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The Monster School (Need Females)

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the idea of a fight made Brody excited so he opened his mouth and breathed a hot purple fire toward Nathan. His body could produce the flame as well as control it. Brody's eyes were glowing a bright red like the eyes of a dragon. He managed to jump back into the tree while still breathing the flames. He reached to his back to grab his sword but it wasn't there. 'Damn it!', he thought. He was weaponless against this human with a giant Chakram. How as he suppose to block the dangerous weapon. If only he hadn't left his sword in Nathan and Elizabeth's room.
Joseph sighed "..I'd hate to interrupt your lovers quarrel..but.. again this is important...and as I said, please let her go, this is incredibly important. After all a student that was jailed for patricide and is now facing criminal charges for such would be in fact important considering said student is also a Wendigo." He sat down in a small chair looking at Darian with a lax gaze. "However as said, I'd like it if you let her go, Wendigos have a tendency to...become more difficult to handle when exposed to tense and or otherwise mildly violent situations." He said with a frown. "...So, although this MAY sound like a threat it in fact is not, I respect you and your authority, however I really must insist that you let her go unless you want a giant rampaging monster capable of leveling this tower eating some of the students." His gaze went away from Darian, notably out of shame. "'s not an aspect of myself that I'm proud of. So please let her go so we can get down to business."


Felix shook his head upon him receiving the watch, he laughed slightly patting her head. "You're a good kid giving me this...Even though I'll probably lose it in a little bit.. Still I appreciate the little gift, so thanks." It was rather shocking or specifically surprising to see that the cold-blooded proctor was anything but. He was in fact pretty good. He sighed "I don't understand why I get such a bad rap, I just do what comes naturally. I don't cause trouble, if anything I try to stop it...Like a moment ago, that kid attacked me just for patting his head and SITTING next to him...kinda shocking...not to mention that he nearly knocked a few of my teeth in with his telekinesis....I'm beginning to doubt that there's any point for me bein' here." He smirked at the kid. "..Relax though... I can stop them easily..Just say the word.." He said with a sigh as he looked at Nathan and Brody continuing to argue...then fight.
Sometimes Elizabeth felt like she must blend into the background. After the exchange with the teacher that caused Nathan to disappear outside she sat at the table almost entirely ignored even when another lady approached and sat talking. She slipped away unnoticed and into the hall of the cafeteria. Finding a quiet secluded spot she pulled off her clothes quickly and began to change. She was used to it used to 60 secs of agonizing pain as one can get. Her skin rippled and stretched as her bones snapped and reformed into the proper places. Thick black fur sprouted over her body and her face grew long, her mouth filled with sharp fangs. In a moment she stood there in full wolf form. She stood well over three feet as a wolf and weighed over 120 lbs. There was no way to mistake her for her a normal gray wolf she was quite a bit larger. Her eyes were always a give away even to humans. They remained the same intelligent purple they normally were. They were distinctly human.

Put her nose to the ground she followed Nathan's sent outside to where she found (to her horror) that he was squaring off against Brody. Nathan looked ready to slaughter Brody. She hid behind a tree watching. In her wolf form she was different, instinct often took over in place of her normal personality. Her instinct at the moment was to protect Brody, she had no fear that Nathan could protect himself. In fact the flames Brody sent his way barely seemed to faze him. For now she simply continued to watch from the shadows.
Azazel was caught off guard by the sudden way she spoke to him, the ghost seemingly knowing who he if they had known eachother for years. It was a strange sensation knowing that she was kind of cute...even though she was some kind of ghost...but even then, something about her seemed off. She wasn't a calm and collected ghost like many, lurking around the world for something they were missing...she seemed to be relatively 'insane' for lack of a better term. Assuming that Azazel was her long lost boyfriend...for god knows that reason.

The sensation of her transparent body against him made him blush slightly his head at big upwards as he attempted to meld one with the wall or some bullshit like that. He was unable to back away from her any further...the damned ghost had him cornered. The sensation that overcame him as the room cooled down to a near freezing point made him stare in awe the figure before him erupting in a flurry of anger. Blushing slightly as he realized that he was the cause of her sudden outburst.

"R-Rin? T-that name is kind of cute."Azazel murmured quietly, trying to coax her into calming down. "B-but even then I have to tell you...I'm not this Akihiko guy...and I'm sorry but the two of us..."Azazel paused unsure if he should be so direct and blunt with the clearly fragile ghost before him. However he was always a fan of the bandaid tactic, getting it over with quickly instead of drawing it out over a long period of time. "We've never met before....I'm sorry."Azazel mused with a small blush, even through all the fear...he was not keen on deception.
La'aste sat at the end of a table dressed in sweat pants and tee shirt. The clothes were given to her by the school since she did not have any currency on her when she came to earth. La'aste did not understand the signs in the cafeteria describing what the food was, and she had too much pride to ask someone. While she did have trouble reading and writing human languages, she spoke them quite well. Her kind were adapt to picking up multiple languages across the universe.

La'aste picked up a fork poked the lettuce on her plate. Putting it inside her mouth, she spat it out immediately and took it back to food line. "This is horrible; do you have something with meat?" The man behind the counter prepared a burger for her and some fries. Instead of going back to her seat, La'aste took a bite of the sandwich while standing in line still. "This is better, I'll take this." La'aste took her tray with her new food and wondered back to her seat. Her blue skin and antennae were attention grabbers in the crowd of students. Her long orange hair was down currently and tangled. It looked like a mess of curls. La'aste sat down and continued to eat her lunch and drink water.
Nathan glared at Brody, and watched as the fireball came straight towards him. Nathan held up his chakram and used his telekinesis to have it start to spin wildly, creating a wind barrier that dispelled the fireball, though the impact sent Nathan a ways back. He growled as he threw his chakram toward Brody, though it would not connect. Instead, he made it so it would pierce through the tree behind Brody and cause it to fall towards him. He expected Brody to dodge the tree, but be he pulled his Chakram back to come right back to him, and even cut Brody if he wasn't careful.
Brody moved quickly trying to keep his eye on the Chakram because one mistake and it could all be over. The silver haired growled at Nathan, his inner dragon trying to rip its way out but Brody wouldnt let the dragon side of him take over his human side. With the tree falling behind him released a burst of flames from his body setting the trees surrounding him on fire and blowing the incoming tree just enough to where it misses him. ' way out of my league',he thought as he glanced at Nathan's confident expression. He was fighting a champion fighter when he was merely and arsonist street rat.
Brody quickly formed small fireballs in his hand and began throwing them Nathan's way.
Elizabeth stayed out of destruction and slid through the shadows unseen until she was standing closer to Brody than to Nathan. She could smell the stress from Brody from where she stood. Her feet itched to dive into the fray, it wasn't in a wolfs instinct to back down from a fight but she still she waited.
Sensing the commotion outside, Noche tried her best to creep into the cafeteria unnoticed. But of course, that was a hard task as she was an Ushi-Oni, so the lower half of her attracted much attention to her dissapointment. She went up to the window to receive your food, thinking. "Do you have If not, then possibly beef? Cooked, if you will." As she received her food she just made her way to one corner in the far end of the building and began to eat without the use of utensils, just her razor sharp claws.
((I'm sorry if I messed up the post order, I just didn't know any other way to join in...^^'))
(Its fine! :] Lets just try not to get TOO out of hand with how we post. Right now I think Nomad and I just have to worry about each other. You're alone for the time being so that doesn't mess anything up. :] )

"Child's play!" Nathan cried out as he ran around the field, making certain to dodge the fireballs. Soon the chakram would come back to Nathan's hand, giving him choice of another target for his telekinesis. He used his power to hold one of the fireballs in place, and send it back toward Brody. He didn't know if it would actually hurt him, but it would provide enough of a distraction for Nathan to toss his chakram at Brody in an attempt to slice at his legs and momentarily cripple him due to the deep cuts he'd recieve. Though...Nathan could have tried for much worse, and actually cut the legs off, but did not.


Darian simply dismissed Latte, sending her away so he could approach Joseph. "You will be fine. A wendigo is fine around here and the teachers and students here can handle themselves if you ever enrage. However if you truly feel worried that you cannot control the wendigo form...I have a resistor if you'd like will keep the wendigo form from coming out, but there is a side effect. Or rather...different side effects that may or may not happen. will become more violent in your human form. This will help sustain the wendigo form, but you will not cause as much damage. Two...You may be paralyzed and unable to move whenever the wendigo tries to free itself...Three...You probably will get a rash from the resistor around your neck, since its a collar."
Felix sensed someone new in the room, someone new... someone- Ah. Felix lazily looked at the newcomer, an Ushi-Oni. His attention returned to the fight. Then back to the girl, then back to the fight, and back to the girl. He frowned thinking for a moment, he knew something was important about this situation. He widened his eyes as he came to a realization. Perhaps he could use the Ushi-Oni's help in this. "Hey you, the Ushi-Oni, come over here, I need your help for something."


Joseph had a sort of disgusted face, he was starting to believe what that succubus said was true. There was obviously some sort of weird fucking creepy S&M relationship between those two. Oh god, he would never get near that damn collar thing. Not only did it make him FEEL dirty, it just screamed dirty, perverted if not anything in general that was smutty. "..I'd rather take my chances in trying to control my wendigo half." He said quickly leaving. Ugh, he felt filthy, he needed a bath. What the hell was up with that headmaster, nothing against him. He seemed like a respectable man...with a less than respectable fetish.
Brody easily swatted the fire ball with his hand. It left no mark for his skin was thicker thanregular humans and it could withstand the heat of the fire. He s offed at how easy it seemed but was too cocky and wasnt prepared for the incoming Chakram that sliced his leg. His skin was thick but the Chakram was fast and very sharp. His jeans were ripped and blood began to run down his pant leg. He could feel his socks getting soaked in his own crimson blood, it was oddly warm. All he could do was drop to his knee because it was to painful to stand. "Damn", he yelled aloud as a pained look grew on his face. Brody continued throwing fire balls from his position except made them larger. It was like his last ditch effort, he had to try.
Nathan was amused that his tactic worked. The chakram returned to his hand, and upon returning he found the dragonic blood still on the blade. Nathan began to slowly walk towards Brody, creating the same wind barrier he did before by spinning his chakram wildly as he slowly approached him. He withstood all the attacks, unlike last time where he was pushed back. Closer and closer he got to the wounded animal, and upon getting near him, Nathan brought his foot up hard, kicking Brody in the chin with the tip of his shoe as it came up. Nathan then walked over and stomped his foot down onto Brody's chest once and put the blade of the chakram on the boy's neck. "Leave me...alone." He said simply before stepping off of the boy, and simply turned and walked away.
Noche looked up from her meal that was nearly gone, at the teacher then her meal again. She stood, stretching a bit before crawling over to him. She sensed something, something off about him..."Y-yes? Did I do something wrong...?" She tilted her head slightly in confusion. Noche could feel the burning gazes of a few students at her lower half. She turned, viciously screeched at them and then returned to 'normal', facing the teacher again.
Felix frowned seeing the fight...end possibly? Seeing her become aggressive towards the others, he patted her shoulder. "Relax, seriously, relax, you aren't in trouble or anything, I just needed your help...well I MIGHT still need it if those two are still up for another fight." He said with a grin.
Brody felt like everything was going in slow motion. Nathan's foot made contact with his chin and he could feel his teeth clamp down on his lower lip. He slowly fell to his back and hit his head to the ground. The pain of his lip was enough to cancel the pain from his leg for about a second but after that he could feel it all. Then Nathan's foot slammed down on his chest knocking the wind from his lungs. He felt himself gasp for air but instead he got a breath of blood from his lip that was now gushing the crimson liquid. Looking up all he could see was Nathan...his confident look only made Brody angrier but he could do nothing about it so he just laid there as Nathan walked away. Part of him wanted to try to get up and continue but he was almost afraid of what would happen if he did. Once again he found himself in a weak position...he sat up and spat the salty blood from his mouth. It slowly streamed down the side of his mouth down to his sore chin and dripped onto his shirt.
"Oh...okay. I don't see what help I could be, though." She could feel one last gaze on her and she turned, roaring at them at the top of her lungs. That poor soul fell down out of shock from the seemingly shy Ushi-Oni becoming like..that. She turned around again, perfectly fine.
Felix frowned looking at the Ushi-Oni, did she have an anger problem, or perhaps was she a bit too selfconcious? He looked at her for a moment, "What's your name?" He said with a raise of an eyebrow, he yawned slightly letting out a guttural 'Urrrr' sounding growl similar to that of a crocodile.
She looked away upon seeing the frown directed at her. "N-noche.." She had a slight blush on her face. After hearing the odd noise he made Noche realized that he was part crocodile, replaying the noise over and over again in her head a few times.
Felix smirked slightly upon hearing her name. "...Really now? Your name is Noche? Interesting little name, the Spanish word for 'night'." He grinned at her. "It's nice to meet you, I'm one of the teachers here, I keep telling the students to call me Felix instead of Mr. Sangino, but...Eh." He shrugged.
"'s not Spanish for's er..Russian.." She responded timidly. Noche crossed her claws a few times then examined them, excellent weapons. Razor sharp ad possibly even more than that, if you were to put her claw up to paper for example then drag it down, barely touching the sheet it would slice clean through it.
"Are you sure? A person who's been speaking Spanish most of his life would know a thing or two about the language, 'Night'." He said with a smile, the claws were more fascinating to him than threatening...considering he could easily crush a steel bar with his jaw strength alone made him more than ballsy. "Anyway I think you might need to see me sometime, and NO this is not a sort of flirty sort of...thing. I'm the discipline officer here and sort of a counselor, THAT's why I want you to see me...seeing as how you...roared at the kids behind you."
"M-mhm...I thought in Spanish it was spelled 'N-noches' not 'Noche'... I know they sound similar though...." Noche saw his gaze at her claws and she put them behind her back. "They..they were staring at me. I think that's a perfectly valid reason to be mad.."
"No 'noches' is in plural, referring to 'Nights', 'noche' is the singular form. For example: 'La noche fue fria, y el viento soblaba creando una atmosphere morbida'." He said plainly, hearing her explain herself. "That's not an entirely valid excuse Noche...Come one, you're coming with me." He said walking ahead, towards the exit.
((Holy crap Google Translate lied to me >:L Last year it was 'noche'..not 'nochi'. Well I'm never trusting that thing again..welp I'm cool with it in Spanish too.))
She tilted her head at the Spanish, but then formed a slightly irritated face. "Wait...why do I have to go with you, exactly?" Noche started going into what could be calle her other 'mode', AKA when she's quite aggressive like as she was earlier.
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