Deductions of a personal kind (TrisscarxEverUndine)

Sherlock awoke in his own quarters. He moaned and struggled to sit up. That man, he was unexpected. He slowly rose out of bed, touching his bandaged forearms gingerly as he slid into his clothes. He hadn't thought to actually begin to like the Angarian, but he did. And so, as he made his way back to the prisoner's room he thought carefully about what he would do.

The Prince was met with the sight of Dameon's red hair, the man turned to look at him.

"I've come to thank you for what you did, and for not telling anyone."

Dameon's eyes widened slightly with surprise.

"Oh, and I suppose... You're free to go. If you wish."

Sherlock's arms felt stiff and sore but the dull throb was nice, and he went to sit next to the physician.
"Whole lot of good being set free does me. Ive got no place to live."

Dameon decided to play it cool and not show his nervousness. The thank you had come as a surprise, and the offer of freedom. But hell he really did have no place to go, no one to pull him in any particular way. So basicly he would just be a nomad if they kicked him out.

"and you dont have to thank me. Just doing what i felt was right. It wasnt my place to tell anyone, besides any phisician worth his salt could see the signs. Im surprised your brilliantly obnoxious brother hasnt found out by now truthfully."
No place to live? The prince had never thought of that. Could he have been so stupid?

"I'm sorry, I didn't know. You could stay here, if you wanted. I'm sure we could find you some work and there is plenty of room here in the castle."

He cleared his throat awkwardly.

"It is your decision, Dameon. You can stay or go."
"why are you being so nice to me. a few days ago you were beating me up for no reason and sicking your rape happy goons on me."

Dameon scowled slightly at the prince, trying to figure this man out was like trying to capture smoke in his fingers. Hed tried it plenty as a boy and had no luck then and no luck now even as an adult.

He could tell the prince was socially awkward, and probibly abit sociopathic, and terrifying as hell to. But for some reason Dameon didnt really want to leave.
Sherlock shrugged his shoulders in a very unprincely manner,"I suppose I've grown to like you. You're stubborn and a good warrior, we have more in common than you would like to think, I believe."

The Prince paused to inspect his fingernails, "I think you'd be best suited as Lestrad's apprentice. lestrad is our Master At Arms here."

He waited for a response, he was half expecting Dameon to get up and walk out of his life forever, taking his fiery passion and red hair with him.
Thinking it over for a few moments, Dameon scowled slightly, trying to figure out what he wanted to do. On one hand this was the psycho that nearly killed him, imprisoned him for no reason, almost had him raped, and now had done a 180 in personality.
On the other hand he was offering a place to sleep and a chance to hon his skills.

"whats the catch?"
"The catch? Myself. I want you to be available to me, whenever I want you and whatever I might want you for."

Sherlock couldn't stop the smug grin the spread across his lips as he spoke. He wanted the man in front of him, wanted to play games with him. The red of his hair, muscles ready to spring into action. He had a hunter's body, and there was many ways he could think of to take advantage of that body.
Dameon blinked a few times, looking at the prince infront of him in disbelief. Now he wasnt saying that on some level he found the thought arousing and rather fun sounding, but on the other hand the man had just said that to stay here we would have to become the princes whore.

"so...your saying if i want to stay here i have to be available for you to have sex with whenever...and however you want"
Sherlock moved closer to Dameon, letting his tongue dart out and taste the skin beneath the red head's ear.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying," his long fingers wrapped around the Angarian's throat and put the slightest amount of pressure there before letting his hands drift up. The Prince's thumb rubbed across the man's smooth lips, he could imagine what beautiful things he could use those lips for.

"No one would have to know if that's how you want it, we could meet in secret."
His eyes widened minuetly when he felt the pince lap at his skin and he hurriedly tried to back up, but the hand on his throat stopped him cold. Swallowing heavily he looked nervously at Sherlock, shuddering slightly at the feel of the mans thumb on his lips.

"why would i hide something like that? if i chose to enter into a sexual dalliance with you i wouldnt want to hide. that would be cowardly."

As he was speaking Dameon realized that the movment made it seem like he was kissing the princes thumb. Flushing he stopped, trying to tug his head away from the touch and failing rather sepectacularily as the prince simply followed him and pinned him to the bed beneath his longer frame.

"wh..what are you doing?"

He blinked up at the prince, not sure if he wanted to throw the man off or let him keep him there. It was rather confusing.
"I'm taking advantage," Sherlock grabbed fistful of red hair and forced the man's head back. He pressed his lips at the juncture of his throat and jaw and kissed, sucked, bit. He was so hungry for the man beneath him, he could scarcely keep it all in.

"Tell me you don't want me, Dameon. I don't think you can," the Prince happily pulled a quiet moan from Dameon. The physician shifted beneath him and grabbed his tightly wrapped arm, causing Sherlock's vision to swim. His cry was a mixture of pain and pleasure.
Dameon shivered as his head was forced back and his neck attacked, arousal was beginning to cloud out his judgment and he wimpered slightly when it was bit.

Flushing slightly when he heard the truth that he couldnt say that he didnt want the man abouve him, the hardening buldge in his pants was testiment to that. Grasping for a purchase Dameon grabbed sherlocks arm, blinking slightly when he heard the cry and hurriedly released him.

" shouldnt be doing strenous activities. youll reopen your wounds. and my answer depends on just what it is that you plan to do."
The Prince smirked, "Have you ever thought i might want them to reopen? Pain and Pleasure are so close to being the same thing to me, Physician."
The dark haired man drew Dameon's middle digit into his mouth and sucked on it, the red head's pupils doubled in size as he watched. Sherlock let out a deep chuckle, "What do you think I mean to do with you, Angarian? I mean to fuck you. Over and over, until you grow hard at the mere sight of me. And I don't think you'll put up too many objections about it, will you?"
Sherlock's arm was throbbing to the same fast beat of his heart and his moan was filled with pleasure and the pain addled his thought process only slightly.
Dameon flushed crimson at the tone and implications of his captors words, while it was a rather apealing thought to a more..submissive side of him, he didnt know if it was really what he wanted.

Gasping slightly as his finger was captured, Dameon squirmed slightly and tried to clear his thoughts so he could think better and make a decision.

"a..and how exactly would you keep me here long enough to accomplish your goal of that?"
Sherlock found himself laughing at the Angarian male again, was he that naive of a man?

"Are you saying you want to leave?" The Prince asked as he kissed the man's neck, his chest, his navel.

"I suppose... I'll keep you here by letting you fuck me, though I'm not sure you'll want that once I'm through with you," he pressed his lips against Dameon's, feeding from the sweetness of the red head's mouth. The Prince was quite sure that by the time he was through with the man, he'd never want to leave.
" wont be enough to keep me here you know."

Dameon was quickly loosing his cognitive abilities, the arousal growing in him as the touches began to wander lower and lower. He could feel the swell of his cock pressing into the firm stomach of Sherlock and blushed slightly at how obvious his arousal was. If he didnt know better he would say that the prince had planned this.
"Oh.. I think it will. But please, dear Dameon, tell me. What will be enough to keep you here? What do you require?"

Sherlock unbuckled the man's belt, yanking it off him in one smooth motion. The Prince could feel the Angarian's cock, hard against his abs. He reveled in the delightful moans he pulled from the red head when his nimble fingers dipped into Dameon's pants and dragged across the length of him.
" not sure...really. its abit hard to think right now."

Dameon bit his lip, trying not to moan too loudly at Sherlocks touch.
he wasnt sure if he wanted to squirm away or relax and let the other man do as he wanted, his mixed feelings were begining to annoy him.

"youll...just have to convince me i guess"
Sherlock removed Dameon's pants with a firm yank, and savored another small moan as he pressed a kiss onto the man's hip bone. The Prince gripped the red head's hips so hard he was sure to leave bruises and ran his tongue over the tip of the Angarian's aching shaft. The man beneath him gasped and moaned and squirmed, oh he loved his responsiveness.

Dark curls fell into his face as he took the physician's length into his warm, wet mouth and the red head shifted restlessly beneath Sherlock's attentions. Tongue flicking, teeth gently scraping the sensitive flesh and then, Just before Dameon was about to cum, Sherlock stopped. He wanted this man writhing in blissful agony, begging for him, moaning his name.
"wh..why did you stop?"

Dameon was flushed and breathless, hips canting up to try and resume the amazing attentions that he was being lathered with up until that point.

Looking up at sherlock imploringly Dameon realized what the man wanted and he blushed deeply, not sure if he was up to the task of asking for such a thing. Squirming beneath Sherlock he tried to buck his hips, whining soflty when the man didnt resume his earlier actions.
Oh, was it a beautiful sight before him. Dameon's fiery hair was disheveled, the lust in his eyes apparent in the dark pools of his pupils, the whining. Oh it was too good, way too good. Sherlock grinned wickedly, "I'd say you have two choices, Dameon. Either give me your answer now or beg me, beg me to fuck you."

While the Prince was waiting for his reply his mouth latched onto the nearest hip bone, running his tongue over the smooth skin there, his eyes fixed on Dameon's.
Dameon flushed heavily, his hips jerking slightly as Sherlock nibbled at his hip. Biting his lip he considered what he had been told, weighing the risk and gain.

"i..i have never begged anyone in my whole life. and im not sure your up to the task of making that a first either"

He hoped the jab would make sherlock continue his minstrations without making Dameon decide or beg, apealing to his pride hopefully would work.
"Well, sounds like you only have one choice then," Sherlock reached up to tweak a pink nipple between his fingers.

Sherlock dipped his tongue into the red head's navel just to watch him squirm. He almost wished the Physician would beg to be fucked but he just didnt seem to be quite ready for than. He licked up the length of the Angarian and watched the man tremble.
Dameon was nearly writhing beneath his captor now, his back arched and face near slack in pleasure. Digging his fingers into the sheets he fought to keep his moans held in, not wanting to seem to overly eager though that was abit of a moot point since Sherlock held his aching arousal in his hand at the moment that showed his willing participation in this game of thiers.

"i...i dont know what you mean. Ju..just because your making me loose my cognitive functions do to arousal and endorphins doesnt mean im going to just roll over and become a pet for you.."
"Oh, how very disappointing. I was expecting a little more... Well, compliance. But that's alright I think you'll warm up to me."

Sherlock pressed his mouth against Dameon's and was delighted to hear the man moan beneath him. He reached up to tangle a hand in the flame colored locks and have a sharp tug. He wanted so badly to just take him here, willing or no, but he resisted.

"How long do you want to play the game, Dameon? I think you know already, I can go all night."
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