XXx Rage of the Heart xXx CLOSED xXX

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Jan 21, 2013
Ohio, USA

Name: Orianne "O" Munroe
X-Name: Stormy/Rage

Age: 23
Height & Weight: 5' 5" & 130
Specifics: 36D-24-38, Purple-gray locks of hair & sapphire blue eyes; Back is riddled in a maze of tribal like carvings, runes of demons and other markings, because of this she hides her flesh under clothing, despite being raised a nudist.

Parents/DNA Donors: "Storm" Ororo Munroe {{Unknown to O- Father: "Forge" Name Unrevealed}}



History: Unknown to O her father stripped her mother of her powers, then gave them back before they built a romance. Storm found out she was pregnant with O and was set to marry him... but something happened and he left X-Men. He'd assumed she would turn him down and instead of facing her walked away. Fear that he'd continue the pattern she hid the pregnancy from everyone with the help of Xavier. After giving birth Storm left her in the care of the village in Africa, the same where she was reveled as a rain goddess, and went back to her duties.

Orianne grew up strong, her village practiced nudism and spirituality. From a young age O had visions and was quickly becoming known as a sorceress. It was something that she wished not to be, other visions of a man from a strange place taking her away kept her in this spot. Being told stories of her mother, the rain goddess, angered her. She wished to know her mother, but news of her death reached the village by way of a dream from the girl. At 14 she was given to an evil sorcerer in order to save her village from being slaughtered. The man kept her chained down and carved spells and runes of demons into her flesh.

When a man from the new world came, O was 18 and hadn't had a vision in years. Her husband was quick to rid himself of her, calling her a spawn of the devil who brought many devastating storms upon their people. She was brought to the school for the gifted, she learned the truth of who she was and what she CAN do. Working with others that knew her mother to help tame her powers she still struggles with her emotions. Orianne harbors resentment toward her mother. One for abandoning her and two for never revealing who her father might be, leaving her to wonder at the scope of her powers and abilities.



Powers/Abilities: Weather Manipulation- easier for her to create storms , Conjures Lightening as a weapon, Flight (Due to control of wind currents). {{Unknown: Sorcery; with practice she could cast spells and enchantments, open portals to other dimensions and mental abilities such as detecting mutants, sensing emotions, and premonitions... all due to something called "spirit sight"}}

Weaknesses: Clearing a storm drains her tremendously. Emotional influence on the weather, when she is angry the clouds roll in and if she isn't careful she could potentially cause a massive and destructive storm. Can only control weather that naturally occurs in the area where she is. Normal human strength for her size. These new powers come and go, she also isn't stable in wielding her powers.

More Photo's: x1x X x2x
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX


"Best stay back! But if you still want to come, you better be coming all the way or else I would!"

Name: James Darren
X-Name: Ratel

Age: 27
Height & Weight: 6' 1" / 219lbs
Specifics: Mesomorphic, short black hair & hazel brown eyes

Parents/DNA Donors: Genetic Template/Father: "Wolverine" James Howlett (John Logan) & {{Unknown Genetic Template/Mother: "Lady Mastermind" Regan Wyngarde}} - Surrogate Mother: Aurora (non-mutant)

History: Darren was born and raised by his surrogate mother in Alaska. But at the age of four, the scientists who'd fused two mutants' DNA and transferred it into Aurora, came to claim the child. They ran tests on him and treated the boy harshly in order to have him surpass his father, Wolverine. By seven, he'd shown promises of being stronger than his father when he managed to kill armed guards single-handedly in order to escape the facility and reunite with the mother he knew.

It was the love he had for Aurora that'd crippled and jeopardized the project. So they hired mercenaries and instructed them to take out the equation. Darren's full potential was then awaken and they were deemed substantial when he turned feral. Once the boy regained his human's consciousness, the scientists stepped in again and convinced Darren that they could help him get stronger to avenge his mother. So for the next seven years, he was thought with all form of close quarter combat and given harsh military training.

It wasn't until Darren was seventeen did he came to learn the truth about what the scientists have done to his mother. And so the retaliation began. He declared war as a one-man-army against both men and mutants of the facility. Darren awoke in the middle of the ruin and simply sat there, naked due to having his clothes shred off to bits by the enemies. He wasn't sure how long he'd been sitting among the massacred though but he was found by another mutant and was brought back to her home. She tended to him with the intention of simply to be a friend but inevitably, they fell for each other.

Sadly however, their relationship didn't last long. Darren accidentally murdered the girl in his feral state during his sleep. When he woke up, he was devastated and knew not what to do. So he discreetly sought out for help, occasionally drowning his sorrows in bars and clubs until he heard about an academy that sheltered and teach mutants how to control their powers. At the age of twenty, he'd already became a graduate of the school and had the privilege of taking up dangerous missions to sate the animal side of him. He'd been keeping things to himself then and seemed to find his center but Malcolm Xavier suspected there's more to his story than what had been told.

Powers/Abilities: Regenerative Healing Factor, Foreign Chemical Immunity - immune to poison & most drugs (except in massive doses), Immunity to Disease, Superhumanly Acute Senses/Strength/Stamina/Agility & Reflexes, Insulated Weather Adaptation - highly resistant to certain elemental extremes (particularly to cold where he can sleep nude in subarctic conditions with no injury), Slow Aging, Retractable Sharp Claws, {{Unknown: Telepathic Illusions - power to project extremely convincing and realistic illusions into the minds of others without them questioning its inconsistency and improbability.}}

Weaknesses: Muramasa Blade, Carbonadium Digestion, Decapitation/Severe Spinal Damage
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

Orianne screamed in the face of the male, Malcolm Xavier... son of Charles Xavier and NEW man in charge. Well new to the twenty something that raged in his face. "NO!" Her slight accent tinting her words. "I will not allow that pompous ASS near me, he's the reason I'm "out of control" like you say!" She said, blue eyes flashing with anger as they stood a mere few inches away from one another. her on her toes stretching upwards to yell directly into his face which was several inches above her one while standing flat footed. Her lip curled up as she snarled into his face before turning and storming out of the room.

"Get back here!" He called out, it was for her own protection. The male she was referring to stood down the hall flirting with another female, dark shades over his eyes. His smile faded when he saw the director heading his way. Turning to run when the voice stopped him. "Sean, a word... now."


"She's crazy, I didn't touch her..." He flushed under the scrutiny, "Well it wasn't for long..." His smirk was wiped when he was slammed against the wall. "FUCK!"

"I told you to keep your dick in your pants!" The male's face was calm even while manipulating the male in the air without using his hands. "Your parents were much more behaved, what is WRONG with you..." He released the male with a thud to the floor. "You know her history, you saw the file"

"Chill, it was just a little kiss," He rubbed his hand. "We have an attraction... a chemistry and I can't work with her when she wants me."

"GET OUT!" Malcolm stated firmly. He had a plan, it was risky. but it just might work.


Keeping her head low she moved through the halls, one look out the window told her that the storm she'd pulled had escaped. Why had he suggested to try her powers outside? She growled and muttered something in her African tongue. Glancing up she saw him, her heart raced for a moment as their eyes met. Bright blue eyes to warm mossy ones. She froze against the wall, something about him affected her like no other and they'd never even spoken. Her eyes darted away, he didn't even notice her. She was thankful. The girl wanted nothing to do with him.

Orianne took off at a dead run for the open field, the storm wasn't bad, just a little rain and a rumbled of thunder here and a flash of lightening there, she could have killed him. Luckily the other girl, Lilly or Kelly... it wasn't important. She was thankful she saw and stopped her before she killed him. The lightning flashed at the thought and the clouds grew. Yeah, she would get this storm under control. Dark ripped jeans clung to her lower body while the light pink shirt she wore slowly began absorbing the water that assaulted her form. Slowly making aware of the lack of clothing beneath. Her eyes clouded and she lifted her hands to the sky. She commanded the storm in a muttering voice, she felt the energy pulse through her body.

The asshole would pay. No one touched her like he had, tried things like he had. His hands had slid over her shoulders before pulling her back into a kiss, his hands brushed her back curiously. She should have known he was just using her to get a look, she didn't even want the kiss and was rearing back to slap him when she saw his eyes widen under his lids. Her mind flashed back to a scary time in her life. A male larger than any before stood over her small form splayed on a stone table. She was bound to it, bare as the day she was born. Already fresh scabs had been picked loose on her back as he dug the blade into her flesh to finish his work.The thick smell of her blood tinted the air in his tent as his erection brushed along her thigh as he chanted. He drove into her, chants getting louder as the pain rushed through her body. Her pleads went unanswered, as well as her tears.

Brushing the water from her cheeks, rain mixed with tears, she opened her eyes to face a much larger boiling mass of clouds. Gray and looming on the horizon as the rain fell harder. "Why isn't this working!?!" She questioned no one, her hands shook as she lifted them to attempt quelling the rage building in her body. Fought to clear her mind and then control the powerful storm feeding off her energy. This storm was still not as bad as the typhoon she'd caused on the way to the compound five years before.
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

Walking down the side of the road, Darren turned around and thumbed the air, giving the universal gesture to the incoming truck for a lift. He wasn't surprise when the driver ignored him, they usually do. Darren couldn't blame them for being cautious though. Stories of missing drivers in the result for hitching somebody a ride were common around the area, especially when it was rumored that an Academy of mutants was nearby. So he continued walking and kept his gaze on the ground, adjusting the bag where he'd slung a strap over one shoulder. It wasn't until he saw his bare feet did he came to take a moment to look at himself and finally understood why nobody bothered to stop and offer him a ride.

Darren was clad in tattered clothes with unkempt hair and beard. He may have been mistaken for a homeless person but with his rugged physical appearance, he would seem to be the sort to mug and overpower a person when given the chance. He should have worn something more decent. Should have bought something in the Russian border or the borders that followed before returning home. Then again, he couldn't be sure he could maintain the condition of the clothing for long, especially when he was prone to... well, attract trouble.

The mission he was assigned to, by Malcolm Xavier, in Russia took him about five years to complete. It's not because he wasn't competent for the job, but because the unit he was attached to, required his assistance with multiple manhunts. They had to negotiate and befriend harsh environments, mostly against the cold, and needed to occasionally infiltrate enemy territory. Thus why they'd asked for a recommendation from the Director of the Academy with whom could be their guide; Ratel was then introduced.

James Darren finally reached the facility. He stood for a while, sniffing in the scents, both familiar and new from the building. Then he entered, walking through the halls as he head for the Director's office and ignoring glances or stares from the students along the way. There was one though that his hazel brown eyes lingered on a little longer than he had on the rest, but it's still quite brief to really leave an impact on him.

"Davno ne videlis', Direktor!" (Been a while, Director!) said Darren, standing by the doorway. "Ty skuchayesh' po mne?" (Do you miss me?) jested the man with a smirk on his face.

"Darren.." nodded the man with concerns clearly masking his expression.

"Kak dela, Mal'kol'm? Vy ne vyglyadite tak khorosho," (How are things, Malcolm? You don't look so well,) Darren asked as he folded his arms over his broad chest.

"That's because things aren't well, James!" he paused and leaned back into his seat, mentally extracting a file from a drawer and floated it over to Darren. "I need you to do me a favor.."

"Seriously? As soon as I return, you want to send me out on another mission?" he asked, momentarily ignoring the file that hovered before him. But when the Director held his gaze, Darren straightened himself and scowled before reading the file. The picture was familiar but he couldn't recall when he'd seen that blue eyes and scrumptious looking lips. Just then, lightning flashed outside the window behind Malcolm followed by the roar of thunder.

"That's her.. I need you to..." and so he told the man what he had in mind.


It didn't take him long to find her. She was the only one outside of the building at that point of time. Darren had not immediately agreed to babysit the brat though and he had exchanged a few words with the Director, edging closer and closer to tearing the man apart for being so persistent but not crossing over the line he'd mentally set himself with. And it was exactly that kind of control Malcolm had wanted him to impart to this girl, convincing him precisely why it had to be him for the sake of the students in the Academy and the humans they'd sworn to protect.

"Why isn't this working?" he heard her ask.

"Seems to be working just fine for me.." he casually replied, looking up to the clouds where the rain began to drench his clothing, sounding absolutely sincere that he was impressed by the display of power and not in mockery. He shut his eyes for a moment to savor the cooling droplets over his face and took off his shirt as they began to cling tightly over his torso. His fringes stuck onto his forehead as his hair became wet and the cascading water flowing down his body was simply so refreshing.
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

Broken concentration, something was off. Orianne was trying her hardest to tame her emotions, but the moment he spoke... all was lost. Clouded, almost blinded, eyes turned in his direction. Lightning crackled and pierced the area around her, protecting it's formidable and out of control mistress. One wayward bolt arched in his direction, only by her hand did it snap away and leave him be. "You..." She muttered in English. She watched his eyes close and then his strong fingers wrap about the hem of the shirt before tugging it off his head and tossing it to the side.

Something sparked within her, something dangerous and charged... even more than the lightening bolts that fell at her command. It took her a few moments of watching him, eyes pouring over his face and down over his strong broad body. The stories and the files she'd seen on him were nothing compared to the real thing standing before her. He was all male and... Her body felt alive in his presence. This was the something that jolted her back to reality. She wasn't here to play games with a male, to be a toy or to be a plaything. Determined she turned her head forcibly away from his bare chest. Her tee shirt straining over the swell of her full unbound breasts, the nipples kerneled and tightened as the rain assaulted her form.

"Sina haja ya wewe kuangalia mimi. (I do not need you to watch me.)" She spat out in her native tongue, the language of many darker than she. Her mind wasn't on her people or even the fact that the male in front of her probably had no clue what she was even spouting. "Kuondoka peke yangu. (Leave me alone.)" O turned her face to the storm and to the rolling mass of clouds before her, taking a deep breath she attempted to settle herself. No matter how she tried each intake of breath pulled his scent into her lungs. She knew it wasn't possible but still she imagined it all the same.

her mind flipped from concentration on the storm to the male behind her, bathing in the water she caused to fall from the sky. "Kwenda! (Go!)" She yelled, hoping to be heard above the storm. The bastard that angered her caused this, not him. She chided herself silently. Groaning she stamped her foot on the wet earth, bare toes squishing and splashing in the mud. "If you feel the need to help beat Sean for me." The release of such words calmed the edge of the storm, lessening the rain and stilling the rumbles sounding from it. She smiled up to the sky, pleased at the effect. Her hands squeezed into fists and she dispersed the clouds altogether.

Spinning to face him, dripping wet she wrung out her hair and gave him a bright smile. "See... you weren't helpful at all..." Her full lips lifted in a pout realizing he was still without a shirt. The sun seemed to intensify, but it was only her imaginings. "Malcolm sent you to baby sit me... does he not think I can handle myself?" She narrowed her sapphire colored orbs at him as her hands moved to the hem of her own shirt, lifting and guiding it to pull the water from it. The action revealed the smooth supple skin of her belly to him as well as the soft under swells of her breasts. She had no modesty and would have ran around bare, save fro the marks carved into her back. Ones she would kill to keep from prying eyes.

"I don't need you... or anyone else for that matter..." She tried to keep her anger at bay, knowing what it could and would cause. The clouds formed on the edge of the horizon. Small puffs that sprang from nothing at her beckoning or like now, from her emotional state. "You are all the same, wanting answers that I don't have... kupata mbali! (Get away!)" She said angrily. shoving her feet into the earth and forcing herself to move quickly away from him. Nothing good could come from her fascination with him, she wasn't even sure she could call it that. She glared at him once more over her shoulder, eyes steely, Orianne bit her lip at the way the hair on his chest matted to his muscles, something she would, no doubt, see in her sleep for years. She shoved away quickly moving over the smoother terrain of land toward the building she now called home.
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

Oblivious to the near miss and how close he really was from being jolted by the massive electrostatic discharge, Darren simply ignored the bright flash of red under his eyelids. But he couldn't entirely ignore the sudden shiver running down his spine as a prickly feeling washed over him. He could have sworn the hairs on his body had briefly stood on their ends. Just as soon as it'd happened, it was then gone. Unaware that his body had naturally reacted to the close proximity of a high voltage energy bolt, Darren ran a hand through his hair and then fluttered his eyes open to look at the girl before him.

He frowned a little as she went about with something in a foreign language, missing out on her muttering before that. The accent, to him, was sort of gentle and friendly. However, her current tone suggested that whatever she'd said was anything but welcoming. He blinked and tried to keep his gaze on her purplish-gray hair but with the way those clothes were tightly clinging onto her form, he couldn't help but admire her hourglass figure, especially at that sexy bottom of hers.

At the mention of Sean, the wrinkles between his eyes deepened. How would beating Sean be of any help? Or should he be asking; what have Sean done to her instead? He managed to find her gaze when she finally swirled herself around just moments after the storm clouds dispersed. Subconsciously, he'd stored how adorable she was when she groaned and stomped the ground. Then, there was that smile. That sweet smile which suddenly caused his heart to skip a beat. Or was it those tempting lips that'd caused it? The thought of having them wrapped around his... Yes. His heart just leapt again, thus, it must be true. It was those lips. Didn't really matter if she was smiling or otherwise.

He wanted to believe her when she said he wasn't being helpful, and that she didn't need him to baby-sit her. But from what he'd seen and heard here, he knew he couldn't just yet. It was probably her lack of both confidence and control over her powers and the little remark or request about Sean. From what Darren could gather, she's probably undergoing an emotional breakdown.

Between his contemplation to find a solution to her... and his problem, Darren suddenly was faced with another dilemma that's both physically and mentally challenging. In spite of his attempt to maintain eye contact, his peripheral vision kept sending signals to his brain of something worth looking at. It wasn't until she reached for the hem of her shirt did his gaze followed suit, momentarily catching sight of those pointy peaks on her well endowed breasts.

A tingling sensation then tickled his manhood. He'd to bite down on his teeth and clenched his fists to restrain himself from impulsively pawing at those mounds. Yet, his face betrayed naught despite the rush of lust that almost overwhelmed him. Quickly, he focused his thoughts elsewhere, controlling himself from bulging in his pants.

"Kungoja! (Wait!)" he suddenly called out in her native tongue before he walked majestically towards the retreating curvaceous woman. "Listen," Darren began, dismissing his own surprise as to how he'd come to know of her mother tongue; must have been in his genes, he thought. "I'm not happy with the idea of having to baby-sit you or anybody else, either! And I don't give a fuck to what answers or secrets you may or may not have! But let me tell you this, you're not the only one around here with an attitude! So you best think twice before throwing a tantrum in this Academy! Or you'll have to deal with me!"

Darren scowled, revealing the other side of him and showing a demeanor that's completely on the contrary to when he'd first approached her. "Tch!" he then grunted. At this point of time, to tell her that he'll be her mentor from this day onward just didn't quite seem relevant. The man didn't realized how his lips had curled inward, exposing the row of white teeth and the aggressive heaving of his chest and shoulders along with the now elongated claws. He was clearly pissed at the way the brat had dismissed him. Yet, despite of having reacted that way before her, Darren was still in control of himself.

The man then left her side, returning towards the building, topless. He'd no intention to play nice any longer, not with the likes of her. At the top of his head right now, was to get to his room, take a shower and have some shuteye. He can think of the girl placed under his care some other day. Or so he had hoped. Inwardly, Darren cursed.

Thanks a lot, Malcolm!

RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

Blue colored orbs went wide and round as she spun to face him, he even spoke her language. She sighed internally, could this man BE anymore perfect? She shouldn't have looked up, but she did. Watching him was like observing a panther stalking it's prey. Grace and power rolled into one package. Orianne bit her lower lip hard to keep her thoughts straight and her body in check. It didn't matter if she felt something or not, HE was off limits. Same as all the other males... she couldn't help to put him at the top of the list, that way if she ever allowed any male in, he'd be first. Inwardly groaning she finally decided to listen to him, even though he'd asked it after his first word.'re not the only one...~

She lifted her lips in a sneer and a snarly growl came forth from between her full lips when she finally heard what he was saying. "I'd rather not have to deal with you... You.." She lost track of her thoughts for a moment as he scowled at her, even THAT was sexy. O stepped forward and into his personal space. The ferocity of her own glare was masked by the painted curiosity she held for him. Her hands lifted, she couldn't help herself but to touch him in this state. Over his chest, fingers in the dark curls covering his chest, up to his shoulders and down to the claws he sported. He was enchanting. Swallowing hard she took a step back, out of his way as he began to move.

Before she could even think of a response for her actions her mouth opened and she heard herself say, very childishly, "Well you aren't the boss of me! That and I highly think one who wears his anger outwardly would be capable of showing me how I am to act. You are just as bad as me if not worse... Just like your father or is that a DNA donor?" She sneered angrily, lifting her hands, palms toward the ground she rode on a current of wind until she was dropped before him. Her eyes didn't soften, but clouded a bit prepared to fight. If he wanted one, he was going to get it... just maybe not today.

Orianne was one to talk, knowing only he biological mother, but only from stories and her people. She snarled now, her voice growing in it's strength. "At least my anger was warranted and aimed at a rightful person..." Her eyes deepened as she crossed her arms under her breasts, cold. The nipples they sported poked into her arms but she paid them no mind. "You don't even know me yet you chastise me for being angry... he touched me... tried to use me. I caused the storm and came to take care of it." Moving closer her arms brushed his bare chest. "Save your words for someone that needs them... Darren!"

Muttering a few words the fog rolled in and hid her location as she scurried off. Dripping wet and fearful of the male she was leaving at her back, it was her only chance to escape unscathed. O hadn't meant to use his name, to let him know she was SO aware of him. It wasn't as if she stalked him. She grimaced, it was EXACTLY that. sighing she moved within the buildings to her room in the basement, her request. She liked the quiet and the privacy it offered. Her mind was a scattered mess, filled with half naked images of the male, the peace she;d shattered and then the anger he'd given her. Both filed away in her collection as she stepped under the spray of warm water, a moan pulled from her full lips.

What was it about him that made her want to try again... at mating? A pleasant ripple moved through her body at the thought of being with him. He would be nothing like the other male, the one that left her scarred and fearful, would he? She was too weak willed to even find out. Sighing she finished her washing and warming. "Damn you Malcolm!" She whispered to the steam rising around her in the small bathroom.
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

Abruptly stopping in his track the moment she'd retaliated, Darren glanced over his shoulder with gritted teeth. How dare she, he'd inwardly protested, reminding him that he was originally a test-tube baby for some white coats to study on instead of having a real parents. Worse yet, the topic alone managed to make the man recall his tragic lost; of Darren's beloved mother. A clear spark of rage could then be seen from his eyes. His earlier notion for a shower and a break instantly wiped out from his mind. Even the impressive display of power from the woman as she levitated herself in front of him, had failed to divert his anger.

Yet he watched and listened rather earnestly as she continued assaulting him verbally. But his nostrils flared and his 'paws' were slightly raised by his side as if he was readying himself to cut her open. Who did she think she was dealing with, he'd asked himself. Did she really think he wouldn't do what he'd said he would do? Or was she just an ignorant girl who'd not the slightest clue of his capability, for her to provoke and somewhat insults him right in his face.

Both his hands shot out, grabbing at the side of her arms as a deep guttural growl emitted from his throat, throwing his whole body forward, pouncing and bringing her down with him to the ground. Subconsciously, he inhaled her scent by her neck before a hand reached for her throat, sliding his forearm between her breasts and pinning her hips down with his lower half. His other hand grabbing a handful of her grey hair, pulling the filaments back so she would expose her neck more. His choke tightened, squeezing the life out of her slowly as he breathed heavily by her ear. The talons digging in threateningly over the veins...

Distracted by the new and ruthless intentions he had for the girl, he wasn't aware of the creeping folds of fogs that'd engulfed them. Darren snarled and lowered himself as if he was ready for a hunt. But instead of losing his sense of direction, Ratel had no difficulty whatsoever in tracking and following her back to the building, thanks to the rest of his heightened senses. If it wasn't for the current intensity of the atmosphere, he would have found this moment quite amusing.

Deliberately, the still furious Darren allowed her to escape. He had a plan, and it was to trap her in a corner where there would then be nowhere for her to go. Casually, he followed her scent down to the basement, stopping and resting both hands on the wall right at the base of the stairs as if he was barring it from being used. His gaze then fell to the floor, trailing the droplets of water to a door although the aid of his eyes to find her was quite unnecessary. He smirked.

Darren hadn't expected her room to be down here though. Without windows to the outside, she's pretty much defenseless and vulnerable in her room. He could easily shred her to pieces. But then, her image appeared before him, caused probably when he'd tried to imagine what he'll do to her. She was standing at the foot of the staircase, right in front of him at close proximity. Her hand gently resting on his bare chest. The warmth almost as real as he'd felt them earlier. His shoulder and the hand where she'd once touched tingled as well. Darren then scowled, subconsciously clawing at the edges of the wall, leaving behind a deep scratch mark over the corners.

Then he turned around, immediately dismissing every violent notions he had for her. This wasn't why he was here, Darren told himself. It's not what Malcolm had asked for. And he wasn't actually going to hurt her either. But admittedly, there was a drive. What sort of a drive though, he wasn't sure. Or was he just refusing to succumb to it.


It couldn't be... could it? The question lingered for a moment over his head as the man stood under the shower. A palm resting against the wall's tile, supporting his slightly leaning form as he stared at the swirling water over the drain by his feet. The man's focus was staggering. Being in the shower only reminded him of the rain where the confrontation happened. Shutting his eyes was a bad idea as he was soon overwhelmed by the sight of those nipples and well endowed bosom.

Fuck! This is going to be harder than I thought..!

RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

Orianne didn't know his thought, for if she had she'd have run for the hills and not the "safety" of her room. Though by this time he had made his mark and ran, coward. She'd be one to talk as she found her back to the tiles of the wall, hands reaching for the knob to spin in the coldness. Heat true as the sun permeated her body... for him. How? She wondered as the relief of the frigid water washed over her form.

It was no use, in her mind she was being ravished by him. The power she felt emanating from him today was the same as she felt pinning her to the wall. Strong body pressed tight to her softer as his lips found purchase at the pulse point in her neck. Nips and bites driving her closer to crying out. A soft whimper of his name did leave her lips in the shower where she stood imagining such indecent things. It wasn't her fault he'd pushed closer and came after her.

Her body ached for his, something new in her life. Something, she would fight to the very end. Groaning she tugged the water to it's end and ran from the images in her head. Ones of him pulling her body to the bed where he allowed her to join them, taking from him pleasure and ... dare she say, adoration. A shake to her purplish gray locks had her mind clearing and scrambling for answers.

O tore open the drawers that housed her clothing and pulled fresh on. A black tee shirt, gray hoodie, and clean but tattered jeans. Slipping her feet into gym shoes she ran from the building once more. Her eyes widening at the scratches he'd left outside her door by the stairs... something that made her push herself further and run faster. The lake would help clear her thoughts, bodies of water always did. The word bodies rolled around in her head, same as the image of herself and Darren. She snarled into the air.

"Forget him..." She whispered, like telling herself would help.

Sinking into the grass before the rocks that lined the bank of the lake she hugged her knees to her chest and stared out over the water. The side she took up as hers was the opposite of the school. If Malcolm had a partner in mind HE was not it. If this was the intention then she wasn't sure how she'd survive. One would kill the other, or... else, they would mate and then hell would come to earth. "I'll kill myself before allowing that.

Lying back on the soft plush greenery that grew around the lake she closed her eyes. But they shot open just as soon as the lashes touched her cheeks. In her mind the images still roamed, him naked and begging for her, she open and willing, them coming together was more than her mind could take but at least it didn't make her ill. Wide open blue eyes stared fearfully up at the blue sky. How much longer could she hide from the man, that was unknown but being around him did something to her insides... something she wasn't yet willing to explore.
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

~..beat Sean for me.. he touched me.. tried to use me..~

Her words, all of a sudden, just kept haunting him. If such were the case, then she'd every right to be angry, thought Darren. The girl might have been placed under Sean's care before he returned. And from the sound of it, things didn't seem to turn out very well between them. The bastard must have taken advantage of her "friendly" approach. Once again he recalled the brief closeness they'd shared under even a raging mood. Anybody could easily misinterpret such intimate gestures. Still, it was no excuse to cross the line. Certainly one could tell if she was unwilling or just being open when they tried to get close to her.

With the towel on his head as he rustled through his hair with a hand, Darren pulled out a new set of clothing to wear from his wardrobe with his other; a plain white shirt, navy blue jeans and a pair of combat boots. He'd thought of taking a short nap, but he realized that the longer he took to settle this, the harder it was for him to have any peace of mind. So with Sean in his forethought, the man left his room. The hunt began. A new wave of anger suddenly washed over Darren. If it wasn't for Sean, he wouldn't be in such a predicament. Although he wasn't certain if it was entirely due to what Orianne had told him or a subconscious grudge he had for Sean that'd caused Darren to be so furious. Like a hound, he searched for Sean's scent, following the trail until he found the man shamelessly leaning over an attractive female student at the billiard table in one of the study room. Was this what'd happened to Orianne as well? Just how perverted can Sean be anyway? And why was it that Malcolm not take any actions against him?

"Sean..! I need to talk to you!" tried as hard as he could, Darren still failed to sound formal.

"Darren?" asked Sean when he turned his head towards the intimidating man, his posture still sticking closely to the delighted female in front of him. "Haven't been seeing you in a while. How's it going?" Sean went on, resuming with the "coaching", pocketing a red ball into the corner before he stood and slapped the girl on her butt-cheek before turning around to face him.

"Your behavior is unacceptable, Sean! You need to kick the habit or I'll have to teach you a lesson!"

"My behavior? What are you going on about, Darren?" the act was obvious, Darren could easily tell that Sean knew exactly what he was talking about.

"Orianne "O" Munroe.. I heard that you touched her!" exclaimed the man, his claws already started to elongate and his fury was beginning to show. "Leave us!" he told the now frightened female student.

"Orianne? That crazy bitch! Of course I'd touched her, Darren." said the man calmly as he sat over the edge of the table, smiling rather reassuringly that there was nothing to worry about here but didn't stop the female from leaving the room.

He wanted to charge towards the man then. Already he could see himself slamming the bastard over the table, splitting it into two as they crashed to the ground before blood would spurt out from the man's throat and stomach as he reached for the heart. However, before he could threaten the man any further...

"She was all over me like most girls here have, buddy! Besides, we were together back then, she and I. A lovely and perfect couple most would say.. And just because we had a little disagreement, she started acting all weird and delusional.. The truth is, she's just mad when I broke up with her! Now she is trying so hard to get back at me by creating this ruse, to make Malcolm send me off from the Academy and fool people like you to deal with me!" said Sean with his arms folded about his chest, wearing a smug over his expression as he addressed Darren. "Think about it, James.. Will Malcolm still be keeping me around for molesting a girl against their will? And just how many complaints other than from HER have you heard?"

By this time, words of their confrontation have already started to spread among the students. Words that Darren may be fighting against Sean for Orianne. Things seemed to be getting out of hand for Darren. It seemed to be rather complicated. One of them was lying, but exactly which one, the man honestly couldn't tell. With the lack of evidence, there was nothing he could do. As tempting as the notion was to just beat the hell out of Sean, Darren thought that it would just be a bad example to the students of the Academy should a fight took place over what seemed to be a petty matter.

"You better not be lying, Sean!" with that said, Darren left the room despite of the flame that's still burning within him. He had to find a place to unleash himself soon or else it's going to be him that'll be sent away. Thus, he thought of heading towards one of two places; either to the training room or out in the forest.

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She lay there for what seemed like hours. Undisturbed and alone. She didn't budge when she heard the quiet timid steps. Knew it was Kelly or Lilly... no, her name was Jillian. She was a student and Orianne wasn't even sure why the girl followed her as much as she did. Ignoring her presence was easy because Jill only sat to the side and watched her. She was able to project emotions and the calm that settled about her was something Jill did now. "Where were you an hour or two ago..." She said softly, not expecting a response.

"He will kill him," the girl said softly.

O looked up at her, the girl was staring out at the water. "Who will Darren kill?" She didn't need to even clarify. She just knew. But then her mind flipped over their conversation. One word breathed out... "Sean." She was on her feet and scrambling. The only place she knew Sean would be at this time of day. Lightning flashed in the sky behind her as she ran for the study room, the one with all the balls and sticks and funny tables... he tried showing her the game but she was lost.

She heard yelling, and whispers. She shrank against the wall listening. Blue eyes wide, anger building and nothing to pull from to hollow out the rage building inside. All those lies, she was never with him... a couple. She felt lightheaded, people stared at her, shaking their heads as they believed him. Hearing a door open she pushed off the wall and brushed past the exiting male. Eyes flashing wildly, she said nothing but swept past him.

Unsure of what happened next her eyes clouded and words came from her lips, words she didn't know she even knew. White eyes stared blindly at the man as she screamed in rage and in a mumbled tongue, Swahili and Native American words mixed to create an all new language.

Sean laughed seeing her, laughed as she screamed at him.

"You will not spread lies..." She whispered. Lightning struck and caused the electricity to flicker as it snapped at his laughing form.

"Crazy Bitch!" He spat out at her. The electricity moved through him causing his tall lanky form to dance as she laughed and left the room. The words she spoke left him cursed... or rather enchanted. His skin broke out in a rash, something he clawed at in vain. "Get it off... get it OFF!"

Malcolm ran down the hall to the toppled male. His head shook, she was more dangerous than he suspected. "Infirmary... NOW!" Men rushed forward and took Sean away. Jaw clenching and unclenching Malcolm approached Darren again. "She didn't kill him... he probably deserved it. She... she is more stubborn than your..." He broke off, forgetting the man didn't know his biological father. "I need her under control Darren. You are the only one." Their eyes locked.

The training room doors were closed... the room dark and quiet. She sniffled unsure of what had happened, of WHAT had control of her. She didn't want to kill Sean, only make him shut up. No one believed her, not a word. "Mr. Superstar..." She hissed. His parents had wanted him, were no secret and had raised him... at least until they died. He always got what he wanted, she saw that and when he turned his sights on her she rebuked him. Kept him at arms length.


"Let me see what you can do... it's amazing to me the power you hold O..." He whispered into her ear, tickling the hairs on her neck. Her hair was up in a ponytail, she was demonstrating to Jillian how she could manipulate the weather. Her sad little friend wanted a rainbow and she obliged.

"It's nothing..." She shrugged. It had been weeks of him hanging around, talking to her, whispering silliness into her ears. If he could see she wasn't interested, it was lost on him. She moved to sit next to Jillian, a light mist cooling the air. But he grabbed her and playfully pulled her against him... she knew he was going to kiss her, she could see it in his eyes. "No."

He still tried, she sighed and pulled her hand pack to shove him, maybe slap but felt the tug on her shirt. His bare fingers brushing over the scarred and wounded flesh... Lightning swirled and surrounded them as she pushed him away. She tackled him to the ground and his hands slid to her hips. "If you wanted me so bad all you had to do was ask..." He tried pulling her down into another kiss.

It wasn't a game to her. She reared back, her hand full of charge. Jillian shouted something. It broke her concentration and she felt the calm filling her. Sean ran laughing, like the pussy he was. After that she was thrown into nightmares, visions of her past as though living them again. It was horrible. The weather took root on her emotions and swirled, building until the school was swamped and Malcolm told her to work with Sean, her THEN mentor.
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

Everything happened so quickly. Too fast for those around the scene to absorb and react to. Just as soon as Darren had exited the room, he spun his head towards the girl who just rushed in, brushing his shoulder as she went by. She was furious. He was certain she'd heard everything and was confronting Sean for his lies. Caught with controlling his own rising anger from being deceived by Sean, Darren wasn't able to calm the situation immediately. And when he finally decided to intercept and break the fight, disaster strike.

Sparks started flying all over the place as high voltage bolts leapt from one place to the other, catching Darren in its fray. The man was struck right in the chest, flinging him across the room where he crashed through the mini bar's counter and slammed hard against the glass shelves on the far wall. Ratel fell to a knee, gritting at the pain that consumed his entire being. Luckily, aside from the three of them, nobody else was in the room. Darren shook his head before he rise. Orianne was already gone and Malcolm was now there.

His ears were ringing and he was slightly dazed. His shirt now drenched with liquors and blood, myriads of tearing from the shards of glasses that'd sank into his skin. Barely able to hear what the Director was saying, he nodded to the man and knew exactly what to do. Darren went after the girl, ignoring a few concerning comments from the crowd with regards to the glasses on his back.

Hissing, the door to the training room opened. In came Darren with clenched jaws. His anger all pent up. But he had nothing against Orianne. He just needed to break or kill something. For a moment, he stood by the doorway, closing the door but flicking the light switch on. His gaze resting over the girl's form. Darren sighed, pinched the bridge of his nose before walking over the control monitor by the wall.

He punched the password in and entered the code to bring up a preferred setting. The room instantly changed, simulating an environment by the beach where the sound of crashing waves could be heard and gentle breeze be felt, even the salty smell of the ocean. Then Darren sat himself down not too far away from Orianne, staring out to the horizon where the sky meets the sea, quietly listening to the waves and enjoying the serenity of the view.

"This is one of many places I always bring myself to at times.." Darren began. "It soothed me and sort of made me calmer.." he turned to look at her, almost blurted out her own words where she'd once told him that she could handle herself. "..Look, don't get me wrong but to tell you the truth, I didn't bring this set up to calm you.. It's actually for myself.. I can't believe that son of a bitch dared to lie straight in my face! So he deserved what he got! But I believe, from the look I saw in your eyes, you were not in control of yourself back there.." he paused, searching for her gaze as he recalled the moment he'd turned feral on more than a few occasions. "I know what its like! And I know its not easy.." Darren made another pause, carefully choosing his words. "So let us work together and find out what's best for you to control yourself.. Wouldn't want you to harm our own people during your fights against the enemies now, would we?"

Said Darren before he reached over his shoulder and began pulling out a glass from his back. He scowled and then tossed the glass on the sand next to him as the wound immediately healed itself. Another irritation caused him to reach for the next piece, but most of them was just too difficult for him to reach. He was starting to feel uncomfortable, especially when the shirt was sticking unto the wounds.

RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

Poor Malcolm hadn't known what had happened when she was assigned to Sean, an act that he had taken part in asking for. He made her skin crawl, Orianne let her tears of anger become absorbed by the jeans she wore. Whatever had happened was over, she felt the anger subside and... Her blue eyes narrowed as the door popped open. She almost groaned as she recognized the silhouette, something she didn't pride herself on knowing either. The lights caused her lids to snap shut, she heard his intake of breath and felt his gaze shifting over her. Attempting to curl tighter into herself she shifted and almost lost balance on the little shelf where she perched.

The sights and sounds all around her changed, she'd seen the ocean only once before... when Malcolm brought her there. The typhoon she created, hoping to destroy the male shaman that took her innocence and caused her so much pain. She unraveled a bit and allowed her body to open. As he spoke she took off her shoes and wriggled them in the sand. He was close to her, but it was more comforting than annoying... this time. Who was to say it might change like the breeze floating across her skin?

She heard the pause and felt his eyes on her, turning... only slightly.. she met his gaze. Hearing his words her lips tore into a smile, only the second one she'd bestowed on him... he was lucky as most never even got one. Biting her lip at his gentle reprimand she looked out to sea, her eyes following a bird. She closed her eyes and imagined being that bird... the freedom it had. He paused again... felt his eyes on her. Opening her eyes she found his gaze again and met it. Her blue eyes shone from the recent tears. Remembering these words he'd already said to her she held his gaze as her fingers toyed with the sand. pushing her fingers in and pulling them back out... it was comforting on some deeper level.

"Work together.. with you? God if that isn't a deadly combination or a suicide attempt..." She muttered watching as his large fingers fumbled over his flesh. Cringing slightly she somehow remembered a wayward jolt snapping in his direction. "not so careful this time," she reprimanded herself. He was right, if she ever wanted out of this place, to live her life, she'd be made part of a team and they would have to rely on her control of her powers, same as she to them with theirs. Watching him struggle, she picked up on his discomfort. This feeling grew in her chest and made her do something rash, unlike her at all.

Sliding behind him, her thighs slightly brushing against him, she whispered. "Here... let me." Before she even knew what she was doing she had his shirt off and was gently pulling glass shards from his back. His skin was warm and hard, yet soft. Feeling and being this close to him had an effect on her. An effect she didn't want to go into detail about. "The salt water will wash the blood off when I am done... I can help scrub your back." WHY, her mind screamed. No, what she needed to do was run away from him, she was far to intrigued by him to be acting rational and offering assistance which would put her in close proximity or touching him.

Her breath washed over his back as she worked, having to lean in to see and make sure. The shirt was ruined, perhaps he would leave it off. The though made her happy and she flashed back to the image of him in the rain. Shaky hands raked over a glass bit, "OW!" She nicked her palm and her finger tip in her foolish wanderings of the mind. "That was the last piece... you are all done." She popped her finger in her mouth to suckle at the pooling blood. Before she could stop herself she motioned to him. "Any more you need me to help with?"

Her mind fluttered, as well as OTHER things at the thought. Perhaps she'd sit on his lap and pick bits from his chest... or his thighs. The thought made her entire body convulse... this man was so dangerous to her and for her sanity. Why then did she say this, "I think working together would be... better than working with Sean." Her finger throbbed in pain... her body continued to tremble from her wayward thoughts... this was going to be bad. Or awesome, her vote was on bad.
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

Like a gazelle sticking out its neck to the lion, she'd came closer, sitting right next to the man. If only she'd known what was going on inside his guts and mind, she probably wouldn't have done it. But it was too late now. Orianne was there, much too close that he was afraid she might hear his rapid pulse. The truth was, Darren have been struggling, fighting, mentally reasoning and reminding himself to not repeat that bastard's mistake. Feeling light headed, he wasn't too sure if it was due to the recent incident or its because of her alluring fragrant scent. Looked like his attempt to distract his thoughts away from the girl had backfired.

Her thigh touched him, warm and soft, triggering the need to simply get closer. Then her hands brushed over his body as she took off his shirt for him, kind and gentle. Darren almost couldn't get a grip over himself, not especially when he could feel her breath on his back. He swallowed, pushing the urge to take advantage of her openness deeper within himself. No, he won't allow himself to lose control here. But it was easier said than done. That smile, the sound of her voice and her warmth were simply too hard to ignore.

To suppress the animal within him was even harder. It was more exhausting to sustain, unlike the strength he had when in combat. It's as if the feral inside him had tasted a female in heat, driven by lust and clamoring for a frenzy of sex. He wanted her. The desire to ravish her soared. He needed her. Fuck, control yourself, he'd inwardly yelled. What had happened not too long ago was still fresh in everybody's mind. He's not about to resurface the matter just minutes after.

But when Darren heard her gasp in pain, he glanced over his shoulder. Slowly turning around and without thinking, the man reached for hand, pulling her a little closer in the process as he studied her finger. Impulsively, he brought her palm to his lips, kissing before he sucked on the wound.

What the fuck am I doing?

Realizing his mistake, he looked up, staring into her eyes. His heart leapt as the hazel brown orbs burned with need, ever so lustful. "You should be careful.." he whispered. "Nonetheless, thank you.."

Get away from her! Now!

Darren then released her hand and stood up before he turned to the waters. He discarded his combat boots and began wading through the shallows, heading deeper out to sea until it leveled with his chest. Of all the places he could have gone to, Darren wasn't sure exactly why his feet had obliged to the girl's suggestion. He wasn't thinking straight. All he had in his mind was to claim her, to make her his. Just how long can Darren hold the beast down? Things might actually get much worse if Orianne was to commit with what she'd claimed to do. Curious, the man turned around and faced the beach where the two of them had once sat. The anticipation alone was killing him.

RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

The instant his lips touched her palm she moaned. Her heart thudded in her chest and she stared at him, wanting him so badly. Her entire body was on high alert. His eyes burned into hers, reflecting the same need and lust she saw in his. Her teeth snagged her lower lip and she whispered back, "You are welcome." Ignoring the pull she felt attached to him. Her hand dropped to her lap as he stood.

Watching him pull off his shoes, her eyes followed him to the water. His broad back and chest disappeared in the water, though her mind still imagined him. Her eyes bore into his as she stood. Nervous fingers moved to the fly of her jeans. The button popped and then she drew the zipper down slowly. Her skin exposed down to her pubic bone. Turning around she pulled the jeans down over her derriere.

Her eyes found his across the surface of the water. He heat bouncing between them was intense and she felt her breath grow shallow as she turned, leaving the shirt on her torso before turning, facing him. Her bare lower half was hidden by her hands as she edged toward the water. Slipping into the water she dove beneath the shallow surface, body writhing beneath the surface before rising. Water cascading down her body.

Taking in a deep breath she approached, her hands moving along his shoulders before stepping behind him, fingers rubbing over his broad back. It was so wrong, she wanted him but knew she couldn't have him. Well she could, but it wasn't a good idea. Her body wanted him, it had been too long but was the desire enough. Maybe just this once... Her lips brushed along his neck as she stepped closer, hard nipples of her breasts pressing into the middle of his back.

Where was the fear? Would their be regret? She shook, there was going to be both. But did the need for him outweigh them. Closing her eyes she stepped away from him. Did he even want her? Swallowing hard she chewed at her lip unsure of what to do. Her hands tracing and smoothing over the hard flesh. "Darren...?" She was uncertain of how to proceed, or even if she wanted to.

She wasn't thing straight, his scent was overpowering and she whimpered. How was she going to get out of this?
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

His eyes momentarily widened, mesmerised by the sight of her bottom and those long slender legs, all now bare for him to see. The swell of her hips and the way they swayed when she approached him, as she covered her womanhood, managed to trigger a reaction. Naturally, he stood erected, bulging and throbbing with a desperate clamor for the woman. Darren reached for his groin then, tugging at his underwear just to be more comfortable. Damn, she's gorgeous; Darren admitted.

Somehow, it'd never occur to him as to why she just did what she'd done. He was simply at awe at the moment. As she closed in the gap between them, his heart quickened, hammering the wall of his chest as he eyed her. His gaze settled on her eyes, then dropped on the swells over her chest. Once again, he bit down on his teeth, all tensed and stumped. Darren didn't want to scare this beautiful creature away. He rather wait until she's within reach.

Without a word, he allowed her to move freely towards his back. She'd kept her words, fulfilling her promise. Darren shut his eyes, focusing and stubbornly resisted. But the challenge was harsh when he felt her lips, her breath and those taut nipples along with the soft yet firm breasts over his back. The closeness was torture but the thought of not grabbing what were offered was much worse.

~Best stay back! But if you still want to come, you better be coming all the way or else I would!~

Those were usually what he would say to his enemies. But right now, they seemed to be directed to Orianne as well, almost perfectly. As soon as Darren heard his name with a tone he thought was pleading, he lost it. After all, he's just a man. Thus, he turned around to face her, pausing briefly to watch at her mouth. Her bitten lips extremely sexy. Without a moment of hesitation, Darren stepped closer, reaching up to cusp Orianne's face in his hands and then tilt her chin up towards him as he claimed her lips. He kissed her, gentle at first until it gradually turned desperate.

Coarse palms then slid down her neck, one reaching around to the back where his fingers threaded through her hair, cradling the back of her skull as his other hand went for her breast, kneading and fondling. His tongue then darted into her mouth, parting her lips so he could suckle on hers, they now breathe as one. His grip tightened as the aching between his legs intensified. Naturally, he roamed her body, molesting every flesh within his reach, going lower and lower over her navel before he finally found the best spot; her womanhood. Darren rubbed her, fingers encircling near the top of her slit, arousing the hood where her clitoris resides.

Slowly, he pulled his head back and stared into her eyes. There was no need for words. He knew exactly what she wanted, what they both needed and what they desired.
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

Her eyes flickered over his handsome face, so close to hers and she realized in this moment... there was no going back. He reacted quicker, stepping closer and tilting her head, just so. They met in a tender kiss, it was so tender she was relieved. Anything of more magnitude and she'd have startled, pulling back until she was in a frenzied state of fear. Shocking herself she moved closer to him and slowly eased more of herself into the kiss. She had wanted this since reading the first report on him. The wild man, the one untamable beast... a man that matched her in inner turmoil. It was who she needed.

Advancing she nipped and tugged at his lips, a near animalistic growl leaving her lips as the kiss turned more desperate and needy. He needed her as much as she needed him, but she didn't know why. Orianne felt his erection pressing against her soft lower stomach and advancing toward her navel. His hands slid along her body as though he already knew the way. Burning paths along her heated flesh. Her nipple beaded against his palm as his fingers contracted and gave the firm orb a squeeze.

Moaning at the action of his hand his tongue seemed to take it as an invitation to invade. Giving into the invasion she whimpered and responded, her tongue slipping beyond the barrier of his lips and teeth to sweep around and taste him. The points of his teeth, jagged against her tongue, did not bite down to stop her. She gave him access and welcomed the invasion, pressing ever tighter to his hard broad body.

Trembling as his hand lowered she moved back to allow his hand it's path. One of hers curled into his hair, rhythmically scratching at the scalp at the base of his neck as her fingers coiled and uncurled against him. The other hand moved over his chest, caressing and raking gently through the hair on his chest. As his hand neared her bare womanhood she quivered. The hand on his chest moved to his side, helping to hold her up as he began to rub at her already wet core... and not because of the lake they stood in.

When the kiss broke, she stared into his eyes. There were no words she could form. She wanted to stop, but only slightly. Afraid the nightmare would take her when they neared the point of mating. So far, this was nothing like the sadistic husband she had in Africa. Her lips rounded and she cried out in pleasure, whispered words in her native tongue... words understood by the tone in ANY language. Her hand moved lower, caressing his length hiding beneath his pants. Her eyes widened, he was huge and so hard. Hard enough she was certain it was made of the same material his claws were.

There they stood in the waist deep water, gazing into the other's eyes and stroking each other's sex. Her body ached for him to have her, but she knew why he was taking his time. her fear was known to all, yet in this moment she felt only excitement and anticipation. Both built on an equal plane between them. Her hips rolled, pressing herself to his fingers... eager for more.
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Her responds were encouraging. The whimpering and moans as well as the way she'd pressed herself up to him, by rolling her hips closer to his hand between her legs, confirmed that she was willing. She'd not pushed him away. As a matter of fact, she seemed to be pleading for more. In addition to that, she was touching him as well, coaxing at his manhood suggestively as if showing him what her private part could do to his. It was time for the beast to take the kill. There might never be a second chance later.

He shifted his hand, releasing her head so he could rest his palm over her lower spine, barring her from moving away as he stroked her slit. His fingers pressing hard before parting the flaps to her honeyed softness, only to then closed together over the sensitive bud, pinching her clitoris and tugging her as he rubbed. Darren pulled her closer as his head lowered to her chest, almost lifting her up on her toes. His mouth opened as he neared her breast, his teeth nipped at the nipple before he suckled almost greedily, not minding one bit that she still had her clothes on.

With the pressure on her pussy and her breast slowly increasing, Orianne's legs might soon gave way. He'd trapped her within his embrace and was as if punishing her, tormenting her with sweet delights of suckling, bites and pinches. The man however, stood strong, firmly planting himself to the ground for her to cling onto. It was torture even for the tormentor. Every sound that would escape from her lips was a blow right to the man's groin.

Over and over again he teased her until Darren finally plunged two fingers into her. He then stroked her insides, fingers curling as if digging for a treasure. Slowly, the tempo increased. There was no mercy. It was frantic and seemingly violent, probably forcing her to cry out in pleasure. Listening to the sound she probably would make, the man used it as a guide, slowing and stopping just when she was about to cum. And when she was about to relax, Darren repeated the whole sequence over again. He wanted her body to writhe, to wriggle in his arms while making sounds of pleasure.

Then, when he could no longer hold himself back, he left her breast and whispered hoarsely into her ear, "I want you! Let us go somewhere private and finish what we started!" the man paused, panting before he continued, "It'll be a waste if somebody were to enter the training chamber and interrupt us.." said Darren as his fingers slowly slid back out of her softness.
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No regrets, she told herself silently. He could have her body... her heart on the other hand was a harder thing to win. Feeling his hand trail down her spine she whimpered as he held her so she could not get away, not that she wanted to. His fingers stroked her core gently before opening her up and pinching at the sensitive bud. "Darren..." She whispered, her mouth falling open and no other sound able to come forth. The sensitivity of the nub caused her legs to pitch and buckle. Her hand gripped his arm while the other struggled to gain entrance to his thick erection still hidden beneath his clothes.

When he lifted her smaller body she moaned, the first sound she was able to form in a while. Arching her back she lifted her breast wantonly toward his eager mouth. The raking of his teeth over the clothed and hardened bud had her whimpering in delight. Her poor body wiggled and writhed at his ministrations to both her breasts and pussy. Her hand finding the band in her frantic search slid easily in, thumb rubbing over the heated and throbbing head, treating it in the same manner he teased her clit. her fingers stroked along the veins and ridges on the thick mass as she cried out in pleasure at his intensity.

She gained control of her legs, weak as they were she was standing but still clung to him as he teased her nipple and clit. Blue eyes disappeared, rolling back in her head as he plugged the needy hole of her body. It wasn't a slow build but a rocket straight to the moon. Her head tilted back and she cried out in pleasure, her fingers circling and stroking the thickness between his legs. Her entire body ached in a way she had never felt before. Mating was never like this, certainly she'd had pleasure, but it wasn't like this. Her lips curled in a smile as she gazed at him, eyes clouded as a light mist fell over them.

Orianne was burning up even though the water was frigid, the cooling mist she commanded felt delightful but it brought no relief as his fingers expertly worked her into a near frenzy. her moans and whimpers reached a frenzied pace, her hips rolling against him and her thighs began to quake as he took her there and brought her nearer her orgasm. The peak which she was close to toppling over shrunk before her as he slowed and stopped. "No... no..." She moaned, her eyes pleading him to take her there, so close and yet so far.

Her hand sped up pumping him as she worked to calm herself, it was short lived as he slammed his fingers home within her. The same process as before, fingers plunging, pinching and rubbing at her sensitive orifice while she moaned, wiggled, writhed and cried out in his arms. "Darren, please.... please..." She begged him to release, to find her moment of pleasure in his arms. God how she wanted to feel him... His lips pulling back , her eyes tracing his face, his breath upon her neck as his fingers slowed. She figured he meant to take her now, plunge his rigid member deep within the confines of her overly stimulated core. Her channel quivered around his fingers and attempted to pull him back deeper. But he slipped from her clenching walls.

"It would be a shame," she agreed. "Since want you too." A private place, she bit at her lips and moved toward the shore. Her body was drenched, her pants still dry. No modesty needed as she slid her pants on, she needed to be filled with him NOW. But he said not here, what did she care if someone walked in. Frequently she'd been mated in front of others. Her eyes flitted over him, who could tell that HE was the shy one? Raising a brow in question she scanned her hand on the console, the scene clearing away before she nodded for him to follow. Through the door she went, weaving along corridors and halls and avoiding everyone.

She looked as though she'd been outside ravaged by a storm, typically that meant her mood was foul so this worked for her benefit. Trailed by the menacing male it looked as though she was avoiding him and a confrontation was coming. Being temperamental had it's benefits, she decided as her door slid open . Once both were inside she pressed the engage lock button, something only the director could override. Staring him down, eyes thunderous with lust as she moved across the room. It looked as though the room was abandoned, no personal items or affects. Bare and clean, only the jeans she dropped while his eyes surveyed the room.

Her back was to him, the bare globes of her ass facing him as she glanced over her shoulder at him. Nerves hit her now, her fingers toyed with the hem. He'd read her file, surely he knew what to expect... maybe he was in for a shock. Like a Band-Aid on sensitive skin she whipped the shirt over her head, her hair forced to the front. The dim lighting offered him a look at the ridges and grooves carved into her back. Some edged with black ink and others filled in. Runes, pictures and designs covered the entire surface and dipped to the top of her ass from the tops of her shoulders. Keeping her hair out of the way she moved to the bed.

Her face no longer turned in his direction. In fact she kept it down staring at the gray sheets that covered her bed. She didn't sleep in it anyway. the top covers were missing, a peak in her closet would show where the girl lived, so used to the isolation and small cramped spaces she was given in Africa. Stretching forward she grasped the opposite side of the bed . her knees finding purchase on the surface as she lifted her ass high in the air. Legs spread, she knew no other way. "I am ready," Her voice was soft, even and lacking emotion. The only indication of her distress was the dripping trail of tears across the surface of the sheets, but it could have been from her hair. Her eyes leaked tears as she waited in fear of what would come, her small body trembled.
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

It wasn't shame that had led the man to request for a better venue. Neither was it guilt for hypocrisy especially after what he'd told Sean for being; an unacceptable behavior. Only with Darren, the difference was, Orianne was willing. Even after he'd went so far as to bury his fingers into her, she'd not made any protest but instead, pleaded for more. But how well would whoever that might barge into that door took with the intimate scene unfolding right before their eyes? Their perceptive might be opposite entirely and it'll definitely won't be positive. Thus, the necessary precaution taken. Still, the thought of their coupling being disrupted remained to be Darren's top concern. It'll indeed be a shame and the girl seemed to agree as well.

Swallowing, the predator released it's prey, watching it moved away flamboyantly. Eyes fixated on the roundness of her bottom, leaving a dozen paces between them before he began stalking, walking behind her with controlled rage and lust. The result of her toying with him still very much visible over his pants, bulging and probably pulsing with each throb. A tingling sensation ran down the length of him as the phantom of her touch lingered, seemingly appeared to stroke him still even when she was nowhere near him.

Hours seemed to have slipped by before they would reach her room. His vision tunneled unto her rear, paying little to no attention to those he'd walked by. The intensity within his gaze may have been mistaken for a stare of annoyance or disapproval. Her recent.... "misconduct" fitted nicely to the staged event, ever misleading to those with a keen observation. His fists tightened, claws digging into the palms. It was taking too long. He'd unknowingly became a victim to his own game, almost defeated by the call for sex despite of being the very culprit who prolonged it.

Upon stepping into the girl's room, the very first thing he took note of was the lack of furniture and decoration. Her scent were strong here though, especially in that little closet at one end. Darren paused, he'd not expected her to be this way. What he'd first assumed her to be was entirely wrong. Orianne was not of high maintenance after all. Luxury, the need for convenience and to possess sets of jewelries seemed to have never existed in this beautiful creature's heart. Suddenly, he heard a thud. Darren turned and his eyes immediately molested the bared legs where her jeans had earlier hidden.

He was then bewitched by her charm, fallen prey to the way she'd beckoned him over. The look she gave over her shoulder was utterly mind blowing and the raised buttocks where her ripe womanhood blossomed for him to see was too much of an invitation. So Darren began shedding out of his own clothes, dropping his jeans right next to hers before he climbed up behind her. His cock leaping with excitement as he came near her rear. The scars which decorated her back had not bothered him one bit. He'd encountered many mutants with similar fate and he thought she was still perfect with them as much as she was without them.

Coarse were his touch as he grabbed and fondled her ass, lifting her a little higher and spreading her pussy apart with his thumbs. Darren neared closer, his heated cock grazed between her inner thighs, tapping over the mounds between her legs. He pushed down on his shaft, guiding the head over the moist slit before he thrust his hip forward, spearing into her slowly and deep until the base of his cock was in. Damn she was wet and surprisingly tight. He stilled for a moment, savoring that sweet sensation which engulfed him. Darren could feel his own pulse over his manhood, beating against the wall of her vagina. A palm then push down on her spine while the other reached for her hair, grabbing a fistful and pulling her head back so she'll arch her back.

Then, without a word, he began pumping into her, rocking back and forth creating squishy wet sounds and slaps as her bottom met his abdomen. Darren groaned. One hand then grabbed at her love handle, pulling her towards him as he turned merciless, savagely thrusting deeper and harder into her where his dick hammered and raked her insides for a long time. She was delicious, indeed a main course worthy for the last bite. But the man hoped this wasn't the final meal. He wished there'll be plenty of such feast in the future.

The pace quickened and the symphony to their joining echoed louder within the halls of her home. He listened to her melodious voice, watched at her hands and the writhing body beneath him at every bounce, utterly lost for words. Another growl rumbled up his throat. He slid his hand higher, pulling her from the waist now before reaching over her front to grab hold of that well endowed breast. He squeezed strongly and pinched the nipple almost to the point of twisting it off from the firm mound. Releasing her hair, Darren then went for her clitoris. He rubbed and teased her simultaneously, almost in sync with the tormenting fondling on her bust and the violating cock inside her.

Oblivious to the tears over her cheeks and what fear she may still feel, Ratel lifted her upper body up, shifting his hold to grab the next breast as he brought her back towards his chest, altering the angle of his penetration and bringing her form to a much sexier post where her butt jutted towards his hips. His breathing washed over her shoulder before he kissed. Eventually, the kiss traveled higher to her neck before he bit down on the flesh. The man was multi-tasking. He stimulated both her insides and outsides at the same time. Higher up her neck Darren suckled until his lips brushed over her jawline where his panting finally reached her ear. Teeth then nibbled on her earlobe before his tongue traced the grooves within.

"Orianne.." whispered the man before he leaned further to claim her lips.

With the twisted arch of her figure etched within his thoughts, his dick swelled even more and his hips hastily pumped on its own accord, forcing her to scream into his mouth if not moaned loudly against his kiss. He would make her squirm against him and made her cum before moving on.

"Lie down on your back and spread your legs for me..." he then said.
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

Orianne gripped the bed out of fear as she felt him approach. He wasn't slow or hiding of his actions as he surrounded her body. It was to quick, she thought he was different... she was wrong. A strangled sound came from her throat as he thrust into her slowly. "Ni kubwa mno. (It is too big.)" Her voice came through clenched teeth. Her pussy felt each passage of his large cock into her moist channel. He stilled, something that caused her to whimper with hope.

Her eyes were squeezed as tightly as her hands on the sheets beneath her. It was short lived as he pushed on her back and then jerked on her long blonde locks. She cried out, and not in pleasure as her head was yanked back. Silently she pressed her hips up more to offer deeper penetration and arched her back. Both actions were not unfamiliar to the South African beauty.

As the male behind her began to thrust into her, pounding her pussy with vigor, her ass bouncing against his abdomen. His groans made her shake with her heavier tears falling. The fucking he soon gave her took her to another time in her life...

Strangled moan after strangled moan left her throat as the rough fucking forced her forward on the surface. Tears ran in torrents over her cheeks as the male mercilessly fucked her, thrusting harder and faster and laughing at her screams, all muffled behind the gag he'd placed on her. Fluid ran from her body, blood and nectar...

In this case it was only her nectar, fearing the beating he would give her if she failed to bring him pleasure. She held back on her screams, muffling them by closing her lips. Her fingers white knuckled the sheets, the force of his thrusts pitching her forward, though his hands dug at her hips holding her into the prime position for him to have her...

Hearing his growl caused her to tremble in fear as his hands slid along her supple body. He grasped her tender orbs, so differently than in the water, here he was rough... groping and pinching at the sensitive nipple. She cried out, " Mume hakuna, kuacha. Tafadhali, ni machungu. (Husband no, stop. Please it hurts.)" His hand relinquished her hair and began stroking her clit, rubbing and stroking the sensitive bud. She cried harder until he moved her, lifting her torso to press against his chest. It was new, not as brutal and the angle of his fucking changed as well. She moaned softly, her lips parting unexpectedly as his cock stroked something deep inside her body that caused her to quiver.

His breath tickled her flesh, the rising of her torso caused her fingers to relax and lift from the sheets. One slipped behind her to hold his pistoning hip, the other held her breast with him. His lips caressed her flesh before his teeth raked and marked the sensitive skin. The action caught her off guard, it was pleasant, but still the tears fell. His lips caressed her neck and then her ear, she quivered as he said her name. Aching lips strove to meet his in a passionate kiss, her thoughts were clearing. But the savage thrusting didn't stop. Orianne screamed into his mouth, her fears coming true... all sex was savage and without pleasure. Except the few mistakes he'd made and given pleasure, it was something he quickly rectified and stabbed into her harder.

The kiss stopped abruptly and she felt him pull from her after giving her instructions. Turning her head she looked at him through blurry blue eyes. Moving back onto the bed she slid along her back, the sheets feeling cool. Her legs spread inviting the male back in...

Closing her eyes O trembled, and in terror that it would be the same as before. Her eyes opened slowly to watch the male, wondering all the while what happened to the male from the lake. The male that had cared about her pleasure and feelings instead of just his own. "Please... be gentle... like before in the water..." She pleaded with him. How could one not see that terror was ruling her in these moments.

Malcolm had found her in a fertility ceremony... her husband raping her while she screamed and the others of her tribe egged on her husband. Sadly she was mostly numb to his torture, fingers tugging and gripping her nipples hard. Blade dripping blood as he howled and stabbed in a new symbol on her back. She remembered looking up and focusing on his pale face, begging him in English to help her. She didn't know another way, he'd been around before... checking on her. When he did nothing her anger grew and a storm burst out upon the land, breaking up the ceremony and angering her husband who began beating her.

Would Darren beat her if she didn't please him on the bed? Her lower lip trembled, the tears continued to fall...
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

Oblivious to the girl's condition and thoughts, Darren watched and assumed that her glistening eyes were with tears of joy. He wasn't aware that she was in pain. Hadn't realized it that she was in agony. The man believed that she was just shocked at his size and length. Besides, with all the responses she'd given him, where she'd touched his hip and hand during the joining -suggesting that she was liking it-, as well as the moans he thought he'd heard, how was the man to notice she was suffering? He thought she was used to being mated and perhaps find gentleness in sex somewhat boring. Then again, there was the beast of lust residing within him. It was the only way he knew how to show his affection; by being rough.

Thus was why Darren frowned when she begged him to be gentle. A moment of confusion lingered over his mind as he studied her beneath him. Despite of her submissive posture and compliance, there was a hint of hope sparkling from her saddened eyes, yet with a look of disappointment though. The man wasn't entirely sure what had caused it. She'd not ultimately refused him but didn't seemed to totally accept him either. Something had gone wrong somewhere and Darren knew not exactly when. Nevertheless, his moistened manhood was aching and leaping with anticipation to get back inside her. There was no stopping him until it was seen to the end. He have to finish what he'd started.

Lowering himself, Darren gathered Orianne's thighs in his arm, hooking the limbs as he brought his mouth to her nether lips. His breath washing over the slits before his tongue darted out to lick at her clitoris. Once again he flickered his tongue over the entrance, tasting her honeyed juice. Then, he wrapped his mouth around her sensitive bud, teeth gently holding her in place before his tongue expertly teased, swirling and flicking her. His facial hairs tickled her inner-thighs and the abdomen. He'd locked her legs in place as he pressed his mouth between her legs, feasting on the juices of her pussy greedily. Repeatedly and for another tormenting moment, Darren teased, suckled and licked her. It was as if an untamed beast was licking the meat it was about to devour. As time passed, Darren couldn't quite tell just how many times he had toyed with the flaps and clitoris. But he was confident that the girl have enjoyed it, at least that's how he'd like to believe after hearing the cries that'd probably escaped from her lips.

Slowly, Darren began to tower atop her, bringing his dick over to her wet nether lips. He lifted one of her legs up in front of him while pushing down on the other. Staring unto her face, he entered her as gentle as he could manage. It was a good long stroke to the length of his stiffed rod before the bag of jewels touched her bottom. The man groaned with delight. He have to admit, it was different yet still delicious nonetheless. Darren stilled himself as he leaned in, testing her flexibility as her knee came towards her chest. He reached for her face, wiping the tears off her cheeks with one hand while the other supported his weight. Darren went for her lips once again, kissing her softly before he finally moved, slowly humping her with long strokes. He took his time on his way out, scraping her insides oh so meticulously before he plunged himself back in, gradually pushing himself up against the meat within her, almost forcing himself into her womb.

Eventually, the man could no longer restrained himself. On its own accord, his hip started to pick up the pace. Encouraged by the slick and squishy sound as well as due to the probably excessive lubricant formed between her legs, the tempo inevitably changed. He left her mouth and pushed himself up, shifting his weight to his groin as he groped at her breast. He was about to cum and she could probably feel it too given the sudden expansion that's within her. Darren gritted, firmly grabbing her bouncing breast with each intensified thrust until finally, with a violent shudder, an indescribable explosion blasted and spurted out from his manhood, pumping his thick and hot seed deep inside her. The man then collapsed atop of Orianne, panting right next to her ear as he remained motionless. He sniffed in her scent and kissed her shoulder, silently appreciating and admiring the warmth her body admitted.

"Hnngh argh!" an exclaim of satisfaction rumbled from his throat. "You're beautiful, Orianne.." he whispered.

Unable to immediately pull himself out from her softness, the man found himself still pulsing inside her, pumping more sperm into her than he thought he could. At this rate, Darren thought the next round might be closer than he'd ever wanted to. She was utterly amazing. However, fatigue due to his restless travel back home was starting to get to him. Hence, with one hand holding the girl, Darren rolled himself over, freeing her leg to get onto his back and have her resting on top of him. He felt himself slipping out of her before his eyes went shut, his chest still heaving. A hand stroked the back of her head, obviously pleased.

How will the two interact from then on was a question Darren wouldn't want to find out just yet. For now, he simply wanted to rest with this magnificent creature in his embrace. So Darren listened for a while, wondering if Orianne have got anything to say before he succumbed to slumber, adapting unintentionally on the typical after effect of men right after an intercourse.
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

His frown confused her, and she assumed the worst. Cringing she didn't recognize his confusion as he lowered. As he gathered her thighs in his hands her hips rose to greet his mouth. Fingers moved and swiftly tangled in his hair. This was different. She felt his breath and squirmed, his tongue however... that caused her to moan loudly. The noise bounced along the walls of the room. Her eyes closed and she sighed. This was gentle and sweet and, pleasant. Her nerves lowered and her tears stopped as his mouth began to suckle and lick at her clitoris. "Darren," She moaned her hips arching up against his tongue flicking along her mound that he feasted on.

Orianne knew what an orgasm was, had a few but never was the build up pleasant. Each time before it had been pain, her husband working her with an object or himself until she bled and screamed out in orgasm. But this, this was different. What started as a delicate throb deep in her loins slowly built with each flick of his tongue and graze of his teeth. She grew wetter in his hands, his hair tickling her thighs as they shook at his ears. One hand snaked behind her head and gripped at the mattress and sheets as she lifted her hips. "OH... oh. Mungu ndiyo ... kutomba mimi Darren. (God yes... fuck me Darren.)" The language changed on her tongue, she was so close.

The instant his dick slid home within her channel, leg high and against her heated body she orgasms. Pussy squeezing his cock as her nectar drenched the bed beneath them, "Mimi kumwabudu nini kufanya kwangu. (I adore what you do to me.)" She breathed out, her hands lifted and stroked his face as he wiped the tears way before his lips came to caress hers gently. It was beautiful, the way a mating should be. Helping him out she pushed her leg behind her shoulder and showed her true flexibility, also it made it easier to caress his body this way, something that made her smile. He went deep, deeper than he had before. She cried out in surprise each time he slid back in, the tip of his cock hitting her cervix and sending spirals of pleasure out from her core.

When his lips left hers, the lewd sounds of their mating grew louder and he began to make new noises. Her breasts bounced with the force of each thrust he gave her, she cried out as his pounding grew her pleasure once more. It wasn't enough though to cum with him, his heat filled her and she cried out in pure bliss as the heat splashed her walls and coated her womb. His weight was comfortable on her, his deep pants sending his breath wafting across her own sweat riddled flesh. His lips pressed to her shoulder and thing his soft words caressed her ear. Orianne stayed quiet, she wasn't sure what to say. Feeling him still streaming his life giving seed into her body she rolled her hips up against his, her channel milking him for every last drop.

Being at his mercy she was rolled on to his chest, her leg swinging down in the process. His cock pulled from her and their breathing quieted. "Thank you Darren." She whispered softly as he seemingly drifted off to sleep. Once his breathing was steady and even the girl moved from the bed. Their clothing hung over chairs to dry, together. Slipping into the shower she washed quickly and soundlessly, her pussy throbbing from the pounding he had given her and the pleasure that pulsed thru her during her orgasm. Both pulled a smile to her lips.

Once clean she slipped into her room and settled in the closet. On the floor there was the comforter, she used it as her bed. A fleece blanket was wrapped about her bare form and all along the walls and ceiling glow in the dark star stickers gave off their pale light. A worn teddy bear left to her by her mother, Storm sat in the corner keeping watch. Orianne patted its head and pulled it under her head as a pillow. As much as she hated her mother, she loved the bear. Worn out she slipped off into a comfortable sleep.
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

"NO! I will not allow that pompous ASS near me, he's the reason I'm... out of control.. like you say!" he heard Orianne yelled before she stormed out of the Director's room, passing him by with a scowl.
"Get back here!" Malcolm demanded at the doorway before he saw Darren. "Darren.. a word, NOW!" summoned the Director as he returned to his table. "I've placed her under your care so you could guide her to control her powers, not to have your ways with her and make the matter worse! I thought I've shown you her files, didn't I? Can't you tell that she hated having men force themselves onto her!"
"It's not like that, Malcolm! We were.."
"What? A couple?"
"No.. She was.."
"Are you going to tell me she's the one that threw herself to you, Darren!" the Director paused and then sighed. "I thought you're the right man for the job, Darren. But it seemed that I was wrong!"
"Malcolm, listen..."
"That's enough, Darren. I don't want to hear another word from you! You disappoint me, Darren. Get out of my office, now!"

With his head hung low, the man left, anger suddenly rising and turned for the worst when another voice called him from behind. "Darren..! I need to talk to you!"
"Sean, I'm not in the mood to talk, so fuck off!"
"Don't think you can run from it, Darren! You need to be taught a lesson! You touched her! Orianne O Munroe, you used her!"
Darren felt as if he'd been set up, betrayed and caught in a trap like a rat in a cage. "Tch!" he grunted and furiously marched in search for the girl that'd caused it.

But before he could, Sean had grabbed his shoulder, knowing where he was heading to. Darren accepted the first blow to the side of his face. The rage within him suddenly soared. She'll pay for setting him up and he won't allow this bastard stop him from reaching her. His nails turned to talons as he bared his teeth towards the man standing in his way. Like a beast gone berserk, Darren charged, his hands swiping and clawing at his enemy. He was out of control, succumbed entirely to his feral self.

Wait... How am I here again..?

Darren took a moment to look at the surroundings. The students were watching, along with the Director but none of them said a word. Nobody tried to stop him. Despite of having witnessed the shredded body of Sean, none from the crowd had called out for him to stop. And although there was blood, he realized that there was no smell. Surely they wouldn't just be bystanders and calmly watched the murder being committed as if it was a scene from a movie.

I must be dreaming..

Then it struck him. The last time this had happened, it didn't turn out very well for the man.

Orianne... Fuck! I was in bed with her! Wake up, Darren! Wake up!

With a start, Ratel sat up on the bed, panting with cold sweat trickling down his temple. He turned to look at his side, blinking and trying to focus as he searched for the girl. His eyes widened upon seeing the torn bed where its insides were out. He looked at his hands, saw the elongated claws and immediately panicked. No, Darren mentally said. Not again. But Orianne wasn't there on the bed with him. He took a sniff at the air, locating her scent, the man then faced her. She was unharmed and the man finally let out a sigh of relief. He knew it. It was still impossible for the man to be in the same bed with a woman. It's simply too dangerous.

Quietly, the man rose to his feet and approached the curled up girl. His heart started beating quickly again as he studied Orianne's sleeping face. She wouldn't set a trap for him now like in the dream now, would she? Gently reaching and brushing aside the fringe on her forehead, Darren then pulled up the blanket to cover her exposed shoulder. It's time for him to leave, Darren told himself. Part of him was thankful that Orianne wasn't beside him when he woke up. Another part had him wondering if the girl was really planning to set him up and thus was why she'd sneaked out of bed for the safety of the closet.

The man gathered his pants and silently reminded himself not to end up in the same bed with her. Not that he'd mentioned anything about not having sex with her again though. But for the time being, he thought it's best to stay away from each other. At least for a while until the awkwardness passed. It'll probably grant them a certain sense of professionalism, to him especially, in performing as the staff of the Academy. He was there to teach and so guiding his student he shall. Without making a sound, Darren left the room and returned to his. He cleaned himself up, got into a new set of clothes and started the morning out by doing a little hunting in the woods.
RE: XXx Rage of the Heart xXx Zaragnar & LD xXX

Orianne sighed in her sleep, sensing his nearness. Turning her face into his slight touch of the hair covering her forehead, the action causing her shoulder to push from the blanket. Subconsciously she hadn't wanted him to leave. Him sleeping in her bed was comforting, he made her feel safe. it was something she hadn't felt in years. Sighing she slept on in her pleasant little cocoon, unaware of his thoughts or actions at the time.

Awaking from a dreamless rest her blue eyes blinked open, the pale light of morning filtered in through the open door of the closet. Smiling she stretched languidly, her body aching in a pleasant way. The dull thrum of her pussy, still humming from the moments of pleasure he'd given her. HE. With a spring in her step she pushed from the closet, intent on climbing into bed and initiating a second round before they were forced to start their day.

The room was empty, the mattress had slashes in it. She screwed her face up as her fingers traced over the angry lines. Worry filled her, had someone attacked or had he lashed out at her bed in anger at her for leaving him there in the bed alone. Glancing to the door she worried her lower lip. There was no blood on the bed, but maybe he needed help or calmed down. But well how she calmed him down, or how they calmed each other down was sex.

Pulling on clean jeans and a soft fabric white shirt, she pulled her hair back into a messy up do as she slid her feet into her worn leather sandals. Off she went. Her feet caressing the shoes she wore as she made her way over the campus. Checking everywhere she could think , no sign of the male. He was obviously pissed. Growling, her hand shoved at the door to Malcolm's office. "Where is he?" She growled.

Malcolm was on the phone, but one glance and he excused himself from the conversation and covered the mouthpiece. "Sean is in the infirmary and if you are questioning Darren... probably in the woods. You both have the same hideouts when you are pissed at the world, it's one of the reasons I paired you." He adjusted his glasses, "I can see it's going as expected..." The office was empty, he sighed and continued on with his conversation.

Orianne was off, how could he be mad. Obviously he found her in the closet, it was the only reason the door was open in the first place. Leaving her sandals at the edge of the woods she moved barefoot through the woods. Eyes searching and ears listening. Certainly she'd have hear an attack and even so who would have attacked and left no signs, only the slashed bed. The African beauty took of at a run for the clearing and circled it. He was here, but where.

Her senses were primed and she turned her head. There! She wove through the trees on silent feet, stopping on a rise and coming to a stop behind his crouching form. She watched him, the stance of a predator. Pure man, beast... and sexy as hell. Damn, she was screwed. O Knew she should have stayed away. Let him cool down and come to her. There was still time...

Biting her lip she crouched down and moved slowly back the way she came. Let him stew, she did nothing wrong. Turning her head in his direction once more, she felt the charge in the air even before the bolt struck the ground in a thunderous roar. Dammit, she thought, before fleeing. Hoping he hadn't seen her coming, possibly think she was in desperate need of him again.. she wasn't. Though it was a lie, she craved his presence.
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