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Ideas for use! (M looking for F)

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Nov 10, 2012
Hello there roleplayers of Blue Moon! After a bit of a break from roleplaying, I am back! Same plots, as I can't think of any, but here ya go if you're interested.

I suppose a definition is in order. A "base lizard" is a woman who lurks around military bases, searching for single soldiers to pounce upon with claims of love. In reality, they have no love for anything other that the money that the soldiers bring, and have probably had to use more...ahem...taboo forms of persuasion to get what they want.

For the roleplay I desire, I want to be the soldier targeted. For the partner playing opposite me, I would want a persistent base lizard who doesn't give up on a target once they are chosen. She wouldn't be one who fails only to shrug it off and find someone else, oh no. This woman would be the one who always gets what she wants, and will do anything to get it. My character would have had a father in the military once before who was a victim of one of these lizards, and had passed down his fatherly advice to me so that I may avoid the same predicament that he went through.

However, being the devious little soul I am, I milk the situation, teasing you with the prospect of maybe bending that little bit before having no recollection of my promises the night before. Being human, I would use this for all sorts of things, specifically free sex later on down the road.

Beyond that, who knows? Maybe you would give up, but one of the things I do is turn you into my secret slave. Maybe you fall in love, finding my nature and deception endearing. Perhaps you keep on trying, allowing more and more obscene things to run by you to finally get to that coveted money. This can go pretty much any direction we desire, so I hope to hear from a few of you soon. ;)

I want a female DM to describe things to me as we both slowly craft an adventure together. I would like it if there was no pre-planning, as I want this to be as wildly varied as the game. I want choice as to what I do. If you are describing a forest scenario to me, leave multiple paths and perhaps a curious rock formation hidden underneath green bushes. Give me options, I cannot stress that enough.

If you are interested in playing this out for me, send me a PM that describes how well you can describe a setting. Remember, in this type of roleplay, I am going to be going off of whatever you write. I understand that this is a rather large request, so I can wait and discuss between the two of us through PMs what we shall do.


A rather unique craving of mine has always been the Skate series of video games. For those who do not know, Skate is a skateboarding video game set in the fictional city of San Vanelona (first two games) and Port Carverton (third game). Your character slowly transforms from a nobody who is run into by a bus while filming to a superstar with his own brand of boards that dominates the stores.

Yet I have found NO ONE to play this with.

The idea is great, I don't see why not. Anyway, I am searching for a woman to play this plot with me as well, to help me scratch the now minor itch that has been with me for quite some time.


I am unique as far as kinks go. You see, I list my kinks that I am comfortable with, and then one person that I have roleplayed with for a while happens to have one that she wants to try with me, having formed the bond of trust that I attempt to form with all of my longer term partners. I usually end up liking their ideas, so, yeah, I'm not going to list preferences here. However, I do have a few granite no's that I shall list:

-This should go without saying, but nothing that circumvents Blue Moon's site rules.

-Nothing involving abuse for sexual pleasure. This is a personal thing of my own that I shall not discuss. I am perfectly fine with using it as a character builder or a plot point, but none of it for sexual enjoyment of the two characters.

-No sexual bloodplay or bathroom usage for erotic pleasure. Just no.

-If you have qualms with people posting from their phone, and thereby shortening the post length, we are not compatible. It's my main posting method later at night and during the day during weekdays.

As far as text amount goes, I generally find it hard to type too much more than two or three paragraphs consisting of five hearty sentences each. Part of this is due to the fact that I end up typing less than what I think because of how the site shortens paragraphs and such from the text box to the actual message/post. Anywho, yeah, that is basically my limit. Don't expect novellas, or you will be disappointed immensely.

And there we go! I hope to hear from potential partners soon!
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