|~|The Blue Sun|~| Lady Arachnia x MissM|~|

Mar 30, 2013
Savarah, or Sav for short, had just gotten in to the Blue Sun. She'd been working as a little hang around for a few months now and finally she'd been deemed worthy of joining. In reality though she was only here as part of her job, she was in fact an undercover c-sec operative that was supposed to infiltrate the Blue Sun's ranks so that they could work on getting these criminals off of the citadel. She'd done her best to keep that hidden from these lot though and her joining had meant she'd broken plenty of laws already, something she'd been reluctant to do but did knowing it was the only way.

Savarah stood around five foot seven and had a toned build. She wasn't buff by any means but she had some muscle and it was obvious she worked out to stay in good shape for her job. She had black hair tied in to a ponytail that hung around her shoulders. She was currently wearing a plain blue top and black slacks along with heavy black boots. She had deep blue eyes and a scar running over both lips. She was sat on a steel drum on the ground waiting for her new contact, all she was told was to meet her in this were house district that the Blue Sun so wait she';d continue to do.
Melina looked down at the new recruit from the walkways near the warehouse ceiling, hidden by the shadows. She'd been suspicious of Sav for some time now, and she wasn't the only one. She had never even heard of the woman before she'd joined up with the Suns, and as far as she was concerned, no one without a reputation could be trusted. If it had been left up to Mel, she would have just dropped a singularity on the bitch and been done with it, but she had other orders. The higher-ups wanted to know where Savarah's loyalties lied and how much information she'd given away before they had her killed. And since Melina was the best interrogator they had, the job fell to her.

The asari jumped down from the rafters, using her biotics to slow her descent until she landed lightly on the ground. Her skin was a lighter shade of blue than most, with darker markings across her skin. Her nearly skintight jumpsuit revealed a thin frame, although she still had some curves. Still, it was obvious she relied on her biotics and her pistol more than her physical strength. As far as Melina knew, Sav still wasn't aware that she was suspicious of her, and for the time being she wanted to keep it that way. "So, are you ready for your final test before you can officially call yourself a Blue Sun?" she asked.
The undercover woman cocked her head to an angle as she noticed the asari leaping from above. Her eyes locked on to her and followed her as she made her quick descent. She seemed to land well enough and it was obvious to Savarah then that she had biotics, something she'd have to look out for. Sav had always relied more on her combat prowess and guns than any kind of biotics and they'd always served her well enough. She knew if it came down to it some time in the future this one would be a tough target to try and take down.

She waited a moment before replying and at first just gave her a smirk. “That's right, ready and eager. The sooner the better” she told the asari. Sav then pushed herself off of the barrel and rolled her shoulders. She made eye contact with her future superior and asked. “So what exactly am I doing? I'm sure I can handle it” Sav spoke with an air of confidence about her, she had no idea her cover was in question.
It was obvious from Melina's stoic expression that she didn't share in Savarah's enthusiasm. Whether the woman passed the test or not, it wouldn't make any difference in the end. The only real purpose it would serve was to give Mel a better idea who she was really working for. She activated her omni-tool and sent a photo of an older, human male to Sav. The man was a c-sec captain who had been giving the suns a lot of trouble lately, but Melina wasn't going to tell her that. "The only way anyone gets to be a Sun, a real Sun, is to get your first kill. You put two slugs in that guys chest, and then you'll get to call yourself a mercenary. And I'll be watching to make sure you don't back out." While she might have looked like she had her guard down from the way she was standing, Mel was fully prepared for a fight. Her left hand was hovering just over the pistol in her thigh holster and her right hand was already preparing a shockwave. If Savarah made one wrong move, she was prepared to take her down.
Sav listened with a neutral expression at what the other had to say, she seemed to like to talk and act tough. She kept her mouth shut and took the other's posture in. She had definitely been doing this kind of thing for a while. Once she heard what exactly she had to do Savarah was definitely not happy. 'Crap' she thought at first though she only let a flicker of this flash on to her face. She'd have to try and contact this man... see if there was a way they could feign his death... if she got a chance to get away from the asari that was. She couldn't give herself up right now, she knew that so she simply nodded. "Not a problem, when?" she asked in what was a good attempt at a calm and uncaring demeanour. She then looked down at her waist for her pistol, she was armed, that was good, she'd definitely need that.
"Now. His apartment is only about twenty minutes from here," Melina said. She nodded towards the exit, making it clear that she meant for Savarah to leave ahead of her. What most people called paranoia, Mel simply considered common sense, and a big part of that was never letting anyone see her back. Especially when that someone happened to be carrying a gun. So once Savarah went outside, she would shadow her at a safe distance, sending the directions to the target's apartment to her omni-tool. She intended to follow her all the way inside the apartment, and if she did shoot the mark, to confirm his death. If she could do that, then they would at least know she wasn't c-sec and could start following other leads. But if Sav failed, then Mel would incapacitate her and kill the target herself. A small part of her hoped that Sav would do something stupid like try to fight her or run away. At least that way she might have a little fun.
She shrugged as she was told that Sav had to go and do it right now, she was hoping she'd get some preparation time. "It's a shame you don't like going for real challenges, just old men, I'm actually disappointed." the c-sec officer explained. She set off at a steady pace heading towards the man's apartment. She was trying to debate what she should do and found herself split in half, she really couldn't decide what would be the best choice. Could she really kill one of her own? She was confident they'd at least try to kill him if she didn't... but if he was warned he might be able to get some kind of protection.

The walk seemed to take no time at all and she was no closer at all to making her mind up. She'd considered turning on the asari but... she thought her mission was too important, she was trying to bring the whole of the blue suns down on the citadel. She'd made her mind up that if this man had to die, some one she knew distantly and had seen around work, then it was best she did it... especially if she could keep her cover by doing it. She hated the thought of what she was going to do though it had to be done. Savarah shot the door control panel and the door popped open, she then stormed in and raised her pistol. She hunted around the house for him ready to shoot before she could change her mind. She stormed through every room quickly and found the apartment empty, he wasn't here. That was then what she was trying to do really hit her. "To heck with this" she said aloud and spun trying to aim the pistol on the asari. She was quick and a good shot and did her best to try and empty three shots in the other.
The moment Savarah started to turn, Melina was already raising a barrier to defend herself. It was a good thing she did, because otherwise the bullets would have pierced her skill instead of being deflected into the walls. She hadn't planned for the apartment to be empty, but it served her purposes just as well. An empty apartment was the perfect place for an interrogation. All she needed to do now was take down Sav. Melina's fist began to glow with energy as she focused all of her biotic energy into her palm. She thrust her hand forward and a wave of biotic energy flew towards Savarah, aiming to blast her into the wall. She held back enough that the attack wouldn't kill her, but it would hurt like a bitch. As soon as the shockwave left her hand, she drew her gun and crossed the room towards the c-sec officer. Instead of firing the weapon, she flipped it around in her hand so that she held it by the barrel and swung it at Savarah. There was a stunner mod on the handle of her pistol that would render her unconscious if it hit her.
She should have been expecting something like this but she was caught off guard. The blast hit her hard and sent her flying backwards towards the wall. She hit it with quite some force and gave out a loud "Oof" as she did so. She was trugglng to breathe after that as the wind had been knocked out of her. She'd managed to keep a hold of her pistol though which was good. She dropped to her knee panting heavily and noticed the asari charging her. She raised the gun again and took two more shots hoping that at least one would do something, even graze the asari. After the second shot fired the blue sun was on top of her. She tried to bring her arms up to defend herself but she was too slow. The gun hit her hard and she dropped to the ground with a heavy thud, unconscious.
Melina kicked Sav's gun away from her before kneeling down to confirm that she was, in fact, unconscious. Once she was sure the woman was out, she allowed herself to relax a little. She holstered her pistol and crossed the room to check the computer she'd seen earlier. According to his schedule, the captain had left the citadel earlier that day and would begone for the next 48 hours at least. That gave the mercenary plenty of time to work.

The first thing she had to do was repair the door Savarah had blasted her way through earlier. She used her omni-tool to seal it shut so that no one would interrupt them. Then she came back into the apartment to move Savarah. When she went to move the woman she winced and hissed as a sharp pain shot through her right arm. She realized that one of the bullets had grazed her shoulder earlier. It was nothing a little medi-gel couldn't fix, but she still cursed herself for being so careless. She shifted the woman's weight to her good arm and lifted her into one of the chairs in the room. Since it was a c-sec officer's apartment, she knew there would be handcuffs around somewhere, and sure enough it only took her a few minutes to find a pair. She cuffed Savarah's hands behind her back, looping them through the back of the chair so she couldn't get out of it. She collected a few other items from the house that she could use as well. Now, she just had to wait. When Sav woke up, she would see Melina sitting in the couch across from her with a knife in her hand and a pistol on the table between them.
Savarah had a restless time while she was unconscious, she was racked with terrible thoughts of what the officer was going to do if the old man was there. Eventually though she came too, she had no idea how long she was out, it felt like she'd had a full nights sleep though she knew that can't have been the case. She couldn't remember what happened, she remembered shooting at the advancing woman and then... blank. She assumed the other must have hit her or something, being knocked out made you lose the last few seconds. She tried to stand as she opened her eyes and it was then that she noticed she was handcuffed to the chair. "Crap" she muttered and tried to pull her arms free to no avail. She then looked up and saw the asari and noticed the weapons on the table. "Shit" she gasped after that.
Melina waited until the full gravity of the situation hit Savarah before she spoke. There was still blood staining her right arm, but the would had already been sealed by a first-aid kit. "As you can see, you're pretty much fucked right now. Normally, anyone who tried to shoot me would be dead already. But I'm not allowed to kill you until after I've asked you a few questions," she said. And she didn't waste any time getting to the first question. "How much does c-sec know about our operations?" she asked. She didn't expect to get the answers she wanted without having to resort to some dirtier methods, but whether Sav told her what she wanted to know or not, it wouldn't change what she did next. She didn't get to play like this very often and she intended to enjoy herself for as long as possible.
Savarah's eyes were still scanning for a way out, she had to find something she could do. Sav took another look at the asari and then that was when she noticed the blood on her arm which brought a brief moment of satisfaction, it meant she'd not missed entirely even if she'd already healed the wound. She couldn't see a way out yet so she'd have to bide her time. "We don't know any thing other than you have a pretty name, we thought it'd be good if one of us joined you so wee could learn more ans get to use such a nice name" she replied with a smirk. She knew what this likely meant to her but... she expected it and it was definitely her job.
Melina smirked and got off of the couch, walking around until she was standing behind Savarah, still twirling the knife in her hand. "You're funny. Or at least, you try to be. But I'm afraid I don't have time for jokes." She reached around Sav and grabbed the front of her shirt, pulling the fabric as far away from her body as possible. Without warning, she began to cut away at the top, splitting it down the middle. The knife ripped through it easily, and once she was finished, she pulled it away to either side, leaving Savarah exposed. Mel moved in front of her again and pressed the tip of the knife into her sternum, just enough to prick her skin. "There is a lot of medi-gel in this apartment. That means there's no shortage to the number of ways I can cut you up and still keep you alive."
((sorry I took a while to reply, been so busy, all my rps have been slow lately, hopefully I can pick it up again))

Sav looked down when her captor pulled her shirt forward. She then watched that along with her sports bra which she had underneath get cut away and fall uselessly to her sides. Her ample breasts spilled out now seeing as the sports bra had been significantly holding them back. What was immediately obvious were two silver ring piercings through her nipples. She lamented the loss of her clothes and looked down at her own breasts knowing she was baring her exposed breasts for this Asari. She felt the knife against her torso and she inhaled. Her breath then caught in her throat not wanting to cause the blade to dig any deeper in to her, she waited to see what was going to happen.
Melina frowned at Savarah's silence. She pressed the knife down harder, cutting a line between her breasts. When she pulled the knife away, a thin stream of crimson ran down her body, stopping at her stomach. It was a shallow cut, it probably wouldn't even scar, but Mel hoped that it would get her point across. With her free hand, she took a hold of the piercing in Sav's breast and pulled hard, twisting it slowly. "I thought I made your situation clear, but it seems that you just don't get it. So let me be clear. If you tell me what I wanna know, there's just the slimmest of chances you get out of this alive. But if you lie to me, or try giving me the silent treatment, I will spend the maximum amount of time possible raping and torturing you and your captain will come home to find a corpse in his apartment. Now, this is the last time I'm gonna ask. How much does c-sec know?"
Her eyes darted down once more and locked on to the knife blade. She saw it cut down her own skin and hissed slightly from the pain of it rending her skin. At first beads of blood appeared and they soon turned in to a steady trickle that dripped down her. She gave a small high pitched squeak when her nipple piercing was pulled and twisted. Her chest moved forward as best it could as to lessen the pain from the pulling. The other began to speak and she did nothing but listen, her attention fully on the asari holding her captive. She expected the torturing... that was already taking place, but raping? That was something she'd not considered. She took a few moments to reply but eventually her mouth opened and she began to speak although reluctantly. "Not much... just rumours and whispers of your deeds" she growled. "That's why I'm here... to find out how far your tendrils reach" she admitted.
"How many officers are there on this case? And what are their names?" Melina asked. Her expression hadn't changed, and she only pulled harder on the piercing, but she was evidently satisfied with the first answer. It fit with what the Suns already suspected, so she didn't need to press the issue any further. However she knew that Savarah couldn't be the only undercover; C-sec didn't operate that way. That was the one she expected the officer to lie about, and Melina wasn't going to ask twice. A part of her did hope that she wouldn't tell her. She was already thinking about how much fun she could have tearing this woman apart. After all, an interrogation was boring if it was over too quickly. If the woman couldn't entertain her at least a little before she got the information out of her, Mel would probably just slit her throat.
Savarah was hoping that would be enough, though, realistically she knew it wouldn't. She gave another loud gasp as her piercings were pulled again and it felt like her nipples were inflamed. She seemed content with the first answer for the most part but then she rolled out the second question. That was something Savarah was glad she could barely answer. For the most part under cover officers weren't known to one another. She thought for a moment before replying. "I don't know much, we didn't get briefed on any one else who was under cover... though I know one, Kuvna". Kuvna wasn't in fact an undercover spy but she had been in the organization for a while. Hey being killed was nothing bad for C-sec and it was better than giving up the one or two she really knew.
Mel allowed herself a slight smirk. It just so happened that Kuvna was an old friend of hers who grew up in the same ward she did. She raised the knife to Sav's cheek and sliced cleanly across it with a swift flick of her wrist. Another shallow cut that would heal easily. It wouldn't hurt her at all on its own, but after a dozen or so, she might be more inclined to honesty. She cut Savarah again across her stomach, then down each of her arms, careful to avoid any major arteries. She didn't ask any more questions or even speak as she carried out the slow torture. After leaving ten even cuts across her upper body, Melina released the piercing and placed the knife on the table behind her, then started undoing Savarah's pants.
Well, Savarah wasn't sure if this is what Mel was going to regardless of whether she liked her answer or not or if she'd just said the wrong thing. She gritted her teeth as the knife cuts came and she managed to hold back all but gasps and hisses from the shallow stinging cuts. Trickles of blood were beginning to run down several parts of her body now from the constant knife cuts. Savrah looked away from Mel and then closed her eyes. She heard the knife get place down and she was flooded with silent relief. She was still alive, for now at least. The fact that her nipple piercings were released felt good, her body relaxed back a bit. The buds were bright red now and throbbed considerably. Hey eyes remained shut until she felt the hands on her trousers. Her eyes flung open and she looked down to see the leggings unfasten. Underneath she wore a black and purple laced pair of underwear that were a cross between a thong and girl boxers. She was always complimented in them by a former lover and wearing them brought back fond memories.
Once Savarah's pants were undone, Melina pulled them down to her ankles in one swift motion. There, they caught on the woman's shoes and got stuck. She decided to leave them there, as it would help to limit the woman's range of motion as well. "Not very practical for an officer of the law," she said, commenting on the woman's lace panties. "You won't be keeping them for long though." She picked up the knife again and slipped them under the waistband of the underwear, the metal pressing against Sav's leg. Instead of cutting these off quickly, the way she did with the top, she took her time so that the human woman could agonize over what was about to happen. But soon, they were in tatters underneath her, and she was completely exposed. Melina did briefly toy with the idea of shoving the ripped up pieces into her mouth, but she did still need Savarah to retain the ability to speak. Whether it was to tell what she knew or to beg for her life, Mel wasn't picky. Then, she repeated the process of slicing skin, little by little, on her bare legs.
Savarah frowned a little when the Asari spoke a little about her choice of underwear. She didn't care if it was appropriate, they didn't hinder her and she liked to feel good in what she wore. True to her word though Sav's panties didn't stay on her much longer. She wished Mel would change her mind but... she knew that there was no hope of that. She grimaced and watched as the thin fabric was slowly torn away, she'd been naked before plenty of people, she liked sex, but this was different, forced, she knew what was likely to come after. She saw the asari start to ponder something and wondered herself what that was. It seemed that Savarah's captor though was intent to go back to what she was doing before. The blade cut through her skin easily and once again the c-sec officer was flinching from the cuts and gritting her teeth. They were shallow cuts though... they hurt but she could deal with them.
Although Melina was forcing herself to hold a stoic expression the best she could, she was giddy on the inside. Her sadistic side was coming out more and more with every drop of blood she spilled. While there may have been those among the suns who were stronger or more dangerous than Mel, the reason she was their favorite interrogator was because she truly enjoyed this sort of gruesome work. But torture was more than physical; she would take the subject apart mentally and emotionally as well. She pressed the tip of the blade against Savarah's clit, lifting it slightly with the edge of the knife and leaned in close to whisper in her ear. "I suggest you stay very still. I'm sure you understand just how easily I could cut this off of you right now, but then I wouldn't get to play with it later. So please be a good girl and answer my last question so I don't have to spoil my new toy." It wasn't an idle threat either. While Melina did enjoy being able to tease her victims sexually, mutilating them was nearly just as much fun. And once she started cutting off body parts, she rarely wanted to stop.
The asari seemed to be getting in to this very much so, Savarah was taking more notice and beginning to realise what trouble she'd gotten herself in to and how much of a threat this one was. When she felt the knife point move close to her sensitive region she at first tried to shift away from it though she soon fell still, so still it was unnatural. Her breathing became shallow and very ragged as a sense of fear and doubt began to spread through her body. "I..." she began though was soon cut off by her captors words. She wished it was the other way around, she wished she had her pistol down the asari's throat. However that looked unlikely, now at least. The cool metal gave her skin goosebumps and she looked up at Melina. "I... okay... I will" she said in response agreeing to answer.
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