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Bioshock Infinite RP (For Futa)

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William Foster

Jul 2, 2013
I'm well aware this is the internet so futa's are something a lot of people are into but before I get into this I'm just going to go ahead and say it's not my usual appeal!

Ahem, moving on.

Yes that title says it all. I've been craving an RP for Bioshock Infinite preferably involving the character Elizabeth, being the reasonable and adaptive person I am though this is not written in stone (like most details here) and I will negotiate!
A note that may be worth.. noting would be I'm very strongly for switch. Regardless the scenario as long as one person is 'on top' as I'd word it I'd find appeal in it switching at some point. If there's any confusion on this just contact me about it.

Now then scenario, like the rest open for the suggestions here. Got an idea involving Bioshock that appeals to you, share! Even if it's not infinite I'm sure I could make it work.
As for my default I'd probably stick to the basic plot being Elizabeth trying to get out of Columbus. (Before everything takes turns for the worst.)

The only thing I'd be moderately strict on would be a futa, and by god don't you question my reluctance even though I'm making the request!
Look forward to talking to anyone interested!

I can RP at most locations just to get that out of the way, forum, PM, IM, just hit me up with your preference, thanks for reading!
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