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Overneath the Path of Misinterpretation (Alvis Alendran&Malicious Lullaby)

So perhaps, in those moments of waiting for him, Esther started to feel a little nervous. Okay, a lot nervous. Perhaps it had been far too presumptuous for her to do what she just did. She didn’t let her courage fail her though, not this time, and waited the agonizingly long seconds or minutes for him to come into her room, if he did. And then the door opened even more, revealing him in only his boxers. She smiled even brighter, sitting up a little bit at the sight of him. He got her memo and even did well to shed his clothes. She’d take care of his boxers. Right now, he just needed to get in bed with her.

The moment he did, she scoot back just a little bit to give him better room and space beside her. Her hand came up to cup around his cheek as he kissed her. It was tentative, like he was testing the waters, or if he needed to see if this was reality. She didn’t know. All she knew was every fiber in her being was saying she needed him. And she did. The thought of doing this with him, her student, her soon to be ex-student, it turned her on more than she had been after three or four years of no sex! And since she got back in the game, to say her libido was running overtime was a major understatement.

She parted her lips from his before pushing him back lightly on his back by leaning her body into his. From there, Esther moved to sit in his lap, straddling him and she leaned down, meeting his lips with her own. Not a tentative or soft kiss. It was a deep kiss, slow and passion-filled. Her breasts touched his chest, her hips pressed into his and her hands pressed on the pillows underneath his head, on either side of his head. Esther was going to take this nice and slow. She didn’t want to traumatize the kid or put him into a coma or an early coronary from shock.
Well, this was...better than he'd expected really. He'd not been thinking that he'd be mostly undressed with a naked woman on top of him, let alone that naked woman be his teacher. Apparently it was true what they'd said. Forbidden fruit was sweet indeed. Esther rolling him onto his back was nothing that bothered him, she certainly seemed to know what she was doing, and that was good for him at the moment. Maybe not so much later, but right now, he was still shocked that it was happening. Once he'd had the chance to recover what was left of his wits, he could go from there. Yeah, that sounded like a plan.

She didn't stay over him for long, but man, it was...quite a view he had to admit! He'd had more than a few fantasies about a moment just like this, well not just like this, but something similar! And it wasn't every day that you got to live out your fantasies in the real world. When she kissed him again, it set off little sparks in his brain, deep and slow and...holy shit this was awesome. Her breasts on his body was something he felt accutely, impossible to miss really. His hands came up, sliding up her sides, then down. With a surge of confidence, he slid them lower, cupping around her ass, before pulling his hands off, adn calpping htem back down on her. It wasn't a hard hit, but hard enough to make both sound and an impact. Instinct was a dangerous thing.
She liked the way he touched her, the way he seemed to get sort of a good grip on the situation and start taking it the way he wanted, not just the way she wanted or was going to lead it. Besides, what could she possibly know? She just knew instinct and desire and the fact that she wanted him bad enough to have left a trail of her clothes for him. Then, for a moment, Esther’s mind went completely blank. Why? Because of the way he touched her, groped her and/or spanked her. Her lips parted from his in reaction to it, a gasp escaping her lips. Looking down at him, she shook her head, a knowing smile coming onto her face, as if he knew just what might make her tick and what really got her going. That gesture being one of them.

But, she wasn’t ready for him to get the upper hand. Not yet at least. Not closing the gap between them again, Esther slid down his body and her hands splayed down his chest and finding the rim of his boxers, pulled them down in her descent, letting his erection spring free. Instantly, she wanted to get better acquainted with ‘him’ and wrapped her fingers around the base of it before bringing her mouth closer to him, her breath hitting against the skin as her gaze flickered up to meet his. She wanted to kind of blow his mind…by blowing him.

Her tongue came out and slowly ran up along the underside of his shaft, taking her time to taste him, slowly. She let her tongue explore but always found it coming up to circle around the head. Her favorite spot and part.
Alex watched as Esther reacted...favourably to his motion. Hot damn, he'd done something right! That was a minor victory in and of itself. With that in mind, he was preparing to make another move when she slid down him. He watched her go, and then felt her fingers under the band of his shorts. He lifted his hips slightly to let her slide them down, freeing him from the confines. He blinked and stared at her hand came around the base of him. His breath hitched as she brought her mouth cloe to his member. No...this wasn't about to happen. Esther wasn't about to start, oh wow, yeah she was.

Alex bit back a startled gasp as her tongue moved along him. His breathing shuddered, every part of him loving the feel of it. He'd...not in any way actually anticipated this happening. Not really. If he was being completely honest with himself, he'd expected to strike out horribly, and now...holy. Shit. The way she moved her tongue around on his cock made him almost roll his eyes back. She was...more than good at this. He kept his breathing deep and steady, letting himself keep it together. For now. His mind was abuzz, and barely keeping it together. But one thing he managed was to keep his eyes locked to hers.
Well…that was certainly a better reaction than she had anticipated. She didn’t know why she had the ugly fear or notion that he would recoil, freak out and come to his senses as well as realizing that she was taking advantage of him. Even if he did come onto her first. She wasn’t about to get into technicalities over a game of “He said/She said.” But hearing his breathing, the way it sounded, he cleared affected, she had to not smile otherwise she’d stop and simply marvel in what she could do. She just hoped this didn’t mean she was like…raping him or something. With her mouth.

Along with him, her gaze never faltered from his. It was one thing to hear him but to actually see him and see how he was in the throes of pleasure, that was more arousing than anything else. To see any man being brought pleasure by something she was doing was amazing. She wrapped her lips around the head before slowly pushing her mouth down on him, slowly taking more and more of him. Her tongue glided along his underside slowly and deliberately, wanting to taste every part of him and wanting to make sure he definitely felt her tongue. She repeated this a few times, slowly, teasingly and tauntingly. Pulling back up, taking him back in, pulling back up and taking him back in. Each time, she stroked him. After repeating this quite a bit and feeling like maybe she should do more, really get the show on the road, she started to move her mouth on him faster, tighter, deeper, trying to take him deeper.
It was...torturously amazing. It was the only thing he could think of to describe it. And Esther...she was doing a number on him that she could barely comprehend. The slow movements were sending shivers up his body, on a particularly good moment he actually noted that his vision blurred a little. His mind was so distracted that it was causing him to lose focus. He grit his teeth, bearing down in his mind that he was not going to just collapse into a puddle of insensate goo on her, he was going to make sure that he acted in a good, right manner with her that would make both of them remember this night nad oh my, she was speeding up. Well, that was distracting.

His hands started to close, bunching up the sheets around him, before he shifted his weight enough that he could lean on one side. He forced his hand open, his breathing going ragged now. It was...a lot to take in all at once. And it just kept going! He put his now free hand on the back of her head, loving the feel of her hair, knowing that her mouth was wrapped around his cock, and let teh weight of his hand settle on her, urging her deeper, faster, adn he let out a very satisfied groan.
His hand in her hair had Esther doing all she could to try and overcome obstacles that would prevent her from doing this. But the way she rationalized it was that if she if she could handle Harrison, she could handle anyone. So she liked to think, but it did also help knowing that he was clearing starting to come apart from what she was doing. Just as she had hoped—not necessarily knew ahead of time—what she was doing with her mouth really was working well on him. That made this better, much better and easier. She told herself to relax, let her eyes close and let him push her mouth on him deeper. She also didn’t let herself forget to breathe through her nose. And it made for easier passage down her throat. She didn’t bob her head, simply held him there before she pulled back for some much needed air and maybe a break on her jaw.

Panting softly, Esther wiped her mouth and pushed her hair out of her face, looking at him. She stroked him and then slowly stopped until she eventually left him alone altogether. But she didn’t stop there, because that would just be mean. Instead, she moved herself into his lap, pressing herself against his arousal and took his lips with her own, kissing him with a lusty passion. She wanted him, now and either she was going to take it or he was going to give it to her. Simple as that. But of course, she wouldn’t take…without his permission of course. Esther was ready, so ready in fact. She was soaked.
Alex couldn't help it, his head tilted back, and he gasped, groaned, and he swore his hand creaked from the force of his grip he was clenched so tightly. And then she took him into her throat. And just...stayed there! He fought to stay in control, to not writhe around on the bed like she was electrocuting him. His legs twitched, and he caught his breath a few times, breathing getting to be a bit more of achallenge, and then she slid him out. He didn't catch it in time, or he'd have simply held her there until he came. She stroked along him, and he was ready to finish, any way that she would do it. But then she started slowing down. And a feeling of mounting horror crept up on him.

Oh Gods, this was it, wasn't it? She'd lost interest in it. She was one of those women that found it hilarious to tease men along like this. And he'd fallen for it! Of course she had been, he'd been fooling himself to think she might actually follow through with something like this, and he'd fell for it, big dumb idiot that he was! The despair was starting to give way to some anger, more at himself, adn that kept him hard, harder even, and he opened his mouth to say something about this! But oh my, there she was! And putting that open mouth of his to good use, if he did say so! He felt her rubbing along his length, felt the wet there, and had a mment of disbelief that she might actually be looking forward to this as much as he was.

He pushed his hips down a bit, pushing himself past her, and feeling himself run along her. He tried making it in without guidance, but after two attemtps, He felt her hand on his cock, and she set him in place. A push from both of them, and he was inside of her, spearing into her. He gasped, hands on her sides presing tight, his breathing suddenly ragged. Well shit. It had happened. He was inside of his teacher. He just marveled at the moment for a while, and though it felt like a few minutes, he was really only still for a few seconds. His hips slid down, and then back up, graoning as he did it move, working himself inside of her. He repeated the gesture, and then again. His disbelief was burning in the back of his mind, but there was something more in his mind now, and that was the passion of the moment.
She couldn’t wait. She wanted to, let him make it in on his own but after two attempts of him just sliding against her, teasing her—though not nearly as much as she had been teasing him—Esther took matters into her own hands, literally. She guided his cock to her entrance and together, they both made it happen and soon he was inside of her. It was a delicious feeling and she was starting to learn just how much she loved having cock in her. Any cock, so long as she could feel it and a guy knew how to work it well enough. After this past week, it sort of began to worry her a little bit. How much she enjoyed it, how she craved it…needed it. That couldn’t be normal, right?

Then he started to move, keeping a solid grip on her. She opened her legs just a tiny bit, using her knees as an anchor and her hands on his chest allowing her to move herself on him, matching the pace and rhythm he was starting up inside of her. She was really doing it. She was really having sex with her student. She never thought she’d be living this kind of life, actually willing to have sex so badly, she’d stoop so low and have it with a student, a student who wasn’t even an ex-student yet. Soon to be. She couldn’t deny what her body desired or needed. What she desired or needed. She was making up for three to four years of nothing. That was normal.

Esther needed more. She needed to just get lost in the primal lust and passion. Sitting up a bit more, one hand reached back and rest on his leg while the other rest on his chest. Her hips rolled and she really began to ride him, taking the control. She moaned louder, her right hand finding his and she guided it in between her legs, to her clitoris. There, he would be able to feel how wet she was, how turned on she was by him and if he touched the right spot, just how good she’d feel by him and him alone.
This wasn't real. It couldn't be. There was no way that Esther had put him into her, that she was really over him like this, working her hips with his, but then...there was a very pronounced feeling that said yes...yes it was. It was really happening. He was actually having sex with his favourite teacher. And then she shifted her position, and he thought for a moment that she was pulling away, but then she settled in to really get started on him. And Gods, what a difference!

His head tilted back, his eyes rolling into his head a moment as he gasped, groaning a second later as she rolled on him, the feeling almost indescribable. Then her hand was on his, for a moment giving him something to anchor himself to, and he held onto it with all he could muster. She guided that hand to between her legs, and he felt the, that wasn't the right word. Not enough of one. She was practically dripping as she rode, and his fingers moved along her, finding the raised bud that was her clit, and rubbed along it. Instinct would not lit him fail. And she'd led him to this. He forced his other hand off of the bed, and tried to sit up ,, but her hand on his chest held him in place. Rather than fight it, he put his hand to her breast, squeezing, rolling her nipple for a moment before inspiration struck him. He shifted his leg just a little, and swung his hand to land on her ass. It had worked well before, that meant it still would...right? Right?!?
He caught on well, very well, finding the right spot instantly and she threw her head back, moaning deeply as she felt that pleasure vibrate straight through to her core and along with her riding him, it was a heady mix. Her hand on his left rather quickly after he caught on well, resting behind her on his leg once more and Esther easily was losing herself again. Then she was brought back to reality, the good kind, when that spank to her bottom came and she gasped not very quietly. The sting from the slap reverberated through her and she moaned. Her hand left his chest, no longer keeping him pinned down beneath her and she laid over him, her lips capturing his once more in a whole lot of passion. He set the Esther-sex-goddess-bomb off with that spank. She was ever more determined to make him feel so good for it, and with the hopes of garnering more spanks like that.

Esther parted her lips from his slowly, deliberately drawing it out, biting his lower lip in the process. “Alex…” She moaned his name, it rolling off of her tongue with ease against his lips. “You know you want to. Fuck me. Like you’ve wanted to.” She moaned against his lips, going off on a limb there, encouraging him, trying to fuel the fire. Not because it wasn’t enough. No, just because…she could.
Oh the way she sounded, the way it was looking like she was actually honestly enjoying what he was doing to her, or at least what she was letting him do to her was in the right direction. It was all such an intoxicating mix of sound and feeling. He had no idea how she expected him to contain himself from losing it, but he was managing, probably just from teh way his mind kept half going blank from the sheer stunned nature of the experience. And then he saw her react to his spank. She came down at him, breasts pillowed against his chest as she kissed him. He put his free arm around her, hand running up her back. Gods, this was not something he could ever forget.

And then she started talking. Well, moaning with words attached. Her teeth on his lower lip had his upmost attention. She wanted him to...? Really? She wanted him to take some charge and initiative? Proablem was that at first he had no idea of where to even start, and he didn't want to muddy this. Then he focused on the fact she was kissing him. He put more and more focus on that, letting himself fall into the experience, and get a little bit lost in it. The next thing he knew she was under him, and he had his hands on either side of her head. His hips were thundering into her repeatedly, fast and hard, while one of her legs was sliding up his side. The feeling made him shiver, and he leaned down, putting his weight on her, and kissing her again, no restraint now. He leaned himself over slightly, and he brought his hand down on her ass with all he had, tha smack sounding even over his own moans and grunts, and he let it fall again, then again, over and over. He grit his teeth, and pulled away just enough to manage a few words.
"I'm...I'm...almost.." He managed, not sure whether he was supposed to be staying in her or what she wanted to do. And he couldn't think straight enough to process the thought.
She honestly didn’t really know what to expect when she said what she said, whether he’d take the initiative or if he was just going to go along the way they were. Either, she would have been fine. But at least he’d know that he could do what he wanted. She highly doubted he’d disappoint. Considering she was basically writhing on top of him. What took her by surprise though was soon finding herself beneath him. That was a very nice development and from there, she couldn’t stay quiet. She moaned loudly, her nails raking down his back and her leg sliding along his side. He was so going so hard, so deep. It was a world of pleasure.

Each slap of his hand along her bottom was…shocking. It hurt but it was a pleasurable pain, a very delicious pleasurable pain that she felt straight in her core and it heightened everything. Her eyes closed and she cried out a little bit. She was so close. And she was so close to just screaming. It was an intense build up. Like it wanted to happen but just wouldn’t and instead kept building up, being more. A lot more. She looked at him, one hand moving through the back of his hair and she nodded, panting softly. “Me too. You can, inside.” She whispered, leaning up to run her lips along his before actually kissing him a full on hard kiss. If he kept going, she was going to cum. She could hear the Hallelujah chorus very nearby.
Alex just could see anything. Later, he would realize that he could, but his mind just refused to process anything right then aside from how he was feeling, and Esther made him feel utterly divine. His hand hit her ass again, but this time he left it there, squeezing, getting a good feel for her ass. The heavy, inflamed kiss was driving him over the edge, and her whispered words to him was enough to let go complete. He kept pumping into her, harder, faster, and he broke away from her lips, having seen what she seemed to like before, and felt his teeth his her neck. He stayed like that for a second, before moaning out as he plunged into her, held there, grinding a little, and feeling himself release inside of her.

Panting, he lifted himself up, and kissed her again, his mind rather blown away, and his body feeling like it was tingling. Holy. Shit. He rested his forehead on her shoulder a moment, just enjoying the moment of being with her like this.
Her nails dug into his skin, deep, hopefully not to make him bleed but enough to leave marks, reminders. She cried out loudly when he kept plunging so deep, kept going and had no mercy whatsoever. She didn’t want him to. They were both letting so much out in this one act and it was so good. More than good. It was amazing. And when her orgasm finally hit, she saw stars, fireworks, her pleasure levels incredibly high. She might have even moaned his name super loudly but she couldn’t really remember. She couldn’t remember anything but the amazing sex and this unbelievable pleasure. Thankfully, she was having really great and delicious experiences.

Kissing him back deeply, her nails finally released from his back and she let her fingers move through his hair. Panting hard as their lips parted, she rest her head back and closed her eyes, just lying there, needing the time to recuperate. How she had been able to have sex back to back after orgasms last week, she had no idea. Since one orgasm certainly left her spent. But then again, multiple orgasms were totally sporadic.

Her closet was filling with skeletons, dirty secrets and the like. Talk about a bad reputation.
Alex felt himself start to soften a little, and slid out of her, rolling onto his back, and stared at the ceiling for a little bit. He was getting his breathing back under control, And starting to come to terms overall with what had just happened. He'd made out with his teacher. Check. She'd tempted him inot her bedroom. Check. She got him started with a inhibition destroying blow job. Check. And they'd they'd had intense, passionate, pretty wild sex. Big check. He looked to his side, seeing her there, and a part of him still not believing it. He'd had a bit to drink after all. Maybe this was a liquor fuelled dream. It seemed more likely. He reached out a hand, and touched her side. Nope, this felt pretty damned real. He smiled. Wow. It was just a shame he'd never be able to tell anyone about this. Well, at least not for a long damned time.

"Wow. That was, Yeah. Wow." He managed to say, his breathing coming down a little, his mind starting to actually process things. "I, uh...yeah." He Leaned over and kissed her again, a more lazy thing this time. "Tha's somethin' ah can't say ahm inclined ta forget." He said to her with a smile.
She let herself bask in the post-orgasmic bliss for a moment, letting herself calm down, letting the delicious tingles ride out until they no longer threatened for her to mount him and do unspeakable things. Again. Her eyes stayed closed and she felt her heart beat regulate until it was in its usual momentum. Her breathing returned to normal and that was when she opened her eyes and looked at him. Wow…she just had sex with her eighteen—god she hoped he was eighteen—year old student who was still technically her student, though soon to be ex-student. Her hands came up to her face in a bit of shame. What was she doing? She didn’t do things like this. She didn’t want Alex to think she regretted it because she certainly didn’t but if anything, this was a major reality check. She liked sex, yes, she loved sex in fact. But she couldn’t lose control like this. She couldn’t do this again.

Her hands moved from her face and she managed a peek at him again before he kissed her. Of course, she responded, naturally, unable to help herself really. As their lips parted, she smiled a tired smile at him and nodded her head. “I’m glad. I promise you I won’t be forgetting it either.” Though probably not for the same reasons. If anything, it’d be a good reminder as to why it was bad to hop into bed with any attractive and willing male. This had to stop. It was going to.
He smiled as she agreed about the memory. For her too! That was heartening to know! He lay back on his back, and smiled at the ceiling, making an observation to no one in particular.
"Man, and everyone says your first time is supposed to be terrible! Proved that one wrong!" He said a little breathlessly. His ego was on it's way up now. An older, more experienced woman had apparently liked how he worked. If he got with younger women, who were a bit less...worldly in this regard, Gods only knew how well he'd be able to do! He was good at this apparently. It was a time of revelations! he was good enough at writing to get a job from it, and good enough in bed to satisfy Esther. More than satisfy really.

He settled into the bed, just wanting a few moments to get his bearings. He kind of doubted that Esther was going to encourage him to pass out in her bed. He knew that there was no way he'd be lucky enough to sleep here, wake up beside her, and do it all again. THough that would be quite a way to start the day. But he wasn't going to cause a fuss about it if she kicked him out.
Everything was just fine. She was going to see him out safely, bid him a good weekend and then go about the rest of her night. Then he mentioned something about his first time. Her eyes went wide as she stared at the ceiling and suddenly, all the greatness she felt melted away. Her head snapped in his direction so fast she could have given herself whiplash and her eyes looked like they were going to pop out of her sockets. Oh god… “First time?” She sat up immediately, officially having a freak out that seemed all too perfectly timed. “You were a virgin?” She shrieked practically. None of her students ever heard her shriek or yell. That’s because she never had to. Until…now.
The way she sat up put him a bit on edge. Then the way her voice went made him cringe back into the bed a little. Then a lot.
"Um...yes? I, um...didn't really see good point to bring that up before hand. And it didn't really seem to matter?" He said carefully. With his nerves officially fraying out his accent slipped away. It was an old habit when he wanted to be absolutely sure the other person was understanding him, and not having to decode his words. "I mean, it didn't matter so much five minutes ago, why does it matter so" He asked carefully. Oh Gods, how bad was this going to be?
She gasped in that way like ‘are you kidding me?!’ not because it was so bad he had been a virgin but because he was her student, her virgin student and she was his teacher. If she ever thought she wasn’t going to get into trouble, she had been clearly deluded. She was going to be like Mary Kay Letourneau and going to jail for this. And whenever she got out, it wouldn’t be like Mary Kay’s because she wouldn’t have the love of her life and their children waiting for her. Her hands moved over her face again but this time in a lot of shame and she groaned. “I’m so getting sacked…” She shook her head and then looked at him. “I-I mean it’s not…but…” She sighed deeply and tilted her head back, her eyes staring up at the ceiling. “I totally just took advantage of you. I raped you.”
Alex paused, and sat up, his face looking a bit confused. He thought a moment, and then settled on his approach. Blunt was a good approach.
"Uh, yeah, no. For starters, how exactly are you getting sacked? Did you figure I was going to go make a facebook post about how I just got with Miss Martin? Or hunt down the Writer's Club, and then go tell all of them how I socred with the teacher?" He asked, cocking his head. "And took advantage of me? Hey, I kind of seduced you. Well, at first anyway, then you kind of turned that on it's head but not the point! Raped me? That would imply that I am below the age of consent...which I'm not...or that I was somehow unwilling. Which sure as hell wasn't the case. But it's only...bad if it leaves the apartment. Which I don't plan to haev it do. For like...twenty years." He laid out, hoping that something in what he said was making it to her, was making proper sense. He liked Esther. More than before, and to see her all torn up like this just...wasn't what he wanted to see. He wanted to see her smile, be a little happy at least.
She looked at him, obviously not really trying to even cover up even remotely, and listened. She listened well and was thankful his words were actually sinking in as well answering some unanswered questions, putting that to rest. He was of age. Good. He didn’t think she took advantage of him. Even better. And then he nailed it on the head. He wouldn’t even be able to talk about how he lost his virginity or how. Not that she would have wanted to in the first place but she felt bad that his first time was totally random, alcohol induced and with…her. “Are you sure?” She asked. “I’m sorry, if I had known it was your first time, I would have done something else or at least told you to hold out for someone totally better. But you lost it to me and that’s…” She took in a deep breath and then sighed. “Not…how someone’s first time should be?” Or perhaps she was simply a bit old fashioned when it came to v-cards.
Alex gave a half snort of a laugh, and then another. Then he just started chuckling. He looked at Esther.
"Really? After...all that..." He waved at the bed. " wonder if I'm okay with it? Esther, you rocked my fucking world right there. And now you're apologizing for it? It is true. I am never going to understand women." He shook his head, smiling. "ANd as for my first time...far as I'm concerned, that is how a first time should be. Sudden, passionate, utterly mind blowing! As opposed to the other version I hear about where it's all sweet and nervous and kind" He reached out a hand, and pat her thigh. "So thanks thanks. You've set the bar pretty damned high for the next lady. If you should apologise to anyone, it's the next girl I get this far with when she doesn't measure up."
She shrugged a sort of apologetic shrug since she definitely didn’t think…too highly of herself. She actually took the lead in this case. In the other cases, she wasn’t worried because the men had always taken the lead. This time, it had been a lot of her calling the shots. But he enjoyed it, hell he did climax but it had been his first time after all. Though he did have a point. Her first time was with Chad, awkward, nervous and it wasn’t the greatest but it had been with someone she loved. So the pressure wasn’t that much. But as long as he enjoyed himself…why was she apologizing? For the next girl of course. She managed a small smile. “So…it’s okay then?”
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