Marco had no idea rooms like this were even available here on the farm, but he had started to think that maybe events like this had happened a few times before. This time, he found himself being the main attraction. Marco wasn't exactly pleased with having the whole fluffy appearance again, especially while he was pink. He could only hope they weren't considering keeping him like that and would let his fur return to its natural color in time. As he was cuffed against the wall, he let out a soft grunt of discomfort as he was kept in a rather uncomfortable decision, being forced to look towards the bed where May was getting comfortable with the doberman already.
Marco wasn't exactly sure what the feline was thinking as she glanced over to him, possibly feeling sorry for him at least. Of course, why think of him when she was going to lose her virginity to Blain. "Damn...she really does look good." he thought as he watched her being undressed. He didn't really have much of a thing of felines, but he couldn't deny how sexy she looked.