Name:Ryanna Davis, Ryan
Location:Travel Thread
Date/Time:September 15th, Late Evening
Tagging:Rikki, Seph, Caleb(NPC)
Name:Rikki Draven(District 7)
Location:Travel Thread
Date/Time:September 15th, Late Evening
Tagging:Ryan, Seph, Caleb(NPC)
They continued to walk until Ryan felt they were far enough away from the dining hall to be safe. She led the group over to a door that led out to a balcony with a few couches and chairs on it. "This place is secluded and not bugged with any capitol recording devices so it's safe for us to talk in here" ,Ryan stated as she shut the door then made her way over to one of the chairs and sat down. "Sit girls" ,she told Seph and Rikki".
Caleb helped Rikki sit down on a couch before taking a seat in a chair next to Ryan's. "Alright so we have a plan, it's risky and a lot of people may die but we need to at least try and carry out the plan if we ever want to be free of this hold the capitol has on us all" ,Caleb began. He then looked to Rikki, "Before I go any further with that, Rikki I want you and Jamie to avoid the axes in the cornucopia, stick to hatchets, swords, and knives understand? MacNimare placed bombs in two of the axes handles knowing those are the weapons you and Jamie would be most comfortable with" ,Caleb continued.
Even though Rikki was drunk she could comprehend what her mentor was saying and a look of complete anger came across her face. "So he wanted to pick us off right away huh? It wasn't enough to punish me and Jamie by making us watch that guy get his throat slit after he was beaten up by peacekeepers the fucker really wants us dead, over some tattoos" ,Rikki growled out through gritted teeth.
"Listen we're gonna keep you guys safe but you guys are gonna have to protect each other okay? Try and get some of the other tributes on your side as well, if we want the plan to work we need as many tributes as possible to break out of that arena" ,Ryan stated. She then sighed, "You can't tell anyone else except for Jamie about the plan just yet, we need to make sure you're all in the arena and that you definitely have people on your side, anyone who poses a threat to any of you....kill them, it's harsh but if they pose a threat to you then they can't be trusted and they will only fuck the plan up" ,Ryan explained.
"The president let's all the tributes have access to videos of previous games I want you guys to watch and study the 75th annual Hunger Games, the answer to breaking out of the arena is in that video understand?" ,Caleb asked as he looked at the two.
Rikki nodded then looked to Seph, "I got your back if you have mine and I know Jamie will be on the same page after I talk to her" ,she began. "So ready to start a riot?" ,Rikki asked before giving Seph a gummy smile that lit up her whole face and made her perfect jawline stand out.