"Brava Hund," he muttered, smirking down at Blain, then at Daisy. "You're settling in," he commented, resting his hands on Blain's back and leaning over him. "Treat Blain like this, I think we could have a lot of fun together."
Felix stepped into the bath, clearly unhappy, even as Cael bathed him. He was like Damon, then; he didn't want to be here. But, unlike Damon, he didn't seem to want to fight back, so much as to just take it and get it over with. Felix looked down firmly, unwilling to respond to any form of contact... until he felt Cael's hand on his ass, to which he jumped and yelped "Jåvlar!" He seemed frozen that way for a moment, then settled back down, though he was now offering himself to Cael.