her running for her life, she runs into her TARDIS.

He can see her pressing buttons at the console then the ship move and fall through time and Space, she hits her head on the console as the TARDIS crashes, she then is forced to regenerate for the first time with her brand, he can feel that same agony come back again. She suddenly pulls herself away from him and slips down into the chair holding her head in her hands panting softly as tears are wiped from her face. "I've missed you Doctor. Its been so hard. I don't like it, not being around another one of my own." she croaked and looked at him.
When the Seeker finally pulled away from him, the Doctor stumbled backward and gasped for breath. The pain had been so great and he reached up to feel tears on his cheek. He knelt in front of her and tucked a strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. Holding his hands over the Seeker's, he pressed his lips against her forehead.

"I'm sorry, Seeker. So, so sorry. If I had known where you were I would've tried to help you escape. I'm sorry I wasn't there then, but I'm here now, Seeker."

The Doctor pulled his fellow Time Lord into an embrace, "We could go on a vacation, a quick one. You'd be back before Jack could get into any trouble, cross my hearts."

He offered the woman a charming grin and pushed hand through his hair, "Come on! A Time Lord vacation with the Doctor! How can you refuse?"
The Seeker turned her head and looked up at The Doctor a smile on her face well more of a small smile. She cocked her head to the side and looked around before she nodded her head. "Jack will be find with out me for awhile, besides the program is on auto pilot and he can't break into it. Its encrypted and besides, its in Gallifreyan." she said softly as she held onto his hands, she felt him brush the hair from her eyes and that made her smile.

"Let me guess, Barcelona, the planet where the dogs have no noses? I would like to see the Medusa Cascade again." she said gently and bit her lip before she moved her hand up to his face and wiped away a stray tear. "I forgive you for what happened, you did what you had to do and Gallifrey was no more anyways after my father lost his mind." Seeker said as she stood up weakly holding gently onto him.

"I will have to come back for my TARDIS, it isn't finished growing just yet." she said softly as she leaned against The Doctor. She was in agony right now because of the seal, she couldn't help but let him hold her up some. "Thank you Doctor." she whispered feeling suddenly very weak, her body trembled and she smiled weakly as Nero appeared dragging a back pack behind him towards The Doctor's TARDIS.
The Doctor hesitated when he heard The Seeker forgive him. No one had ever forgiven him for that before, not even himself. He pulled The Seeker close and felt her lean against him, he knew her arm must've been bothering her, so he gently lifted her and began to carry her to his TARDIS.

"Well, come on, then! Allons-y! You too Nero, you cute little Skeeth, you! We're going on a much needed holiday to the Medusa Cascade!"

His TARDIS purred in contentment, she seemed to be happy for the Doctor as she shut the door behind the little Skeeth. He placed the Seeker in his chair in the control room and began to dash about the place pushing buttons and flicking levers, listening to the steady vworping of the TARDIS' engines as he maneuvered the blue box toward the Medusa Cascade. The Doctor looked back at The Seeker and was rewarded with a brilliant smile. He had always thought that she was a gorgeous creature, he just never thought he had a chance what with Rassilon being her father. But that was over now, and here she was traveling with him, the last of their kind.

The Doctor let himself stare for a while, she really did remind him of Rose, just a little bit. It was her blonde hair and that lovely intelligence. He wondered if she would ever consider him handsome. The TARDIS' engines came to a halt and he grinned. Holding his hand out for her to grab, he helped her from his chair, "We're here!"
She couldn't help but smile at his words when he talked to her, she just watched him a smile never leaving her lips. She blinked when he helped her up and brought her towards the door, she stuck her head out the door and stared at the vast space around the. "I forgot how it looked, vast, empty but beautiful." she whispered as sat down at the edge of the door and stared out at the Medusa Cascade. Last time she was here she was only a child, only 8 years old and as silent as can be.

As The Seeker sat there with The Doctor she leaned against him, her eyes closed slightly. She loved him, she had for years no matter what he looked like, it was what was on the inside that counted. "You know, for being a bean pole you have a pretty sexy face." she muttered against his arm. She suddenly sat up with a start rubbed her temples before she whisled to Nero who shot over towards her beg. She smirked and pulled a small box from inside then looked at The Doctor.

"You know I am as smart as Omega, the one who created these TARDIS. Well here is my TARDIS Doctor." she said and flipped the lid of the box open and you could see a baby TARDIS still growing inside, there was a black hole in the middle of it. She then flipped the box lid shut and handed it to Nero. "If anything happens to me Doctor, you take this TARDIS alright, you keep it alive. I know it will hurt for awhile when I am gone but if you watch it then he'll learn to love yah." she muttered and looked away the box pushed back into her bag.
The Doctor blushed furiously, the Seeker thought he had a sexy face? Well that was... Unexpected. He stared into the box, it had been a very very long time since he had seen such a young TARDIS. It was so beautiful, so mesmerizing he could stare at it for hours. When she snapped the box shut it startled him out of his thought.

"What's all this talk about anything happening to you? That's nonsense, nothing's going to happen to you, I won't let anything happen to you," he smoothed her hair back and tilted her face towards his.

"Do you hear me, Theta Alpha? I'm not going to let anything happen to you, you impossible woman," he pressed his lips to hers in a chaste kiss. He was so very happy he had found her, he wasn't going to let anyone take her away from him. They were the only two Time Lords in existence now and he would keep her alive if it cost him his life.
Her eyes snapped open wide and she stared up at The Doctor a blush forming on her face and climbing up to her ears making them go red. She relaxed though and gripped onto his jacket kissing him back, she could feel her hearts staring to race inside her chest. She moved her hands up and wrapped one arm around his neck gently while the other ran through his brown hair. She smiled a bit as she spiked it up with her fingers. She suddenly pulled her head away and cleared her throat and stood up.

"Anyways, uh....maybe we should go to Barcelona next." she muttered staring down at Nero before she picked him up and buried her head gently into the creatures stomach. She laughed softly as it licked her cheek, there were things she couldn't tell the Doctor. Things she only knew about, things would change some time and she would be different. She was still blushing from the kiss, it scared her a bit though. The last time this happened, well she couldn't remember it had been hundreds of years.

She pulled her hair back out of her face and put it up in a ponytail. She sat down and put Nero on the seat beside her before she fell silent her mind traveling to the past, then to her future and what it would be like. She let out a sigh and curled up on the seat her eyes getting heavy as she soon fell asleep, Nero moved away off the seat and curled up in The Seeker's bag. She wanted The Doctor but she was scared about falling in love again, she had lost everything.
The Doctor was barely able to conceal his disappointment when The Seeker pulled away from him. She was hiding something, he could tell. He would find it out, it might take him a while, but he always did. He stood and made his way past the Seeker toward the TARDIS console.

"Right then, Barcelona it is!"

The Doctor seemed to be lost in thought as he piloted the TARDIS. He was about to tell The Seeker that they had arrived when he saw her sleeping in the chair next to Nero. He smiled and decided it was time to take her back to Jack. When they arrived he sat for a while, just looking at the marvel before him. She was just as beautiful with this face as she was in her last.

He shook her gently, "Seeker, you're home."
She stood up rubbing her eyes then shivered slightly as she looked around her. "I don't think we should go out there." she said as she stepped to the door her hand shaking. She pushed the door of the TARDIS open and her eyes were already wide. The warehouse was gone and there was a big crater in the middle of the ground. Suddenly there was the sound of a pistol fire and then another, Seeker looked down to see blood flowing from two bullet holes in her stomach. "Oh." she said before she fell to the TARDIS floor coughing up blood.

Nero suddenly started to squeak and run around the TARDIS scared for his Master. He jumped up and shut the TARDIS doors, the TARDIS herself started to take off her engines grinding as they vanished from the spot. The Seeker couldn't speak as she started to choke on her own blood, she clutched the wound on her side gasping as she pulled herself up so she was sitting against the TARDIS doors. She was frightened, he could see tears streaming down her cheeks as she fought for her life.
"No, no, no! Oh god, Seeker! Seeker, can you hear me?"

The Doctor gathered her in his arms and pressed a hand against her stomach. What in the name of Gallifrey had just happened? He was sure he had brought her home, 21st Century Cardiff! He didn't know what to do, he didn't have any regeneration energy he could give her because this body had been unharmed. So he showered her with kisses, telling her it would be alright, and placed his forehead against hers. He sent her one of his happiest memories: watching her in the fields of Gallifrey, so carefree and beautiful. He wanted to tell her then how much he loved her, but he had been a coward.

"I'm sorry, Seeker. I'm so so sorry, this is my fault."

He would set this right, he would figure out who it was that had hurt the Seeker and wring the life from them.
The Seeker cried out softly suddenly as she gripped tightly onto his wrist and shut her eyes. She grabbed something from her pocket and slammed the sharp end into her leg. She threw it to the side and suddenly her body started to glow red, she was starting to regenerate. She closed her eyes as her arms stretched out and she began to change. Her hair grew longer, as she opened her eyes they were almost a black brown. She stared up at him weakly when she was done her long blond hair fell down her back ending at her waist.

"Do you think I was about to leave you? Am I Ginger?" she asked cocking her head to the side a weak smile on her face. Her head fell back into his lap and she just rested there feeling so weak and tired out. "That, those bullets, they kept me from regenerating." she muttered then pointed to the needle. "I made that just encase, I know who was after me." she whispered before she passed out and lay there out cold in his lap.

Energy started to leave her mouth, it was the excess from when she regenerated. Both of her hearts were beating in her chest and she was thinking about The Doctor, he was the man she loved and she was never going to leave him. She let out a soft sigh, all her tension left and she felt calm and relaxed in his arms. She knew this is where she belonged, she knew he would protect her now.
Her eyes were different, her hair was longer, but she was still The Seeker. He smiled through the tears in his eyes, smoothing the hair from her face.

"Not ginger, no. But still damn sexy, if I do say so myself."

The Doctor lifted the Seeker and brought her deep into the TARDIS to his bedroom. He placed her limp body on his bed and pulled the blankets over her body. He kissed her lips just as the excess energy from regenerating left them. He could feel her two hearts beating strong beneath his fingers. He loved her then and he loved her even more now. He wanted her to wake so he would know she was alright. So he stayed by her side until sleep took him.
Her eyes opened a few hours later and she looked around then stared up at The Doctor. "Well hello there, have you been here the whole time? I heard you say I am not ginger, that is a bloody shame." The Seeker said but smiled up at The Doctor before she sat up in bed feeling a bit better but she was still some what weak from what had happened. "Oh I heard your comment about being pretty damn sexy, are you sure about that?" she said trying to look sternly at him but just smiled.

"Well, I should say your pretty sexy yourself. Well your....oh bullocks, your yummy." The Seeker said as she looked around the room. She then pounded her chest suddenly and coughed, a last bit of light and energy made its way out of her mouth. "I really don't like regenerating, I preferred my last body. Oh well what can you do? Its either regenerate or die and I am not ready to die just yet." The Seeker said and kissed his cheek.
The Doctor couldn't stop the blush that spread over his cheeks. Yummy? He swallowed hard as he felt her lips press against his cheek. He coughed nervously and ran a hand through his hair.

"I- uh," he stammered. For some reason he was never able to form proper thoughts around the Seeker. She made him nervous.

She was brushing the whole thing off, acting like it was no big deal. But she had almost died, he had almost lost her, and it was a very big deal to him. The Doctor grabbed her wrist and pulled her towards him, her proximity was maddening.

"What happened back there, Seeker? Tell me who did that to you."
The Seeker blinked then let out a yelp when he pulled her close, she touched his chest with her free hand and stared up at him wide eyed. "Your hurting me." she whimpered and she was right his grip was tight. "It doesn't matter, its not important." The Seeker said but she fell silent knowing he wouldn't let it go. "Fine if you want to know, its the British government that did it. A man by the name of Malek Kai." she muttered.

She broke her wrist free and backed away from him and shook her head. "He has been after me since I broke free from his prison about 1000 years ago." she muttered and sat down and ran a hand through her head. "I need to talk to an old friend of mine. He is an Ood by the name of Sigma." she muttered and pulled her knees up to her chest and started to tremble as she held her head in her hands.

"Nero, grab it." she said to her Skeeth. The littler creature shot over to her bag and pulled something out of it and ran back over to her. Seeker opened a small box pulling out an old locket and then a fob watch. "I wish it wouldn't have come to this but, I think this is for the best." she said looking up at The Doctor sadly.
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