To Form A Lion's Peace {darkest_fate&LadyYunaFFX2}


machina erotica
Dec 17, 2009
"This is utterly ridiculous! I can't believe we're allowing these... these humans to set our terms!" the being who snarled this looked, to the unobservant, to be among the very race he so besmirched. True, his impressive build suggested otherwise: most men did not tower so over their fellows. They also weren't generally so broad and well-muscled: Stigandr's chest stretched over two well-built man's chest. With each breath, he seemed about to burst out of the ornate tunic that covered him. An unruly mane of flame red hair had been somewhat tamed by a leather thong, but it too seemed about to burst free, even as it stretched down his impressive back. A few scars shown, including a jagged one just entering from shoulder toward collar; this was a fighter, and he was uneasy.

"This is what we need," insisted the calm voice behind him. It belonged to another of his race, another lion laguz. This man, too, had a broad chest and deep voice, though his hair was dark instead. Giffca rarely spoke, and when he did, even royal lions such as Stigandr knew to listen. And listen the young lion did, though he spat.

"We should be conquering the humans! Stomping them beneath our paws!" he snapped, turning to glare at the Shadow, his eyes narrowing. "If I were in charge---"

Giffca raised his brows slightly, the small motion silencing the young lion. The words were implied: but he wasn't. His father, the great lion Skrimir, king of the land, was. Said king had mellowed considerably after his participation in the last major conflict. His experience had lent him well, even into this new conflict. Yet tensions had developed between Gallia and Crimea, tensions developed as a result of Queen Elincia's abdication of the throne. The uneasy alliance had shifted abruptly, and sudden fierce conflicts had sprung across the borders of the two lands. It was then that wiser heads had gathered with an idea that should prove most beneficial: a ceremonial wedding. They would take a Crimean royal and wed her to a lion laguz. This alliance would forge an unbreakable trust, as well as sending a clear message throughout Tellius: that the laguz and beorc must work together.

Which was all well and good, but the lion in question was not happy. He had been anticipating taking a mate of his own choice, preferably one of the agile Cat Tribe. Stigandr was known for his... amorous activities. Rumor had already spread that he had been "entertaining" a set of twin Cat tribeswomen when he got the news of his wedding. The lion firmly believed that no beorc woman could satisfy him. And the shame of it all was almost too much to bear.

The lion growled again as he shifted, eying the approaching Crimean delegation. They moved with all their human pomp, no doubt wanting to reassure their precious cargo. Stigandr had heard rumors that this girl was some kind of witch, which only made him all the more nervous. The only thing the beorc produced that his kind feared was their flames. Was he now to be wed to a weakling who could control him with her witchcraft? the idea made him bridle all the more, and as the delegation pulled close, the bristling of his mane would no doubt be quite evident.

Despite having been properly informed of where she was heading at this very moment and, of all things, what for, the young wind mage could barely believe it all. But she wasn't quite sure whether she was more astonished at the abrupt news of being wed off with not having any real say in this ... or the fact her mentor, Soren, didn't try to stop it. True, the news had been given to them both from Queen Elincia; but even she had never fully stopped him from speaking his mind before. And now .... he was really just going to hand her away like this?

She couldn't help but feel a bit betrayed and hurt that she was really being shoved into this. Selune had attempted many times before this day arrived to run off and hide away; but each time Soren or any of the Greil Mercenaries had found and brought her back. It'd been an annoying and horrible game of Hide-and-Seek; one of the few games she was normally damn good with.

But against skilled warriors, both melee and ranged fighters? Alas, poor Selune had no chance against any of them.

Long, flowing black hair blew lightly as a breeze danced across it and her skin, the walk towards their destination still a bit far. But they were, apparently, approaching it and would be there soon enough. Bright blue eyes, pushing a near-white color, looked silently to Soren. Before she could speak up though, he seemed to read her thoughts as he spoke up.

"Yes, this is happening. Admittedly, I'm not exactly sure about this myself ... but this may be one of the few times I can't go against someone."

"Why not?! You've never hesitated before this, before now! You even just admitted yourself this is something you're as unsure of as me. Come on, Soren ... where in your mind does this idea sound even the slightest bit logical?"

An annoyed sigh was all she got for a reply. His biggest regret, Soren supposed, was not only that she had recently finished her training from him .. but he'd never gotten to explain the true purpose of her 'tattoos' upon her shoulder. For alas, that's not at all what they were.

She was one like himself ... a Branded ... but he'd never had the time or heart to say it. Though aloud he'd said the idea seemed foolish, that was a lie. He knew perfectly well. In fact, despite how random it had seemed that Selune of all people had been chosen to be wed off, it was anything but that.

It'd all, if anything, been planned out very carefully ... unfortunately, behind her back. If she had felt angry and anxious before, that would have been nothing should she have found out much sooner.

Selune's head bowed as her head shook, her bright orbs closing. This felt unreal ... but the constant and gentle breeze which continued to dance along her body helped her recall it was all very real. And knowing she may never see her home nation of Crimea again, memories began to flood her mind, starting from before she'd met Soren to training with him to ... the here and now.

Her own sigh left as her eyes slowly opened once again. Her ankles tensed and for a few seconds, she wondered if now would be the best opportunity to take to slip away.

But the quick and stern glare Soren soon gave her suggested otherwise.

"Fine, fine ... " She murmured to him, approaching forward to present herself to all of the tribe. And then, about as roughly as any of Soren's wind could have connected with her, a realization hit Selune.

She'd never been given a name of whom she was supposed to be wed to; just one from this specific tribe. Her heart sank and raced simultaneously. Anxious eyes glanced from Laguz to Laguz as she tried to pinpoint whom she should be addressing exactly ... but Selune wasn't sure. Worse than that, some looked so ready to pounce upon her and rip her throat out.

"Soren, I really don't know about this ... " She murmured. When no reply, not even a scoff or sigh, echoed in her ears, her head turned and her eyes widened.

Somewhere in between trying to find her betrothed and making sure she wouldn't be killed on sight ... he'd slipped away!

"...Goddamnit ... " She murmured, turning back to face all of the Laguz once again. She supposed, upon thinking of it, Selune should have seen that coming. It was how Soren had been with her during much of their training.

After taking a deep breath and clearing her throat, she gave a slight bow of her head. If nothing else, she'd try to be civil. "Hello. I ... I am Selune, the individual Queen Elincia sent me for the arrangement of sorts. Unfortunately, the details were given rather hastily to me and ... I'm not sure whom I'm supposed to be wed off to. Would ... someone mind filling the blanks in ... please?"
Stigandr stared at the woman. His eyes raked her willowy body, taking in every inch of her. He supposed that, by human standards, she was fetching enough. There was something appealing in her long hair, and Stigandr could feel his loins stirring as his eyes raked across that fine, willowy frame. Though at the same time, the lion couldn't help but wonder how the humans expected their little girl to survive a coupling with him. He would break her in one thrust, and as soon as the rage of his lust made his blood boil, she would be little more than a quivering mass of flesh, if that. The idea nearly made him snort. At least his marriage would be a short one.

The laguz delegation remained as silent as ever, their faces steely masks turned toward the incoming beorc. Their bodies were tensed, uncertain as to whether this would turn into a trap. The Queen was not one for such subterfuge, but there was no way of knowing if someone was moving beyond the Queen. If anything, this problem seemed to suggest precisely that. Of the laguz, only one found his eyes drifted toward her shoulders. Giffca the Shadow knew of the cursed, knew that they often bore the sign of their bloodline upon their flesh. Could there be some working here? Some hint that this girl was one of those? The Shadow's eyes took in the little wind mage, the brains behind the Greil Mercenaries, and Giffca's mouth twitched subtly. Soren clearly had some plan.

Then the girl spoke, and the laguz shuffled. Stigmandr let out a throaty snort, waving a hefty paw toward the girl. "She does not even know? This is ridiculous! I will break this tiny hum--"

A look from Giffca silenced the young lion before he could finish the insult. He turned toward the girl, inclining his head slightly, respectfully. All but Stigmandr followed suit. The young lion looked to the others, snorted, and inclined his head to match, knowing it best to follow the Shadow's lead.

"This young man is Stigmandr, a direct descendent of Cainaghes, our greatest lord," intoned Giffca, rising. "He is to be your mate."

Stigmandr took the gesture as a sign to step forward, shuffling upon his great bared feet. He let his golden eyes rake his prize yet again, his massive arms folding across his chest.

Her ankles tensed again, though this time her hand had instinctively gotten ready to pull her tome out should it be needed. But she relaxed when the others gave the one whom had the outburst their own glares to silence him, much like Soren had done to her. Her hands went back to her sides, her heart pounding in her chest frantically. This was, no doubt, one of the toughest things the eighteen year old mage had ever had to do. Any of Soren's chores, assignments, or lessons seemed like much more a breeze compared to what she was meant to do soon enough. Poor Selune still didn't understand why it had to be her, though, to make an official - and supposedly permanent - peace treaty between the Beorc and Laguz. But now .... that no longer mattered.

She was here, in front of the Lions including her supposed betrothed. And as it got pointed out whom she was to be wed off to, she inwardly cringed. It had to be the one who wasn't as fond of this idea as herself, of course. Lovely. Just .... lovely. Goddamnit, this really isn't gonna work ... Her teeth found her lower lip as it grasped it for a few moments, releasing almost as quickly as it'd found it's destination. During those brief moments, however, other thoughts had come to her mind ... all of which would, if not now, need to soon be discussed.

"A pleasure to meet you, Stigmandr. So ... are your traditions for weddings different? How ... exactly do we go about setting this up and when?" They didn't really expect this to happen right then and there ... did they? She hoped not; mentally or physically, she was anything but prepared. Though to be somewhat fair, this was part of the reason she'd inquired on their customs; to see if she would need anything else, even if only a mere dress.

Her hands went behind her back as she held her wrists firmly in place. Even if Stigmandr didn't want to be civil towards her, she'd damn well try. And the easiest step to help her do this was keep herself from grasping her tome. By now, poor Selune's heart was racing so fast, she was terrified of passing out in front of all of the Laguz; though that may have been one of the few things keeping her conscious still. The fear of what would happen to her if she did just that ... especially seeing, knowing, and hearing that her fiance wasn't overly enthused on getting married to her.
The laguz could almost feel the aggression coming from the girl. Some of the more violent laguz, Stigandr among them, almost rippled with barely contained rage. It was difficult for a laguz not to react to violence and blood lust under the most calm of circumstances, let alone when placed in such a highly tense situation as this. It was likely only the calming presence of lord Giffca that stopped any of them from transforming. Stigandr himself wanted nothing so much as to tear the throat from this twitchy little thing. he kept reminding himself that he would be able to plunder her in quite a different manner.

The taciturn Shadow shifted again. He'd known he would have to do most of the talking, though it was not a role that sat easily upon his shoulders. His eyes flicked back to the unruly lion, and for not the first time, he wondered about their own decision. His face remained stoic as he turned to look toward Selune. "It was our hope that you would be wed immediately, to solidify the alliance," his eyes flicked back to Stigandr, and the Shadow's compact body rippled for a moment, as if he could absorb the rage.

"But I demanded that I see you first," insisted Stigandr, stepping forward again. He came within reach of Selune, staring down at the lithe girl. His great hands clenched and released slowly, that rippling energy threatening to burst from him. "Do you think you can do this, little human? Do you think you can be the mate of one of the great lion tribe? With your slim hips and your pathetic little--"

This time, Giffca moved forward, literally dragging Stigandr back. He looked to the gathered Crimeans, wondering if they would break off the engagement should this prove too difficult. He gave the lion a harsh look, soon accompanied by a hard blow to the back of the head. The younger lion growled, but seemed cowed, even stepping back. His eyes locked upon the young woman, and each of his breaths seemed to make his impressive form tremble.

"Young beorc," said Giffca, looking to her. "I give you this last chance. You will help mend the bonds between our people should you choose this, but you will have this... cub," Stigandr growled, "take you to his bed in return. I exercise my power here and now: if you wish to return, no ill will come to your people for this choice," his eyes locked into hers, sliding only slightly to look at the still thrumming laguz behind him. Giffca knew of their ceremonies, of the harsh primal nature of it. Stigandr was not likely to spare Selune in the slightest...

The actions of her reaching for her tome hadn't meant to be interpreted as aggression. More like instincts, especially for self-protection. She could tolerate quite a few things, especially abuse and punishment of forms she'd found. How ... was beyond her. Still, during all of those past battles and instances, never once did she just stay still and accept it. No, she'd fought back with her life on the line and did her damnedest to fight against being given such harsh treatments. Most had been from fights upon the battlefield; a source that made sense. Some, though, had been a very strict part of Soren's training regiment.

And right now, another thing she wasn't about to tolerate was a lack of respect. Her throat cleared as her bright blue eyes narrowed, looking right into Stigmandr's. " ... Selune, if you don't mind. I'm not as little as I could be, thanks and damnit, I'm trying to be respectful to you. Can I not get that back, even if only a little?" Her words showed to be rather true as she stood at a full height of five feet seven inches. It may have only been one to three inches taller than the average human, especially around her age, but it was definitely a difference all the same.

Her attention then went back to the main issue at hand, her ears managing to catch that whatever wedding was going to happen would do so soon. Much more than she desired ... and probably Stigmandr. But everything had been practically set in stone. Even though Giffca was offering her a choice to back out of this, she couldn't. And not only because it would ruin the treaty. Worse than that failing, she was terrified of letting Soren down. He had been the only real reason she'd even agreed to this after many struggles, scoldings, and talks.

Simultaneously, would this all be worth it? It almost felt .. redundant, to some degrees. Even though she was trying to be civil and ready to accept the marriage, her soon-to-be-mate was doing the exact opposite. With how reluctant he was ... she feared the treaty may end up broken anyways; if not herself also. The latter made a shiver trail down her body, but she kept any current signs of anxiety and worry from her eyes or voice. Sky blue eyes closed as she thought on it, almost considering accepting the offer while it was here.

She should say yes; some part of her mind knew this. Another said - demanded - she keep her promise not only to Soren but all the other mercenaries and even Queen Elincia herself. Failing to do that would not only likely result in her letting Soren down, but she'd likely be seen by many as a traitor. And then ... she would truly have nowhere to go or hide from any of the possible sources of wrath; though Soren's would likely be worse than the Lion's.

As her eyes reopened, she gave Giffca a firm and determined nod, resolve in her voice. I came here with full intention of going through with the ceremony. Maybe not this swift ... but I still wasn't about to back down or away, regardless. I'm not going to turn my back now." Her pulse quickened more, knowing the words had all but sealed her Fate. And yet ... somehow, she hadn't regretted the choice or words. Or so she thought ... believed so. After all, she had done the right thing ... hadn't she?
Stigandr nearly snarled as the tiny human thing snapped back at him. He could appreciate fire in a lover, to a certain degree. It added spice to the coupling. And every man wanted to be the one to tame a wildfire in his bed; Stigandr was no different from most in that regard. To hear this tiny creature challenge him so boldly nearly made him laugh. In all likelihood, he would have, had not his brothers been present. In fact, many of them were looking up the young lion with something akin to distaste; he should demonstrate far better control than this. He was a royal laguz, after all.

Then came that surprising offer, one that caused a ripple of doubt and tension. Several of the laguz, Stigandr among them, were surprised to hear the tiny beorc proclaim that she would go through with it. As Stigandr stared at her, his eyes again raking her lean form, he felt a slight stirring. She was to be his mate, after all, so he might as well mentally prepare himself for it. To see this little creature, admittedly beautiful, whimpering as she was impaled for a cock too big for her little body would be a treat to be savored. That all too vivid image erupted in Stigandr's mind, and he felt a twitch in his lions to match. He shifted his stance, not wanting to give way to his sudden arousal, nor to allow his future mate to behold that which would wreck her body before its time.

Giffca nodded his acceptance of Selune's proclamation, before stepping aside. A wizened Laguz stepped forward, hobbling upon his feet, his long tail swishing behind him. He clasped a parchment in shaking hands, and his cloudy eyes seemed unaware of the beings around him. "I will answer you queries regarding our wedding customs. Normally the Laguz are fairly free in their choice of coupling, moving from mate to mate as their urges drive them. We believe in seeding the best bloodlines, and this is the best way to do so. However, we have acknowledged that there is a desire to have a formalized ceremony, particularly for times when the needs of politics and alliances are to be formed.

"What will happen is that Stigandr," he gestured behind him toward the young lion, "will pledge an oath of protection to you, Selune, his new mate. You will then accept his protection, proclaiming yourself to be his firm right claw and his mate. He will then cloak you in his ceremonial garb, demonstrating his protection over you. Next, he will strip you of any other garments, and you will aid him in this, thus showing your shedding of your past life.

"This also shows your willingness to be taken to his bed. Generally next, the two of you would fight briefly, a playful bout to show that you are both capable. Since you cannot transform, we will forgo this, instead moving to the next part. There, Stigandr will take you into his arms and take you to a cave we have prepared. Once there, you two are to show your vigor and vitality by coupling until you are both exhausted," as the old man said these words, Stigandr smirked, his stance widening slightly. As if realizing this, the elder continued: "It is then the task of whomever is least exhausted to tend to the other until both are capable of returning to their respective communities."

There was a silence as the droning man ceased speaking. The Laguz seemed to shift as one, all looking to Seluna, weighing her reaction. Well, except Stigandr, who stared quite openly at her chest.

In between all the pauses and silence, Selune was also trying to mentally prepare herself, knowing soon she would no longer be pure or a single woman. Within minutes, she would be a wife and void of any virginity she'd been keeping prior until this moment. Even with the strong front she was managing to keep in front of the Laguz, Selune was still very much anxious on the entire thought and process. It'd be a miracle if no one could hear her frantically beating heart, which now felt as if it was trying to burst out of her chest.

The sight of the other Laguz coming forth, whose own hands were shaking, comforted Selune in a way. It meant she wasn't the only one worried about this wedding and reassured her all the reactions she'd been having thus far were normal. As she heard the phrase regarding they change mates, this arrangement began to feel even more redundant. Would that mean she may not be a wife for very long? If so, what was the point in doing this at all? Never once during the explanation did her eyes leave the Laguz answering her questions.

However, as he went onward and explained the portion of stripping out of the clothes she would be wearing soon, it made slight hints of crimson cross her cheeks. That ... she hadn't expected to hear. But she'd already come this far; there truly was no point in trying to object to this or go back on her word. Besides, the reasoning behind it made enough sense, though it was certainly an interesting way to go about shedding one's past. She gave a quick nod, acknowledging she understood and accepted everything.

Never once during the explanation did her ankles tense or body try to make a run away. If her next words didn't prove she was genuinely sincere on going about this ritual and custom, her actions - hopefully - would do so.

"Very well. I understand and am willing and ready to go through each of these steps." Gods help her, this damn well better be worth it in some form or fashion. If nothing else, for the sake of the treaty. But if she was about to do this and accomplish nothing .... oh the fit she'd have. And not just in front of Stigmandr .. but Soren as well. In fact, especially her mentor. She was still rather pissed off he'd left her to handle this entire situation on her own.
The young lion's eyes remained upon Selune throughout the entirety of the explanation, to the surprise of no one. A handful of the older Laguz were giving Selune looks that were almost apologetic, as though there was little excuse for the brash youngster that they were essentially pawning off on her. However, the deal had been struck, and there was a chance that any offspring the two produced would have a claim to the Gallian throne.

When the young beorc spoke her agreement, there was a ripple of surprise and respect that went throughout the gathered Laguz. More heads nodded their agreement, and several gave Selune looks of the utmost respect. Even Stigandr seemed to have lost some of his swell at that. She accepted things far more easily than he had, and in doing so, she'd already made him look the fool. In the eyes of most of those gathered here, she was the controlling factor in their relationship. Stigandr fully intended to rectify this conclusion, the sooner, the better.

The elder nodded his acceptance of the terms, shifting and beckoning the young lion to step forward. Stigandr did so, moving with a royalty that actually befitted his tribespeople. He moved along to stand next to Selune, while the elder turned to face them. He began intoning in the old language of the Laguz, that near forgotten tongue used almost primarily for these ceremonies. The herons spoke it from time to time, or so the legend went. At the appropriate time, he nodded to Stigandr. The lion nodded in turn, reaching up to strip off the cloak. It had been designed to fit his massive build, to cover his shoulders entirely and to drape nearly to his feet. When he circled his arms around Selune, it became quite evident that this cloak would nearly dwarf her (which was, of course, the point).

Smirking, the lion fastened the cloak around the beorc, his eyes again drifting lower. "I swear my protection over Selune. In front of my people I do promise to protect her from our enemies, to serve as her fang and claw, and to provide for her and our families. None shall harm her without facing my retribution. She is, from this moment on, mine, and I hers," he nodded, moving to brush the cloak and fit it about the slim girl, his hands quite possessive.

The elder gave Selune a look, indicating that this was the time for her to begin the next step, which meant subtly shedding her garments. The cloak would no doubt serve as a shielding, but all gathered would know she was stripping to her skin. At least most of those gathered had the decency to avert their eyes slightly, not wanting to increase the girl's discomfort further.

Selune swallowed, still astonished she'd been able to muster enough courage to not take the easy way out. It had definitely been tempting, no mistake on that. But she was hellbent on not looking or seeming like she would go back on her word. Her heart was all but threatening to try to leave her chest, her head nearly spinning so fast she almost felt dizzy and lightheaded. The sensations only got worse as the ceremony officially begun. Nothing but sheer will power was keeping her from collapsing onto her knees, her arms remaining steady enough. For a few minutes even, she almost swore her life tried to flash before her eyes whilst hearing the vow being made.

Only when Stigandr was finished did she allow her own vow to leave, recalling she had to as well. "I, Selune, accept Stigandr's vow of protection. From this moment and second onward, I am his as he is mine. Not only do I accept his guardianship over me, but I acknowledge that I will be his partner, his mate, and his right claw."

By the time the stripping part arrived, Stigandr would no doubt hear her racing pulse with ease; though his senses were already more keen than hers to begin with. But now, there was no hiding her anxieties from him. She took a glance down at her outfit, wondering if she'd be able to have a replacement of some sort when this was over. The robe had been from Soren and she took damn good care of it. After a quick exhale, she knelt down and began removing article after article of clothing, starting with the boots and working her way up.

Though Selune was grateful that some didn't peek, her cheeks still flushed all the same. This was so odd, so foreign ... to expose herself in such a manner; and all to mostly strangers. Once the boots were gone, the panties followed, then her robe, and finally the gloves upon her wrists. The unknown tattoos which identified her as a Branded were now in full view, as were her 40Cs and bald, virgin sex. The only strands of black hair to be found upon her resided on her head; nowhere else.

... Gods, I'm really doing this, aren't I? She asked, a bit of disbelief still flooding her. In a way, she was somewhat content Soren had bailed at the last second. This stripping process would have been much worse if her own mentor saw her like this. Taking steady breaths through her nose, she waited, knowing soon she was going to be carried off to mate with her newly official spouse.
The smirk upon the lion's face did not diminish as Selune said the words. His. She was to be his little plaything. Shame that he fully intended on breaking his toy after the first use. Though nothing said he would not enjoy it while it lasted. But the lion knew he must conduct himself with honor, at least during this little charade. still, the horny youth couldn't help but rake his eyes over her body as she bared herself. He felt his member swell as he beheld the skin beneath. She was quite fetching, for a beorc, and her breasts were a good deal fuller than he'd anticipated, given her lithe frame. He would enjoy suckling upon them, and should she actually survive their mating, their cubs could suckle upon them as well.

However, as his eyes fell upon her shaved sex, they widened for a moment. Stigandr stared hard, his eyes unmoving for several seconds, before he looked toward the elder. 'Is she diseased?" he hissed though clenched teeth. The confused elder stepped forward, and Sigandr's eyes flicked. The elder glanced, then nodded, before leaning forward. "Some of the beorc women trim themselves for presentation. It means your mate takes excellent care of herself."

Stigandr blinked, his eyes again staring at the bald spot. He wasn't sure whether he appreciated his mate being as bare as a kitten. However, he did recall his role in the ceremony. He stepped forward, bending low. his hands moved quickly, sweeping the smaller beorc woman from her feet in one quick motion. He shifted only slightly, adjusting her and fully wrapping her white frame within the voluminous cloak. He looked down upon her, the lust again showing in his golden eyes.

"The pair shall now go to the den prepared for them, wherein they will mate with the ferocity of our people. When they leave, they will be bonded in the eyes of the Goddess. Let no laguz... or beorc, sunder their bonds," pronounced the elder. There was a cry from the people, and Stigandr adjusted, turning slightly to show that he held the girl in his arms. After a few turns, he started toward a mountain in the near distance, one of several that dotted the Gallian border.

The feeling of so many eyes upon her was something she'd never experienced before nor would wish to again, if possible. Especially while in such a vulnerable state like being nude. Butterflies were fluttering in her stomach; a part of her wanted to faint then and there. But it would be an insult to the Laguz, knowing the true ceremony hadn't even begun yet. Her cheeks got more crimson in a mix of anger and mortification as she barely caught the question on whether she was ill. Still, she held her tongue and let the elder speak for her. Thankfully, he understood what it had meant for her to have no hair in between her legs.

Her body had been fighting between giving in and collapsing anyways or remaining standing. Before it could decide, though, she felt herself swept up into Stingandr's arms. Her own bright orbs glanced up into his and she tried to find words. What was the appropriate thing to say anyways? 'I love you' would normally be it but ... this had all been so very rushed. She had no idea if he even began to feel ... anything positive towards her. He hadn't appeared to since she arrived. Selune, herself, hadn't been fond of the arrangement. However, she would be willing to try to give him a chance. Maybe things wouldn't be as bad as she was fearing.

Her head rested against his chest as they began heading towards the cave, a soft sigh leaving her lips. Finally, she figured out what to say aloud after some more swift thinking. " .. Forgive me if I came off a bit rude earlier. You weren't the only one astounded with this news though. I only found out recently myself ... as I sorta hinted. But I didn't mean to seem disrespectful or aggressive towards you or your clan. But this has definitely been one of the most nerve-wracking things I've done before ... moreso with having little to no preparation or notice."

She hoped that would suffice and be some form of a sign of good faith to him. Selune really did mean well ... but she was still somewhat annoyed on how this all had gone, from the sudden informing to the trip here and the ceremony they'd just completed. Mostly, anyways. Her eyes slowly closed as she let her head stay against his chest, taking more steady breaths to help calm herself.
"They want to get it over with," growled Stigandr. "The war is taking its toll on our people. I only agreed to this because it is what royals do. If I had my way, we'd bathe in the blood of you arrogance humans and relish the taste of your flesh upon our mouths."

He flicked his eyes down upon the girl. There was some small part of him that felt a slight pang of sympathy. She was, like him, caught up in all this. It seemed very unlikely that Selune had been given much choice in acceptance. in all likelihood, things had gone very similar for both: elder mentors insisting that they perform this act for the good of the people. Besides, Stigandr could feel her lush, warm body clasped to his chest, and the still vivid memory of her nude body standing before him resided at the forefront of his mind, again reminding his loins.

"I am known as one of the greatest warriors of Gallia," he continued, stepping around trees and working ever closer to the cave. His steps were deliberate, not rushed but hardly slow or stately. "Many warriors attend to my roar, and many would die upon beorc steel if I led them. Yet I am known even more for my prowess among our females," his eyes looked to her and a confident smirk tugged at his lips. "Many a female has lain with me and found herself more satiated than she thought possible. You are now mine, and for as long as we remained entwined, I will call you into my tent. You will pleasure me, and in return, I will pleasure and protect you."

He paused. They'd reached the cave, even sooner than he expected. The young lion looked at it, his body again twitching. He could feel his blood surging, causing one particular part of him to swell tremendously. He was tempted to draw it out now, but he knew that the time was not yet ripe. instead, he looked down upon his new mate, studied her for several seconds. "You," he said, his voice low and guttural, "are mine."

If Stigandr could have seen her own memories, he would have noted her shaking violently among Queen Elincia and all the other mercenaries. She'd been so close to nearly cursing aloud and having quite the fit; something she could usually avoid. With having been raised around and practically by Soren, she had adopted many of the same traits he had, the calm and collected side being a very dominant set she'd learned from him. But the news had made that quickly fade away upon her being told.

Still, she managed a nod of understanding. "I understand. Really, I do. I'm not just saying that. I've had my own share of fights and battles, mainly alongside my own mentor. I .... definitely didn't expect to be thrust into a situation anywhere like this at all, as I'm sure you weren't either .... even if it's for our clans and races. And if I may ... not all of us are arrogant. I won't deny there are definitely some individuals which fit that description; but I will say not all of us go down that personality route."

And then ... a thought came to her. How likely would she even be to become pregnant with any children he may give her? She knew it to be possible; but how much so? Probably not as high if she were with another Beorc, though she'd never studied that beforehand. Would she have a higher chance for multiple births? Her head gently shook, deciding there was no sense on dwelling on this just yet. After all, with all pregnancies, not all worked the first time. Alas, all mages seemed to have another trait and she was no was no exception to having the curse of sorts called 'curiosity'.

Right now, though, she had much more to focus upon. The discussion on a thought she'd had from the get-go, that she wouldn't be his first, was soon confirmed. And there went her mind racing once again ... what happened to the others? Hopefully they'd just passed away from natural causes and not claws ripping their throats open. His first impressions of her had never fully left ... and until she had some reassurance that would no longer be a concern, it would otherwise linger in her mind. More likely for a while, too.

Her eyes had remained upon his, only glancing away when the sights of what must have been the appropriate cave caught her peripheral vision. She swallowed nervously before looking back up as the low and assertive voice caught her ears. An anxious but firm nod left. "I ... I understand all that I said and agreed to even before we made the vows." She reassured him, hoping that hadn't come off as an arrogant sort of tone.

Still, she wasn't as naive as she could have been. To help her prepare - somewhat - Soren had given her multiple erotic and anatomy books on both Beorc and Laguz. It'd had all the tribes ... just in case she had wound up as another clan's wife. Physically, she would be his first but mentally ... not exactly. She'd read up mostly every day prior till now to avoid looking and feeling stupider than she had upon arriving in front of the Lions.
"You've fought?" questioned Stigandr. He paused to study the frail thing within his arms. "I've heard that some of your mages do possess great powers despite their little bodies. My great liege Skrimir spoke quite highly of your mentor Soren. If you possess some of his ability, perhaps you will be able to prove yourself as more than a pretty ornament for me."

He meant every word too. In fact, he was beginning to wonder why they hadn't attempted to sparring match. That was one thing that Stigandr had always anticipated about his future mating. The ritual of combat was one that was always strictly observed, and many a male could proudly demonstrate wounds inflicted upon them by their females. It showed the strength of the mate, proving that they had chosen wisely. No one wanted a weakling for a mate; what was the point in a female that could not stand with you or against you should you act foolishly?

"Did you?" he asked as he spoke again, looking down at her. His lips curled in a highly amused smile, and he fought against a chuckle building deep within his chest. "Tell me, my little cub, did they prepare you well? Did they inform you that the beast Laguz are the most fierce lovers in all of Tellius? Did they let you know that your tender womanhood would be pierced by a manhood so magnificent that it would make you unable to mate with your own kind? Did they tell you that you would scream as pleasure ripped through your senses? that your belly would swell with my seed, only to swell again with my child? Did they let you know that you would be taken in every way imaginable, and believe me, my cub, I have a very good imagination."

He chuckled, adjusting her yet again. Without waiting for a response, or possibly moving even over her protests, he stepped into the cave. As was to be expected, they'd prepared it specifically for their coupling. Furs lay in piles, strewn strategically throughout the floor. There was no bed proper, at least not in the strictly beorc sense of the term. A round area filled with furs seemed to hint toward a sleeping area. There was a small table as well, already laden with a variety of prepared foods. Yet more foods lay in a smaller area pushed to the rear of the cave, a mixture of fruits and meats that had obviously been selected for energy. The sound of running water echoed from deep within: a spring that lay deep within. A roaring fire showed among a carved out nook within the cave.

Stigandr paused only long enough to observe all this with a dismissive grunt. He moved to lay Selune upon a bared area just within the warm heat of the fire. The lion then worked to peel away his cloak, wanting to get to his prize, the sooner the better. For the first time, he didn't hide his growing arousal. The massive tent within his pants gave hint toward what lay within. Stigandr was a beast in every sense of the word, his throbbing manhood would practically be the size of Selune's forearm, and ridged with several knobs and bumps as all his kind possessed. It remained constrained for now, but its throbbing for release became all the more evident with each passing moment.

She gave an affirmative nod, feeling a slither of hope enter her mind. He sounded a bit impressed, enough to begin to forget of how irked they'd both been about half an hour ago. "I wouldn't say I could beat him in a one on one fight just yet; but I can handle myself better than most others, no doubt. Otherwise ... rest assured ... I wouldn't even be here at all. I'd probably have been dead long ago if I were too frail or weak. It takes much time and patience but once you master the art of your element, you can be as strong as any blade wielder ... or warrior at that matter."

"Y-yes. I believe so, at least. But they did indeed inform me of .... most of what you mention." The more he spoke, the warmer her cheeks began to get, especially on the hint of pregnancy and being so satisfied she'd never even want to mate any non-Laguz. To be somewhat fair, she never believed in cheating. The vows they'd just made would be kept ... until one of them perished. It may not have been a pleasant thought, but she wouldn't dare allow any man, regardless of race, to voluntarily get intimate with her. Even if she barely knew Stigandr, Selune had already sworn herself to him in front of his own clan along with himself. She wouldn't go back on her word.

Maybe it was partly due to the very sensual setting they were, but despite not being a Laguz herself, the word 'cub' was ... soothing? Comforting? She couldn't place the exact emotion but there was definitely one. Her eyes looked down, curious on the fur she was now upon. As the bright eyes finished looking all around her, they then glanced up ... and found her orbs staring right at his massive member.

Oh ... oh gods. How ... he's going to kill me!

Despite all the studying Selune had done from the books and amount of times she'd sworn she would be prepared, she suddenly felt as if that was now the last thing she'd be. Even with lubrication .... how was this going to work? To fit? Poor Selune was very scared ... but she'd come too far to just turn her back. Besides, it'd be quite the sight if she did try to run, knowing she'd still be bare and exposed to all the Laguz.

Sliding onto her knees, she wrapped both hands around his shaft. Her mouth opened as she began carefully bobbing it up and down, seeing how much she could take without risking choking or gagging. When she felt her limit, she noted it and didn't go any further. That would be where her hands came in as they massaged and caressed what couldn't fit within her mouth. She kept the pace slow, not wanting to rush this for either of them, as she sucked, licked, massaged and touched his member all at the same time.
"Most?" repeated Stigandr, his voice wrought with amusement. They had tried, he would give them that. But no beorc could have possibly prepared this girl for what she was about to experience first hand. The lion did have some hope that he had not been granted one of those foolish virgins who did not know her way around a man's body. He wanted to be pleased and to give pleasure in return, and while there was some joy in teaching a woman the ways of mating, they were not joys that the impatient lion often partook in.

To his immense glee, Selune knelt before him. She was subservient to her mate's needs without even having to be asked, no doubt having noticed his throbbing member. Stigandr did not smell nor sense arousal coming from his small mate, and he knew that before they coupled, he would have to draw the fire out from her. He barely entertained these thoughts, however, as her mouth opened about his cock. The lion groaned with satisfaction as he felt the hot mouth of his mate encircle his engorged member. The already thick manhood swelled within, the heat drawing it further. Stigandr could feel the knobs of his well textured cock dragging against Selune's mouth, likely to scrape along teeth. He would not begrudge her this: her tiny beorc mouth could not be expected to take him in his entirety. In fact, he was quite impressed at the way her mouth worked upon him, and he growled with yet more pleasure as he felt those dainty hands playing with his shaft. He adjusted, fully freeing his massive sex for her to enjoy. It stuck out proudly from a forest of brilliant red hair, the entirety of it throbbing and hard. It bore a slightly yellowish coloring, and the rough texture stretched along the entirety of its impressive length. The helmet of his top narrowed slightly, almost seeming to form a point, most like an arrow. A ridge of bumps circled around it, which would no doubt help swell within. Any female that attempted to free herself from this without the lust being satiated would find her sex treated quite roughly.

"Mmm, yes," growled the lion, threading a massive hand through Selune's hair. "You are most impressive, little cub. Show me your desire to please. Yes," he thrust his hips slightly, working. He was tempted to thrust into her, to grab her hand and thrust mightily. But you did not take your mate in such a fashion, not upon the first. And there was a question that hung in the air, one that Stigandr needed answered:

"Tell me, cub," he said, moving to gently pull her mouth from his cock, "how much experience have you in the ways of mating? Have you lain with a man before? Or do you perhaps favor your own fair sex?"

As her teeth threatened to do more than merely scrape against the massive shaft, she moved her head back far enough to ensure no damage would be done. Simultaneously, she stayed far down enough to continue giving him pleasure. Was she even doing that well enough? The groans and moans which soon followed said the answer was a definite 'Yes'. That was good ... a relief for her. She'd already felt like a fool walking in front of his clan and admitting she had not known whom she was supposed to end up wedding and mating with. That had been embarrassing enough as it was; failing to know anything she should or shouldn't be doing now would have made this all the more worse. Or so she could imagine.

She hadn't expected Stigandr to speak up and ask ... an interesting question. Then again, he had admitted she wasn't her first and it was true that some beorcs had one night stands and switched mates from time to time. So the inquiry wasn't too silly of one as she thought on it. Her head shook no slowly as it pulled up enough to allow her to reply properly, her hands continuing to move up and down his shaft slowly.

"None in actually doing anything. The most would be all the books and information Soren gave me but .... I've never been with anyone before now. N-nor have I looked at women in an intimate way." She replied, letting the answer sink in his mind. Her gaze went back to his shaft, still pondering how she would get it to begin to fit inside of her. The answer made her cheeks turn an even darker shade of red, something she hadn't thought to be possible by this point with all the times she'd already blushed. But she would have to ... even if in front of another. At least it would only be her mate watching and no one else.

She had never been able to much whilst with the Greil Mercenaries but Selune did know of masturbation. Keeping her right hand moving up and down the member, her head resumed moving up and down, her tongue lightly flicking and dancing along all the bumps and veins it could find. Her left hand slowly trailed down her body until it found her slit. A shiver trailed down her body, a sigh leaving as her fingers found her clit.

Using her left index and ring finger to part her lips and allow Stigandr a decent view, her middle lightly pressed and ran across her clit. More sighs left her, steadily becoming moans. Fear and anticipation, though more the latter, aided out as soon, he would catch her scent. Her nipples followed suit as they began to harden with her aching pearl, juices slowly beginning to coat her fingers.

She made damn well sure to keep her pace going, to never cease pleasing her mate even while doing so to herself. Selune would do her best to balance all of the tasks; giving and getting pleasure to best ensure she was prepared to truly become a woman while making her new spouse feel content and happy with not just the sensations coursing through his body, but her as well.
Stigandr stared at his mate while she pondered his question. He was well pleased that her hand did not slow, but continued its journey up and down his still throbbing, still growing member. Regardless of her answer, this woman possessed some skill in the carnal arts. Experience mixed with natural talent in such matters, and the lion was beginning to suspect that this girl possessed a wealth of one and a dirth of another. His answer was soon confirmed by her sputtering, and he couldn't suppress the chuckle that arose from deep within his impressive chest. It caused his whole body to shake for several moments.

"Poor little cub. Were none of your beorc male enough to please you? Or were you too engrossed in your studies to appreciate the finer parts?" he chuckled again, his cock seeming to bob as though joining in his teasing. The lion did allow a small groan of pleasure as his mate slid her mouth down his member again. Once more the head of him swelled within her, drawn by her warmth and her touch. The stroking drew his blood hotter and hotter with each passing moment, and Stigandr could feel his cock becoming harder and harder, stretching to its full, impressive length.

He had become so enthralled by her workings, his eyes upon her bobbing head, his hands through her fine black hair, that he hadn't noticed her other hand. It was not until her smell wafted through the cave that he began to suspect. For Stigandr sniffed, taking in the rich aroma of an aroused female. He had never smelled a beorc in such lust, but he could guess readily enough. As he did, his gaze lowered, following Selune's arm to where it was beneath her legs. As he beheld what she did, he chuckled.

"Ah, so your books have taught you to pleasure yourself?" he teased. He lowered his arms, again pulling her away. Another hand reached down, pulling Selune's hand away from her sex. "This is an insult to your mate," he intoned, his voice serious as he drew her hand up. His warm mouth encircled her fingers, drawing them into his mouth. His fangs just graced her digits before he let them go, still staring. His eyes were hard as they looked to Selune. "you have a mate now, little cub. It your mate's job to pleasure you. None of my females need touch themselves, not while they share Stigandr's bed. If I catch you doing this again, you will be punished."

he squeezed her hand, then released her. his impressive hands went down, trailing along her soft body, feeling her curves. They dug into the tender flesh of her buttocks, lifting her from her kneeling position. The great lion moved forward, pushing his mate back. Another hand moved down, adjusting to ensure that her legs were not bend into a painful position. As soon as her legs spread, Stigandr's hand delved between Selune's legs. His paw worked her tender sex, dragging across the bared lips. The rough pad of his finger dragged all along Selune's nether lips, till they moved upward.

"You truly are a cub," he growled, chuckling again. "I will show you how a true Laguz treats his mate," with that, he worked his finger all along her sex, dragging against her, seeking that tiny nub and rolling across it with a barely contained strength. his impressive cock, still coated with Selune's saliva, bobbed above, throbbing to show the lion's pleasure in the act even as he did it.

"...Mainly ... the latter. But the only man I would have even considered .... I was definitely not worthy of. He'd never ... think of me like that. And I'm not usually one to just rush into things like this. So I .... I didn't really bother trying to actually do any intimate acts." A light shudder trailed down her spine as his hand weaved through her raven hair. She was glad he was being gentle ... but this was all still very nerve-wracking. When he asked about all she was doing to herself, her head shook no, her tongue pressing one last gentle kiss upon the head of his cock before she began to explain herself.

"N-no. That ... I self-taught myself, actually." The next words she'd expected to hear were not that he'd taken offense to that. She blinked, confused. Why was that the case? "...I ... I'm sorry. I didn't mean .... " Her eyes closed as his hand swooped down, half-expecting him to lash out and direly wound her then and there. But when she didn't feel blood flowing out of her body, her eyes slowly opened in time to see and feel her fingers being licked off. A quick nod first left, then words. "Y-yes. I ... I understand. I really am sorry. I was just trying ... to prepare myself for you, not insult you, I swear .... "

She felt herself slowly guided up from kneeling to standing, swallowing softly. Gods, now what? She inwardly wondered, her eyes glancing up and down for any sort of hint. Within seconds, Selune watched as one of his own hands trailed down, teasing her slit before pushing and rolling over her clit. "...A-AH!"

Her juices instantly began to coat his digit, her hands going quickly around his waist to keep herself standing. The moans that had left from when she worked upon herself were definitely louder and more frequent. It was very tempting to have at least one hand resume on pleasing him again ... but he'd insisted on showing her how mates were treated. That, she assumed, was her cue to enjoy ... and she wouldn't risk incurring his wrath on purpose. Moreover, she was enjoying it ... all the juices that fell from her slit all but spelled that out. If they weren't coating his fingers, they were trailing down her thighs and onto the ground of the cave.
"You have much to learn, cub," intoned Stigandr yet again, his voice rumbling. He found that this statement did not displease him as much as it had mere moments before. She had the natural gift, an inclined talent toward this. If she studied under the wise little one, then she had intelligence and could learn. In time, Stigandr could shape her to become a lover the likes of which most beorc could not conceive. however, he still fully believed that she would not last after he skewered her thin body upon his massive cock. Though that thought again caused him to swell.

Juices ran into the lion's mouth, and he sucked them loudly. He sucked, his cheeks caving slightly, and as he sucked, he drew her nether lips within his warm mouth. His tongue, dextrous and nearly as long as some beorc's manhoods, slid from his mouth, flicking the wet lips to scoop up more of Selune's sweet nectar. Its texture was oddly rough, as one would expect of a cats, and that dragged along her sensitive flesh. Stigandr bathed Selune's sex like a feline bathed himself.

He pulled away, his lust filled golden eyes staring up the soft contours of Selune's body at her. "You produce much liquid, my cub," he intoned, his rumbling words nearly spoken into her quivering sex. He lapped against her, purposefully dragging his tongue along the length of her sex. "Do all beorc leak so? And do they all taste as sweet as you?" he lapped again, lathering her sex. His massive hands went to grip her rear, squeezing tight and pulling her. His digits dug slightly into that tender flesh, almost as if a merchant testing a melon. This ended with a light slap.

"Lay back on my cloak," he ordered, his voice hard, his eyes again boring up at her. "Lay back and spread your legs for me, Selune. I will feast upon your flesh till your screams echo through this cave." His body trembled with that anticipation, his fiery eyes locking upon the cleft of her legs. He would not move to aid her; she was to submit to him, she was to move.

Pants and moans continued to leave, a small nod managing to do so to show she acknowledged his words. "Y-yes ..... Stigandr ... ohhh ... " Her eyes closed, the pleasure seeming to intensify as she denied herself the ability to see. It was forcing all of her other senses to work and become stronger. Now that they were focusing upon the 'touch' sense ... gods it was amazing. Her hips lightly, instinctively, bucked gently against the digit. What she hadn't immediately expected though, she soon felt, as his tongue licked along her sex and clit.

"Oh .... OHHHH!" Her hands grasped his waist, her legs shaking so hard that even with Selune holding on, she feared she may collapse anyways. Her chest heaved, her pants having increased from the simple but very sensual actions thus far. Her eyes opened as she heard him speak up and inquire on how bodies worked. Her eyes slowly glanced down, watching and feeling him lick and tease in between her legs. "I .... d-don't know .... oh gods that feels so good. I've.... never ... seen or been around ... others who ... who ..... mated .... mmmm .... "

That would perhaps be one of the few times books couldn't be a reliable source. She would have had to ask someone ... but hadn't known anyone.

Just when she was certain she would fall to her knees, the order that hinted she would become a woman within seconds was given to her. Still panting, Selune slowly unwrapped her arms from around his waist, easing herself onto her back. The cloak he'd given her had been the only thing that remained upon her flesh, so laying upon it was an easy task. Her eyes went from Stigandr's to his massive member, staring for a few moments. It'd likely hurt still ... but at least not as badly as it could, knowing she'd been lubricated rather well.

Reassuring herself that somehow, she wouldn't be literally ripped in half, her legs parted as she stayed upon her back. Shivers trailed repeatedly down her spine but never once did she try to close her legs or deny him her body. After a deep breath, she nodded slowly once again. "I ... I'm ready." She murmured to him, though also somewhat to herself in an attempt to give some confidence..
Stigandr thoroughly enjoyed how his mate moved and writhed to his touch. He worked her body, drawing the cries and moans of pleasure, his touch proving that his skills were not mere boasting. As she answered his query, he grunted. Truly, Stigandr could have expected little less; Selune had admitted to having no sexual experience. She was clearly cloistered. He would, perhaps, have her research the answer later. Or perhaps she would do so on her own time.

The hungry eyes again watched as Selune got into position. Stigandr's gaze once more consumed Selune's body. He took in her stiff nipples, drawn to peaks by his touch. He allowed his hungry eyes to slide over her slim stomach, till they at least came between her legs, where a glistening sex beckoned to him, practically begging for him to thrust his member between them. Yet Stigandr knew better. He actually chuckled at her nod and her proclamation, looking up her body to meet her eyes.

"No, you are not," he told her. His hands ran along her thighs, parting her legs. Oh, he wanted to sheath himself within his mate. To shove his thick, hard member into her quivering sex and pound away at her till she gave way beneath him. But that was not how a lion gathered females to his bed. Stigandr wanted Selune to crave him. She would be his only when she knew that the most intense pleasures she would feel would come from his touch.

So his hands parted her legs, spreading them wide. Again his leonine head lowered between. His hot mouth encompassed her nether lips in their entirety, sucking them within. He drew Selune within his hot mouth, nipping at her flesh with his teeth. He released, then moved, dragging his rough tongue all along the length of her. Long drags that moved her body with each motion, his saliva adding yet further motion. That tongue swirled, lapping steadily and quickly, then slowly and luxuriously, seemingly with the soul purpose of drawing pleasure from the quivering form. It twirled about that nub of flesh, teasing and flicking it. Till Stigandr opened his mouth. Hot breath puffed against Selune' clitoris. Then teeth gently scraped along it, dragging along. The tongue again moved to swirl, flicking and teasing the nub.

Then, Stigandr's head suddenly fell. His tongue extended to its great length, sliding between soaked lips without warning. In what was sure to be an imitation of acts to come, Stigandr slid his long tongue within Selune's sex. It parted the flesh and soon wiggled, swirling and moving about within the taut confines, gathering those sweet juices for the lion to sample.

Selune's teeth found her lower lip, nipping down on it to keep from protesting aloud. She was still confused, though. How was she not ready? Did he meant she wasn't wet enough? That ... sounded practically impossible, with how drenched she had felt herself. Even now, without having to touch herself, she could tell that her body was prepared enough. Maybe this was one of the things she was meant to learn about that he'd hinted not long ago. Regardless, she'd trust his judgment. After all, he was more experienced than her; the number of mates he had was proof enough of that along with how well he'd been with his fingers and tongue.

Not but seconds after he teased her clit did her hands grasp the edges of the cloak, her head tossing back. "Oh yes. Ohhhhh ..... " Selune was astounded at not just how good this all felt, but how close she already was to an orgasm. Even when she had played with herself in the past, never did it feel as good as she was experiencing now. None of the books had warned her of this; that Laguz could be passionate and so very intimate. It was interesting to note and learn.

A whimper left as her hips gently bucked once again, feeling his warm breath hit her clitoris. "Oh gods .... oh yes .... " She moaned, gripping the cloth as tightly as she could. Her body shuddered hard and for a few moments, Selune was almost certain she wasn't going to be able to control herself. The way he was working her .... if she didn't know better, she'd been wed off to a god of some sort. He was pushing and driving her so close to the edge that she had no idea how much longer she could cling onto what she was still grasping.

The answer appeared to be along the lines of not much as his tongue abruptly slid into her slit. "AH!" Her head tossed back and before she could warn or hint the next action, Selune came hard, coating his tongue. Even while it continued to rush through her though, her hips didn't dare stop moving. This was like a drug, an addiction ... and all Selune knew by this point was what she wanted.

"More! Please ... ngh ... don't stop ... " She pleaded, continuing to gently ride up and down his tongue.
The fine beauty writhing beneath Stigandr pleased him to his core. He throbbed for her, felt the need swelling his member to painful girth and height. He could feel her arousal beneath his lips, feel her gripping tightly upon his tongue. The proud lion smiled as he felt her hips quiver beneath him. Had he not known Selune's experience before now, he would have guessed at her reaction. For she did not simply react to his ministrations, but nearly overreacted, letting out the very cries Stigandr had claimed he would work from her tender flesh.

Stigandr felt Selune's flesh trembling about his tongue, and knew what was to come. His questing muscle sought her out, scraped against her quivering walls and drawing out her passion. He felt her release into him, abandoning all. His greedy lips sucked upon her sweet nectar, hungrily taking it in. Never did his tongue cease to move, constantly darting and pushing about within the beautiful girl. He slithered it in and out, the motions mimicking his already thrusting hips. Oh, how sweet it would be to slide within this hot girl, to drive this beorc woman far beyond the bring.

A shriek, a near command: "don't stop." It echoed in the chamber and Stigandr growled his approval. Any laguz nearby would hear the beorc's cries of joy, hear and know that she was giving himself to her. His pride and joy added yet more fervor to his attack. His great hands gripped her tightly, clutching her rear. They dug in, holding her hips in place as he shoved his face down upon her. Muscles swelled as he picked her up, raising Selune's hips just slightly above the cloak below. shoulders pushed her aside, spreading her, allowing Stigandr to dig his tongue even deeper within her tight channel. He dragged the rough end of his tongue all down her interior wall, proving more dextrous than any beorc could hope.

Stigandr dared shift, gripping Selune's slim body with one paw. The other went up, parting the flesh his tongue did not devour. His claws sought her out, and soon found. Stigandr pinched Selune's clit while his tongue delved deep within shoving into her soaked sex.
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