The Junior Avengers Initiative (RoleplayMaster x Loneiysong)


Jun 26, 2013
Curtis was waiting patiently in the training room. After the large battle between the Aliens and the Avengers in New York, Nick Fury felt that there needed to be a back-up team - a team just in case the Original Avengers were preoccupied. So he called up all these superheroes, some well known and some not so much. Some were students and some were teachers. Curtis was a mutant. He looked like a normal human being, but he had the power of super-speed. All the members of the new team, now known as the 'Junior Avengers', were paired with someone as their teacher. Curtis' teacher, was Natasha Romanova, A.K.A. The Black Widow.

As previously mentioned, Curtis was waiting in the training room; His teacher was running late. It wasn't that uncommon for her, but this has been the latest she had been. He was dressed in just some shorts and a singlet, and he started doing stretches. He sighed in relief as he heard footsteps approaching.
Natasha looked at her watch. Nick had told her she could make it there and back again, but aparently she couldn't. Nick thought way too highly of her. She was sent to go pick up some girl that had been of particular interest to Nick. She was told she was prime "Junior Avenger" candidacy. Well good for her, the girl seemed ok. A bit of a brat. Talking and texting on her phone for a large amount of the trip. She cleared her throat as she opened the door to the training room and saw the boy that she was in charge of training. With a roll of her eyes, she stood in front of him and crossed her arms. She knew she was late, but she was not going to apologize.

"So, for your first lesson, I want you to give me as many push ups as you can." She wore her signature black cat suit as she walked around him adn raised an eyebrow. He was impressive. Nick sure knew how to assemble the teams.
Curtis nodded. He was used to push-ups, as his parents forced him to do a bit of mixed martial arts back home too. He went down on the ground and started pushing his body up and down with ease. By the time he reached 100, he was barely breaking a sweat. He looked up at his teacher, all while doing push-ups, and asked "Do you want me to keep doing these or swap to knuckles or finger-tips?" He smiled up at her.

He decided to show her what he could do, not to show off, but so she could access his abilities better. He started putting his mutant ability into play, doing 5 push-ups a second. After 3 minutes, he had reached a bit over 1000 push-ups and a sweaty singlet. He laid on the ground, breathing slowly "Okay, that is all I can do for now" He told her, slowly getting up.
She watched him impressed. She was told to start out light with the boy. Canting her head, she smiled and looked at him and grinned softly. She moved forward as he went faster and faster, she put a heel of her shoe to his back pressing him down so he had some resistance. When he had said that he was down, she pressed agianst his back keeping him down.

"That is all well and good Curtis, but I did not tell you to stand up. Keep up." She smiled adn then looked at him and watched. She was going to break him and mold him together again.
He groaned softly but noticed the challenge. He kept going, without the addition of the superspeed. He was getting noticeably slower and slower, but didn't stop, trying to impress his teacher, not knowing she was already impressed. Sweat was dripping from his brow, making a small puddle below his face.

Another 10 minutes later, his singlet was completely drenched and he was still going "Can I stop yet?" He asked. He knew he must of sounded weak, but he was getting tired now.
"Yes, I think you can get up." She stepped back adn then crossed her arms and watched him with a smile on her lips. But I want you to crouch in position. I want to test the durability of your legs." She moved around him and then watched him. She wouldn't have him crouch very long. The time for lunch and studies were coming and maybe later she could teach him in the ways of torture.
He groaned again and moved to a crouching position. "Durability is fine, my only problem sometimes is balance." He told her. He stayed in that position for about a minute before he started veering to the right. He used his hands to stay upright and then started veering to the left "God Dammit" he muttered
"Balance on the flat of your feet, find your balance at your core." SHe smiled and then moved and sat down and crossed her legs and then canted her head and smiled to him. She was impressed, usually her cadets cried before now. She leaned her head to the side and smiled.
He smiled back, admittedly a painful smile, but a smile nevertheless. His legs and arms were burning, but he didn't give up. He was determined to do well, to be the best of them all. He found his balance finally, his legs visibly shaking from exhaustion and pain. He took deep breaths, trying to calm his body down.
She looked at the clock. Natasha looked back at Curtis. His legs were teremblling and he was done for today. She nodded. "Go to lunch and your studies, you are excused." She smiled and walked out. She began to walk down the hall. He was very impressive for one that was on the young side.
As soon as she walked out, he collapsed on the ground in a sweaty heap. He slowly got up, heading for the showers. After a nice quick wash, he went to the cafeteria for lunch, his hunger controlling his sore body. He saw Natasha on the other side of the hall, eating lunch with the Original Avengers, and he gave her a small, shy smile. He sat down at a table, alone as he didn't know anyone around him. He was new, so no one bothered getting to know him.
She smiled and looked at him. Natasha chuckled softly adn went back to listening to something that Bruce Banner was trying to say in scientific talk but only Tony got. She raised an eyebrow and cleared her throat as she went back to eating.

"Fuck me! Do they give enough homework here!?" A girl sat down with black hair and brown eyes that looked familiar. She sat in front of him and began to eat and groaned rolling her arms a bit. "Also, did they just put me in the care of a masochist or what?" She looked up and smiled and nodded. "Hey how are you?"
He grinned as he listened to her "I'm alright.. Sore, but alright." he said. He grabbed the back of his chair and twisted his body, popping his sore back back into place. "they dont take it easy here, do they?" he said rhetorically
"Yea, me too. My coach was complaining about how my upper body strength needs improving." SHe rolled her eyes and then looked down at her food and picked at it. "By the way, my name is Annabelle Stark." She smiled and reached out. Her dark hair but blue eyes watched him.
"I am Curtis.. Curtis Smith" He smiled, shaking her hand gently. "Stark? As in Tony Stark?" He asked curiously. He ate a bit more of his food, starving with his stomach rumbling.
"Yep, he is my daddy. But between the AP classes and now this, it is a bit difficult to get a breath." She finished her food and checked her texts and then began to work on her phone. "Sadly though, he is on me to make my own suit by myself before I get my own car. And now I have this personal trainer breathing down my throat." She rubbed her face and shook her head a bit and shut her eyes. "Sorry I am unloading on you."
He smiled "It is fine. I am actually quite interested. Would you still have the chest pulse.. thingy, that your dad does? Because I thought that was just something he had because of that accident" Curtis said curiously. "Also it seems that you know what goes on around here. How often to we have lessons with our trainer? Once a day? Several times a Day?" He asked.
"No my heart would have to stop beating to have a chest pulse. Neither my mom or my father think that is too wise of a choice. Even now sometimes he has slight difficulty on them, but if you wish to see my clevage I can work something out." She laughed and leaned back and finished her water. "But I am capable of building a suit without having one." SHe smiled adn laughed.

"Once a day, thank God. We are to have classes in other things. Such as communication, problem solving, survival, blah blah blah." She was as cocky as her father it would seem.
He blushed quite a bit when she mentioned 'seeing her cleavage.' He laughed too, a bit quieter though. "Ah okay. So when do we have those classes?" He asked. "I didn't get told much, only that I have exceptional power and would be useful to the Avengers" He explained.

"So what do you do here if you don't have your own suit yet? I am guessing like your father, you don't have a power" He said. "I just realised that may of sounded a bit rude. I didn't mean it that way" He apologised.
"Your trainer should have given you a sheet." She took hers out of her purse and showed him. "See? Next hour and a half I have to go to communications. Whatever." She looked up and raised an eyebrow. "Who is your trainer?" She then looked at him and then frowned.

"You know what, you can just suck your tiny microscopic cock for all I care." She stood up. "My father has more brain power than a little fart can ever dream of." She grabbed her tray and then began to walk away and threw her trash away and then walked out of the dining room.
He sighed. He always said the wrong thing, and he never did anything right. He looked in his bag and finally found his sheet that she was talking about. He had survival next. As he didn't have a class with Annabelle at the moment, he was happy. He walked off, trying to find the class for Survival.
Natasha had heard what he said and frowned. She didn't have any super powers, so what did he think of her. Standing up, she went to plan the next day. He would learn that super powers didn't get you too far. The next day, when he would arrive, she stood there looking at him and folded her arms behind her back.

"I have been given clearance to train you in how to behave under interrogation." SHe watched him.
He nodded "Okay Miss. How do we start?" He asked a little nervous. His mouth went a little dry, knowing that in some interrogations, people got tortured or even killed.
"Take a seat." She smiled adn then looked at him. She turned around. She was great in interrogations. Natasha smiled and looked over her utensils. She put little electrodes to his heart and head. Bruce Banner was behind a screen adn would monitor his heart and brain. At any point of danger, she would stop, but he didn't know. She looked at him and frowned.

"So you think because you have a power, you think you are better than me?" She slapped him across the face after she strapped him down.
He hissed slightly in pain and shook his head "N-No. You know martial arts and I count that as a useful ability" He told her, his cheek going red from the slap. "I would never think I am better than anyone" He said softly.
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