Not Quite Pon Farr {Ever&Abby Locke}


Aug 4, 2013
All of time and space.
Spock felt very uncomfortable being a guest at the Fertility Feast of Proeck. The recent termination of his relationship with Lieutenent Nyota Uhura made the event even more awkward. The crew of the U.S.S. Enterprise had an obligation to be at the feast in order to represent the Federation, after all, this was also a feast to celebrate the peace and unity of the Federation and the planet Proeck. Needless to say, when Nyota gave Spock an angry look as she followed a male Proeckian to his dwelling, Spock was not really in the best mood. The Vulcan had receded to the outskirts of the crowd, doing his best not to attract any attention to himself as he slipped off on his own.

Spock straightened his Federation issued Science and Medical Officer uniform and ran a hand through his black hair. These were the times when he wished he wasn't part human, anger was not a very pleasant emotion, nor was it very easily controlled. The Vulcan made his way to the Proeckian bathhouse, hoping all potential occupants would be at the feast.

He stripped his uniform off and emerged his body in the warm natural spring water. He wished that he had never entered the relationship with Uhura in the first place as he tried to relax his tense muscles.
Am'lia watched the party proceedings quietly from her spot near the back. She knew she would have to leave soon to prepare herself for the alien star fleet officer she was going to be given to in the morning. Scanning the crowd, Am'lia was unsure who would receive her, nor who she would want to receive her.

She had already resigned herself to the fact her mate would not wish for her as any Proeckian male would. While there were a variety of different appearances among the aliens, she would still be different. Her straight midnight black hair reached her waist, which was currently in an ornate up do. Her skin was tinged purple from her dark colored blood. However, she seemed to be about the same height and build as the other females of the group, and the different species present must have at least similar reproductive systems as she had seen people slipping off already.

Deciding she had had enough of the party, Am'lia walked away to the bath house she was accustomed to. Her mind had falsely assumed that everyone would be at the party, and she could bathe in peace, so she was already partially undressed when she turned the corner to find a man with his back to her. Am'lia simply shrugged it off and continued to strip, after all, Proeckian males and females bathed together normally. Removing the clasp that held her heavily hair up, Am'lia slipped into the water a little ways away from the male, keeping her eyes turned away so she didn't disturb him.
The Vulcan didn't realize there was another in the bath with him until he heard the soft splashing of water. He turned to see who had chosen to join him here rather than being at the feast and his human half was shocked that it was a Proeckian woman. His brown eyes studied the creature before him, she was very beautiful. Her black hair piled on top of her head in an ornate Proeckian style, her skin had just the slightest hint of purple. The human half of the Vulcan briefly thought of the complementing colors of their tinged skin and how it would look together.

Spock's cheeks were tinged green with his Vulcan blood, "I apologize, I did not realize I was in the incorrect bathhouse."

"Forgive me, I will leave you to your bath," and he turned to raise himself out of the hot springs.
Am'lia frowned slightly to herself, turning to look at the alien male. "You have done nothing wrong. And you were not incorrect. We do not have separate bath houses. Your presence does not disturb me." She said quietly, but loud enough for him to hear her. Am'lia forced herself to keep her eyes from straying, she did not want to make him uncomfortable.

She returned to her former position and started her bath, taking the liquid meant for hair and working it into her hair. Am'lia was glad her back was to him because she didn't want him to see the blush that adorned her cheeks and the tips of her ears. He was very pleasing to look at and if she had her way, she would gladly be given to him.

Ducking down into the water, Am'lia tried to calm herself and gather her wandering thoughts. She came back up, running her fingers through her hair to make sure it was clean.
Spock turned back toward the girl and emerged himself once again in the bath, he took in the gentle curve of her back and neck. His human half felt lust stir in him as he watched the Proeckian wash her long ebony hair and when he realized he was staring at her he quickly looked away.

"I am Cheif Science and Medical officer Spock, the only half human half Vulcan crew member of the U.S.S. Enterprise. I realize this is not the most appropriate place for introductions, but I would like to know your name."

Concise and to the point, the Vulcan man had never been known for his idle conversation. He splashed a bit of water onto his face and slicked his jet black hair away from his eyes. He knew it was highly illogical for him to lust over a woman he barely knew, but his emotions had been in a state of fluctuation since Nyota had given him that angry glare.
Am'lia smiled slightly to herself and looked at the half Vulcan from over her shoulder. He was rather cute, especially when he was embarrassed, even if he did a good job hiding it. "My name is Am'lia, I am the youngest daughter of chief Rokan." She could feel him watching her so she was curious if he wanted her like she thought he did.

Sitting down on the under water stool, Am'lia brought one of her legs up on the edge so she could begin washing her body. She was still partially turned away from him but he had a decent view of her body. Every once in a while she would sneak glances back at him, partly to see if he was still watching and partly so she could get better looks at him. Am'lia liked how, when he didn't push it back, his hair fell in front of his eyes slightly and how his chocolate brown eyes complimented his green tinged skin. Each time she looked back at him, Am'lia had to quickly look away to keep her thoughts from wandering places they shouldn't.
Spock's human half was currently battling his Vulcan on the issue of whether or not to cross the hot springs and take the Proeckian then and there. While his human half was already wading slowly toward Am'lia, his Vulcan half was willing to compromise. Though he didnt think it right to take the woman by surprise in the bath, it was on the eve of the Fertility Feast and, after all, what harm could a few caresses really do?

Am'lia stole a glance at him from over her shoulder again, but this time he saw her cheeks grow purple as she realized he was coming toward her. Spock wanted to find out what else he could get to turn that lovely shade. When he came to the voluptuous Proeckian he put a hand gently on her hip, using the other to bring the long black curtain of her hair over her shoulder to cover one of her breasts.

"It is only logical for a man who sees a beautiful creature to want to touch it," the Vulcan spoke into the skin of her neck, moving to smell her fragrant hair.
She could feel her heart beat pick up as she felt his hand on her hip. Am'lia stood from the stool and turned to face him, moving the other half of her hair to her front. "As it is when a female sees a handsome male." Am'lia brought her hand up and placed it on his neck, her thumb stroking over his jaw as her hopes grew.

How fit it would be for him to take her on this night. It was the eve of the start of the fertility celebration, and one moon after she became of age, the prime time for a Proeckian female to mate. She could feel his breath against her neck and she tilted her head slightly for him.

"Tomorrow you and your friends will be given gifts. You may request for me if you wish." She leaned forward and placed her lips to his throat, nipping slightly at his skin. His smell was different than the males of her planet. It was pleasing, however, and it made her calm and relaxed.
Spock ran one hand down the flare of her hips and the other moved up to thumb across the velvet tip of her breast. He couldn't deny how pleased he was with the reception of his actions. Her soft digits brushed along his jaw.

"And who shall I go to in order to request such a fine gift?" He tweaked her nipple slightly, loving the way she arched her body into his. It would be illogical for him not to request such a beautiful woman. His hand wandered against her smooth flesh, making its way to the apex of her luscious thighs to the warm, wet bud of desire there. She clung tighter to him as he lets his digits rub against her, pulling small gasps from her. The vulcan's male instinct was going wild with the smell of her skin and the sounds of her arousal echoing back at him in the bathhouse.

He wondered if he would be able to keep this so-called gift, or if it would have to stay here on Proeck.
Am'lia's hands moved to grip his shoulders, needing the support she wasn't sure her legs could give for very long. Her leg wrapped around his hip, giving him better access to her. "Simply ask the elders who come to you... but you must be very specific in your request." Her voice was breathless as she whispered to him before pressing her lips to his. She certainly didn't want to stop but she didn't want to be interrupted either. So she pulled away from him, biting her lip from the loss of contact. "If you wish to continue, then come with me."

Am'lia quickly got out of the bath, grabbing and drying cloth and wiping away the water that still clung to her body. She dressed, hurriedly, before glancing back at Spock to see if he was following her. When she saw him dressed, she wordlessly left, leaving it up to him whether or not he would follow her to her dwelling.
A hint of a smile crossed the Vulcan's face, 'very specific'? He was a Vulcan, it was in their nature to be overly specific. Spock lifted himself out of the bath after Am'lia, dressing quickly in order to follow her retreating form. His dark eyes locked onto her hips and he could smell the flowery scent of her wet hair. Spock pushed the black hair back and out of his eyes again, he wanted to focus on the sensual creature before him. The way her hips swayed back and forth as she brought him away from the bathhouse and to somewhere much more private.

The dark haired Vulcan wanted this Proeckian woman for more than just a night or two, he wanted her everyday and every night. The violet hue of her skin, the silken strands of raven hair, those petal-soft lips. She was more than Nyota could have ever been to him. He hesitated outside her dwelling for a moment, was this right? Was it logical? Then he thought of those come-hither eyes and came to the immediate conclusion that it was perfectly logical and more than just right.
As she stepped into her house, Am'lia glanced back at Spock who, to her displeasure, had hesitated at the door. A slight tinge of worry began to build in her chest as she thought of the possibility of him changing his mind. Her shoulders relaxed when she realized her worry had been unneeded when he stepped forward and shut the door behind him.

Am'lia smiled and led him back to her sleeping chambers, making sure that door was also securely closed behind them. "This is my home, and can be yours while you are here if you wish." Her voice betrayed her nervousness as she fidgeted a bit with the hem of his shirt, wanting to remove his clothing as quickly as possible and feel his skin against hers again and yet wanting him to make the first move.

She settled for removing his clothes, but at a pace that wouldn't catch him by surprise. Am'lia led him to the bed and directed him to sit down before she knelt and removed his boots. Then, moving back up, she straddled his lap and removed his shirt.
Spock's mouth found Am'lia's and he captured her lips in a passionate kiss. One hand weaved itself in her long black hair of its own accord and the other traveled up her thigh, beneath the fabric of her dress, to find the origin of her desire. He dipped a finger into her wet center and the moan she released made him answer in return. The Vulcan let the human side of him take over and with one swift move she was lying on the bed beneath him, writhing and gasping because of his attentions.

His constricted arousal pressed into the thigh of the Proeckian.
Gasping and her back arching against him, Am'lia moaned and tugged at his pants. Her clothes felt uncomfortably tight as she squirmed and writhed beneath him, trying to get out of her clothes as quickly as possible, but from her position it wasn't working well. With a groan of frustration, Am'lia kissed Spock hard.

In her rush, Am'lia somehow managed to pull off his pants. After she freed his arousal, she wrapped her hand around it and began stroking his length. She moaned loudly as he continued his attentions, moving her hips up to make the pace faster.
Spock pushed Am'lia's dress up and off her lithe body, he wanted to make her tremble in his arms, to hear her moan his name. He held both her hands above her head in one of his own and captured a nipple in his mouth, twirling his tongue around it in circles, savoring the taste of her Proeckian skin. That faint purple blush spread across her cheeks and her chest as she panted and writhed beneath him.

Letting go of her hands, the Vulcan moved down her body, kissing and licking and biting. He lavished attention on the wonderful curve of her hip and then went lower still. The smell of her arousal was intoxicating, he pressed his tongue against the pearl of her passion, tasting her satin flesh, and moaned at her exquisite taste.
His attentions were quickly getting Spock exactly what he wanted. As he lavished her breasts with attention, her back arched up and her hips bucked impatiently. When his tongue finally met her bud of pleasure, Am'lia gasped out his name, her hands gripping the sheets of her bed.

Writhing beneath him as her release quickly drew nearer, Am'lia whined softly with impatience. With him down, pleasuring her, there wasn't much she could except accept his attentions. She wanted to touch him everywhere she could. From his firm muscles in his arms to the silky flesh of his arousal.

She tried to communicate her growing frustration and her nearing completion, but all she could manage out was half gasping moans of his name. Her brain was far to pleasure addled to form actual sentences. She whined out her need and bucked her hips slightly to encourage him to finish.
Spock felt Am'lia quivering beneath his ministrations, he could feel she was close and he wanted to bring her over the edge. Pressing a finger into her hot center, Spock was rewarded with a cry of passion as the Proeckian's orgasm crashed over her in waves. She tasted so good, he wanted to take her there, it was an intense feeling, almost as intense as Pon Farr. The Vulcan's logic kicked in once again. He would wait, wait until Am'lia was gifted to him to take her. Oh he wanted her badly, but it would be that much sweeter tomorrow.

Spock laid next to the Proeckian woman, letting his fingertips ghost over her naked skin, "You are very beautiful, Am'lia."
Am'lia's breaths came in soft pants as she came down from the high of her orgasm. Her back relaxed against the bed as Spock laid beside her, causing her to frown slightly. She did blush a bit though when he called her beautiful and he trailed his fingers over her skin. "Thank you but... are you not going to take me? You are in need after all."

Am'lia turned to face him, running her fingers lightly over his muscled neck. She could still feel his hard member against her thigh, it was almost begging to be given attention to. She nuzzled her cheek against his neck as her fingers traveled down his stomach to his arousal, teasingly rubbing along it. "If you don't wish to take me now, I will gladly pleasure you Spock." She placed gentle kisses along his jaw as she spoke.
A small, rare smile graced Spock's lips. He was very much enjoying the eagerness of this young woman. Any more treatment like this and he would have to find some way to keep his future 'gift'.

"It is only logical to prolong your pleasure, dear Am'lia," he leaned toward her and began to whisper in her purple tinged ear, "I want you to be quaking with desire by tomorrow. I want you to be wet at the sight of me."

He took her ear gently between his teeth and his eyes rolled back into his head at the sound of her breathy moan. His body's reaction was much stronger to this woman than it ever had been with Nyota. Every sigh, every moan, even the minute movements of her body, everything about her woke desire in him.
Her moan was followed by a purr of contentment, this alien seemed to know every little spot that would drive her wild. Am'lia's touches began to get more deliberate, her fingers rubbing along the soft yet firm skin of his hard cock. She kisses down hid neck, placing a gentle nip at his pulse.

She moved her lips up to his, kissing him lightly before speaking. "You have already accomplished that Spock. My body aches for you as yours does for me. I do not want to be apart from your side."

What she was feeling was much more intense than she had ever expected to feel. Of course she had heard things from other women about both the pain and the pleasure of coitus, but she never dreamed it could feel as good as when Spock's hands ran expertly over her body. The emotions she felt were almost frightening in their intensity. They had only just met yet her chest hurt at the thought of being separated from this perfect man.
Spock couldn't help the moan that Am'lia pulled from him. He wanted to take her now and she was making it increasingly more difficult for him to control himself. He tilted his head back infinitesimally and let out another moan as her fingers rubbed along his length.

"Am'lia, tell me more about the rules of this gift. Do I -oh!- do I get to keep you? Or will I have to return you to your father?"
Am'lia smirked to herself, moving to gently kiss along his neck as she spoke, her hands still lightly rubbing along his length.

"Once I am given to you Spock, you keep me until you tire of me. I will be yours to do with as you please. I am to be whatever you wish me to be. Bedwarmer, mate, mother of your children... You may take me or, if you choose, you can... Leave me here."

Am'lia hesitated at the last part. The last thing she wanted was for him to leave her behind. She was frightened by what could possibly lie out there, but she was more afraid of being alone.
Spock brushed a strand of hair from Am'lia's face, he found his sudden feelings for the girl highly illogical. But they were present all the same, making him want to take her home with him. He wanted to make her happy and he wanted her to come live with him and to find something that she loved. Who knew, maybe she would join Starfleet like he had.

"Am'lia, you do not need to fret. I will not leave you here alone unless that is what you wish."

He pressed a gentle kiss against her petal-soft lips.

(Ooc: sorry I just started school again and it's been hectic)
Am'lia smiled, kissing Spock back, feeling relieved. "I do not wish to be without you." She stroked his cheek, her fingers brushing back over his ears. Am'lia's thumb lightly rubbed the tip of Spock's length. She was still trying to arouse him enough to get him to take her but his will power was far greater than she expected. Pressing her lips to his again, Am'lia's hand continued to stroke his impressive length. "I need you Spock." She whispered against his lips, a soft purr escaping.

(Totally understand. I just started school again)
Spock moaned against the alien woman's lips. She woke in him a desire he never knew he had. But he wanted to wait. His hands on her shoulders, he gripped her firmly and pushed her away slightly.

"I can barely resist your charms, Am'lia, but I'm completely serious when I say I will not take you until you are mine."

The Vulcan forced himself to sit up and gather his clothing, "If you would point me in the correct direction of your father, the Chief? I would like a word with him."

A slight smile graced his features and he quickly dressed himself.
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