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Dragon RP Request w/ Plots (MxF)

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Jul 1, 2013
The Normandy SR-2
I've always been a fan of dragons and playing as dragons so naturally I would love to RP regarding dragons. There are a few things I'd like to be known right at the gate. First, I need at least one paragraph to reply to or else I'll end up getting bored and lose muse for wanting to continue. Second, the mixture of plot and smut will be balanced out because, in my opinion if there's too much of one or the other the RP could get boring for me. Finally, while I'm a fan of the more dark side of RPing for these dragon RPs I'd like there to be a romance element in the RP as well as a action/adventure if possible. If there's a plot of yours or if you find one of mine interesting please feel free to message me.

1. A war has been going on for generations now. A war between dragons and humans. While most believed a war against humans would be easy to fight against they've equipped mighty creatures such as Orcs and Minotaurs to aid in the war against dragons. The two dragon clans of fire and ice had come to a temporary alliance and now aid each other in the epic battle. Over the years dragons had discovered a ability to appear as humans and typically take that shape when necessary, but mostly remain in their true form. Ice dragons are weak in strength, but incredibly intelligent and cunning while the fire dragons are powerful and honorable. One day during a attack on a ice dragon keep a fire dragon warrior was deployed to aid the ice dragons. The warrior is their strongest to offer, but also the fire dragon princess in line for the throne of the kingdom. In the heat of battle she comes across a ice dragon strategist, the youngest and most intelligent in the ice dragon's royal family as a prince. Even though her sights are on battle his eyes caused his heart to instantly fall for the dragoness. Even after the keep is safe the fire dragon has been instructed to stay at the ice tower until further notice. In the meantime she focuses on the war, but the young intelligent ice dragon prince attempts to get close to her...with a few other admirers on her tail including his own brother.

This RP may require us to play multiple parts, but the focus will be on our two characters a majority of the time.

2. Dragons are disappearing. They're on the verge of extinction and the few that remain had become a hunting sport for warriors. With the help of magic, the remaining dragons found a way to hide. They disguise themselves as humans, restricting themselves from ever being in their true form. There is a flaw...on the shoulder blade of their backs a dragon tattoo is the only clue of their true form. Their attempts of hiding had been discovered and slowly one by one dragons had been falling to brave warriors. One remains...the last of the rarest dragons. A sliver dragon, the most wise, powerful, and beautiful of all dragons. There's a spark of hope, it was said a powerful dragon remained in the mountains cutting down warriors one by one. It was in her favor that this dragon was a male. They were the last ones as far as they were aware. Even though her dream was to mate for love the sliver dragon had no choice then to mate with this one if it meant saving their kind. Once she reaches the mountain and meets the male it's impossible for her just to accept him as a mate. Unless he could win her heart before its too late then she'll accept him as her mate and bare the last hope they have, but if he doesn't it could mean the end of all dragons.

Alternate Verizon of 2: The journey to the mountain was a difficult one much more then the last female intended. It wasn't long before a band of hunters captured her and instead of giving her a painless death, the group tortures her, enjoying the pain in her screams. The screams of the girl reaches a warrior that runs to the source. Seeing the gruesome sight he attacks the group without asking questions and aids the girl. It wasn't long after attempting to heal her wounds did he discover her secret from the dragon tattoo on her back. Knowing she was a dragon he felt the duty to end her himself, but something in him just couldn't kill her. Instead he decides to aid her in the quest feeling a new sense of duty. How could he send her away with the risk of recreating what happened? As they journey together through the wilderness and towns the bond between them starts to grow strong, strong enough that the warrior couldn't keep himself from feeling a love for the young female.
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