The Junior Avengers Initiative (RoleplayMaster x Loneiysong)

His body shook at the electric pulsing through his body and he shook his head "No.. No.. I never meant it like that.. All I meant, is without his suit, pretty much useless out in the field" He said softly. He was probably digging himself a bigger hole, but he needed to explain... He was never good at explaining.
She looked at him. "Yes, and if I am strapped to a chair I am useless, and..." She shook her head and pushed the button. "A super hero is more than what you can or can't do. It is what you want to do and what you do." She said calmly as she sent an electric current through him.
He was sweating slightly now, his body shaking heaps "I know.. I'm sorry" He said, tears in his eyes "I never say the right thing.. That's why I was both looking forward and fearing coming here. Looking forward, because I thought I could make some friends for the first time in my life. Fearing, because I knew sooner or later something like this would happen." He sighed, or done the closest thing to a sigh while electricity was going through his body. "So only my fears happened..." He said quietly.
Natasha raised her hand and she heard Bruce. SHe untied him and frowned. "Be careful what you say and think about what you are trying to say before you say it. You offended a lot of people." She turned and left him alone. She felt somewhat bad for him. But he had to learn early. Bruce came out and nodded at her. Natasha nodded to him and smiled and went to her next trainee.
He nodded and watched her leave. He hated himself and just wanted to go home now. He never wanted to offend anyone, and now it seemed a lot of people were pissed off with him. Before he could think of anything else, he passed out from physical and mental exhaustion.
When he woke up, Bruce Banner was working over him. His glasses perched on his nose as his robes fluttered around him. He smiled adn then looked back. "Hey, welcome back. I heard that she did a number on you." He smiled. "Well you are fine, you just passed out with exhaustion, rule number one of being an Avenger, you gotta sleep."
He nodded a little weakly "Thanks, I know. Just I doubt she would of appreciated me sleeping in the middle of that torture" He muttered. He slowly sat up "I might just head to my room.. I'm buggered. Am I free to go?" He asked
"Well I would rather keep you under surveillance, I mean, you are hooked up to an IV." He pointed to the half empty IV. He smiled. "Tell you what, when that bag is empty and you still feel like it, you can go." A shadow sat in the corner watching him. Bruce smiled and looked back to her. "See? He is fine."
He nodded a little disappointed. He looked confused when he looked at something else "Who else is here?" he asked, struggling to see.
"I was seeing if you were going to die or not." Annabelle came into his line of sight and looked away a bit. She shrugged putting her hadns in her jacket and bit her lip. "I was told that you were pretty brutalized by Natasha." She swallowed looking anywhere but him.
Curtis entered the training room, looking at Natasha nervously. "Hello" He said, wondering what torture was in store for him today.
He held back his sigh of relief, as he wasn't sure if something bad was still to come. He walked over to the treadmill and got on. He set it to a high speed and started running. His legs and feet were hard to see because of the speed he was running at.
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