T.O.M.E. (Jugger82 and Seductivekitsune)

Jul 21, 2013
At your side, purring for you...
Logging in...

Aria Flew into the mechcity region. She walked slowly to the gate to lavendara. She needed to train, level for the new tournament coming up. She ran through the wasteland like scape before hearing a voice. "Aw... A small cat has wandered into the wolf den" a man cackled as a group of animalistics. A Grid formed and she drew her blade. The leader grinned and ran extremely fast toward her. She rose the Blade, blocking the impossibly powerful attack. "H-h-hackers?!" She said, gritting her teeth. Shadowy tendrils formed at her feet, then lashed out at the foe. She jumped back, still circled by the hackers...
Nathan had been sitting in Lavendera, yawning some as he leaned against the graphic of a rock. He relaxed, and watched others converse and fight one another from afar without the use of a grid. He was simply relaxing, enjoying his time in the world of TOME. Though something caught his eye. Someone new he hadn't seen before. Some girl. Red hair stood out for him as he noticed her almost immediately, and saw the ambush of hackers already underway as several of them surrounded her and formed a grid. "Damn...she's going to get KOed." He murmured as he stood up, and jumped onto his chakram weapon which began to fly him toward the grid. Nathan's abilities revolved around his weapon, as most sword wielder classes do. He could control the Chakram in flight, and his other skills gave his chakram special abilities. He approached the grid, and noticed the hackers didn't corrupt it...meaning Nathan could join in. He stepped inside, and saw the scene before him as the animalistics began to ambush the girl. "Lets even the odds here!" He said as he threw his chakram at once of them.
Aria hadn't noticed the man until the chakrama sliced into one of the hackers. She had no time to thank him, as another opponent swiped at her. She ducked under it, bringing her blade into his torso. "Lose!" Hovered above his head, as he fell to the ground. She noticed one about to strike her new found ally, and sent a spike into his arm vertically with her elongated shadow. It was not enough to defeat him, but it interrupted the strike. "Thanks!" She yelled to him, as she was over run by enemies without him.
(Hey. Tome's facebook just announced a new TOME Short on their website. Just sayin.)

Seeing the strike of the animalistic character being stopped, Nathan took this chance to finish off this one. He was already damaged from the spike piercing into his arm, and Nathan did the killing blow by cutting the same arm off, causing him to disappear and be sent to respawn. There were three left against the two of them, and Nathan walked casually over to the girl. "Got a name?" He said as the chakram returned to his hand, and he stared down the other three animalistics, ready to fight back if they pursued their attack.
Aria glared at the remaining hackers. "Aria..." She whispered, hoping he could hear, then added "who are you?". She raised her blade, ready to thrust a shadowy blast if she could keep one still. One hacker ran towards them followed by the second. The last one, who seemed to be the leader stayed back. She stabbed the air I front of him, sending out the pure black beam. It struck his chest sending him back a bit, and with barely any health. Disheartened at the fact it had not defeated him, she moved so that she could intervene with the first charging opponent.
He saw Aria suddenly rush forward. "Wait! You'll get killed!" He cried out as he rushed towards her as she ran for the leader. He did his best to keep the other two at bay, using his chakram to keep them back and his own body to shield her from any hits. He was down to little health after he managed to beat the other two hackers, leaving Aria to fend for herself when fighting the leader...not wanting to risk getting hit and losing. He stayed a distance away, and watched from afar...waiting to see if there were ever a moment for him to throw his weapon to hit the leader.
Aria helped her friend at the beginning of the assault, but did not want for the leader to escape. Luckily, he was cornered, as she pointed her blade once more. She dashed forward, impaling the player, and stabbing into the rock behind him. She smirked as "lose!" Appeared above his head, and he faded. She turned to the man, than ran to him. "Are you ok?!" She said, seeing he was hurt. She summoned a potion, weak for him, strong to her. She gave it to him, putting away her sword.
Once the grid was down, he accepted the potion and it restored his vitality a bit, and enough to fend for himself to make way to MechCity. "I'm fine, Aria..." He murmured. "Are you alright? What were you thinking, trying to take on the hackers like that? If you aren't careful, you might find a hacker that can delete your character data upon losing!" He replied and looked around. The coast was clear but it would only be a matter of moments before the hackers would find them again after respawning. "Lets get to MechCity...at least there we'll be safe."
"I am fine... He was almost down anyways, thanks to my shade blast..." She said as he scolded her. She looked around, waiting to try help him up. "I never got your name, what is it?" She asked, offering a hand. She looked in the direction of mechcity, ready to move. "Why do these hackers gang up on weaker players like me..." She pouted, knowing this man was much more powerful than her. She kept close, making sure no one attacked him. With low vitality, he might be koed...
"Nathan." He replied as the two of them headed back to MechCity. "Hackers do it for money. People actually pay hackers to take out other hackers or just bullies in general. Others do it just to pick on the weak and feel strong about themselves cause in real life, they're assholes too. Or just picked on as well. Though there is no excuse for any of this." He murmured. "How long have you been playing TOME, exactly?"
"I joined a week ago. I need to grind and level up some more. That is why I went that deep into lavendara" she said, walking with Nathan. "That Gemini tournament... Looks good, but no one wants a weak partner." She said redundantly... He knew this, but she felt the need to say it. He was very powerful compared to her, and she was glad he didn't leave her to die.
"Gemini tournament?" He murmured, not knowing what it was. He had heard of some people talking about teaming up, but he assumed it would more than likely be for some battle that they had planned. But that would have been a lot of planned battles...By the time he'd arrive in Mech City, he'd see all of the flyers that fortold of the Gemini Tournament. Taking a flyer, Nathan read it over and rose an eyebrow. "Its a month away...plenty of time for you to find a partner. Maybe Nova or Crypt want to team up with me..." He murmured that last bit to himself as he seemed to go into some small thought about it.
"No one wants someone low in level like me. The two friends that got me into this game are partnering..." She said, looking away. She was ok with that, but this left her open for partnering. She was training any time she got on. Sadly, many people in lavendara don't use grids, so experience was difficult to gain. She debated wether she should do some ring matches in mechcity, but every one she saw there was to good for her. This was sad, do to it being her shown level, not how skilled she was. "Who are the other guys, 'nova or crypt'?" She asked quietly, wondering if she would meet them, and if they would be nice to her.
"Nova and Crpyt are two friends of mine who I pair up with for quests whenever I need the help or they need the help. Though...If you're really not able to find someone, I could help you. You've got potential, you just need more experience. And you've got a whole month to start grinding for experience with quests and PvPs." He held his hand out to her. "What do you say, partner? Up for taking me to the Gemini Tournament? It wouldn't be about winning for me, but winning would be nice. I'll just be happy to PvP with people who are trained for it."
Aria was schooled by his proposal. "I would love to! I do my best for you!" She said happily, walking a little closer to him. He was a nice guy, and she was so thankful that he offered to help her train, and do the tourney. She would do her best for him, and followed as he talked to her. Pvping with trained foes would be great. "Thank you so much, I am in your debt..." She whispered, not exactly sad at that though.
"In my debt? Calm down its just a game..." He murmured as he rubbed the back of his head. "Lets just worry about getting you experience through doing quests before you PvP other players. How does that sound?" He replied and looked around. "I think I'm done healing up now. Want to hang out here for a bit, and then find some quest givers? I've got a some time to kill before I get offline." He stretched his arms and smiled to her, not really caring for whatever they would do.
"Sure." She said quietly. She was interested to meet the others, but wondered what they would be like. She looked around at the many players, in many different classes, and all different. She smiled at her new partner, laying one hand on her sheathed sword's hilt. She was looking forward to doing some quests with him and his friends. "What quests give the most exp?" she asked, Looking around. A magic user, a girl, walked up to them. "Nathan! nice to see ya, but who is the new girl?" the sorceress asked. "She looks ok... Call me Nova, Yours?" she asked aria, who smiled. "Aria..." She said shyly...
"Alright then...Lets go see what quests are available right now for MechCity..." He murmured as he turned and left, heading out to where the quest master usually was. "What kind of quest are you looking to do? Item hunting? Monster Killing? Riddle Solving? Maybe there is a PvP quest out there. Those usually give good experience, especially with the experience gained from the PvP kills." Nathan stopped upon hearing a familiar voice, and turned to see his friend Nova appearing and approaching them. "Oh. Hey Nova...This is just a newbie that got caught up in some trouble and now I'm in the Gemini tournament with her. How've you been?
"Ok," Nova said, then turned to aria. "Hey kid, Call me Nova, I am friends with your new partner here." She said, as aria looked at her shyly. She seemed strong to aria, and she did not want to fight her. Aria Moved so Nathan would be in between the two, and shied away from talking. She didn't make eye contact, but knew the girl was looking at her weird...
"She...uh...She's a week old..." He murmured as he saw how she was cowering behind him so that Nova wouldn't have to see her. "I guess we'll be seeing you in a month then, Nova...I can only assume Crypt will be your partner since I'm currently unavailable? I know how you two just so LOVE to squabble over who gets me first." He teased.
"yeah, I might as well partner crypt..." She said, scowling at the teasing comment. Aria Looked over to an open quest master. she wasn't sure how to get a quest from him, but She walked over to him. Maybe she would have to do some roleplay. hm, she could try. "Hello good sir!" she declared in a confident voice, then gave a bow. "My allies and I are looking for a source of strength, so we may too grow stronger. I inquire if you have any quests or missions that will increase or combat prowess?" she continued, trying to sound like a noblewomen.
"Crypt would be happy to team up with you. Though I haven't seen him lately. Online, yes. Seen him in front of me, no." Nathan replied, and followed Nova out to find the quest giver with Aria. Upon finding him, Nathan saw Nova begin to act out as if she were in the era of time that they were speaking in. "Oh! If it is power that you seek, then ingest the Thunderbird's beak!" The quest giver chimed as a scroll appeared displaying the information about the quest.

'Thunderbird Cuisine! I need the beak of a rare and powerful thunderbird to make a meal capable of enhancing one's level!'
"Thunderbird cuisine? So we need need to get a thunder bird beak." Nova said, repeating the quest to the others. Aria gave a confused look, then decided to approach the quest master. "And tell, good sir, where can we find a thunderbird, so we might slay this powerful creature?" Aria said, matching the roleplaying aspect. She needed to know if it had a certain place it would be. Otherwise, hunting the bird would be really annoying...
"Well madam! The thunderbird resides where the lightning strikes! Born by it, molded by it! Lightning creates thunder, does it not? Thus a thunderbird shall be born or reborn...Now go, young warriors! Head to Lavendera!" Nathan rubbed the back of his head, always feeling awkward around the quest givers. "So lets go kill a thunderbird, get its beak, and give the meal to Aria so she can level up...If you're lucky, you'll get the killing blow on the thunderbird and get a massive amount of experience to level you up anyway."
"Alright," aria said, turning to where you leave to lavendara. "I will try to to survive. Maybe we need natural lightning to form this bird. Hm..." She continued pointing to one of the larger clouds in that area. "There is a place to start." She said moving through crowds of people. She finally reached the gates, and drew her blade. She needed exp, so this would be a good fight.
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