To Form A Lion's Peace {darkest_fate&LadyYunaFFX2}

"Sweet gods .... ahhhhh .... " Her head tossed from side to side, her body trembling as she felt his tongue mercilessly work on her. It was odd how irony showed up; she had been unsure of this marriage and arrangement when she heard of it. And now, she felt as though when she got the chance to write to Queen Elincia and Soren, to thank them both. He hadn't been lying; even if she could have gone to another man, she didn't see any way to dare try to bed anyone else. Not even Soren, despite her initial feelings for her own mentor. But her words she'd told Stigandr were very true; he never would have thought of her as more than a student. Hell, he almost didn't accept her as an apprentice. That, she had to work hard to prove him wrong. It'd taken a while, but the effort had been worth it.

Her body writhed and shook as her orgasm only increased in power, the sensations driving her wild and helping it continue rather than stop. Whimpers, pants, and moans were all that seemed to pass her lips. Any chance or ability to try to speak normal, coherent words were long gone. Selune was too far gone, too obsessed with the delightful feelings and sensations being given to her.

By the time her first orgasm finally did stop, she felt another one already close behind. Dear gods I ... don't know if I'll be able to remain conscious very long ... The feeling of her clit being rubbed and teased along with Stigandr's tongue darting in and out of her slit snapped her out of her thoughts. Bright orbs widened, her hands grasping the cloak tightly as her head tossed back.

"AHHHHH!" Another scream echoed, this one definitely louder than the first. Her nipples were completely hard and erect, aching for attention. It was almost painful to avoid touching herself ... but she'd sworn not to touch herself, allow the only source of pleasure to her body to be from her new spouse. Just as he was holding true to his vows so far, she would as well.

Her head continued to frantically shake from side to side, her body writing furiously as her second orgasm overwhelmed her. The only sounds he would hear from her were even more whimpers, moans, and her heart beating within her chest. All the while, her juices continued to flow into his awaiting mouth, some sneaking past and coating more of the cavern floor beneath them.
The cries sounded of music to Stigandr's ears. He growled in time, his own noises of pleasure sliding under Selune's to support them. The growl reverberated through his extended tongue, causing the muscle to vibrate within the girl. It twitched and wriggled, the small, sudden motions working within, likely increasing the pleasure yet further.

Another tension, another quivering, and then a scream that echoed within Stigandr's bones. He felt it reverberating throughout him, calling to his lust, causing his cock to surge once more. He felt a small amount of liquid precum dribble from the end of his scooped cock, as though it were called from his hefty testicles by the siren scream of the beautiful maiden he orally ravished. This was a paltry liquid compared to the spring that formed between Selune's legs. Even the greedy lion could not slurp that delicious juice. He knew it drizzled, no doubt staining the cloak below. Soon enough that cloak would bear all the signs of their coupling, which, of course, was the point.

Not that the lion thought much of it at this time. His attentions were wholly focused on the quivering girl before him. He read Selune's body, riding her rhythms with all the skill he possessed. The second orgasm crashed, and he drew it further, stretching it, causing it to quake throughout her. Yet he did not stop there. There was not a moment's hesitation as the lion again altered his path. Three was a glorious number, a divine number. He would draw three climaxes from his mate before he entered her, and she would be ready.

So he scooped her, drawing Selune's lower half so she nearly curved into a beorc's "C" about him. His mouth encircled her still quivering sex entirely. This was not a gentle licking, not the soft thrusting, but this was a lion consuming his prey. The entire mouth worked against Selune's nether lips, sucking noisily. The slurps from Stigandr's mouth were nearly as loud as Selune's screams. They were soon accompanied by another throaty growl, as Stigandr directed the noise into the girl. Lions possessed the racial trait to roar, and Stigandr had long since learned to master this. He used it now, sending a much gentler roar echoing throughout the already throbbing chambers of his mate. all the while, his mouth sucked, his tongue dragged, and his fingers moved to dance about her body. Stigandr clearly intended for this orgasm to top even the previous two, and he put all his tremendous skill into achieving just that.

"Oh gods ..... ahhhhhhhhhh!!" Her body was going borderline insane, unsure of how much more teasing she could take. Selune didn't use it as often as she probably should have, but she too could have quite the imagination. And right now, it was actually working, the mental image of his massive cock ramming in and fucking her eagerly, not stopping for a good amount of time. More likely than not, it'd be hours with how they were both enjoying one another and the acts given to one another.

By now, any concerns or worries that had tried to remain in Selune's mind were long gone. All that were going through her head now were pure desires, almost as animalistic as if she herself were a Laguz. Her hips continued to lightly - instinctively - move against his tongue, screams and cries of delight and pleasure constantly leaving her lips. So good, so good, oh fuck ... The normally well-mannered mage was finding her thoughts difficult to keep in her mind, feeling herself becoming more and more tempted to actually curse out loud, beg for him to ravage her .... things that sounded so very taboo.

And yet it felt so very right at the same time.

Her second orgasm hadn't fully ceased when she felt the third one approaching. A few stray tears fell from her eyes. The act of forcing herself to restrain from touching herself was becoming practically painful, especially leaving her aching nipples alone. Still, her hands continued to clutch onto the cloak, using it to continue to obey his commands. Her head tossed faster, rougher as sweat began to fall slowly down her forehead.

Intentionally or otherwise, his tongue finally found it... her g-spot. It made her gasp, her body becoming tense as it tightened up. As the third orgasm took over - mingling with the still ongoing second one - , all control left her.

"FUCK! AHHHHHHHH!" Her hips jerked up as she came, moaning and panting in nothing less than ecstasy. Despite how heavily she was panting, Selune couldn't help but notice something ... odd.

She wasn't nearly as exhausted as she'd expected. In fact, she had much more energy than she probably should. What was going on? Had Soren given her some sort of vitality spell? No ... impossible. He wasn't capable of that nor did any exist to her knowledge. But ... what was causing this?
In truth, even Stigandr had not anticipated finding his mate's precious spot, at least, not upon their first coupling. Yet he knew it the moment his tongue touched upon it. The reaction from the maiden could be nothing else. For even his intense ministrations would not cause her to lose herself quite so fiercely. That harsh word shot straight down Stigandr's spine, and he again rode her climax. His mouth worked hungrily, slurping juices. He felt them course down, no doubt pooling beneath them. Even the lion grew slightly light-headed as he worked this latest orgasm from his panting maiden.

Slowly, Stigandr parted his mate. a strand of wet, Stigandr knew not whether it was his own spittle or his mates nether juices, strung between his mouth and her lips, stretching as he lowered her to the ground. He allowed her rear to touch the softness of the cloak, most likely putting Selune directly into her own wet arousal. He kissed and licked his way up her body, his eyes flicking to the nipples. They seemed to jut quite prominently. If his memory served, there were occasionally cats that appreciated his rough tongue dragging across their chest. Most laguz females had rougher nipples; you had to practically maul them to garner a reaction and they usually didn't appreciate it. Perhaps beorc were different; there was certainly something about it that begged to touch.

Stigandr looked up at his flushed mate. He too was flushed, flushed and panting. Selune had experienced sweet release thrice, while her mate's member only continued to harden with need. The ache of it pained Stigandr worse than many of the wounds that scarred his body. His hands worked to divulge his body of any remaining clothes. Soon his broad, hairy chest would be laid bare to his lover, every inch of his bulging muscles on display for her. He locked his golden, lust drenched eyes onto hers.

"Now, my cub," he growled, his voice strangled with his own barely controlled arousal, "now, you are ready," he reached up, stroking her hair to get a better look at her face. Strange, but she seemed more striking than she had before. Now, flushed with want, her appearance called to the laguz. Her fine features appealed to him now in wholly new manners, and he saw that the cool blue of her eyes appeared to have melted.

"I will have you now," he growled, moving his hips, dragging his heavy cock along her soft thigh. "Tell me what is to be done to you, my little cub," he rubbed his thick cock against her lips, feeling the wet flesh pressed against his aching hard. "Speak the words."

Despite how violently her body had convulsed and shuddered from the three orgasms, it was able to move and comprehend things better than she'd thought. The first thing her mind noted was how soaked she had gotten the cloak, making her cheeks flush even more. She was still, even if barely, a virgin ... and already she had gotten that soaked from being orally pleasured? Her confusion and astonishment got piqued; how was any of this possible? From what she had read in the books Soren had given her, most beorc didn't last nearly as long as she had. What was going on? She couldn't help but feel a bit scared, the unknown making her mind race even faster than her pulse.

Still, Selune kept the anxieties hidden away, refusing to allow the emotions show in her eyes. She would give her focus to him and nothing more. She could dwell on this odd 'energy source' later. Right now, however, she knew the exact answers to his questions as he spoke them. And with how worked up he'd made her, the answer came out quickly, not bothering to use a more polite version that she normally would resort to. After a soft swallow, her lips parted to verbally respond.

"Fuck me ... ravage me. Plow inside ... be my first, my only lover. I'm not scared of the pain that'll come with it. I want you, need you. Please ... no more teasing. Suck on my nipples while you thrust in and out of me. Just as I've given you my juices, return the favor. Please .... "

Her cheeks flushed yet again, astounded at how smoothly the rather lewd choice of words had left her. Not that Selune regretted it; but this was definitely not the way she usually spoke. Even when she'd touched herself ... she never found herself cursing, mentally or aloud. There was just something about the acts and this moment that made her know one thing and only that.

She really did want and need him ... so very badly. Whether he was gentle or not, fast or slow, any and every other aspect was beyond her caring. As long as he fucked her ... that was all that mattered to the young mage at that moment.
There was no delay. Stigandr almost couldn't believe that, couldn't believe the words coming from his mate's mouth. He'd believed that he would cause the upright, uptight beorc to writhe with pleasure upon the cave floor, but he hadn't anticipated this. Fuck me, and Stigandr felt his cock surge. Ravage me, and his blood boiled. Plow inside, and he felt his hips jerk. She wasn't scared, she needed him, seemingly moreso than the other mates he'd coupled with before. Though Stigandr would never admit it, he suddenly felt the very primal need for her. It roared through his veins, causing his blood to sing. Were he with another of his kind, he would allow that primal need to overwhelm him, to change. Even as it was, he felt his member quivering, seeming to stretch even further.

Without any further delay, sign, or hesitation, Stigandr thrust his hips. His great cock slid almost too easily into her tight folds. That one thrust, fueled by desire, passion, and lust, sank inches of him within her. Stigandr felt the blazing wet heat of Selune surrounding his aching cock. He drove deeper, parting flesh, sinking within. Dimly the lion knew he should go slow, should rock and let her adjust to him. Yet he could not. His blood sang and his member would not be satiated with a small taste. He must have entirely. And his hips thrust, that thick cock delving deeper and deeper within. Hands pawed at her hips, pulling her closer, wanting to spear her more. He could feel her stretching about him, knew that he was indeed the first male to enter this tight channel. And he could not suppress his growl.

But Stigandr, ever the proud lover, would not let his hips and hands be the only contributors to the act. his mouth descended, following Selune's begged plea. The hot wet of him circled about her nipple. The wide mouth could nearly take Selune's breast wholly within it, and it certainly drew a portion into that wet cavern. Again the textured tongue lathered out, sliding across the jutting nipple, flicking it. Stigandr sucked mightily upon the teat as he had upon her sex. And as yet more groans of pure pleasure rumbled from his deep chest, it again vibrated about the contents of his lips.

Perhaps the better wording should have been she wasn't too scared to beg for all she had. She was somewhat, but certainly not enough to take the words back. The silence seemed to linger over them both, the wait damn well nearly killing her. She was almost ready to try to pounce on him and impale herself on him. Thankfully, Selune didn't need to resort to such measures. With one harsh shove, he entered inside. Even without all of his shaft buried inside her, Stigandr would feel her hymen break, blood coating his cock. Her tears fell as her head tossed back, another scream leaving her lips. This one, though, lasted longer than any of the others .... and though she didn't say why, Selune definitely felt it.

At about the exact same time her hymen was taken, a searing pain surged through her shoulders, right where her tattoos were. She used peripheral vision to glance at them, but saw nothing out of the ordinary. Still, she had definitely felt the secondary source of pain to have been from that area, there had been no mistake about it. But .... huh? What ... ?? Now she truly was confused. It did, however, clarify one thing. She hadn't been imagining things when she'd noticed her extra energy. Was this ... somehow connected? Maybe she could bring it up to Soren later.

As she came back to reality and felt herself being moved closer to Stigandr's body, her legs instinctively wrapped around his waist, helping ensure he remain firmly and deeply buried inside her. Her hips moved up, eagerly meeting his, her vaginal muscles wrapping around each and every bump and vein it could seek out. The new and very sensual sensations made her moan and cry out more, the initial pain from her being broken long gone. Whatever was making her shoulders ache hadn't yet stopped ... but she would pretend it had for now.

"Oh ... yes .... OH!!" As his tongue caressed and danced across her nipples, her body tensed up yet again. Her body shook wildly as she felt herself ready to have another orgasm. But she tried her damnedest to wait, wanting him the next time to join in with her.
By the goddess, this woman felt wonderful. Stigandr could feel her sex contorted about his cock, wrapping snugly and squeezing against him. His member surged, liquid working its way up his heavy testicles to sprinkle inside her already slick sex. He had felt that thin barrier, that testament to her innocence, but it had been little more than a road block to him. This was not so for Selune, as Stigandr heard her harsh cry. That noise sent another shiver of lust throughout him, seeming to travel down his massive body to surge along his rippled cock. The bumps and contours surged against the tight confines, seeming to spread. Stigandr could feel his ridges expanding, pushing tight against Selune's sex. Yet he knew he had more of himself to go.

The working of his mouth grew sloppy as Stigandr drew his hungry, panting lips around her. He worked his lips over, kissing and nipping his way to her other breast, swallowing it within his heat as he had its partner. The cry of his mate again surged through him, bringing forth another growl. Stigandr could feel Selune's sex rippling about him, the muscles squeezing and contorting, working to draw him upward. Yet the lion's stamina held, his hips continuing their work.

"Lose yourself upon me," he growled from around her breast, looking up into her eyes, the command of him spreading. His body tightened as he thrust, sinking several more inches within. Stigandr judged that roughly half his length was within the tight girl, having already sunk deep within. He worked his hips, but it felt as though she'd become almost too tight. His growls became frustrated as he rotated his hips, grinding and trying to sink more of himself within his mate. His glans kept swelling, threatening to lock him into place.

Unable to contain his frustration, Stigandr clamped his mouth down hard upon Selune's breast. it wasn't quite a bite: a bite from this lion would have rendered flesh, but it was far from the playful, controlled nips the lion had been giving so far. His hair bristled and his body rippled, feeling his blood surge and sing within, demanding that he work ever deeper. As though possessed, he shifted his hips, knowingly dragging his member across her secret spot. Stigandr made certain to drag one of the many knots upon his cock directly along her, rotating his hips and purposefully pushing his cock against her. If he could get her to cum, perhaps the sudden explosion of muscles would allow him to sink deeper within.

Even before hearing the command and incentive, Selune had practically been starting on that herself. Her hips continued to thrust up with his, her breasts bouncing from both of their rough movements, her nipples and clit remaining perk and erect. Gods help her, this was so good, so amazing. Never in a million years would she have seen herself wanting so badly to be intimate with anyone. And now that it was happening, she couldn't get enough. The intense pleasure was definitely helping distract her from the still barely existing pain in her shoulders.

"More!" She cried out, her own movements never daring nor wanting to stop. "So good, so good. Oh gods yes ... mmm ...." A shiver trailed down her body at the near-bite that connected with her breast, the nipple seeming to harden the slightest bit more. Her grip on the cloak intensified, almost threatening to try to rip the cloth apart with how fast, rough, deep she was getting fucked. The enjoyment of the act seemed to make everything all the more better, make her pray this never ended and wanting more.

As several of the ridges danced along her g-spot, she let out another gasp. "YES! OH YES .... AHHH!" Her back arched as she came again, impaling herself upon him as her juices coated his shaft, trying to help bury him fully inside of herself. She didn't care how long it took, how much it may or may not hurt ... gods she wanted more! Somehow, Selune found herself getting so very addicted ... unsure if she'd be able to stop fucking, cumming, anything really.
The continued motions of the tiny, beautiful creature beneath him worked wonders on Stigandr. He felt his member surge greatly, swelling to new sizes within the tight sex. It pushed against the walls, pushed and stretched. This thin woman's sex would become a sheath for the mighty lion's cock: those wet, tired walls would stretch to accomidate. There would be no testing, no gentle movements, but just the thrusting, the hammering of the beautiful creature into the cloak below.

Words dribbled from Selune's mouth, reaching Stigandr's excellent ears and further fueling his rampant lust. A tremble shook after the breast nip, letting the lion know that he had done well. His little cub's breasts were erogenous zones of their own, craving his skillful touch. Armed with this knowledge, the lion would redouble his efforts, lavishing all new attentions upon the creamy white mounds. He relished the taste of his new mate, her unique flavor seeping into his mouth, mixing with their bodily fluids to create yet more divine tastes.

Then Stigandr felt the sex dance, a gasp, a shout, an arch. Selune arched down on him, and Stigandr let loose a low roar. His cock slid several more inches inside, pushing deeper and deeper into the trembling, arching girl. Interior walls squeezed and Stigandr felt his cock swell in response. His hips thrust mightily, slamming himself into the willing girl. The scooped head of his member battered against interior barriers, before finally pushing through. With a great roar, Stigandr sheathed his entire cock within Selune. It would feel as though it extended throughout the girl's entire body, impaling her. For it stretched nearly a foot and a half in length, possibly more by standards. And it swelled with each passing moment, pushing aside nether walls and stretching.

As feminine arousal anointed the cock, the knobs and ridges swelled. Stigandr felt the rough texture of his cock press against the tight walls. He had locked within Selune; separation meant pain for the young girl. stigandr would remain within till his cock deflated, his seed spent. But that would not be for some time. Instead, the lion roared as his hips began slamming into the girl. Wet sloppy slaps echoed throughout the cave as the cock delved ever deeper within the hot sex, shoving deep. It filled Selune entirely, filled and likely stretched the tight girl, forever reshaping, doing precisely what the lion promised. Stigandr brought his hands down, cupping Selune's rear and gripping her, the increased traction adding yet more fury to his thrusts.

If any pain had remained in Selune's shoulders, it was the last thing she could feel. Her body was focusing on the intense and amazing pleasure. All the bumps, knobs and ridges along his cock rubbed every inch of her walls, the feelings of her orgasms and his thrusts all driving her insane. Just as she couldn't seem to stop, neither could he. Nor did she want either of them to ... not anytime soon at least. And it would seem that would be exactly what was going to happen. She'd likely be sore in the morning but that was another thing her mind wasn't thinking about nor her body registering any pain that was probably surging through her.

At the rate her body was adjusting to all the stretching, he could have been two inches long and it almost seemed she'd accept it fine. Somehow, Selune's body was staying intact, from a combination of willpower and enjoying everything way too much. All the pleasure she was giving and getting ... she wanted nothing else right at that moment. Her body had seemed to be put onto an automatic moving system of sorts, with it knowing a few commands. Moving her hips, keeping her legs around his waist, whimpering, whining, moaning, screaming out loud for him ... and then repeating.

And after each new set, her speed and stamina both seemed to increase despite it seeming impossible for a mere beorc. But logic had been beyond her ever since her hymen got ripped, pure bliss being all she was able to comprehend now.

Somewhere in between one of her cries of ecstasy, Selune barely did manage to note one major thing. Not only had his cock seemed to fully engulf her sex, but it was stuck. She could move her hips, but never once did the member even budge away or out of her. He was practically locked inside of her womb and now, she understood why he had been so confident she'd likely get pregnant. Because the very real possibility ... was now being shown to her. It terrified her a bit, but not nearly enough to begin to stop.

Her body was convulsing so hard, she could barely keep track if it was just a tremor or an orgasm that swept over now. Any simple movement seemed to make one trigger and after what was probably the fifth one, she lost count. Her bright eyes had probably rolled in the back of her head a few times, some unknown force helping her remain conscious. Every time she tried to speak, all that left was a scream, her gratification overwhelming with each movement and peak she was driven over.

Some form of instincts took over as her rear was taken. Without a second thought, her hands found and held onto Stigandr's shoulders, hoisting herself in midair. Now that she'd felt and knew his cock was stuck deep within her, she didn't bother pulling up from it, only shoving down and thrusting eagerly upon it, as if trying to drive him even further inside somehow.

Gods, gods, gods ... I ... so fucking good .... mmmm!!!

That was basically all she could have begun to say aloud or think of at this rate. And as it kept repeating, it increased her wants and desires even more ... something she hadn't thought possible.
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