I nodded, then pocketed the small back of quarters.
"I'd say that I just got a mini paycheck then." I giggled before going to the next body and extracting an actual grenade and a letter. "This letter may need to be read by Francis." I noted. "Could be something important to him." I pocketed the letter, and kept going along the bodies, looting them. By the time Arty and I were done, I have quite a few quarters, two grenades, the letter, four unused rounds of 9mm bullets, an unopened pack of cigarettes, a sapphire ring that fit me very well, and a pair of black silk gauntlet gloves. I put on the gauntlet gloves, reloaded my gun, put the one extra in the holster's magazine slot, and the last one in the jeep, then took out one of the cigarettes from the pack and lit it.