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Calling all Hobbit and LOTR Fans to speak! (come in and post)

Just some Picture :3



-squeeee- so cute! heres my addition.

ok so its Benidict Cumberbatch, but its BENIDICT OTTERBATCH!! :heart:


Its.... John Hedgson!!


ok now its hobbit.

Shit yes gimme NOW.


oh and this. so CUTE!!


and this is just funny. well and smexy. abit of both

I wonder if you guys would like to start an rp with the three of us?
Hm... not really sure... but is something Ive been thinking about for a while and I finally decided to ask you.
I think it would be fun to take the characters we all like the most and pick them randomly. It could be during the journey, before (like at Bilbo's place XD)... or mayde Smaug never took Erebor.
ive a few ideas for that, which characters were you guys thinking of using? for me it would either be Thorin x Bilbo x Fili or Dwalin x Fili and Bilbo. something like that, maybe Thorin x Bofur X Bilbo or one of the others.
Thorin x Bilbo x Fili is like... perfect XD and Dwalin x Fili and Bilbo sounds fun hehe. But Bofur is so tender and like kawaii :p

Abby Locke said:
I'm not sure.... and Trisscar it could be DwalinxThorinxBilbo

yup ^^
Abby Locke said:
I'm up for playing anyone :3 just not Bombur...

Poor Bombur!! XD I wonder if he is ever going to talk on the next movie XD
oh good grief no. sory to those who enjoy that but no. hmmmmm for plot lines. what shall we do
plot lines... I think we could decide who is going to play as who first... i dont know XD
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