XXx Rage of the Heart xXx CLOSED xXX

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RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

The air was fresh and the atmosphere serene. A layer of morning dew fogged over the forest's floor. Birds were already chirping in the canopies above and most of the wildlife here had already begun their day. Darren took a moment on the clearing, cooling his lungs and the fire within as he breathed in deeply. A prey was immediately found, its scent carried by the wind. The man stooped himself low, grinning. His claws once again summoned at the ready. He could already feel the excitement growing, anticipating an interesting chase before a kill and almost glad at the opportunity given to finally exert all that was pent up inside him. Hunting alone either for some food on the table or for the enemy, was always something he'd looked forward to. It was the only chance he got to be himself, to let himself loose, free of worry from hurting a comrade and the invisible chain of control.

Stealthily, Darren advanced into the woods, expertly negotiating the grounds without making a sound or giving his presence away. Among the underbrush he hid, peering through the gaps of leaves as he locked his gaze onto his target. It was a doe, trudging between the trees and grazing at the grasses by its legs. The man moved to a better location, to a higher ground before the wind changes its direction. He waited for a while, allowing the creature some time to carelessly enjoy its meal.

But then, his focus suddenly wavered. The essence of the female he'd mated with last night was felt. He could smell her nearby. His ears perked, picking up the soft landings of a footfall behind him. Somebody was trying to sneak up on the hunter. Or was it just his imagination? However, the loud crackling of a bolt striking at the ground and scaring his meal off was a confirmation that she was there. The man stood up with a start but hesitated with the chase as his mind dwell on punishing the girl. He watched at the leaping creature as it disappeared into the woods in the opposite direction.

With a grunt, the beast of a man turned on his heels and sprinted for a new target. Rushing between trees, Darren soon caught up with the girl. He pounced, arms extended before he pinned Orianne to the ground. Before she probably knew it, he was atop of her, sitting up and turning her around with one hand trapping both her wrist above her head while the other brought up to the side of his face where his weapon threatened to rip her throats out.

Angry wrinkles were formed between his eyes and his nose, his fangs exposed before a deep guttural growl emitted, "What did you do that for?" the man questioned. "Is this your idea for a joke? Pulling up such childish prank on me!" said Darren mere inches away from her face.

Unaware that in taking her down and pinning her, he'd accidentally lifted up her soft fabric white shirt, exposing her belly and perhaps the under swell of her bust. The man was too furious to take note. He thought she was taking him lightly, that he was easy to fool around with without worrying about any consequences. He's not the kind of man to not do what he said he would. If he said she'll have to face his wrath, then by god's mercy she'll face them.

But instead of unleashing what he'd intended to do on the doe, Darren crushed his lips onto the substitute. God she was just irresistible, too tempting of a meal that could definitely satiate a different kind of hunger that clamored within the man yet again. His free hand slowly came down to slide under her shirt, coarse palm grazing over her smooth skin before he paused over her rib, maddeningly near her breast. Then he pulled his head back and stared into her eyes, waiting to hear a respond to either his question or on the assault he just did.
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

Orianne heard him behind her, she was running for her life now. Surely he would murder her, she heard his breathing behind her and though of spinning to shock him, but that would only daze him and then they would be here again when he recovered. His hands were at her arms and she was quickly falling forward. she landed with a sound thud and a small cry of pain as a rock jabbed in her ribs hard. He was on top of her flipping her and pinning her wrists while the blades of one hand angled towards her throat, ready to strike. To kill.

Wide blue eyes filled with heat at his rage. Her lower body struggled as she fed off his anger. His face was contorted with rage and hatred, and anger beyond belief as he growled, exposing his fangs and his heated breath to dance along her flesh. His words boomed in her ears, so loud she actually flinched. What did he have to be so angry about, he was the one that left her room after destroying the mattress in rage that she wasn't at his side. he could have drug her from her closet or joined her there. The thought caused her to tremble beneath him.

her toned belly felt his heated skin on hers, her skin beneath the shirt grew jealous that all it felt was the heat and NOT the skin. Expecting a blow she could only stare up at him, into those eyes. His lips were on hers scorching, wonderful. her body lifting to press to his as the heat of anger and rage left and she filled with a new heat. Her legs opened and the jeans covered appendages wrapped about him and holding him to her since her arms couldn't. One locked around his leg and the other lifted. thigh against his ribs and foot caressing his strong ass beneath the shorts.

The single touch of his hand had her moaning into the feverish kiss, so hot that her entire body felt like it was going to combust. She didn't understand it, and in the heat of the moment, didn't even want to. Her hips ground into his as the kiss continued but ended just as quickly as it started. trembling under the canopy of a tree she stared up into his eyes. Heavy breathing , breasts heaving and all she could say was...

"You left... why?"

Those three words sounded more broken than she ever imagined they would sound. "I was worried... at first I though you were attacked but then I thought you were angry with me." Her face pressed forward, her nose brushing side to side over his. "If you wanted me in bed with you, you could have gotten me and taken me there... or joined me in my sleeping area... I didn't mean to upset you and I didn't mean to rain down that bolt. I was feeding off of my anger toward you." She tilted her head and looked up at the still sunny sky... well, that was a change. "I was coming to confront you, but then I thought it might be best for you to come to me."

She blinked up at the brilliant blue sky, what the hell was going on? She smiled. Dammit if the beast in him didn't calm the storm raging in her. Dammit this was so messed up. "I'll go now... I'm sorry." She wanted to run, needed to. If he affected her like this there was no telling what else he might effect. God she hoped Malcolm wasn't paying attention to the weather.
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

Darren knew she'd spoken, giving him the reply he was waiting for. He could feel her breathe washing over his lips. But the man was lost in those gaze and her words simply fall onto deaf ears. He saw serenity in her eyes yet at the same time, felt a fierce wave of wanting within his chest. When her nose brushed his, Darren thought she was encouraging him to come forward, to reclaim those luscious lips and then some. Stay away from this exotic creature? Yeah right, as if he could or really wanted to. Even if he was bound by the strongest chain ever made, the man was sure he could break free, especially when taunted by the sight of her.

Subconsciously, Darren replied, "I wasn't attacked nor was I angry at you, Orianne.. And I'm sort of glad you weren't by my side when it happened. What you see on the bed was just me reacting to a bad dream.." he paused, still holding on to both her wrist in one hand, his other traveled higher, climbing up the mound of her chest where his fingers kneaded on the supple skin. "So I had to leave you and head out here to unleash all the bad vibes within me.. I do so by hunting.." Darren made another pause, this time adjusting himself so that his erected manhood would press up against her abdomen. "But now, you've frightened off the doe away.. As a punishment, you'll have to take its place.. You'll be my catch for today. All that was... bottled up.. should be unleashed upon you!" whispered Darren before he lifted her shirt up and over her head.

Before she could make a protest, Darren had her nipple in his mouth. His tongue swirled and flickered. Then he suckled, pressing himself into the perky yet soft breast. He teased her with his teeth, nipping and tugging before more suckling was made. A good long moment was spent on both breasts until he felt himself aching for her. Slowly, he sat back up and released her. Eyes burning with lust and desires as his hands went straight to her zippers. Without word, he tugged and pulled off her jeans, leaving her buck naked for his gaze to feast upon. He thumbed over her clitoris for a second or two before standing up.

Soon, Darren's clothes had joined the pile where hers laid not too far from them. The moment his short was dropped, his cock leapt, throbbing and standing majestically before the girl's eyes. He stared at her. His mind already began conjuring what he would do to her.

"Get on your knees, Orianne!" his gruff voice rumbled. "Take me in your mouth and stroke me with your hands.." said the man blatantly, utterly dazed and drunken with the need for sex, for this girl.

The thought of him being engulfed with her mouth where her that sexy lips of hers would wrap around him, had caused the slit on the helm to moist. His jaws locked and his form suddenly turned rigid. Darren repeatedly told himself to calm down. Cumming so soon would be a waste. Then again, with her, the man was certain he could grow hard again in no time. Still, he'd no intention to give in. He'll have to punish her with the same amount of pleasure before he cum.

RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

Her head tilted in confusion, he suffered from bad dreams or visions. biting her lip she remembered a time, not too long ago, when she woke screaming at the top of her lungs. There were still times when it happened, it was one of the reasons she was in the basement and in a wing where no one else resided. Gasping at the questing hand that covered one lightly tan orb. Her body pulsed against the erection in his pants, he adjusted it and she felt it drag along her. She moaned at the action. Wait.. what? unleashed on her...

Her mouth opened to question and protest his action, but the bastard used her body against her. Arching her back as he suckled her breast she moaned, "Darren." Gone was any thought of protest, if he planned on this being her punishment... well, this she could handle. Flicking, swirling, suckling, nipping, tugging and raking, all the actions combined to make her breathless, arching into his touch and moaning.

Orianne lay there, breathless and wanting him. She gave no protest as his hands ripped her out of her clothes. Legs opened wider as his thumb stroked that tender bud of pleasure, causing her thighs to quiver and moans to fall from her parted lips at the action. Desire stronger than anything built up in her smaller body before he was pulling away and standing over her. His clothes were gone in a matter of minutes. The sun shining down on his form made him look like some fractured god.

The large rod swung in the air, she shook remembering the pleasure he'd given her with it the night before. Eyes lifting to his, they stared at one another both heavily aroused. His voice urged her movements. She wasn't sure what he meant, exactly. The only other times she'd done this was to get the men that would take her hard. He was already hard.

On her knees before him she timidly took his cock in her hands, wide blue eyes stared up his form as he seemed to become less friendly and more agitated. Determined to be the best, she opened her mouth and flicked her tongue along the head and gathered his taste. She moaned as it caressed her tongue. Pink tongue caressed his shaft and head before her hands begin to explore him. Grasping, caressing and stroking while her head lowered and caressed his testicles with her mouth, suckling and rolling them between her fingers gently.

Leaning back her eyes glanced up at him before looking at the masterpiece before her. As she stroked with one hand the other hand wrapped about him and caressed his ass. her tongue flicked out of her mouth to tease the head of his cock as moved. Smiling up at him she parted those plush lips and allowed him to enter, but only the head. Sucking on it she moaned for him. Such a tease, she could play innocent all she wanted but in reality Orianne knew what she was doing when it came to this type of pleasure.

After a few teasing licks, when she knew he could take it no longer, her lips closed and she suckled on the head of his cock before her hand moved to the base to hold him steady. Her mouth engulfed him to the base, plump lips wrapped around him while her silky tongue writhed under the large rod in her mouth. He was in her throat and she didn't seem to mind, or notice as she allowed her throat to constrict and relax around him naturally. Breathing through her nose she calmed her breathing. Orianne didn't want him cumming too soon.

Pulling back her head she bobbed herself pulling him in and out of her throat slowly until she found a rhythm she was satisfied with. Her fingers wrapped back along his ass and kneaded the flesh as she swallowed his cock repeatedly. Large blue eyes gazing up into his deep animalistic orbs, begging for praise. For all she knew the way she knew was wrong and he hated it.
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

As soon as Darren saw her kneeling before him, he could hear his own heartbeat beating loudly in his eardrums. And when the gentle but shy, delicate hands of Orianne touched him, he ached blissfully with anticipation. Their gaze then met. But the man's expression remained unchanged. With jaws locked and his bust heaving, Darren struggled. The moment she opened her mouth and darted her tongue out to taste him, the living hot rod jumped, his thigh muscles leapt and his butt cheeks clenched. Almost shocked with a jolt running through the spearhead, he almost hissed and nearly pulled his hips away from her tease. The control became harder when Orianne brought her hand into play, skillfully stroking and caressing him before she toyed his testicles with her mouth.

He wasn't sure how long she was there before him but it sure felt like it was too soon to be spilling his seed. Nonetheless, the man thought he held his end quite well, given to just how her mouth... god, the way her mouth worked around him was simply a divine gift. She'd taken him deep, cusping him with her tongue under his shaft, bouncing the tip of his cock against the back of her throat seemingly effortlessly and bobbing back and forth at an ecstatic pace. He studied closely at the way her luscious lips glided over him, causing the length of him to glisten on the way out. Her tongue tickling the underbelly of his dick on the way in. It was a mind-blowing experience.

"Hhssss..." he finally hissed with a frown, eyes locking on to hers before his hands reached for her head.

Fingers raked through her hair, combing every strand back from her face before he grasped the bunch gathered at the back of her head. He'd allowed her to take him at her own pace, that was until now. Slowly, Darren gained control over the torment in his groin. His hips impulsively moved, thrusting himself into her mouth, pulling her head towards him and back to his delight. After quite some time, Darren leaned over, a hand pushing down on her head as he plunged himself deeper. However, that was not his only desire. His free hand slipped in between their bodies, crossing her front and reaching for her waist. Without warning, he lifted her swiftly and effortlessly off the ground, spinning her upside down right in front of him. All the while, he was in her mouth. Before she knew it, his head had nudged her legs apart and were resting on his shoulders as she was brought inverted before the still standing man.

Greedily, Darren almost appeared to be gobbling her up. His lips immediately pressed hard on the camel-toe between her legs as he hugged her tight. He was returning the favor, teasing her clitoris and vagina with his tongue and teeth like she was with his cock. The organ in his mouth even plunged into her softness every now and then, matching the timing of her bobbing head. He groaned appreciatively into her pussy. Darren lingered in that position for a long while. Then he pulled his hip back, freeing his swollen and throbbing manhood from her mouth before maneuvering her with ease once again.

With both his arms hooked under her knees, he'd Orianne literally in a squatting stance. Cupping her buttocks in his hands, he pressed himself against her private part and guided himself over the entrance. He pushed in, slipping into her with another hiss so close to her ear. Just as soon as the coupling began, Darren had her bouncing before him as he pounded into her with every thrust of the hip. Like before, the man was an animal. He was once again merciless, holding nothing back as he drove ruthlessly and deeply into her with no remorse. The loud slaps of their joining echoed through the woods and the heavy panting of the man repeatedly washed over Orianne's ear.
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

Orianne cringed when the hiss came, it scared her and she felt as though she'd let him down. The frown telling her all she needed to know. Her lips trembled around his length as he grasped her hair. Tugging those long strands into his fist at the back of her head. her mind went blank and she eased back on him slowly, not wanting her teeth to rake him when he yanked her off to reprimand her. but that didn't happen. Wide blue eyes gazed up at him as his hips moved toward her, taking back the area she relinquished. Slowly she realized he wanted the control. Damn, this irked her.

Using her ponytail as a handle he forced her closer and then away, his length disappearing and reappearing. Her hands clenched on his strong buttocks and raked her nails, gently, down the backs of his thighs to his knees before rising back up. The process of his face fucking her continued, to her disappointment. Her mouth felt good to him but hell, that mouth could be attached to ANYONE.. she surmised. She wasn't good enough for him and he couldn't allow her a moment to suck him off properly? Hell, a pointer or two would have been nice but even those never came, he just took control after that displeased sound fell from his lips. She wanted to cry. If he hadn't grasped her hair she'd have run off after that sound and cried herself away in a corner. Though she didn't understand this emotional response.

The sun disappeared behind the clouds as her sadness seemed to grow, the anger of the electrical storms kept at bay because of her sadness. It was a magical thing the way the air seemed to understand her better than an intelligent human being. It was while deep in her thoughts that her eyes closed, his hand shoving at her head so as to allow his dick more room to slide into her waiting and vulnerable throat. A strangled sob came out when he moved her, yet again. She didn't even care, let him use her to the fullest extent, perhaps sate himself in her to subside his anger at the rest of the world.

Her eyes opened as he parted her legs, Hair cascading down as his hands moved to hold her to him. Giving her head freedom while still controlling her body, keeping her close and soon, providing pleasure as well. A reward for giving up her control? The sun broke through in hopeful rays as her own emotions dispersed slowly. Her legs wrapped together about his head, along the back of his broad shoulders as his tongue sought out her entrance, with vigor. Her pleasure built as he expertly ate her out, nipping, licking and sucking her delicate female core. Her mouth moved upon him in the pace he set up, one hand holding and stroking the base as she bobbed. Only taking and allowing him deeper when her thrust into her mouth.

She whimpered and cried out for him in joyous reaction to his ministrations. Orianne knew now, or rather, understood he was showing his appreciation. The beast in him was different and like an animal, she'd have to read what went unsaid and shown. Her slim hips bounced off his face, rocking herself against his questing and eager mouth. Gasps and moans all fell from her parted lips as she attempted to concentrate on the head of his large member. It was only when he disengaged himself that she shuddered in pleasure against his mouth, his body and then smiled as he up righted her to face him. Her peak had yet to be achieved, but he'd take her there and beyond. Of this, she was certain.

The drag of him along her sex in this position caused her to twitch, so heated and so wet she feared she'd cum on the first thrust again, but she held back. Her channel clenching and twitching around his pulsating rod. She whimpered like a bitch in heat as he hissed into her ear. Sex wasn't supposed to feel like this, so good and so hot she felt like she was burning from the inside out. Clinging to him she held on for dear life as he pounded away at her open sex. Breasts bouncing and dragging on his chest as she pressed her chin to his shoulder whimpering and moaning repeatedly because it felt so incredibly good.

It only took three thrusts and she was cumming, her nectar pouring from her vagina like a fountain of life as she screamed for him. Head back and nails clawing into his flesh, a miniature beast to his own ravenous one. Her channel clenched and pulled him deeper as he continued with his ruthless pounding of her lady bits. "Darren..." She moaned. Her head returning to it's spot on his shoulder. Her pants mixing with his and her teeth raking along his neck. Pink tongue caressing his neck, gathering his essence and nipping at the strong tendon there. The way he urged her body on by slamming home into her still, she felt the next orgasm build rapidly and was soon screaming as the relief of it washed over her. Head back and crying out his name, "DARREN!" It was bliss, she thought as her eyes closed while she shuddered around his invading length.
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

The man was aching somewhat painfully as he felt himself swell, it was almost unbearable when the skin on his rod stretched so much to accommodate his size. It was different than last night, he was certain. And it was definitely due to not only from hearing the squishy wet sound her nether lips made but at the call and cries for him, where her voice sounded rather pleased. Yet on top of that, there was that trickling sensation her juices caused as they flowed and dripped over the bag of his jewels, almost profusely. But it could also be the work of that delicious suction and the strong tight grip she'd made with her pussy. For whatever the reason was, Darren wasn't going to let it all end too soon. He wished this moment would never end, hoping they could remain interlocked in each other's arms for eternity.

However, his hope was almost crushed when she reached her climax, throwing her head back as he watched her eyes rolled to the back of her head and at the sight of that lips parting when she sang his name, nearly bringing the man to spill his own load into her tightening canal. Once again he was drenched with her cum. Darren stilled himself and studied her squirmed before him. He savored the way she'd wrapped herself around him, somewhat endearingly and not wanting to let go. Then the man started walking with her still attached to him by the hips and in his arms.

Gently, Ratel then carefully leaned her back against a tree and set one of her legs down for Orianne to stand on whereas the other was brought straight up between them, stretching her womanhood wider for him to penetrate. Darren's head lowered, once again teasing her nipples and breasts before he started rocking. He continued with some long but slow strokes. Almost like the calm in the eye of a tornado, something the girl would definitely be familiar with. As soon as he'd leaned back and grabbed the smooth thigh in front of him as a handle, another harsh session of hot sex took place.

The force behind each thrust was so strong that the shock her body received managed to shake even the tree behind her. As a result, both leaves and twigs started raining down around them. Such was the beast prowess, a display of strength, speed and stamina where they're heightened since he discovered his mutant powers. Most probably, the ground itself could have rumbled and shook as the tree appeared to be uprooted.

Thinking that it might actually happen, Darren decided to change his position. Again. But he was almost hesitant. Not until she'd begged for his seeds, or wiggled and shake her head no, sort of in a plead for him to end the tormenting, for him to stop prolonging and just cum with her right then; thought the man. Until that'd happened, he would then maneuver her so that she would face the tree, bringing her leg across his front to join the other and pushing her lower back down as he stepped back, so that he could take her from the rear. Throughout the entire three positions, not once had he left the warmth of her womanhood. She should have felt the spear within her turn and raked her insides with every move, hitting all the spots he'd not already struck.

Orianne's knees by now might have been weakened, causing her to perhaps stand on the tip of her toes with maybe a buckling limb or two. It could have been an hour or more since he'd entered her and there might be a little bit more before it's all over. With his coarse palms gripping at her love handle, Darren shoved and rammed into her with an abundance, hammering even the sweet bud at the top of her slit with his jewels. Eventually, the man shifted his hands, pushing her lower back while pulling up on one of her shoulders. The pacing intensified, soaring towards the peak, his cock hardened and fattened before he finally burst, spewing his hot and thick load into the far reaches of her womb. Darren pressed himself against her as he gathered her in his arm, squeezing at her breasts while he kissed the tendon of her neck. Gasping and panting, he held her up, supporting her as she probably grew limpid beneath him.

"Hhnnggghhh... Aaarrgghh!" he'd groaned. "Orianne.." he'd whispered. "Hhnggh!" he'd shuddered as his cock squeezed off the final few drops. "Haa... Haa.." Darren panted, "'re umm..mazing!" said the beast before he whispered words of endearment into her ear, blowing and teasing the lobe with his breath and teeth. "Let us rest here a little while... before heading back.." the man suggested as he gently settled her unto the ground and laid himself back.
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

He had stilled but moved, carrying her to the nearest tree. Her body moved to the way he wanted, one foot down and one up... like a ballerina. An erotic ballerina. Her fingers dug into his skin again and held to him as his head dipped and captured her nipple. The long and strong thrusts caused her to groan. The force of his thrusts made the poor tree shake and quake behind her. The slaps of their bodies coming together echoed around them as they fucked like animals.

Crying out she bucked her hips toward him, it was awkward and the tree dug into her ass and back. He hesitated, no word of protest left her lips. When he turned her there were red marks from the cheeks of her ass up to her shoulders, she was thankful for the change and she wanted him to cum deep in her. Clenching the trees, her nails digging in as he pushed her into position. Her legs shook, as his cock moved around her sensitive channel.

Orianne moved her upper half lower on the tree, leaving her ass up and her legs spread a bit. She stood on the tips of her toes and pressed back on him as he pounded her insides. She cried out over and over as the pleasure built and crested, building to another orgasm. Her pussy began to clench on his cock in this position, he grasped her shoulder for better leverage. This last orgasm was not as big as the others, but it gripped his cock as he came. Their bodies going over the bounds of pleasure together. His hot seed coated her insides as she called his name again.

She crumpled in his arms, fatigued and satisfied. She moaned and tilted her head against his lips. Thankful for his arms holding her up, surely she'd have collapsed in a heap. Still he came within her heated body as he held her. He said her name in a soft whisper, it caused a smile to bloom on her lips and a warmth to fill her chest. She felt his cock leave her and groaned as she was placed in the shade of the tree. The soft grass tickled her bare body, she lay there panting in pleasure watching as he laid back as well. Orianne crawled over him and on top of him.

Curling her smaller form into his, she sighed. "You are more amazing Darren. God, I think I want to disrupt your hunt more often if that is the result." She blushed, surely he'd worn himself out. His anger seemed gone and the rage filtered out. She blinked her blue eyes down at him, her arms folded on his chest and her chin resting on that as she watched him. "Where are we heading back to?" Her voice was soft and she stifled a yawn, tonight she would sleep well.
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

~Back to your room...~

Darren had wanted to say. Oh how nice it would be if he could simply spend the rest of the day on her bed, all cozy and warm from the heat of her body. Perhaps even to engage themselves in an endless session of lovemaking, to forever be interlocked in each other's embraces until the end of time. They'll never go hungry or thirsty. No other needs shall arise as long as they got each other. Such thoughts were definitely a contrary to what'd lingered in his mind earlier that morning. Nonetheless, it was something worth dreaming about. He hardly thought there'll be a time where they might grow bored of each other. Not especially when every quarrel or disagreement concludes with an episode of hot, hard sex.

"Back to the Academy..." answered the man instead.

He then wrapped her in an arm while the other hand stroked at her purplish-white hair, combing strands back over her ears and away from her face as he looked into her eyes. With the back of a crooked finger, Darren traced Orianne's jawline, stopping under her chin as his thumb touched the corner of her lips.

"It's best if you do not.. The hunt will give us the strength we needed.. Especially if you want..." but before he could finish, a piercing sharp ringing sound rang within his ears.

Darren quietened himself and whipped his head to the direction of the school. His vision slowly blurred and then rippled. There was at first a buzzing sound before the female newscaster spoke. He could even see her, as if he was watching the television through another's eyes. Darren knew exactly whose eyes they belonged to. And this was also how he would receive his missions. Malcolm wanted him to take Orianne to Japan and identify the new weapon that was mentioned in the news. More or less to confirm if the threat to the mutants were genuine.

"Orianne.." Darren said. "You and I need to go on a mission.." he found and held her gaze. "Have you ever flown in our jet before? We're going to Japan now.."

RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

"Oh," She whispered softly. O didn't WANT to go back, not yet. Not after this soul searing connection they'd forged. Her body still tingled with the aftershocks of orgasm. Her blue eyes blinked up at him as he brushed her hair back from her face. Her breath grew a bit raspy as he traced her jaw and then stopped. Her heart was pumping blood through her system so fast she felt as though she had run a marathon. His touch was devastating to her system.

Her lips parted in a smile as he spoke, she thought he trailed off to leave it unsaid. His naughty thoughts were right in line with hers. She wanted him strong and with stamina to last until they both were breathless and screaming, in a good way. Her eyes had fluttered closed but when they opened she felt her inner alarm bells go off. Worried she stroked his jaw carefully as he left her, her husband had visions too. At least, that was what he lead her to believe... the man was crazy.

Darren came back to her, head dropping to stare into her eyes. She stroked a hand up along his jaw and into his hair. "A mission?" She whispered softly. "Yes.. I. Japan?" She sputtered, not understanding him or what he was meaning. "Slow down... a mission, right now... but I don't want to leave yet. I like it here... with you." She snuggled down on top of him, her hips wiggling as she got comfortable, "I'm sleepy too." She yawned.

"ORIANNE... DARREN!" The voice was loud, booming from the edge of the forest. Malcolm.

Eyes wide she sat up on him and looked over to the pile of her clothes.


She narrowed her blue eyes to the man still beneath her. Who was this them he was sending in? Frowning she moved from him and began getting dressed. The heavy scent of sex still clung to the air around them. Orianne wanted to curl up with him in bed and sleep for a bit, their sexual escapades wore her out and now they had a meeting. "Does Malcolm know?" She asked suddenly to him. Her shirt had grass stains from when he'd tackled her, her jeans as well, not that she cared. she pulled her hair back and braided it out of her way. Unaware of the grass and dirt mingled in it, at least this hid it a bit.

She went after her sandals.
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