|~|The Blue Sun|~| Lady Arachnia x MissM|~|

"That's a good girl," Melina said, her voice almost like a purr. She turned the knife so that the flat side of the blade was pressed to her clit and pressed down hard. She flicked Savarah's cheek with her tongue, getting a taste of her blood. "You're off to a good start. Now tell me everything you know, and you may just get out of this without losing any important bodyparts. It will take much more than names to get you out of this now though." The asari was visibly excited now, becoming increasingly talkative and obviously gleeful. But more than that, she was getting off on it. It had been too long since she'd been allowed to just let loose and enjoy herself. There wasn't a thing in the world Savarah could do to stop her now. It was just a matter of whether there would be more pleasure or more pain in the coming hours.
Good girl? So she was being spoken to like she was some kind of pet now? Of course there wasn't much she could do to stop the asari from doing just that but it stung her pride even further. She was relieved when the sharp blade was removed from her sensitive button though he sigh of relief caught in her throat as the other end pushed hard against her crotch. She groaned in pain from it and it seemed to make her body go week. She looked at the asari and thought what to say. An hour ago she'd start with a boring life story pretending she misunderstood the question... but not now. She gave the names of the few undercover agents she knew of but she was genuine when she said she hardly new any. She told her how little they knew of the Blue Sun and just some incidents they were either involved in or speculated to have been. Melina would get new that other rival groups were being targeted more heavily right now as the undercover agents there had found significant information. The asari holding her would also find out which members were being targeted to be taken in soon though again she only had a limited information. The other would even find out that Savarah had been sleeping with her captain. That along with her skill was why she'd gotten this assignment, she wanted the extra money it offered. She literally gave up every thing she could think of in order to keep her body as intact and unharmed as possible. She had no idea how much it would work though.
Melina waited until she was sure Savarah was finished talking before finally pulling the knife away. "Now, was that really so hard?" she asked, patting her gently on the cheek. "Of course, now I'll have to confirm that the information you told me was really true. So just be quiet while I make a few calls." Without giving her a chance to answer, Mel collected together the sliced up pieces of lace from the seat of the chair and shoved them into the c-sec officer's mouth. It wouldn't have been hard for the woman to spit them out, but there would certainly be a punishment waiting if she did. Then she flipped the knife around in her hand, holding it tenderly by the blade. She moved it down between Savarah's legs and slowly forced the metal handle inside of her, pushing it in as far as she could without hurting anything. "Hold that for me, will you." Not that there was much choice. If she struggled too much, she probably would have ended up slicing open an artery by accident.

The mercenary sat on the couch across from Savarah then and activated her omni-tool. She relayed every bit of information she'd received to her higher-ups, glossing over what seemed like major things but going into explicit detail about the c-sec officer's sex life. When asked, she'd simply say that it was her job to collect all the information she could, not decide which information was important, although it was obvious she only brought it up to humiliate Savarah even further. Then she made a series of shorter calls, ordering her people to capture the other undercover officers and hold them. Those would be the ones she interrogated next. The entire time she spoke, she never took her eyes off of Sav. By the time her omni-tool went dark, just the look on the woman's face was enough to send her into ecstasy. "And we still have another forty-four hours to go," she said, grinning.
Savarah wasn't expecting the blue sun member to shove Sav's own tattered underwear in to her mouth. She gagged at first from the sudden insertion and her first reaction was the spit the rag out but... he mind quickly remembered where she was and the situation she was in and decided it was a much better idea to keep her thong in her mouth. Part of the thing hung out just a little passed her lips to make her look stupid. She could taste her own cunt and the taste of sweat on the fabric. Next to further add to her humiliation the blade was shoved in to her pussy by the handle. She wasn't dry at all so it hurt a little but it went in without too much effort, it wasn't that large. Thanks to being dry it would do what Melina wanted and stay there. She kept still once again to avoid further harm, especially from the knife.

She watched Melina for a while to see what she was doing and then soon enough it became obvious all she had planned was the call, for now at least. When she began to go in to detail about Sav's sex life shame hit her, the asari was talking as though she weren't there. Savarah's face went a feint red shade and she looked away to break eye contact. When the order was put out to capture the ones she'd given up a wave of guilt flooded through her and she wondered if she'd have been better off not talking and accepting a more severe punishment. By the time she'd finished speaking to her fellow group members the officers face was still red and she was staring intently at the ceiling. When told how long they had left together she groaned in to her panties.
Melina circled Savarah slowly, looking her up and down the way one would a new car they weren't quite sure they wanted to buy yet. She stopped behind her and began undoing her ponytail, her hands surprisingly soft. "I can tell that you're afraid," she said. "But you're not crying. You're not even shaking. That's fairly impressive. I think we're gonna get along well." Once her hair was completely loose, Mel took a step to the side and gave the chair a little shove, enough to send Savarah falling backwards. The chair hit the ground with a hard thud, but the officer wouldn't be seriously hurt; Melina had made sure of that. If she was going to suffer any injuries, they would be slow, careful, and deliberate.

Mel stood where Savarah would still be able to see her and removed her boots and jumpsuit, folding them and setting them down neatly. Wearing nothing but a plain black bra and panties, she knelt down beside her. "Now that I know everything I need to know, I can really have some fun. And there are two ways I can do that right now. So if you want to do it the first way, then as soon as I take these out of your mouth, you'll beg me to let you lick my pussy. And if you can't do that, then I'll move on to the second way. Got it?" She grabbed Savarah by the hair, forcing her to nod her head, and then pulled the underwear out of her mouth.
Savarah watched Melina as she stalked around her like a predator examining it's prey and just waiting to pounce. She was still bound to the chair as tightly as ever and there was no chance of her getting out of these bonds. Melina was right though, she was scared, terrified in fact but the officer excelled at keeping her calm and not showing her woes. It was a good trait and definitely backed by her strong pride. She hated any one seeing her weak so she did every thing she could not to appear as such. She felt the chair fall backwards and she gave a soft 'oof' as she hit the ground and the air was knocked out of her.

Sav watched the asari and noticed her undressing. She saw her clothes fall away and sighed. She didn't mind girls and although asari had no gender they looked and sounded feminine. She found plenty of her race attractive and in different circumstances she'd have found this one appealing too. As soon as Mel spoke Savarah's undivided attention was garnered by the other. She listened to her options and weighed them. The second was way too obvious and she couldn't risk that. She felt her underwear leave her mouth and was grateful, she swallowed several times to try and get some moisture going. Reluctantly she opened her mouth to speak. "Errr... please let me lick your cunt, I want to." The effort was pretty poor though that wasn't through lack of trying. Savarah just had no idea how to beg and hand't done it before. Words caught in her throat and pride restricted her from saying much more. She'd done it at least.
Melina sighed disappointedly and moved so that she was kneeling just above Savarah's face. She was still a few inches above her however, too high for the other woman to touch her at all. Reaching down, she grabbed each of the metal rings on her chest and pulled straight up as hard as she could. "Look. I'm not vain enough to think you really want me to fuck you," she said. "But if you're a good enough actress to infiltrate our organization, then you're good enough to pretend to be a horny, little bitch in heat for me. You have ten seconds to convince me before I rip these out and go back to cutting you up. Now beg." Her voice was so calm, it almost sounded as if she were trying to decide what to have for dinner. She didn't need to get angry or growl. The words coming out of her mouth and the position Savarah were in were threat enough. Besides, Mel was going to have a good time one way or another.
Fuck, Melina had a point and Sav knew that. They were different though, she could pretend to be ther broke thug looking to move on to greeener pastures but... she'd tried some bondage and the likes but what this one was talking about was rape. Trying to convince some one you hated you would love nothing more than for them to rape and violate you was different and very hard. She shouted out in pain as it felt like her nipples were going to be torn off and she knew the asari meant business. She took a long deep breath to calm and focus herself.

Savarah looked up at her still wincing but doing her best to hide the pain from her burning nipples and her many lacerations. She did all she could to suppress the look of hatred that had become etched in to her features. She couldn't look at her as a lover but with effort she managed to get the face of a young girl eager to experiment. "I want you. I want you to fuck me, I want you to make me your little bitch" she pleaded. She was actually very good and quite convincing though every word was a lie. "I want to see you naked, feel you close to me and to satisfy you. I want nothing more than to come over your hands and face. Please, just take me, make me yours" she finished and gave her a begging look.
Melina smiled down at her new toy. It was an obvious lie, and she could see the contempt on her face, but it was better that way. She moved her hands to balance herself as she pulled her underwear to the side, exposing her pussy, and lowered herself slowly. She stopped with her sex just barely brushing against Savarah's lips. "Alright, I'll give you what you want. I'll give you everything you asked for," she teased. Once she was in the right position, she leaned forward and licked Sav's cunt slowly, starting at her clit and moving her tongue up slowly until it reached the tip of the knife. She moaned softly as the taste of blood and cum mixed on her lips. "If you do a good job, you'll get some more of that."
Savrah was focusing now on the other girls cunt and her eyes couldn't leave her as it was exposed. She'd never been with an asari before but definitely had fun with other females. As much as she hated the other she couldn't deny that they were definitely attractive. The sight of her even in this situation sent a feint shiver of lust through her though thankfully that was all it was. She felt the tongue on her clit and she trembled a moment, the feeling was definitely a lot better than any this bitch had given her so far but she felt violated. She did her best to try and remain still and make out she didn't feel anything though... it was a lie and soon enough she'd fidget, if she did much more. "Thank you" she said knowing it would be expected even if she was far from thankful. Luckily for her and for Melina she had been told she was pretty good with her mouth by guys and girls. She took a deep breath and then just went for it, holding back wasn't going to help. She pressed her face in to the girls nether region and set off to work. She started by some gentle sucking of the girls clit and proving the sweet bud with her tongue. As she worked on the Blue sun's clitoris her nose would press against her labia. She moved her position so that her lips were against the blue ones lower lips. She began to kiss them and took turns taking each of her labia in to her mouth. Her tongue then escaped her mouth and began to probe the other's sex. She pushed inside and reached as far as she could before lashing around at her inner walls. All the time her nose would be pressing against the girls butt unable to do anything else.
Melina had been expecting some half-hearted performance that would leave her no choice but to punish Savarah again, but she got nothing of the sort. The other woman was putting on such a performance that Mel almost believed that she was really into it. The asari moaned without reservation, grinding her lips against Sav's tongue. If it wasn't for the sound proofing, the neighbors certainly would have complained about the noise. "Fuck me. You really are a horny, little bitch, aren't you?" she teased. But forced or not, such zealous lip-service deserved to be repaid in kind. She finally pulled the knife handle out of it's resting place and tossed it to the side, letting it clatter carelessly onto the floor. Then she leaned forward and wrapped her lips around Savarah's clit. She gave all of her attention to that one little mound of flesh, kissing it, teasing it with her tongue, nibbling it gently and then a little harder, and sucking it into her mouth, moaning into her pussy the entire time. While Savarah tried to please every inch of Melina's sex, the asari did the opposite, constantly assaulting the officer's most sensitive place. Soon, she would either be begging Mel to stop, or screaming for more. Either way, she would count it as a victory.
Savarah's tongue worked tirelessly on the blue sun officer that held her captive and as her little pleasure slave. She wondered if after she'd given a good show she'd get thrown out and left to run back to c-sec. She's try to get any information she could and memorize every thing Melina said just in case. Savrah remained pressed up against the asari's cunt until she was almost out of breath and every time she pulled back Sav sucked in a deep breath of air that would smell and taste strongly of Melina's sex. Her alluring taste was beginning to stain the young girls tongue.

Her tongue had just plunged back in between Mel's labia when she felt the attack on her clit begin. She faltered for a moment as she quivered and let out a loud gasp. She hadn't been expecting the asari to give her anything in return. Her assault was relentless and for a moment Sav just laid there trying to remain quiet and pretend that she didn't feel it but soon enough her composure broke and she began moaning and whimpering in to the blue crotch in front of her. She remembered what she was supposed to be going and went for it herself now. She went to the other's clit now returning some of the intensity. Her tongue lashing against it and started suckling on that hypersensitive bud. She ground her face against the damp crotch though and rubbed vigorously against it. The c-sec operatives face was wet now and would glisten in the light thanks to the sheen over it. The work the asari gave her definitely was appreciated and she'd realise Sav was getting rather damp.
The sounds Melina made as Savarah ate her pussy sounded out of place coming from her. It would have been more believable that the soft, delicate whimpers and long, low moans were coming from thin air rather than the scarred, hardened killer. But the light humming against Savarah's clit was proof enough that those noises were coming from the lips of the Asari. She couldn't help herself. This was probably more pleasure than she'd felt in years, maybe even in her life. There was no way she could ever let this one get away from her.

Still, she didn't allow herself to be distracted from the task at hand. She released the other woman's clit just long enough to run her tongue along the rest of her cunt, taking in her flavor. Smiling to herself, she wrapped her arm around Sav's leg, sliding two fingers into her pussy easily. She pumped them in and out slowly at first, but quickly gained speed. She started fucking her roughly before attacking her sensitive bud once again. If the officer kept at it, Melina would definitely cum before long, but she wanted to force an orgasm out of the other woman first.
Savarah knew she was good and she knew she could get a girl off, the squeals coming from a bitch like Melina right now proved that and she found some part of her taking delight in that and it filled her a little with pride. She could feel just how wet the asari was by the sheen on her own face that had seeped out of the asari's crotch. She worked hard still and tirelessly with her tongue and her face to try and satisfy this one. Doing a good job might spare her some torment, or, if she was lucky, get her freedom.

The asari was pretty skilled herself though and Savarah was at her mercy in this matter. The ravaging of her clit was relentless and Sav squirmed, writhed and whimpered away. He moans would be lost against the asari's sex but that would likely just ad to her pleasure. She welt her nether region wrap tightly around Melina's fingers as they pushed inside and that caused her breath to stop for a moment. With two fingers inside Melina would be able to feel just how wet Sav was getting. The officer couldn't last long and soon enough with a howl of ecstasy she reached her climax. She literally just forced her face in to Melina's crotch the entire way through it as her body trembled with pleasure. She released a wave of nectar that would flood out of her and cover her captors hand. Afterwards she remembered she had work to do and went back to what she was doing though now she was taking deep breaths.
Even after making Savarah cum, Melina continued to fuck her relentlessly. She forced another finger into her pussy, even as it grew tighter around them, and lapped up her juices as they spilled out of her. "You're a tasty little bitch," she moaned softly. She teased her clit with the tip of her tongue, sucked on it hard enough to pull it into her mouth, and then teased it gently again. She moved her fingers slowly, but continued to thrust them deeper and harder into Sav's dripping cunt. Melina was so close to cumming as well, but before the woman could push her over the edge, the asari raised her hips just enough to move her pussy away from her mouth. Savarah would be able to see her, smell her, feel her wetness drip down onto her lips, but she wouldn't be able to pleasure her any further. She wanted to leave the woman free to moan and beg to her heart's content before she finished for the night.
Itt seemed that finding her own release in a squealing orgasm wasn't enough to rescue her from the skilled touches and assault of Melina, the asari blue sun agent. Savarah now could feel exactly how sticky her face had become from the saliva and sex juices. She didn't even have time to get over her orgasm before this blue girl was trying to lead her back up to another one. Her cunt accepted the third finger eagerly and swallowed it inside with no effort. Her inner walls clenched tightly around the blue digits as she bucked hard against them trying to deliver more pleasure to herself. She wondered how long Melina would take to climax and then when she thought it was about to happen Melina pulled away. Sav was getting in to it and she'd intended to finish the job. She tried to snap back to being herself though, glad that the woman never got an orgasm from her. Just then a second wave hit as she climaxed once more. She gave another howl of pleasure as a fresh torrent of moisture dribbled out of her.
After forcing another orgasm out of her new toy, Melina climbed off of her, drawing her fingers out slowly. Then she forced her fingers between Sav's lips, stuffing her mouth with them and forcing her to taste herself. With her other hand, she reached back and picked up her pistol from the table. She kept her finger just off of the trigger as she stroked Savarah with the cool metal, touching it first against her cheek, then down her neck, and stopping it just on her breast. The mercenary used the barrel to tease her nipples, smirking as they hardened from the cold sensation. "I want to move this little game to the bedroom. That means I'm gonna to uncuff you. But if you try to fight at all, or take even one step in the wrong direction, I'll shoot you. And then I'll still fuck you anyway. You got it?"
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