Seeds of Spira (Broomhandle45 and Candira)

Lucy merely stared at her instructor. Was he...was he kidding? They were going up against Eddie Lightning--and there was a reason for that namesake. Lucy visibly paled a bit. They were going up against one of the best instructors in the academy. She looked at Garren who seemed more calm and decided that even if they got hurt, they wouldn't die.

"Alright, partner. Let's try to work together." With that, she took out her dress sphere and transformed into her red mage form.
"Sometimes I think you're crazier than I am, Luce..." Garen mumbled, but squeezed his dressphere faintly as he transformed into his Gunner. There were always rumors about Eddie, you didn't go to Mi'hen without hearing all of them. That he was just a big sham, that he was some kind of scam artist who had no accomplishments to his name other than being a celebrity, that he was some kind of fiend on the battlefield and everyone was terrified of Eddie Lightning.

"I suppose I shouldn't have to explain to you kids everything," Eddie grinned, and Garen swallowed faintly as he felt the air turn decidedly...electric, like the air before a storm. "But there were always warriors before dresspheres, but it made things made crime easier, war easier...a lot of people said it was pointless to embrace dresspheres. But I thought they were wrong," he said, producing a dressphere that glimmered a bright blue. It's color was not like the novice dresspheres that are given to academy students, it was much brighter and the energy within seemed to positively radiate in Eddie's hand.

He squeezed it faintly, and electricity started to crackle across his arm. There was only a second of the dressphere throbbing before it ignited in a shower of sparks and coated Eddie in his namesake. When it was done, there was a man in a light plate chestpeice that was in a decidedly light blue color, much like the sky and in ornately etched cloth of storms and thunder. He rose up his curved saber with an easy grin, and lightning snapped dangerously across the blade. Garen had never actually felt afraid of much, from fighting fiends at home to their recent spat with the Leblanc goons. But Eddie? Eddie had a casual posture to his power that made Garen tighten his hands faintly in genuine fear. This was not the Eddie Lightning of yesterday, this was the Eddie Lightning of his name.

"So then, kids...your move!" he replied cheerfully.
Lucy knew that this match up was ill-advised at best. The air was literally charged with electricity around them. Danger radiated around their instructor. This did not feel wise in any sense. They were supposed to be working together, but Lucy got the feeling that Eddie wouldn't be making that easy for them. She glanced at her gunner partner and said a little prayer to herself that they wouldn't be beaten up too badly by the end of the session. At any given moment, she was fairly sure that she would throw up. But that impulse would have to be controlled because she was about to do something very stupid. Well, if they were going to do well, she'd want to cast "Shell" but she didn't have that spell to work with yet. The best they could do for now was rely on Slow and heal....She had fire to use and blizzard and lightning. Nothing that she thought would be super impressive.

How did one respond to Eddie Lightning basically saying, "Come at me, bro!"
"...So, uh..." Garen mumbled quietly, unholstering his pistols. Well, he...honestly had nothing offhand that he figured would work. But he did know what he could do, and he had a faint idea of what Lucy could do. So he supposed that it was the wisest choice.

"...I'll try and distract him," Garen murmured. "...Think you can hit him in the meantime?" Did he have any idea what he was going up against, not particularly...but he was rather interested in seeing if he could wipe that smarmy look off his face. A few seconds for a spell was the best they had.
She nodded at Garren and split away from him sprinting to find cover to hide behind while she cast "Slow." It wouldn't give them a big advantage, but it would give them a little more time to think and make Eddie a slower target for Garren. Not that he couldn't handle it, but it was better to not take chances, right?
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