A Challenge to be Won (NotNiceAngel x Trisscar)


Jan 8, 2013
Erynil rode quietly through the kingdom in the mountain, Erebor. She watched as playing children were pulled off the streets as she rode past with an elderly dwarrow escort by the name of Balin. The stares burned Erynil like the flames of Mordor, but she knew that, as an elf, such was a normal reaction. Some even had the audacity to start yelling things like "tree-dweller" and "pointy eared coward" among other things she'd rather not repeat. Hiding deeper in her hood, Erynil continued to follow Balin until they came to the doors of the palace from where they continued on foot.

Calm, observant elvish eyes took in the palace; she was going to be living here for quite awhile after all. Lord Elrond had sent her as a sort of..."making of amends" between dwarves and elves. He believed Thranduil was cheating the King in their trades, and Elrond was likely right. However, her original job was as an archivist; she tried to convince Elrond to send someone else. He was insistent. Oddly, during her trip there, she had stopped in Lorien. Elladan and Elrohir had wished to restock and see their grandmother as well. While there, the Lady Galadriel herself spoke with Erynil and said that she would "need to get comfortable." It was...vague.

The palace was large and dark, using the mountain's stalactites as decor and structure. Though she did note that there was no life, no sunlight, and there were no plants. Erynil frowned and looked down to the elder dwarf. "Do you not grow weary of living in the darkness? I see little sunlight or life here?"

"No, tis our nature I s'pose. Ye grow used to it, I assure ye," he said as he stopped at the large doors of what Erynil supposed was the throne room. There was a loud knock and a curt announcement that included the dwarrow term for...elf-woman?

As the doors opened, the elleth straightened the collar of her dress and her robes as well as fixing her braids. There was no need to look like some weary Man traveler. Erynil walked in with grace, appearing to float more so than walk. Her eyes were focused squarely on the one sitting on the throne, and her mouth was was fixed in a straight line. She stopped at the steps and curtsied lightly, lowering her eyes and then lifting them again.

"Galu," she said in her tongue. "Gail síla erin lû e-govaned 'wîn. My name is Erynil. Lord Elrond had sent me, as you already know. You are still able to decline," she said, almost as a challenge, a spark lighting in her eyes but nowhere else in her face.
Thorin Oakenshield King under the Mountain was not pleased. A heavy scowl adorned his face, marking his chisled features and making him apear three times more severe than he usually was. The king felt that he had every reason to be in a bad mood however. Since the battle of Five Armies had been won and the Mirkwood elves had departed the stone halls of Erebor no other elf had dared to step foot inside the dwarven domain, but now that peace had been shattered with one visit from the meddling wizard Gandalf the Grey. He brought with him the news that Lord Elrond had deinged it appropriate that a leasion and abassador from the elven people be sent to Erebor to Live. Rather permenantly.

While Thorin had less ire in his soul for the elves of Lorien and of Rivendell, the dwarf still held no love for the fair folk. So when he heard that one of them was coming to stay in his halls for an ideffinant period of time he rather understandably from a dwarven point of view..threw a rather kingly and majestic fit. After he had released the majority of his rage and irritation at the situation the king had decided that he would be Civil with his...guest. She would be given an appropriate welcome, told the rules and given her warning not to be a nuisence...and then Thorin would ignore her as much as was phisicly possible.

When the elf entered the throne room, gliding forward to meet him in the unnaturaly gracefull gait of her people Thorin felt a chill come over him, for while dwarves were less affected by an elf's beauty and charms..they were not utterly immune. And the elf before him was beautiful. When she spoke it was as if bells of the purest silver and gold were being rung, with harps in the background for added effect. But the King under the Mountian would not be swayed by a pretty face or an enchanting voice. Nodding his head with a small amount of proper respectfull inflection to the tilt, Thorin regarded Erynil silently for a few moments, thinking over her bold and rather fiesty words. Then again he wasnt surprised, all elves had the uncanny and irritating abilty to twist words to thier will the same way dwarves did with metal and gems. Finnaly he decided to give her an answer. He would out polite her and show that his people could be tactfull and as slippery with words as her's.

"Welcome Erynil abassador from the elves of Rivendell. I welcome you to the halls of Erebor and extend our hospitality to you. A room has been prepared as well as a feast for the evening to celebrate the return of good relations between our peoples. I trust we will have no issue during your stay."

His eyes were as cold and hard as frozen steel, his voice deep and rough and utterly gracious. Silver streaked hair and beard neatly plaited and the Arkenstone glittered in the thrown about his head. In all, Thorin knew that he was a sight to behold, and he fully intended on keeping his majestic bearing each and every time that the tree hugger apeared before his eyes. She would not be able to say a single word against him or his house on the matter of apearances or hospitality, he would make sure of that.
Noting the warning in the King's deep voice, Erynil smiled gently and dipped her head. "There will be no issue on my end, King Thorin. I hope the same can be said for yours," she said calmly meeting his blue eyes. Unlike other dwarves, she did not see him as a King. He was actually quite handsome for a dwarf except for, well...the dwarf part. "If you'll excuse me, I will be heading to my chambers. I shall return in time for your gathering. Good day," she bowed once again before turning and leaving.

This time, a female dwarrow with red hair led her through the halls. She was swiftly and curtly shown her door before she was left alone in the hall. Her bags were there at her feet as well instead of in her room. Erynil kicked all of her heavy things into her room and shut herself in. Sighing, she picked up her quiver and bow, sword and knife and sat them by her bed. She unpacked all else into a wardrobe and then laid herself on the large bed. How long had it been since she last slept in an actual bed? Five days at least.

After awhile, Erynil let sleep take her and finally rested. Elves usually didn't practice sleep, but Erynil found it to be a mortal custom she actually enjoyed practicing. When she woke, she bathed and dressed herself in a black gown with a swooping neckline rimmed in silver and blue. She left her hair down save for two braids she tied behind her head to keep the hair from her face. Once all this was finished, Erynil left her chambers and tried not to get lost, but it was a failed attempt. Of course, no one wanted to speak to the elf. The half-size beard growers were living up to their name. The elves are no different though sometimes, she reminded herself as she continued to wander.
His bad mood had prevailed into the evening, the infuriating elf wieghing heavily on his mind. Sitting in a large incricatly carved chair at the head of the table for the feast Thorin moodily sipped at a glass of ale and pondered his dillema. One one hand she had indeed not caused any problems, on the other...she was an elf.

Sighing heavily he glanced around the merry feast room again, frown deepning when he saw that the elf still hadnt made her aprearance. Standing Thorin set the cup down and made his way out of the hall, following the irritated wispers down nearly to the vault level of the halls. He could hardly believe that she had gotten This lost. But he supposed a being used to trees would find stone halls hard to navigate. Oh well.

"Elf! if you can hear me get over here! I tire of searching for you and the feast needs to begin."
By now, Erynil was sure to be late for the feast. Judging by the lack of dwarrow, she had indeed gotten herself very lost. Either that or she was getting paranoid. As soon as possible, she noted, she was going outside for as long as possible. What made it worse was that there was no sun to help guide her back from where she came! Erynil sighed and continued to walk down the hall until the most terrifying sound of King Thorin's voice came from the hall behind her...the one she had just vacated. She pressed herself to the wall and reached for her blade that...wasn't there.

"I have a name you know," she said curtly as she looked around the corner to peek at the dwarf king. "And I would hardly deem it my fault I got lost on my first day. I'm not a dwarrow; I use the sun to find my way like an elf which I am," she said as she walked up to him, trying not to lose her cool.

It was at the moment, when Erynil was standing face-to-face with him, that she realized the King was eye level with her chest. Taking a very necessary step past him, Erynil wondered if the Valar had some ill will against her. Erynil looked back at the King and waited for either a rebuttal or for him to lead the way lest she get herself any more lost.
"when you earn my respect you will be called by your name."

Thorin crossed his arms over his chest, glaring cooly as the elf came around the corner. When she stopped infront of him and the dwarf king realized just what area his head was even with..a slight blush forced its way onto his cheeks.

"i care not that you cant navigate. ill simply assign you a guide. Now come, dinner is waiting"

Marching past Erynil Thorin led her back to the upper halls, plopping down into his seat with a quiet huff of irritation. He would now spend the night trying to enjoy the feast rather uncessesfully he believed. Blasted tree dweller and her irritating sense of direction.
Erynil frowned, most likely looking like a stubborn elfling, and followed the dwarf king back up to the feast. It seemed that every dwarrow in Middle Earth found a way to come there which was quite a surprise to her. She also noted their eating habits left many things to be desired...many, many things. Erynil felt like a fish out of water as she quietly nibbled at her plate of fruit and vegetables with only a little meat. She noted that dwarrow were mostly carnivorous. She was also careful not to drink too much; after one glass, she was already getting an odd bubbly feeling.

"King Thorin," Erynil said civilly. "Lord Elrond never gave me an...in detail idea of what you trade with my people. If you could summarize it, I could begin to figure a more proper estimate than what Thranduil proposes. I understand he will be coming soon," she said as she bit into a piece of fruit.
Thorin had just been enjoying the party when the elf spoke up agian. He was only slightly drunk, but enough to make his filter on his ire rather lacking. Glancing over with disdain at the all plant matter that was on her plate the king sighed, taking anouther draught of his ale before he spoke.

"That tree shagger will be here in two days. I shall have a written summery put in your room tomorow when there is less of a feast going on."

He went back to talking with Balin, stryving to ignore the female elf that was plaughing his thoughts.
As soon as the words left King Thorin's mouth, Erynil became as rigid as stone and angrier than a goblin horde. How dare he insult one of her great leaders with such a crass term! She was not making any insults at him was she?! And it was with that thought on her mind that she drained her glass and stood rather abruptly. Only a few of the dwarrow noticed, and it was better that way. There was no need to make herself look totally heinous in what she was about to say to whoever seemed to be listening.

"Excuse me, I have suddenly found the company of certain stone-heads and troll-snot quite distasteful," a few quiet gasps and growls made it to her ears and she grimaced inwardly. Most of them were drunk anyway, she thought, so it didn't matter. "In fact, I seem to have lost my appetite. Good night; na lû n'i a-goveninc," she snapped as she calmly walked out.

There was a dwarrow servant outside that, luckily, hadn't heard the skirmish and led her to her rooms. When she was safely inside, she slipped into a sleeping gown and began her usual evening ritual. It included brushing her hair, rubbing sweet scented herbs into her skin, writing in her records, and reading. Hopefully that brute of a King wouldn't visit her because her room didn't have a lock and her night dress was see through in fire light without her robe.
Thorin was equal parts furious and amused. Who knew that the snippy little elf had such guts in her. Laughing to help dissolve the tension, the king drained his own goblet, gesturing for a plate of honey cakes and crystalized fruits be made up. If she was going to nip at him with bitter ire, he would bait his trap with sugary words.

After the feast was over Thorin picked up the platter and made his way to Erynil's rooms, not bothering to knock as he opened the door and walked in. He really didnt care about her sensibilites at the moment, and he wanted to see her sputter abit. A wry grin teased the corners of his mouth up as he spotted her by the fire in a chair, book held in her grasp limply, a shocked look on her too beautiful face. Good, he had shocked her. that meant he could get a word in edgewise. Pulling out the folded parchment that held the summery, he placed that and the tray down on the side table.

"since you decided to be paper skinned tonight and missed dinner i had this made up for you. try not to be late tomorow."
Erynil had no time at all to get her robe on when the door opened and revealed King Thorin. A yelp of shock later and she was hurriedly tying her robe and returning to her sitting position, trying to stay as calm as possible. Oh what she wouldn't give to wipe off that look on the King's face, but no, she had a duty to perform. Erynil would not betray Lord Elrond's trust; she would stay calm. She shut her book, locked her jaw and thrummed her fingers on the book's cover before taking a deep breath. Eru help her. Looking up with fire in her eyes, she snatched the paper from the table and scanned over it.

"Thank you for your...diligence concerning my health, King Thorin. I assure you I'll be ready in the morning for whatever you need me to do," she said frowning and then giggling to herself.

Thranduil. Was. A. Genius. He was switching out quality for quantity, and Thorin, being the culturally inept tunnel-dweller, had no clue. The dwarrow was paying nearly triple what he should be just because he had to continue buying goods. Then again...Thranduil was using the war recovery as a profit, and that was certainly not called for. It gave elves a bad name among the other races, and it was why most elves were secluded.

Erynil smirked as she sat the paper down and took a small bite of fruit. "By the by, you're paying nearly triple what you should be. He's selling poor quality so you must buy in higher priced quality."
Thorin scowled when he heard the news, his accountants wernt doing their jobs. Well that was easily fixed.

"well then i guess my financial people need a few new lessons. Be sure to be at the classroom at 7. we like to start early."

Smirking to himself at the stunned expression the king decided to scandilize her just abit, freely and obviously running his eyes over her form. She was pleasing to look at though diffrent from any of the previous wemon he had had and most certianly the tallest. even with the robe on he could still see her curves. Thorin was a healthy and attractive dwarf male, so there really wasnt any point in denying his attraction though he knew nothing could come of it.
Peeking up past her paper, Erynil was shocked to see King Thorin looking at her. Weren't elves supposed to be like Thorin-repelent? She looked down and realized that with her in front of the fire and him in front of her, he could see everything. Blushing furiously, Erynil glared down at the King. Her thoughts started traveling in odd directions. For instance, she suddenly realized his eyes were an odd shade of blue.

"Can I help you, your highness?" Erynil asked dryly. "Your mind seems to be quite preoccupied while you stand here at night...in my private chamber...with me...alone."
Thorin let a low chuckle bubble out of his chest at her embaressment. He really was taking too much pleasure in teasing her about this.

"Just because i find many of your peoples ways and a few of your rulers to be utterly confounding doesnt mean i cant appriciate beauty when i see it elf."
"You could at least have some decency and try to hide your...ogling from me during the day," Erynil said, pulling her robe closed as her cheeks heated. "I don't think men are even this bad," she mumbled as she eyed him.

Erynil blushed and looked away, sitting down gracefully and beginning to pen away at her journal. She thought that, like a child, if she ignored It, It would leave. Every fifth second though, she was pulling up the plunging neckline of her nightgown. Sitting down left Thorin with a visual advantage--one he didn't need. He was only an inch or so taller while she sat there which gave him a grand view down her nightdress. "Don't you have kingly duties? Lord Elrond and Lord Celeborn always seem busier than you do."
"Its not oogling if the view is so willingly offered."

Smirking the dwarf king continued to watch his elven guest, admiring her form silently. How something so beautiful could be so utterly irritating was beyond his powers of understanding. But, he wouldnt complain Too much.

"its late. My kingly duties are done for the day. and they just dont know when to rest. Your kind dont need sleep as much as other peoples is all"
Erynil sighed and continued to write in her journal, mentioning in that proper etiquette was in order. "You came in here and didn't even knock. If I knew I'd have company, I wouldn't have undressed. Are you really so desperate that you'd actually want to look at me?" she asked, trying to get some alone time. "It's late; I have to get up early, and so do you. You should get some sleep. It's not good for a strapping young man like yourself," she muttered, looking at him from the corner of her eye. He was quite...attractive for a dwarf or even some elves.
"i dont have to knock, im the king and your my guest. and obviously you wouldnt have undressed your not a tavern hussy. and no im not so desperate, i could have any number of wemon at my beck and call. that i choose to look at you is of little consequence."

He snorted slightly when he heard what the elf called him, she had no idea how to tell his age obviously.

"and im no young strapping lad. i am one hundred and forty five. well into my adulthood."
So, Erynil thought angrily, she was of little consequence was she? She just saved his kingdom half its weight in gold, and now she was worthless. Her feather pen was frozen in her hand on the paper as she continued to stare at it. Erynil finished her sentence and shut the journal, locking it away and making sure Thorin got the idea it was off limits to him. She was wearing thin now as their annoying banter continued, so she decided he wasn't going to deter her from getting good sleep. Standing, she went to the bed and began to turn down the sheets and remove all the unnecessary pillows from her bed, hoping he would get the idea.

"You're young compared to me in age. I'm in my second century, but then again," she said, turning. "I'm just now being considered an adult. So, will you leave me to rest and go to your harem, or are you going to just linger there like a blubbering oaf?" Erynil asked as she sat of the edge of her bed, sliding her knife under her pillow.
Thorin scowled at her, crossing his arms over his chest stubbornly as she began to ready for bed.

"i have no harem. and i know your Old. So no need to insult."

Turning he went to the door of her room, glaring back at her.


He left, in a worse mood than he had arrived in, stomping to his empty room to try and get some sleep. It wasnt as if he didnt want to have a companion for the nights, but he was honorable and would only lay with the woman he intended to mate one day. Non other. So he was resigned to a fairly lonely life until his bride was chosen.
Erynil huffed when she heard the door shut and groaned in frustration into her pillow. Why in the name of Eru did he have to be so irritating?! She laid in bed for several minutes thinking about their conversation. What she had said was indeed a little harsh, but did King Thorin need to ogle her and make her feel even more uncomfortable than she already did in this unfamiliar place? As she continued to let her mind wander, Erynil remembered the streaks of silver in his dark hair; dwarves took pride in their hair and in him she saw a reason why. When she finally dozed, Erynil was wondering what it would feel like in between her fingers.

That morning, she woke early and took a hot bath, deciding to break her fast by herself that morning. When she was done, she wore her hair in a braid at the base of her head and wore a dark green dress with a silver belt. She was met at the door this time by a rather rough looking, balding dwarf called Dwalin. He led her to the meeting room she was to go to and sat in a chair before opening a book and beginning to read. It was a book of poems on anything from creation to erotic couplings of lovers that made her sensitive ears turn bright red as she hurriedly skipped them. Hopefully none of the dwarrow knew Sindarian.

Erynil was eager to get this over with so she could go outside. She missed the sunlight so desperately, and she could use some fresh air. The thoughts of strolling through Rivendell's gardens made her homesick as she noticed the lack of plant life. If she went out, she would buy plants and feed them with spells, and she could practice her archery outside as well. The thought made her quite eager.
Thorin was late to the meeting. Of course it wasn't his fault, but he knew the elf would give him a hard about it anyway. The book he had left for her to find in the room was a rather interesting one, and a small smile appeared on the dwarf kings stern face as he thought about the reaction it was sure to get from her.

Striding into the room to find a packed house so to speak Thorin searched the room for the tallest person, finding her in conversation with the scribe Ori. The lad was one of the people she was to be teaching and probably one of the least judgmental of the group. The young dwarf was naturally curious and while he held little love for elves he was fascinated by them so he was less likely to get offended by what she would say.
When Thorin came in, Erynil was busy talking to a young dwarrow who called himself Ori. She was explaining how elves sang spells into their textiles to make them last and stay vibrant for several centuries. She also explained how those new to the trade often mess up the spells and sell the product to unsuspecting races. Erynil also began to tell him about their musical instruments and how each must be crafted and then tested by professional musicians before being sold. One could tell if this was true because a musician would put their initials somewhere on the instrument. She went on to speak on jewelry and how some gems could be manipulated into changing color with the wearer's mood and so on, but she finished there for the day so as not to overload him.

Erynil sat back in her chair when she was done and began to read, ignoring all the looks and stares. She did catch King Thorin in the corner of her eye watching her though. He looked rather tired, she thought jovially. He deserved every bit of it. She finally looked up at him with a gentle smile and shut the book. That morning, she had actually calculated the cost and number of times they would have to pay: nearly five times less than what they were paying.

"Did you sleep well, King Thorin?" she asked with a smirk. "You look a little sleepy. Late night?" she smirked as she slid the envelope over to him. "That's the estimated cost and savings you'll have now that I've educated you," she said with a bow of her head. Murmurs rang out through the room.
Thorin frowned at her implications the elf put into her words, even for dwarves such mentioning's were rude when in public. Taking the paper from her he read it over, finding himself grudgingly impressed by the work. She had done her job. Gritting his teeth Thorin strove to keep the expression of distaste off his face, neatly folding the paper and straightening his posture to look more regal.

"The dwarves of Erebor...thank you, for your help in these matters. I believe a..reward is in order for your swift completion of your task. a 3 day holiday outside the walls of the mountain should do. If you require and escort one shall be provided for you"

That would get her Out of the mountain for a few days and allow everyone to relax a bit before she came back. Hopefully it would dispense some of the tension that had arisen.
"Thank you, King Thorin," Erynil said as she bowed her head again. "That is quite gracious of you. I do believe I'll need an escort to arrive at the entrance, and I doubt I'll stay gone for so long. Maybe one or two days at the most," she said softly, pulling her braid over her shoulder. "That should gives your people enough time to get used to me not being here. I know I'm not wanted, so I'll try to do my best."
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