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The Perfect Girlfriend Pet [LoverAiden x Raeona]

Ray was getting frustrated at her new drive to fight. "This could be worse than a bad dream if you don't learn to listen to me." He said, his voice getting sterner as he gripped the leash harder, not letting the leather slip from his grip even as she fought.
She heard the tone in his voice change and she glanced up at him through teary eyes, unable to figure out why he would have dropped to this level. He had been the only one to treat her like a normal person, and now that was completely gone.
Ray watched as she finally looked up to him, something she hadn't done since he had placed the leash around her neck. He looked into her tear filled eyes and held his firm face. "I don't want to hurt you, but you need to learn how to listen. Maybe some time alone will show you how serious I am. Now please get in the cage." This was going to be the last time he asked.
Aria lowered her eyes and hung her head, hesitantly moving towards the cage. Her mind was still trying to figure everything out. She wanted to believe it was just a bad nightmare, but deep down she knew it was real. As she made her way into the cage, the metal was cold on her skin and she glanced back at him hesitantly, silently hoping he'd change his mind though she knew that was unlikely.
Ray smiled when she finally listened to him and walked into the cage. He pulled the leash through the cage so he could remove it after he shut the cage door and locked it shut. He nodded that he had got her to this point and knew that from now on it would only be a matter of time before she was his exactly how he wanted it. Standing away from the locked cage he smiled at his work. "Alright, I am going to wash up and get dressed. This should give you time to think about fighting with me like you did earlier." He said calmly.
She frowned as she looked up at him and she slowly back up into the corner of the cage, hugging her knees to her chest. Slowly, she pressed her forehead to her knees and closed her eyes, letting the tears fall freely now
Taking her motions as her understanding, Ray set out to do just as he had mentioned. He took a quick shower, although spent some time imagining what life could be like for him if she were to full commit to her new life. It was these thoughts that made him push harder. He knew that he was being very unlike him, but he was tired of being what everyone wanted. Once done he got himself dressed in some casual jeans and a sport t-shirt before heading to the kitchen to start making himself some food.

He started to wonder what he was going to feed her, not wanting to feed her actual cat food. He decided that the closest to it would be dry cereal, and a bowl of milk. Demeaning and yet actual food. He just hoped that she would eat. After finishing his own microwave dinner, he poured one bowl of food and one bowl of milk and started to walk out towards the cage. Hopefully she will be more favorable after some time alone.
Aria spent the time hugging her knees and simply praying that she would wake up. Of course, it didn't happen, and when he returned, she glanced up to see the two bowls and frowned slightly, not caring much for what was in them. It wouldn't matter, she wasn't hungry after everything that had happened today anyways. She turned her back to him and put her head back down ontop of her knees.
"I see that you still haven't gotten the idea of what is going on have you?" Ray said as he sat in a small chair near the cage. He sighed as he turned the television on to sportscenter and laid the two bowls on the floor in her view. If she didn't want to eat than he could wait. He had waited years for her before, what is a couple days now. Surely she would cave before too long, if only for hunger at first. But soon she will see that if she was good she would be rewarded and if she was bad, punished.
"Sure I have, I just don't accept it" She said stubbornly, hugging her arms around herself as she heard the TV blare to life behind her.
"Well kitty, you better start accepting it. Life can be a lot easier if you would let it." He said, not turning to look at her this time. He was only half watching the show, more so intent on showing her that his resolve was just as strong. He also needed to keep his mind away from her naked body. At least for now, he needed to resist. He would take her tonight before he went to bed. To kind of consummate the agreement, and this time she won't be able to push him away from it.
Aria frowned and simply ignored him, not seeing him as the same Ray she'd known. After a few minutes, she realized she was actually rather hungry but resisted the urge to go for the food. She was stubborn, as most cats were, and she simply sat still, the cold metal finally having warmed up from her skin
Ray yawned, more out of boredom than any real need for sleep. He looked over to the cage and noticed that she was still curled up in her ball and refusing to eat. He shook his head as he stood up from the couch. "Well if you truly aren't hungry, I guess I will have to put this away so it doesn't spoil." He said as he grabbed the two bowls and slowly started to walk out towards the kitchen. He was intentionally taking his time, giving her a chance to stop him if she wanted to eat.
Aria bit her lip to keep herself from speaking up. She knew there wasn't much point in fighting, she doubted she could frustrated him to the point of giving up this whole thing, but she couldn't help it either way. She didn't want to be treated like a pet, he'd always argued with people who told him to treat her as such so she'd grown used to believing she was just as human as the rest.
After not hearing anything back, he placed the bowl of milk in the fridge and the cereal atop of it. He looked out the window and noticed that the day light was starting to fade, the horizon painted with a faint hue of pink. 'Tomorrow will be a fresh new day.' He thought to himself as he nodded and turned out to the living room. He needed to get some groceries and he figured it would be better for her if he wasn't around all of the time. He walked up to the cage and knelt down in front of it.

"Alright, I need to go shopping for some food. I have been running out quickly. I hope you will be fine on your own. Please don't try to hurt yourself, I wouldn't want to come home and have to take care of you." He said with a sigh, wanting the old goodbyes he used to get. He knew that they would come in time, but for now he had to accept the fact that he had to start over with her. He also figured he would need to get more supplies if he was going to take her tonight with little to no trouble. He just needed to decide if he wanted to stick with just handcuffs or rope.
"Don't see why you're bothering to tell me, it's not like it matters" She muttered as she heard him explain his need to leave. Before she would have asked to go along or given him and hug and kiss goodbye, but at this point that was the last thing on her mind, not like she was capable of doing it anyways, even if she wanted to.
Ray sighed and stood up, "Alright, I will be back later." He said as he turned and grabbed his leather jacket. Giving her one last look before heading out of the house and locking the door behind him. He would be out for a little over two hours before he made his way back in the door, having to make a couple trips from his truck to the kitchen to unload the groceries. He had decided that rope would work just fine and bought enough to bind her hands and feet. He also bought protection, not wanting to get her pregnant, at least not now.
With those two hours, she'd tried to get herself out of the cage, only to end up tiring herself out. When he arrived back home, she simply ignored him and stared at the ground, squirming in place as her ears slowly drooped.
Ray wasn't surprised to still see her there, he had bought one of the better lock and cages after all. He kept looking over at her between trips to the kitchen until he had everything in and had finally put all of the groceries away. He looked down at the ropes in his hands, making sure that he wanted to do this now and not wait until she was more willing. But he remembered how long he had been waiting for her to become willing. At least this first time he will take it from her. After this he will wait until she was more trained. He needed this, this one last part of the puzzle before it became real to him. Throwing the rope in is pockets he walked back into the living room and by the cage. "So how are you feeling kitty?" he asked, hoping to see if her mood had gotten any better.
Aria turned her head towards him and simply glared, her ears flat against her head. She shifted even further back into her cage, trying to simply get as far from him as she could. "Just leave me alone" She muttered, turning her head away from him once more.
"There is one last part of tonight that we have to do. You won't like it at all, but after that, I promise I will let you be for the night and you can get some sleep." He said, as he waited by the door to her cage. He knew he would need to be ready for her to try and escape as soon as he opened the door. He figured he wouldn't be able to walk her out of the cage this time. Instead he would have to tie her up and carry her to the bed room.
Aria frowned and shook her head. "I won't like it? No duh" She muttered as she glared over to him. She had a feeling she knew what that would be, but she wasn't sure how she would escape either, he'd likely cover the door when he opened it so she wouldn't be able to run passed, so she just hoped some other opening would present itself.
"So we have two options here. You can come over here and let me attach the leash to your collar so this can go easy and painless. Or you can force me to tie you up and do it regardless of what you want." He said as he waited by the door. If she came to him and made things easy he would be glad for that, and maybe he would be able to make it less painful for her. But the more she fought, the more he knew it would hurt her. She may be part cat, but he was sure that she shared the painful deflowering of humans.
Aria frowned and squirmed in place. Pain wasn't something she really liked, so she hesitantly crawled to the door, keeping her eyes down the whole time. The thought of him hurting her, or her being tied up seemed to be enough to get her to comply to this at least, she hated doing it, but it didn't seem worth the consequences either.
Ray noticed that she seemed to not like the idea of pain, and he made a note of that so he could learn to discipline her later if she needed it. Thinking things will be better than he first thought, he leaned in and fastened the leash to the collar and unlocked the cage. His hand never leaving the leash in case she decided to bolt towards the door. He walked a little from the cage to let her come out of it.
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