The old Nun nodded gesturing to a picture on a wall. A scarred youth had his arm around a girl who looked dressed like a hootchie, a blond flipping off the camera, while another teen was polishinng a gun. A teen of asian decent was looking up from a large knife, while a girl with a scar across her throat looked up the famlure throat scars would probably jog her memory. The Nun smiled, "He always did love grenades, I heard he used them against three tanks earlier. Sometimes I wonder if that boy has a death wish."
Yolande chuckled, "Are you kidding, I almost pity the demons forced to forge his sin chain."
The boy blinked, "Sin chain?"
The elderly other nodded, "Some believe that in hell, the damned are bound in red hot chains each link representing their sin. small sins are small links like one might find on a necklace, whereas murder, gluttony, lust, and the worst sins are made of a several hundred pound metal and kept red hot. That the damned is forced to carry around for all eternity."
Yolande chuckled, "Thomas's chain has got to fill the entirety of hell three times over, and weight more then a continent."
Thomas's voice carried from the bathroom, "Why do you think I learned how to fight with a chain? Besides, I always preferred the damned demons idea."
Again the teen looked at the mother, who with a sigh said, "Some believe that since hell is the manifestation of the first sin, Lucifer betraying god, that is are equated to power. That those who commit the most murders, kill the most people that in hell they become devils themselves."
Thomas's voice echoed again, "Hell yeah, how else can you explain me taking on three tanks and walking away. The devil's too scared to take me, and heaven won't accept me."
Thomas stepped out a towel on his lower body. It showed the grizzly sight that was his body. Under the harsh sun the scars that had been too faded the previous night were clear as day. Burns, cuts, bombs, bullets, grands, stitches. A large section of his arm from his left elbow to his shoulder. The ones that stood out the most however, were one that went from his right shoulder, to hi left hip A pair that went from his left peck, to his right kidney about 6 inched between them a four bullet bundle dead in the center of the slashes, a single large bullet hole dead center of those, and the scar on his face. Thomas smirked as he said, "You should be glad I'm going easy on you, those big scars on my chest happened right here."
Pointing at two of the bullet holes he said, "Revy" he moved down pointing at two "Yolanda", the big one "Anderson" he pointed at the first smaller one, "Johnny", he pointed at the second one, "Playa". He pointed at the biggest hole, center mass, a guarantee kill shot, "Mother Superior, point blank, went through my spin, put a hoe in the concrete under me. Sheer luck made it miss any of the more major parts of my back."
Thomas sat down, pulling one of his cigarillos he said, "Your not the only one, the money obsessed bastard didn't want to join the family. Figured I'd be a threat, so they offered the good Mother what 30 mill to put me down?"
The woman shook her head, "A hundred million."
Thomas nodded, "So she called a group sparring session told the others they'd each get a million to put my down like a dog. I was so shocked, so betrayed I didn't even realize what was going on until the dear mother put a bullet in between my lungs."
Yolanda sighed, "How did you survive, I know you got pay back, but you were dead. We went inside to eat, and when we came back you were gone, a trail of blood where you'd been."
Thomas smirked walking with them, he moved towards the very back of the range. Where he revealed a small hole in the bricks. Going over the wall he walked a good twenty paces. Where a rabbit hole was. He smirked and reached inside, pulling out a rag. Wrapped inside were a knife, a medical kit, a soldering iron, and a 9mm pistol. A small picture in a cheap frame as well, smiling he showed it to the woman. it looked like her when she was 8 or nine, but thinner a few scars visible. A young Thomas next to her, he said, "Your sister and me, we weren't allowed to have personal things for training. the reason why these scarred so bad I used a soddering iron to burn the cuts shut Wrapped the bullets, and injected 100 CC's of morphine."
Yolanda spoke then, "Then he showed us, showed us why it's a bad idea to piss him off. Used a door trap on Anderson, Johnny and Playa, Revy he cracked her skull in three place, me he shot me in the hip, spent the net year in a hospital be, still can't run as fast as a healthy woman."
She showed the scar it was horrendous, as big as a golf ball, thick scar tissue. Along with a few bulges which were probably broken pieces of bone. The Mother superior touched her eye patch. Clearly showing what Thomas had done to her. Thomas reached into a pocket, and showed her a eye in a jar of preserving liquid. The color matched the old nun's good eye. She blinked, "You still have that?"
Thomas nodded, smirking as he said "Of course, it helps me remember to always keep an eye on everyone."
The three killers burst out laughing. Even as "Brother Alexander" moved closer to her, whispering in her ear, "They are weird, huh?"