A Challenge to be Won (NotNiceAngel x Trisscar)

Thorin nodded, gesturing for the elf to follow him out of the room.

"we dwarves are not fond of elves as i believe you can understand. though your kin are of a kind we will tolerate. the mirkwood elves however...are never to be welcome among Erebor's halls. Rivendell and Lorien dwellers are...warily accepted after a time. but it will take time. our kind do not forget easily and forgive even less readily. it will be some time before any mirkwood elf is alowed in these halls for anything other than buisness."

Thorin was walking with his hands clasped behind his back, a thoughtfull tone to his voice. Glancing up at Erynil the dwarf king guaged her reaction to his words.
Erynil nodded as they walked, stopping at her room and gathering her weapons and a small pack along with three letters: one to Elrond and one to each of his sons, her childhood friends. "I understand. My people are just as unforgiving as the dwarves. The war over the Simarils is still fresh on our minds despite the time that has passed; I lost an uncle and two brothers to that war. They died long before I was born though," she said as they continued to walk towards the entrance. "Both sides have lives and emotions and histories, King Thorin," Erynil said as she took her horse from a dwarrow at the doors and mounted. "Remember that," she said before she took her leave.


Over the endurance of the three days of her leave, Erynil actually did not stay in Dale; in fact, she only stayed in Dale for the first five hours. She hoped Thorin would not notice because for some reason she did not want him to be upset with her. Actually, she went to Mirkwood, riding nonstop until the...incident. There had been spiders chasing her, and she foolishly chosen to run instead of fight. It came down to one spider, and it knocked her from her horse and bit her. She expected herself to awake in the Halls of Mandos, but instead she woke to the face of an elvish healer and a curiously wary Thranduil.

She spoke with Thranduil and his son, Legolas, who was actually close to her age. Thranduil was suspicious, but she had somehow found a way out of telling him the full truth of her situation. He was a kind and gracious host, and he nearly insisted she stay longer than she did. After all, she had been bitten by a Giant Spider. Erynil looked like she was dead except for the growing light in her eyes and the color that was returning to her face. However, she couldn't be persuaded, so she was given herbs and new wrappings.

On the day she was departing, she bought a few things and looked at their quality of goods. She bought books, sweets, a dress and she bought a new set of elvish arrows. Erynil left believing it was just the third day, but in reality it was actually the fifth day. She arrived at the gates of Erebor on the early afternoon of the sixth day, tired and in pain. Erynil probably looked like one of the ghouls from her children's books because she definitely felt like one.

The creak of the gates pulled her attention from her pain in her side, and she rode inside, allowing a dwarrow to take the horse. One of the crowned princes...the blonde one with a bulbous nose, came and addressed her. He said something about the king wanting to see her then asking if all was well. She persevered and walked along until coming to a door she hadn't seen before. His office? Private chambers maybe? Or was she just exhausted?
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