T.O.M.E. (Jugger82 and Seductivekitsune)

Nathan looked off to the the clouds begin to form. "You're right...looks like there could be some lightning going on over there. Maybe the thunderbird will show up." He walked with her and Nova to Lavendera, and proceeded down toward the mountain. "This Gemini Tournament...what is the prize for winning, exactly?"
"Along with exp from the fights, I think it is a cash prize." Nova replied, seeing lightning strike a little ways off. Aria ran towards the blast, and found a smoking crater. The smoke was sent flying at the group as the bird flapped its large wings, taking off. Aria jumped black, trying to fire of a shade blast. She couldn't keep it in her sight though, while nova pelted it wit fire spells. The bird swooped down, talons swiping at aria. She dogded to the right, landing a strike in time to do some damage.
(Sorry I haven't replied yet)

Nathan dodged the Thunderbird's attack as it swooped down toward them. Then suddenly...another thunderbird appeared as a second crack of lightning came down! "Two of them! Watch out! I'm opening a grid!" He called out as the grid formed around them. The second thunderbird cawed out loudly as suddenly it burst into a hellfire that rained down onto Nathan, Aria, and Nova...but all shots missed. Instead, with each piece of shrapnel, two Thunderbird chicks were formed...But though they could not fly, they were still large and dangerous! "Look lively! We're outnumbered!"
Aria focused on the first bird, trying to down it quickly. The beast seemed unlikely to fall quickly to her. nova turned to the other birds, firing off many spells, defeating them quickly at her higher level. "Nathan, watch your back. if they summon more I will take them out." nova shouted to him. Aria saw the bird swoop at her. it let out a loud caw, paralyzing her where she stood.
"Dammit Aria!" Nathan called out as he rushed for her and used his chakram to catch the bird's beak before it would strike her. The bird tried hard to push Nathan back, beak stuck in the hole of the chakram and Nathan quickly twisted his chakram. The beak of the bird tore off and got sent flying against the wall of the grid and fell to the ground, and the Thunderbird began to flail around from the wound that caused it to lose its beak. Each flap of its wings sent out bursts of shockwaves towards the three players, unblockable and only dodgeable. Nathan felt this the hard way as he grabbed Aria and threw her behind some rocks before trying to defend against the shockwave...only to get sent flying straight into Nova.
Aria Got flung behind the rocks, but felt the need to do something. That shockwave was about to slam him. not if she could stop it. She created two chains made of pure shadow, and grabbed both nova and Nathan with them. She pulled them back, helping lessen the damage the took. she released them when they were safe, then yelled "I have to finish the injured one, it is a huge hazard right now!" she dashed at it, then jumped. she brought her blade into the large birds head, splitting it down the middle, before, attacking the weaker few birds.
Nathan grinned as he held his own against the smaller thunderbird chicks when he saw Aria jump in and begin to take them out as well. "Come on Nova! Can't have the noob show you up!" He taunted as his chakram was sent flying toward one of the chicks, who simply deflected the chakram with its beak and sent it straight into a rock. "Uh...Oops..." He murmured as he began to dodge the birds that began to go after him now that he was defenseless.
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