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Jason does indeed imagine his friends playing it and laughs again, the image planted in his mind fantastically humorous. "Indeed...that would be pretty damn funny.' He looks toward her, smiling. "Yes, i chose Smoke. And he is better than simply making you cough."
"Ooooo is that the best come back you have Jason? Seems to be lacking substance just like your whispy smoke." She laughs knowing distracting him is her only hope. She is no star in anyone game...well except Quake but she needs to remember to focus. She smiles ready to battle.
Jason laughs, knowing her tactic and not falling for it, it having been used on him numerous times beforehand. The character intros play, and then the round begins, Jason immediately jumping backwards, reading her moves.
Suddenly, Damon sighed, patting Brandon's shoulder. "Well, it's been fun, but it's also been too fucking warm," he said, starting to pack up. "Therefore, I must return to the land of air conditioning and alcohol." He glanced behind him at the hotel. "Hopefully, there will be plenty of the latter," he murmured, cracking his knuckles and then rising to his feet. "..regardless. May you have fun and possibly get laid." With that, he bowed before walking off.
Lil had jumped back too expecting to avoid his opening move. She begins to laugh realizing what they've both done. She quickly places a hand on Jason's controller, "pause just a sec. Lets make this a bit more interesting...want to bet who is going to win? What could the prize be or the consequence ...any ideas?" She takes her and off the controller.
Jason chuckles as she copies him before turning toward her and listening as she speaks. then, he looks right into her eyes, nodding as he grins mischievously. "Sure, I'm always up for a bet. I have no ideas on any of the terms you?"
"Oh come on Jason I had the idea, my brain cells are needed to beat you." she bats her eyes comically and laughs. "Unless you're afraid you cant beat me and don't want to set the terms cause you don't want the outcome." She smiles and laughs.
"No, it isn't that. I don't want to set the terms because..." A strange look appears on his face when he stops his train of thought. It seems as though the reason is one that he doesn't want to particularly share with her, and is embarrassed by it, if the red face is any indication.
Lil notices his colour change and rests a hand on his knee. "Are you ok Jason? I'm sorry I didn't mean to...make you uncomfortable," her voice softens to almost a whisper by the end. "If you like I can go. We can play another time." She squeezes his knee.
", don't go. It's been a while since I've played against anyone." He lets out a strained smile. "My community frowned heavily upon my...hobby. Even my friends didn't enjoy playing with me."
Lil's eyes narrow in concern. "Oh? Why would they frown on it?...yeah no worries...lets just play ...then."
Jason unpauses the game, explaining the situation to her as they play. "I grew up in a society where they were stuck in the past. There were a lot of elderly in my neighborhood, and therefore, technology was generally thought to be the downfall of my generation." The round ended, with Lil winning. A slight frown appeared on Jason's face. "Nicely done." He paused again. "But I now have terms for the bet."
"See I grew up where technology was prolific but the thought of a girl playing video games and better still one that was on the volleyball, field hockey and swim team was not something they could reconcile. I could do anything why would I waste my time on games. Same story different flavour and by the way," she smiles really brightly as she shifts to be sure to look him in the eyes. " I won," she giggles. "Hmmm so now you have the challenge do you? Well tell all I'm all ears."
" did." He chuckles himself before turning toward her. "The terms are, if I can come back from this, you have to...give me a kiss. If you win...well, I'll let you surprise me with your own terms at that point." He holds out his hand. "Deal?"
Lil smiles softly and extends her hand,"Deal! You ready to lose again hmmm?" She settles down and prepares for battle beginning to blush.
Jason shakes the hand and then his head. "I do not intend to lose this time." When the round starts, he jumps back again, hoping that she would slip up.
Lil has Kitana move forward to engage and she misses striking smoke as he has already slipped back. This rattles her but she recovers. "You are clever aren't you?" She tosses her controller in the air falling back on the bed laughing. "That was so close"
"I am quite the clever one, yes." Jason grins. One more round to go, then it is all over. "We got one more round, Lil. Want to know who is superior?" He laughs as he focuses his attention toward the screen one final time.
"We shall see won't we," she smiles softly. The game begins with her being tossed onto her back...she recovers but...
Jason starts the round off well, and even though she recovers from the hefty first blow, a nice combo string kills her off for the final time that fight. He smiles triumphantly and sets his controller down, turning so he can look toward her. "Well then. That was fun, wasn't it?"
Lil laughs softly,"It was...very fun and here I thought I had skills. Well won,"she says with a bright smile across her lips. Her eyes are looking down at her hands twisting in her lap. She is biting her bottom lip as her eyes slowly rise to meet his. Her heart is beating just a little faster than normal.
Jason notes how her hands are twisting and the way she seems to be nervous. In a flash, he is reconsidering the bet, thinking it a bad idea. What if this ruined what he had worked so hard to create with her? "If...if you don't want to...y'know, kiss don't have to..."
"Why would you say that?," her voice is soft and fluid. She rests her hand on his knee.
Jason knows that her hand is on his knee, yet does nothing about it. "I...I just thought you didn't want to is all..." His statement fizzles out as he turns a soft red.
"Why do I feel like a silly teenager? I'm a grown woman for heavens sake," she says. "If you don't want to kiss...." Her voice trails off as she starts to turn away.
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